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Posts posted by FarangCravings

  1. I'm up for the pool game, farangcravings. where is your bar?

    Hey Taurus Guy

    Wont post here will send a PM to you anyone else thats want to take up the challenge let me know and i'll pm you

    PM me please - I'm no good at pool but enjoy a laugh....do you offer the carry out service irrespective of who wins?

    LOL SURE we provide that service to all our customers :o Pm on the way

  2. I have noticed that a lot of the food I eat here seems to come with black flakes in it.

    Like small flecks of charcoal off a burnt wok/pan... yuk!

    So much so, that the pad thai I had a couple of days ago, and was covered in them, was very unappetising! And the Tom Kha I had today had black bits floating throughout, was also pretty gross. These were both at decent restaurants, and haven't been the only times...

    Is it because the woks are not cleaned properly? Or is it a natural by product of using a wok? I think I read somewhere that eating burnt 'stuff' was 'supposed' to be bad for you (cancer causing)? Though, I've never noticed the same bits in, say, Chinese food...

    Has anyone else noticed them?

    Any thoughts on the cause?

    Never had that in any of my food i can only think it might be the quality of the WOK i remember using one when I lived in Central America and the teflon came off when cooking s they loved to use a metal spoon when cooking which of course scratched the teflon off and into the food

  3. No money of course, wouldn't want to do anything illegal :D

    anyone else play, fancy a game some time? Texas Holdem

    Hey Sparrow I beleive we will be treading in hotwater with the Mods if Poker is mentioned and invites to games so on so we should probably cool it before the thread disappears

    I like bikes poker and playing Pool amazing we have so much in common :D

    Heres an invite anyone who thinks they got game (Pool) beat me 3 out of 5 games and you can drink at my bar for free all night and i'll carry you and put you in a tuk tuk at the end of the night :o

    all the best

  4. Fellow Members

    The New Subway Sandwiches will be in the Buiding of the old burger King on Chang Klan about 1000 meters from the exising one.

    What are your Thoughts?

    Is Burger king closing and subway taking the space ??? Personally when i first came to chiang mai Subway was for sale and i looked into it but the numbers were not right and of course the price was astronomical and then when i saw the location that was it for me.

    i love subway sanwiches and think it could be way more successful than it is here and a change of lacation surely cant be the wrong move

  5. Hi, sorry I know I probably sound stupid but the battery light on my laptop has been flashing red for a while now and if I pull the plug out it automatically all switches off, even though I have left it charging, but it won't charge anymore apparently as I get this error message when I first switch on saying the battery cannot be identified and therefore cannot charge this system (or something) – but I haven't done anything with the battery since I bought the laptop – any ideas?

    If not can anyone recommend a computer shop in CM I could take it to, to ask?


    Mine does the same can only use it when plugged in i think the battery is shot and this is the second battery I have installed something to do with short charging maybe

  6. After that long and drawn out pallarver of "falang pretend police" I thought I'd just let it be known that i don't really care what peole do in thier free time. May find it odd like ballroom dancing or ladyboys, or ballroom dancing ladyboy, but each to thier own, hense the title. Hope i didn't cause too much offence, just a bit of bordum banter.

    I like to mix music, ride motor bikes and play poker. What do you do?


    Better not let SirichiaJohn know you play Poker here in thailand you dont want him to have another bone as you know he dont let go :o

  7. I have no other contention really with the topic other than their legal status. If that was to be cleared up, this aspect would be removed from discussion and the only way for the matter to cleared up is to answer.

    I guess you missed Papa Johns answer :o

  8. The small air-conditioned room in Warm-Up used to play D&B on a Friday night. Dunno if they still do but why not head there anyway and find out. The worse that could happen is that they don't and you're forced to get drink a few cold ones, stare at hot ladies all night and make do with some crap Thai music :o

    He already has a hot lady and she will kick his ass if he stares at other hot chicks. RIGHT TIPSY :D

  9. Just to clarify my opinions a bit, I think that in theory these guys provide a very valuable and much needed service. I think its awesome that they volunteer their time to help out like this. I think their ability to mediate in situations involving thai and farang is also fantastic. I also think that they are in a unique position to set an excellent example/ be a role model for the Thai police. A chance to lead by example. To maybe change things for the better. What they are doing is to be admired and respected. And I hope that one day, once my Thai language ability improves, that I also might serve in the same or similar capacity.

    Hey Meztizo

    TPD is looking for more Volunters right now so No need for your thai to get better feel free to sign up anytime your ready while speaking thai is an advantage you will mainly be dealing with tourists that speak english

    Anytime you want to sign up drop me a PM and i will be happy to take you to get application and show you the procedure

    best regards

  10. LOL

    That was my wifes sister you saw me talking to from the opposite bar part of my thai familly and who lives with us, just goes to show how things can be misread LOL flirting I dont think so but can understand why you would think that.

    As to being in the Bar yes I was in the Bar as it was pissing down with rain and we were taking shelter there as it is a fellow volunters bar.

  11. They could just print thier own T-shirts and stand around waiting to be helpful, sure no one would ask them not to do it, reckon they love dressing up and feeling like thier part of the police though. I wouldn't be joining either way, got a baby to take care of and work to do, lucky to find time for a beer with my mates never mind prancing about the nightmarket 20 hours a week informing tourists of where the nearest WC is located.

