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Posts posted by thaihedgehog

  1. If you knew that two of your friends (but not really friends) wifes were doing the dirty behind their backs would you tell them??

    I am now faced with this problem and don't know what to do!! On the one side it's nothing to do with me so don't get involued BUT on the other side their wives are complete sluts!!

    Please give me some help here :o


    If it's true, I'd certainly tell them but you would have to be 101% in your allegations. Do you have any kind of proof?

    I'd certainly want to be told if my wife was doing the dirty, what if it was yours? Would you want to be told?

    I agree 100% with you VTR1000 that i won't want to know if my wife was doing the dirty on me!! but how would you even start to break that sort of news?? Any idea's??

  2. I think i should take the back seat with this one and keep my mouth shut!! I also know that some of their better mates also know and won't say anything to them.

    I'll use the ostrich style of dealing with problems and just stick my head in the sand :o

  3. their wives are complete sluts!!

    steady on old chap !! bit strong dont you think .

    Bringing other men back to his house while he was away!! using their bed and bedroom!! Ok, maybe slut was to strong so i would now use the word slapper to describe them.

  4. If you knew that two of your friends (but not really friends) wifes were doing the dirty behind their backs would you tell them??

    I am now faced with this problem and don't know what to do!! On the one side it's nothing to do with me so don't get involued BUT on the other side their wives are complete sluts!!

    Please give me some help here :o

  5. Send your wife down to the local police station to make the complaint, they will arrest the guy and then set up a meeting between your wife and this guy at the police station. You basically sort out your problems infront of the police and the guy will understand that NO is NO!! when leaving the police station after everything has been sorted, let the police know that he doesn't have a WP and they should do the rest. Maybe take a bottle of JW BLACK LABEL to the police station for a New Year present, this usually helps. :o:D

  6. Bros,

    Thinking of driving from Sg thru Malaysia to Phuket. Never entered by road before, and have few questions. Please advice..

    What is the best season to have good road trip to avoid monsoon weather.

    Is it safe to drive a normal small foreign car into the southern provinces? what precautions to be noted for personal safety?

    safe way to stay in Phuket? and the distance from hat yai to phuket and time take to drive.

    Thanks alot..

    Have a look here!! I would stay away from Yala etc.. not worth the risk. cross at either Sadao (near Hat Yai) or the border crossing Perlis (near Langkawi) make sure you fill your tank up with cheap Malaysia petrol before entering Thailand, it will save you a bit of money.

    border crossing

  7. A friend of mine used to work for the German goverment here in Thailand and their advice was to leave straight away and sort it out later if anything ever came back to them. Basically leave and save yourself, i know i would do the same if it happened to me.

    but imagine if the one that they are leaving lying on the road is your relative, may God forbid, what would you feel?

    You are the one that started the topic !! so what would you do??

  8. Where is the Southern forum?? for the number of people that live here its boring to see nothing new every day on this forum :D:D maybe better to close it :o:D

    When Thai Visa will organize the first party down here in Hat Yai, then the boycott of the southern forum will be called off! :D

    Why would the party be in Hat Yai??

  9. Does it really matter where either of them come from?

    It is a sad thing if the patron was beaten up over 60 Baht. What is equally sad is the reputation Pattaya will get here. The Bar owner (since none of us knows what really happens) will be the bad guy, why? He is not in the hospital.

    Pepper spray can be dangerous enough, depends on where it hits you. If I was sprayed first I would certainly retaliate with everything I have, that is called PANIC.

    If the bar owner is innocent it which he might as well be (since we dont know what happened), the police will still come there and get their little brown envelope.

    Sure you can see these things all over the world, but shocking news, beaten up over 60 Baht sells newspapers. Please think of the larger picture here... Someone will be punished, but I dont think it will be the right people.

    Either way, all the bars in Pattaya will lose over this, scandinavians (there is a few of them there now) will be worried. English people will get a bad reputation again, and "peaceful" Pattaya will get another black mark in the tourist guides...

    People come and people leave... Who really cares about what happened?

    I don't give a sh*t what happened, do you snowflake?? As for your point about English peole getting a bad reputation AGAIN!! what do you mean by that?? when did the English have a bad reputation before?? enlighten me :o:D

  10. You should have a chat with Nakhosisean... He has a big oven and he should be able to make turkey. He also said a few months back that he would like that. (Might have changed his mind though).

    Also check if his resturant is still open, I dont know so talk to him...

    Merry Christmas...

    I would make turkey, if I had an oven, but I dont so I will not make turkey this year...

    Snokflake, could you speak to Nakhonsisean?? it seems like you know him?? restaurant = food :o:D

  11. I paid 23,000 baht with Kuwait Airlines 3 months ago :D:bah: call them direct and give them your rough dates, then ask for the cheapest days. Their prices range depending on the number of seat that are free, more seats the cheaper it is. Also they are a dry airline so no beer on-board :D:D

    Whats the number then? Are they any good?

    They weren't great (service and food) but i saved 11,000baht compared with other airlines :o:D 160 extra pounds to send while back in the UK.

  12. The OP was looking at the low end of the market. If your looking for a cheap runabout in the under 200k or a basic reliable motor in say <300 or maybe 350 and under I think you get far more for your money with a locally unpopular Euro motor. The downsides are its harder to get service that knows the car and parts can cost so its more important to buy right.

    Up where your talking in the mid 600 range then the options are totally different and the euros your looking at have not depreciated enough from thier horrific tax import tarrif premiums to make them much competition for the lower taxed ASEAN brands.

    The kind of thing I (and possibly the OP) means is


    Under 200k.. looks ok for its age.. Leather, AC, electric seats, stereo, etc etc.. For under 200k what would I be looking at in Asian cars ?? Some much smaller and less specced motor I am thinking. Same goes for some saabs (tho they look more dated than the audi IMO) VW's etc etc etc.


    A under 150k clean looking car.. Its not going to win any style points, its not impressing anyone, but golfs truck on forever, economical etc etc.. For basic runs to the supermarket and drives round the country its a very very low total cost of ownership.

    VW golf is still overpriced, 148,000 baht for a 1994 model :o:D look at the vento, same engine same parts same everything and you will pay 150,000 for a 1997 with ABS and airbags!!

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