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Posts posted by FarangCravings

  1. Yes I am thinking of leaving and understand that i wont have a visa and will have to get a new one when I get to europe

    Anyone know if the consulate in Holland is easy to get an O visa i have a baby here and guess I need to get a O visa for visiting I am a British citizen but am visiting familly in Holland

    any info on the dutch consulate as to how strict they are

    I guess I am waying my options and seeing whats the best replacement I have a permanent address here and have a baby born in my name I am not married so kinda confused as to my options

    thanks for any advice

  2. Ok My Bad it says FEB 2009 I have to leave by

    I originally went to Singapore to get the singel entry B which I got and the company i work for got the work permit of which I had to fly to Phuket to collect it with there human resources person that was late december

    Apparently the owrk permit i got expired on Dec 31st so a pointless exercise I thought but they told me no problem now they have the WP passbook they will renew it they kept my Passport and got a single month extension while waiting to apply for new work permit I finally got my passport back with a stamp in it good till Feb 2009 it says nothing about work permit and I have yet to get a copy of the new permit but the visa is extended till 2009

    I want to leave to go to europe for a week and wanted to know if I can get a renentry permit beofre I leave so I dont have to get another visa

    the stamp is exactly that a big square stamp with stamped must leave the kingdom by Feb 2009

    thanks again

  3. I am baout to leave thailand and I got a B visa singel entry and got a work permit which expired and the company I work for got me a new visa which is stamped in my passport as good till Feb 2008 it mentions nothing about being attached to a work permit just that i am good till feb 2008

    If I leave thailand can I get a renetry permit and contine to use this visa or will it be cancelled when I leave thailand ???

    I am supposed to have my work permit renewed which I dont have a copy as yet but thinking of leaving the job and a little confused as to whether I have to get a new visa or this one is good and if I can get a re entry permit before leaving for a trip back home

    thanks for any input

  4. Reason for the 2 oclock closing and crackdown on bars is theres a new sheriff in town a new police boss who is flexing his muscles and when spicy has to close down (owned by high ranking police) you know its down to the big big boss man.

    I am advised after a month or so things should settle down once again and things will be back to normal

  5. Being a frequent Spicy customer and my exact hang out spot is right by the step I have had the pleasure of seeing many many people fall up and down that step another example of thailands excellent health and safety laws.

    Spicy is great when most other bars are closed and you aint pulled yet its the final last stand before heading to lucky bar till dawn :o

    I like the new smoke free atmosphere and bside if you can smell something in there you aint pissed enough

    P.S NEVER GO SPICY unless your wasted it much better that way

  6. LOL I had to laugh at the comments about get rid of all the small bars and let the successful ones take all the business how does one do that ????

    Your never gonna get rid of the little crummy bars and they will continually change hands after a few months and i see it all the time but some people like crummy little bars that sell cheap beer instead of going to the QV or others and be charged an arm and a leg for the same product. People are different and like different things, for example i liked the old N1 bar i dont really like the new #1 Bar some people here dont want to go to Bars with bargirls while others on this site Bar crawl through all these crummy little bars looking for Bargirls

    The successful Bars will continue to be Successful and the crummy bars will keep changing hands and the retiree will continually lose his money multiple ways with a crummy little bar being just one of the many ways he will be relived of his retirment account.

    Motto of this post

    Different Strokes for Different Folks

  7. All Bars can resume business on Sunday at 6pm which is after elections have closed

    We did not close on the buddah day but was unsure so called the cops and they said it was up to each bar if they want to close or not hense half the bars remained open and half closed but it was not the law that you had to close

    Friday we closed as no other bar in the peak was opening so I went over to a friends bar at the boxing stadium on loi kroh I noticed linda bar on loi kroh was open and several bars (about 6) in the boxing area

    Enjoyed multiple large changs as the evening progressed and eventually bthe cops showed up at 12.15am and procceded to shut everyone down with the warning that if they opened tommorow all owners would be arrested and fined 20,000

    So I guess tonight will be hard to find a drink

    Its so ridiculous as I saw many tourists walking around dazed not knowing why bars were closed hel_l they dont even post notices in hotels or inform there paying guests visiting there country about this crazy rule.