    This forum is great for providing entertainment while the nipper sleeps. :o

    I'm sure teaching a bit of english in temple schools would be infinately more benifical than advising package tourists. Since they don't care about visa regulations this would be perfectly easy to get in to. I'm sure if you had the backing of the head of the monestary the authorities would overlook you just as they do with the police.

    LMAO and you keep entertaining me your comments makes me laugh each time I check here. also by the way I run a business have a baby, prance around the night market and STILL I find time for a beer with me mates

    I guess i just manage my time more effectivly than you

  12. Thank you, I look forward to the posting of a copy of the required work permit exemption letter from the Labour Ministry.

    It certainly would be appropriate for police volunteers to not be flagrantly in violation of the law, especially in light of the stiff penalties involved.

    John I did not say i was going to post a copy i was going to clarify what the situation is and what there response is to your question


  13. undercover work

    I have heard of TPDV going undercover mainly to identify drug dealers and gain eveidence against them I personally could identify several dealers however thats not my business and not what i joined up for but if you are involved with drugs in CM then be aware that there are UC TPV on duty from time to time I dont see any problem with this and the only people I could see having a problem with it would be drug users and dealers.

    Work permits

    Sriacha john after going thru the many posts on this subject it seems you have a hard on over work permits and i tell you what i will try and eleviate the pain you are going thru.

    When i applied to join I was given a list of requirements of which I complied, i was not required to have a work permit but I did have one at the time of application as I was working here, however that work permit would not of been valid accoding to thai law as it was specifically for the company i was working for so would I have had to have 2 work permits.

    Anyway I did ask about a work permit requirment as i was giving up my job so I asked if they could hlp get me a visa and was told they could however i did not need it and got my own.

    I am not aware of any of my fellow TPDV having a work permit and several of them have been doing it since it started here in Chiang mai several years ago.

    Since you are so well informed i am sure you will know that should an issue about permits ever come up it would be sorted immediately by the TPD and if they say its not required then thats good enough for me until they say different.

    I want to stay within the law so when i go to the station next I will bring up the subject again and get clarification for on whether we have a waiver or what the TPD stance is now whether than complys with the labour dept we will have to see.


    So your invite was to step outside and settle things like men (LMAO) that means rolling on the floor laughing

    actually sounds more like a 12 year old talking not men.

    I will pass thanks I try to avoid school boy antics

    For all those that think we are wannabes you wont change your minds and thats ok we will continue to do what we do and you probalbly wont notice until the day you need us.

    All the best

    P.S good party by the way good to meet a lot of you

  14. As a current Tourist Police Volunter I am a little surprised at the nastiness of my fellow boarders toward those TPV that give back to the community they live in by voluntering there time. We receive no payment for our time nor do we receeive any perks such as work permits etc (we do not require a work permit by the way)

    Why do you not require work permits?

    Every foreigner working in Thailand, paid or volunteer, requires a work permit or a work permit exemption letter granted by the Labour Ministry. There are no exceptions.

    You are indeed correct however in a meeting between the TPD and the immigration department TPDV were not required to have a work permit, one of the requirements to become a TPDV is a O or B visa I had a work permit before but even then it specifys specifically the company you work for so if we did require a work permit it would have to be requested by the TPD to the immigration department.

  15. As a current Tourist Police Volunter I am a little surprised at the nastiness of my fellow boarders toward those TPV that give back to the community they live in by voluntering there time. We receive no payment for our time nor do we receeive any perks such as work permits etc (we do not require a work permit by the way)

    I am not on a power trip nor am I demented or any of the other insults that have been posted here, nor have I had to salute anyone and I have not been treated badly by the TPD department in fact its the opposite.

    I am requested to work min 20 hours per month but can do more if i wish.

    Most of you think we do nothing and thats Ok its just ignorance on your behalf as you dont know what its all about but there have been some good posts explaining what we do for the community both thai and farang and my assitance has been requested by both thai and farang to help solve issues without involving the royal thai police in a fair manner to all especially farangs.

    For those that insult us and dont understand why we do it maybe one day when you are in the shit you just might find out that we can be useful to you.

    For anyone who wants to confirm I am not demented i will be at the party tonight under the name tag farang cravings

    to toptuan

    The only disrespect we receive is from people like you and those who have posted derogatory comments on this thread , you are very wrong about the local thai community I was very surprised when I first joined at how much respect we get from the local thai community.

  16. I did see that the paint ball company used scuba tanks to fill there guns with air so I am sure a call to them would lead to a compressor

    where you planning to dive ???? if ya need a buddy let me know I am a veteran diver and insturctor of more than 20 years

  17. Forgot to say Biritsh citizen 43 years old

    Yes I am thinking of leaving and understand that i wont have a visa and will have to get a new one when I get to europe

    Anyone know if the consulate in Holland is easy to get an O visa i have a baby here and guess I need to get a O visa for visiting I am a British citizen but am visiting familly in Holland

    any info on the dutch consulate as to how strict they are

    I guess I am waying my options and seeing whats the best replacement I have a permanent address here and have a baby born in my name I am not married so kinda confused as to my options

    thanks for any advice

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