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Posts posted by peanut

  1. I don’t have anything against marrying for money, or against marrying / having a relationship with someone younger / older. However, I find it hilarious when the OP says (sorry I find it easier to copy and paste than to use the quote functions):

    "In the States it is totally different; your age will automatically eliminate you from having a relationship with a younger woman unless you can provide big dollars."

    And then he says:

    “Also I think in any country there are reasons why people get together so big deal if it is for money I dont care.

    The remaining fact is I dont have a money issue and if my money can make her family happy it makes me happy.

    So bottom line is I dont care if I am her meal ticket because she is my ticket to paradise on Earth!”

    So basically he contradicts himself and refuses to acknowledge that the difference lies not in the women (Thai vs. Western), but in his dollar power (not enough in the US, but satisfactory in a poor country like Thailand).


  2. Well, I don't know in what way this is relevant but an upper abdominal ultrasound IS part of regular checkup, at most hospitals (at least for my age - over 30).

    So how does it work I wonder? Does BUPA have the right to check my records at ALL hospitals I've ever been to? (The first time I was diagnosed I wasn't even in Thailand)

    In any case what's done is done , I'm just curious.

  3. Well exactly - I don't dispute their right to deny treatment for pre-existing conditions, I just feel it's not fair for people who DO declare them. In my case, if I hadn't declared them and just pretended I didn't know about it, by now they would cover it because it's been more than two years.

    Or am I completely misunderstanding this? I'm not trying to argue with you - on the contrary, I am happy to hear any convincing arguments that I did the right thing by declaring - I would feel less stupid.

    Oh, and I happened to know about them because I am a health conscious individual who takes annual checkups and they showed on the abdominal ultrasound.

  4. Hi everyone,

    I posted this in the Southern Thailand forum but maybe someone here has info as well.

    I'm looking into gallbladder surgery options and most Bkk hospitals are way beyond my means. I will be in Suratthani for a few days and was wondering if it would be an option to have it done there.

    Does anyone have any experice with Suratthani hospitals?


  5. I have to say I often get annoyed while reading TV posts and occasionally relieved to see that there are a few people with common sense out there.

    This thread however has brightened my day as I burst out laughing several times while reading it - I would like to congratulate TV members (well, some of them anyway) for their excellent sense of humour!

  6. Well as you say one day I will reach the stage that if any old ugly slapper comes up to me and wants to spend the night with me I might take it as a compliment - that is why I said it was rather depressing. It sort of assumes that she thinks I am so pathetic that I cant do any better.

    What a terrible way of thinking. A person shows some sort of interest in you, and that depresses you because you consider yourself so much better than they?! How terrible for you.

    Just because i have stated that i appreciate any sort of attention, you seem to have rushed to conclude that i'm some desperate old fart that would shag anything that moved.

    Somebody called? :D


  7. I think it's more a personal problem. My wife is damm sexy, yet no one that knows she is with me EVER hits on her. Secondly she doesn't put her self out there like that in situations were she would be around a bunch of guys that would likely hit on her.

    LOL. You might consider removing the chains and letting her out of the basement once in a while.


  8. Haha some of you guys are funny although not very sympathetic if I may say so (especially the "live with it" comment. which receives the first prize for supportive value! As I mentioned, it is affecting my health, which makes it a bit hard to "live with it")

    Not that I really expect you to help in any way, like I said this is just me ranting because ranting makes one feel slightly better.

    And to be honest I did consider gloves as well! Heater wouldn't work because it's an open office. And... there's something too wrong about this, using a heater in Thailand? :)

  9. Does anyone knows which is the best painkiller for sore throat?


    You cant be serious, can you?

    I will try to give answer anyway.

    If the sore throat caused be the Freezing aircon in another thread, Take Kamillosan M spray.

    It is a wonderful combination of a few herbal extracts, taste very strange in the first use but very good for sore throat.

    Try it! Good Luck.

    Yep, that's exactly it. Why do you think I'm not serious?

    I've been having bad sore throat for months and have been using the Kamilosan for years. I've also taken antibiotics, antiinflamatory drugs, antihistaminics and mucolitics - all of them given by the doctor and all of them proved useless. So did the lozenges.

    So I want something strong for the pain because it keeps me awake at night.

    In any case thank you for your reply!

  10. This is more like a rant but the temperature and dryness in my office are making my life miserable!

    I have to be there 8-9 hours every day and there's nothing I can do about it because it's all centralized and they say it can't be changed. Why does it have to be sooo COOOOLD???

    Why do Thais love the cold so much (but start complaining about the weather as soon as it gets a bit more pleasant in December...)???

    And whatever happened to global warming prevention??? And to the 25C policy?? Is it all just nice big words?

    I wear jumper, socks, scarf, and drink hot water constantly but I still feel cold and I'm sick all the time... This is driving me nuts especially considering the absurdity of suffering from cold in a tropical country... Has anyone else experienced this?

    Aside from the fact that Im probably overly sensitive, I really believe this sort of extreme airconditioning can't be good for people's health. Am I wrong? What do you guys think?


  11. More questions come now that I read through your replies again!

    Is it fraud to have two policies at the same time?

    I didn't think of "hiding" one of them at all... Should I?? In what way is it better if they know each other and in what way if they don't?

    When I use one of them do I need to declare the other one too, is it fraud if I don't?

    Do I just declare both and let the hospital sort it out?

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