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  1. In Thailand many Thai men have one or two Mia Noi wives. What we in the west call mistresses but in Thai means "2nd wife". It is very common for men to two or three Mia Noi relationships and they are usually tolerated by the wives. Nothing to do with religion
  2. As we know this was posted extensively on another thread when he was first reported missing. The majority view then was that he was shacked up with a bargirl somewhere and the whole thing was quite amusing. Others urged a note of caution, seems like they were sadly right to do so.
  3. It's always easy to go with the "shacked up with a bargirl" tag and it may be true again this time. But Thai's are far more openly aggressive now than they used to be, especially when it comes to foreigners stepping on the wrong toes. I hope its the former scenario especially for the sake of his son!
  4. Maybe a little balance is needed. The woman (at 36 she is a woman not a girl) wanted to party with her partner and they bought what they thought was a line or two of cocaine.. They were conned and ended up paying a terrible price for their mistake, Recreational drug use in the world continues to grow far quicker than the use of alcohol. Cannabis being the most popular, but cocaine becoming more and more readily available and the cartels and others make millions and millions of dollars from it. As with any commodity it is all about supply and demand with the key here being "demand". There are millions of people throughout the world who use recreational drugs, are they all hopeless druggies ruining their futures? These "druggies" can be found from all walks of life from universities like Harvard and Cambridge, high flying businessmen and politicians etc. etc. I am not advocating the use of drugs or even alcohol par say, but both are an integral part of life for many people from all walks of life. So let's not be too quick to judge others as we sit at our keyboards smoking our cigarettes and sipping at our gin and tonics. Merry Christmas
  5. Well she was 36 years old so not a kid at all. In fact old enough to have kids of her own and certainly old enough to make her own grown up decisions. A tragedy certainly and it looks like there was some naivety involved by this pair. This is Thailand and as with everything here, it is very much a case of buyer beware!
  6. Depends on his age. We handed over a brown envelope to take that threat away, but you do need to know who to hand it to. Military service is the luck of the draw otherwise, with less than 50% being the unlucky ones.
  7. Certainly sounds Thai. In which case why hasn't he got a Thai id card? My son was born in Thailand and we moved back to the UK when he was 7. He has a British passport. Recently he decided to spend time in Thailand where his mother has a house. So he applied for his Thai id and a Thai passport. It not only allows him to work in Thailand but also negates the need for any visas. We have Norwegian and French friends who have done the same, although over a certain age you are not officially allowed dual nationality by the Thai authorities. That may have changed now though as I haven't enquired about that for years.
  8. You need to keep a UK address (could easily be a relatives) and a bank account for that address, where your pension can be paid into. However if it is found that you are not living in the UK then you may well be in trouble. The British pension is pretty pathetic compared to other European countries anyway. Hard to enjoy life if that is all you have to live on, even in Thailand.
  9. Australians can even give the Russians serious competition when it comes to being drunk. As can the Brits. Not so much the Americans though, who seem to be quite lightweight by comparison. 😂😂
  10. I hope the girl gets the help support after suffering the constant verbal abuse by her drunken grandmother. Abandoned by her mother after birth and then not allowed to complete her education, while trying to protect her younger brother from the abuse. No wonder the red mist finally rose. The girl needs help, not chastising.
  11. It all comes down to intentions really. If he intended to stay in Thailand, then the easiest way is to get yourself a local girl and marry her. Then you get yourself a married man's visa. Avoid bargirls for this and go for someone a little older who is not looking to fleece you.
  12. I agree with you and I think there is more to this account that has been reported here. It would be useful to know if there are any other complaints been laid against this man in the past. Sounds like it could be the early days of a grooming process if he just held her hand and hugged her. But then this could just be the girls description of what happened. Clearly she is in a lot of trouble with her parents and may be trying to play down any activity that actually happened. Fourteen year old girls often develop crushes on teachers and he being American could be an extra attraction. The fact that the girl lied about where she was shows a level of complicity. But that is why teachers like this must never cross the line nor get even close to it.
  13. I live next to the river Thames in Surrey (UK) and the amount of raw sewage pumped into the river is staggering. Everyone told not to swim in it and warned of dangerous levels of e coli. Massive problem in the UK unlike this story which is merely a "Drop in the Ocean".
  14. I lived in Hong Kong for a while and travelled extensively in mainland China. I am assuming that the Chinese woman and her daughter are relatively well off and well educated by the amount of western swear words they know and use. That sort of confidence usually comes with that MO. When I lived in Hong Kong I had a HK Chinese girlfriend who was very opinionated and argumentative, so having my clothes ripped off was a fairly common event. Thankfully it was usually followed by enthusiastic rumpy pumpy. Also when our relationship came to an end, she repeatedly used the phrase "You cannot go! You cannot go!" Not because I was the love of her life but because if anyone was going to finish our love affair, it was going to be her and not me! 😀
  15. Maybe got led astray by a Fin called Helga or Linnea, who had tugged on his heart strings while in Thailand and decided on a diversion on the way home. If so, best to keep that to himself or face a very angry girlfriend back home!

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