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Pink Mist

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Posts posted by Pink Mist

  1. Lets look at the situation.

    In Thailand the majority of people are Thai therefore the chance of a Farang/Thai relationship is higher whichever gender combination.

    Most of my friends married to Thai women never speak about, bossy, controlling, angry farang women, they are just happy with their choices and clearly in love.

    Mostly women are women (sorry girls) whatever the race.

    My Thai wife is bossy and controlling when she needs to be but we work in a partnership and I do get out of line (I love a beer with mates down pub) occasionally so I need a tune up.

    As was mentioned before a lot of bar talk is about Farang women, bad treatment etc. but it's bar talk.

    I have some Aussie girl mates and the're great it's just my choice of wife was different for only one reason compatibility and love, oops thats 2

  2. Price, quite simply price. I buy imported beer and it 's cheaper and more readily available, in march you couldn't get heineken stubbies at big c.

    I like the access to macro no travelators/escalators to negotiate if you do a big shop.

    frenchie we are talking about Khonkaen shops but I guess BKK would be the same so cheaper yes. You have to be a member or have access to a card.

    I asked the same question once LOS = Land Of Smiles. thanks doc.

  3. It's been about a month and so far so good. Mum is happy Son is happy me happy too. His first xmas approaches, a new experience but will have a lot of fun.

    Next year will be the thing, he will go to a secondary school for kids with no english skills at all and should be a good for him.

    He is making some friends with help from some of my friends, one young fella same age and is Thai has lived here 2 years good english and good Thai.

    as I say so far so good

  4. International fleet is old, they need to get rid of MD11 and 747 aircraft and replace with 777.

    The domestic 737's are (from reliable source) are in a bad way and last March at one stage 1/2 the fleet was down.

    Departure times are a pain from Oz or Melbourne specifically, leave after midnight arrive sparrow fart in the morning, you are stuffed for a day. The return trip depart Bangkok after midnight arrive midday (just after).

    The inflight service suffers a bit once into the flight, I think the idea is to try and get everyone off to sleep for a few hours, thats ok for those that can sleep sitting up.

    Singapore service is great, departure times are good and the aircraft are modern 777, they would have to at least match that standard for a start

  5. how does a kiwi find a sheep in long grass ?


    did ya hear the one about the kiwi shearer over in Oz was told by the foreman to "shear his sheep", kiwi replies "I'm not sharing my sheep with anyone".

    Then there was the one about the guy who walked into the bar followed by 10 very very small people.

    He helps them up onto bar stools and says "I'll have 11 beers thanks barmen"

    barman replies "whats with the midgets"

    "The're not midgets, the're kiwis with all the bullsht squeezed out"

    more to come

  6. This is tyhe first time I've heard of a "sprint" lasting one or two hours. All that beer on an empty stomach is no fun. Why not set up a beer and hotdog/burger contest? I'd have a chance in that event. :D

    Old Aussie saying "cant eat on an empty stomach" :o

    Would be interested in a sprint session on one condition it would have to be in KhonKaen, cant last as long as I once could, but good for sprint.

    Good idea moog last one to break the seal wins

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