    I understand thais should comply but why cant they say bars can be open but you cannot serve thais tourists only

    As for being a bar owner your dam_n right this closure is costing me a bundle as business is good right now so losing 3 4 days adds up to a chunk a change


  8. I have an Outside Bar at the PEAK and Cops did come around and told the missus not to give out ashtrays to our customers but as far as I could tell they could still smoke so I told them to use the floor as an ashtray no worries

    We are open on all four sides, but I still dont think its clear if people can or cant smoke in an outside bar guess we will find out on the next patrol

    Went to Mandalay last night NO SMOKERS also Bubble, Spicey, Hot Shot are also NON Smoking now and it is being enforced by the club staff

  9. It was me that said they have them at tops

    When people say its expensive i dont agree 180 baht is about 2 pounds fifty and Pataks is a UK company and I beleive that they sell for about one pound ninty five in the UK so its only really 50p more than back home and one tin should provide a couple of currys in fact I think it serves 4 persons so in reality it is only 50p per curry

    You cannot compare prices of UK products with Thai products if you can get a UK product for as close to home prices as you can then it is a fair price

    I do agree Tops has some real expensive items such as Heinz beans 295 baht INSANE

  10. Thanks i will pass by Rimping on the way home and pick some up

    yes in the Uk they use ground nut oil for cooking chips but it does not give the old taste like lard a few chippies in the UK still use Dripping and lard but thay are now considered gourmet chip shops (I know I laughed too when i saw the ad) they market themselves as real fish and chips with the taste of the old days

    thanks for the sausage info i will check it out

  11. I understand the LARD and health issues and Yes the old style chippies use lard as it produces the best tasting chips with the exception of beef dripping and yes it seems that is it tastes good someone somewhere will say its bad for your health.

    Its not the odd chip cooked in fat that will kill you the real killer is SUGAR and addatives thats why the world has the health problems it has SUGAR is the root of all eveil and you just try to go shopping anf find a product that does not have sugar in it ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE

    moderation is the key It will not be difficult to have a vegetable oil pot for cooking chips in for those that are health conceous me I'll take the lard everytime :o

    Where can I try those YORKIE sausages where can I buy if they are the Bee's knees and taste the best thats what I am looking for

    so any directions where I can buy and try would be appreciated


  12. I agree totally with quality and authentic as possible


    I would never serve french fries and am at the moment testing out the spuds I can get and trying different cooking substances I am trying to obtain Beef dripping to cook the chips in but at the absolute worst it should be Lard which gives the good ol day taste unfortunately if ya watching your weight me chips will be rather on the fattening side but on the upside they will be old school and real tasty.

    Sausages I am sure we are talking about my good friend robert whom is the Sausage king he has very good sausages and even sells scotch eggs you can call him at 0857060105 tell him Gaz sent ya he will deliver to you if your not too far out he lives in Sansei and comes to town most days he also has a menu with all his products on it.

    I like the individual idea of per item for brekkie and while I cant stand LIVER i know people love liver and onions especially my dad so i will put that on the menu.

    Cottage pie FOR SURE with melted cheddar on top MMMMMMM easy to make

    All chips served will be real spuds peeled and cooked the old fashioned way using Lard absolutely no Mcdonald style fries

    I am still researching A good Pie supplier and peoples taste will vary where the crust is concerned I personally like my Pie crust soft which can be accomlished using the micro but some will like it oven cooked and a crusty crust only exception for me is a FREY BENTOS PIE

    Cumberland Sausage NO problem Rob has some great tasting Cumberland

    Ploughmans Lunch is already on my list and I have sourced all required for that inclusing Crusty Bread Can't wait meself for that one

    Mouse : where is Kasems's would like to try the pies and see if they will pass my stringent taste test LOL

    I also know have to import some items and am working on that too to ensure a good supply and who would drink anything other than tetleys or typhoo just wouldnt be British would it.

