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Posts posted by thaihedgehog

  1. Just got a phone call from the wife who is in bangkok saying that Nok Air has changed their departure time for the flight to Nakhon Si Thammarat. On the ticket it clearly shows the time of 10.15am (ticket was only booked 3 days ago) so my wife arrives 1 hour early and tries to check-in, only to be told that she is too early :o:D <deleted> !! She looks around and can see another 50 or 60 people in the same situation as her!! Anyway they told her some bullshit about a problem with the internet (don't understand what that has got to do with it) and they were sorry!!

    Has anyone ever had the same problem?? should i send an email to Nok Air asking for a proper explaination??

  2. Turkey update here !! was in Makro yesterday and asked the manager looking person if they had a turkey, response was no so i asked if they were going to get any in stock and the same answer. Makro is now crossed off the list....

  3. Just wanting your thoughts for the games coming in the next 10 days!! For sure the biggest game of the week is Scotland Vs Italy in Glasgow and the second biggest will be Israel v Russia !! scotland for 2-1 and Russia 1-0 :o:D these results will mean that Scotland get through the group of death and for England fans can basically start booking they holidays to Butlins or other nice places. What do you think??

  4. Archa, from Thai Beverage. Archa has been selling for three years and costs Bt100 for five bottles.

    -- The Nation 2007-11-10

    I'm not sure where "The Nation" is buying it's Archa from but I'd sure be interested in finding out!

    Up until 2 weeks ago, I was paying Bht 250.00 a case (wholesale) but it has just risen to Bht 275.00.

    I have bought Archa a few times and its always been 5 bottles for 100 baht!! but the stuff is terrible and should be 10 for a 100 baht :o:D hopefully this new beer will be a better brew than Archa!!

  5. I am on the look-out for one myself, so if i happen to find one i will let you know. Last year they were in Tesco around this time, they were the butterball turkeys with the pop thingy!!

  6. Why does it matter where my location is? all shops will deliver the parts to my doorstep!! which by the way is in Southern Thailand. All I asked for was a contact (telephone number and name or website) also if maybe you could describe the location a bit better!! u-turn under the bridge somewhere in eastern Bangkok... i know the place straight away.. cheers VocalNeal , if you happen to pass the place again a number would be great :o:D:D:D

  7. Depends on which type of grass you are putting down? i used Malaysian grass in my garden, mainly because it grows outways and is much harder to kill :o . Remove all the weeds before you start laying the turf, then soak the soil ( i mean it will look like a mud bath ) lay the turf down and then use your toes to push the roots of the turf into the soil. I have done this twice and haven't had any problems with my grass, also soak the grass every day for at least 2 weeks and do it after the sun has gone down. Hope it helps

  8. No, they aren't worthy of either my time or anger. Just felt that i needed to rant about the this place, still not sure if i should name and shame the place :o:D What do you think?? If i did, would you send your children there?? i can go into ,more detail if you want?? i am certain now that none of my children will be stepping anyway near that place.

    Also i won't be recommending the school to any interested parents that happen to ask for my advice.

  9. Just asking for your advice here!! I had been working one day a week at a private kindergarten in the cowboy country for the past 18 months ( 3 terms in total ) A friend recommended me to this kindergarten 18 months ago and i felt sorry for them because they couldn't find a teacher so i did the right thing and said yes to them and lost another day off.

    Now the friend that recommended me to the kindergarten has started working there full time ( 4 months ago ) has now told that i'm not needed. That i can deal with!! but the director of the school which i dealt with for the past 18 months couldn't give me a quick call to say ' thanks for your help over the past 18 months BUT this term we don't need you' what do you think??

    I feel i have been SHAT ON from a high building, and feel very pissed off!! As for the so called friend, well he has now lost another friend down here.

    Would love to hear what you think!!

    The thaihedgehog

  10. I would have gone to the wedding, but no-one invited me.

    My mum doesn't cook any food so I don't eat.

    I left the moobahn and nothing happened.

    I've been to Singapore and that was boring too. It all looks the same and the people are dull.

    So is Rock 99. And the people are dull.

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