    Now I'm starvin and craving :o

  13. Exactly the problem I see,

    I went to a certain english pub and had a full English breakfast and sorry mate no Brit would serve it like that so i ABSOLUTELY UNDERSTAND it has to be overseen for sure and thats going to determine the failure or success of the venture for sure.

    yes I can cook (not hard to cook english food if ya english :o

  14. I am working on opening a English food establishment, I know I know what your gonna say,

    Theres a limited market etc etc but I beleive i have a little advantage over most others as my thai familly already has an excellent easy to get to location and are just doing thai food, they have plenty of space and I eat there every day and while I love thai food I really enjoy a good english nosh up every now and again so I thought why not add an ENGLISH menu to the place.

    I beleive it can get quite expensive to eat at the likes of The Queen Vic etc and i really want to focus on the Ex Pat crowd that is a little cost concious so I am going to try and keep prices extremely low without sacraficing on quality. Since My expenses will be minimal I beleive I can acheive this.

    English Food at Thai Prices (or as close as i can get) LOL

    I have already started sourcing the foods and have a great sausage connection as well as English back Bacon so I beleive my Full English will be right up there with the best of them and I anticipate at this time it will be well under 100 Baht

    Since this is actually the place I eat every day (its familly) I guarantee it will be as close to home taste as I can get it and I wont mind spending that little extra to make sure its authentic (selfish really as i will be eating there LOL)

    I have started prepping the menu, what would you guys like to see on the menu ????

    I will start it Off with

    1.) ENGLISH CURRY ESPECIALLY a Chicken Balti

  15. Nahhh Nothing at the Peak as I have a Bar there and would of seen it

    Doner Kebab is done on the same machine as the Swarrma and Gyro its just minced lamb with spices instead of mostly what i have seen here which is chicken

    i am doing a lot of sourcing for a new venture so will keep looking although I am thinking I will probably have to learn how to do it again its not that hard to do just a little time consuming.

  16. As it happens I am also working on a English food establishment and certainly know there is a limited market, the food is going to be as close to as home as it can and a central location which is easy to get to.

    Luckily my wifes thai familly has the location near night bazzar (and I dont have to pay rent :o they are running the thai food side of things and all I am doing is adding english food that i would like to eat and I guarantee it will be just like home.

    Queen Vic and the likes i beleive can be quite expensive to eat at (relative to eating thai food) So I will focus on the poorer expat crowd that likes to eat English food but is cost concious.

    I love thai food but every now and again you need a good ENGLISH Curry or a shepards pie or fish and chips etc and thats what I am going to be adding.

    Already sourcing the meats and have some very good sausages which are really quite good not as good as Wall's Pork Sausages but the best english style I have found in CM also have good english Back bacon and when I open I challenge anyone to say my Brekkies aint right up there with queen vic etc LOL.

    My Motto will be ENGLISH FOOD AT THAI PRICES (or as close as i can get to thai prices LOL) No really since the thai familly already has the location and fully staffed I will have minimal expenses and beleive I can keep the prices very low while keeping the quality up there.

    I'll keep ya posted

    P.S My Dad does excellent welshrabbit (in my opinion its all about the cheese

  17. The ones I am looking for is the lamb ones which are delicious and served with chili sauce (not yoghurt)

    Woodys is chicken and nothing like UK Doner Kebabs as are most of the kebabs I have seen here.

    I used to make them many years ago in the UK when my Dad had a chippie and I am looking at doing something here in CM and would love to of found a supplier of kebab meat to add to my menu Ahhh well guess I am going to have to get my remembering hat on and see if i can make it.

    i know most people from the UK love a good doner or a good curry after a few pints if I get my way it will happen sooooon here in CM LOL

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