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Posts posted by noise

  1. I put it in a separate, open bag (a small bag I get for groceries) next to my large household trash bag. The household trash truck people can see what it is and keep separate it from the rest of the trash. They never fail to take it.

    Since there are unbroken bottles in everyone's trash, it stands to reason the household trash collection company has the means for processing glass.

  2. I would suggest using the good ole USPS, registered. Might even have it sent "return receipt". Such mail is brought to my door and the mail lady rings the bell for a signature. When no one is home to sign, she leaves a notice and I go pick it up and sign for it.

    Have the sender send you the tracking number and you can track it from home.

  3. Monks do not attend the wedding. The come to the house early in the morning to bless the couple before the actual wedding.

    I am perplexed by these words. Over 40+ years I have attended countless weddings and the morning ceremony was always THE WEDDING. It was simply a reception in the afternoon/evening, with people not invited to the morning ceremony coming to offer their good wishes, just like a western reception.

    More so way back when than today, but it still happens this way sometimes, the couple did not register the marriage at the Amphur. Sure some couples only register at the Amphur, but but that is just fulfilling the civil legal requirement.

    So, to iterate, my experiences say the Buddhist ceremony in the morning is the wedding. Are we talking past each other?

  4. I can understand the problems you might be having in a multi-unit building's cabling with who knows how many connections between you and the fiber. But the other problems you mentioned puzzle me. In 6 years of listening to problems at the computer club I have never heard of a single case where the firewall or antivirus interferred with download speeds.

    I have the TOT fiber 15Mbps program and run Norton for both the firewall and anti-virus and Webroot anti-virus. My programs will only stop a download if they do not like the type of file (e.g., *.exe) being download. Most files are downloaded and then scanned.

    I do not know if this makes a difference (or if it would make a difference in your case) but I bridged the True modem/router and bought my own router. My PC is cable connected to the router. I frequently get 20Mps or more in download speed tests from the US or Europe. Rarely do I ever get less than 15Mbps. Performance is so satisfactory that I seldom test.

    My wireless device gets a 130Mbps connection to the router (not from out on the web, just down from the router) on both 2.4GHz and 5GHz.

    Now I am in a single family home and the fiber to copper coming into the house connection is right in front of the house so I do not have to compete with any other damand on that line.

    All this probably does nothing to help. It is more of a plea for more info as this is a new subject for me: potential download interference from firewalls and antivirus programs.

  5. Why is space a problem?

    25000 3MB JPG's(average) = 75Gig.

    As mentioned above 1TB will set you back a cool B2500...

    No problem..smile.png

    If one shoots in RAW, a 10MP camera saves a 16 MB file per photo or 400GB for your 25K photos. Process and save as a TIF file and you can conceivably get a 50MB for one photo. All depends on what you do with your photos. Your mileage may vary.

    • Like 1
  6. As Jimmybkk said, CCTV usually means closed circuit TV, a security system for monitoring real time or after the fact review of recorded video.

    You mentioned finding TV channels.

    Have you had enough thefts to warrant CCTV? Or do you not have cable TV in your moo baan and that is what you are trying to get True to do, run the cable in at your expense as a group.

    If the latter, my immediate reaction is that is a waste of the moo baan's reserves. Let everyone that wants to watch TV use the satellite method. Works well. If few farang in the village, then most people will only opt for the Thai channels anyway, so why spend the money?

    If you are after the internet, that is a different issue.

    So, do you know?

  7. All very good inputs. I would say go with the 6 inches of concrete. But I would also recommend a good layer of sand on top of the base. Get that down first as it will help dampen the effects of settling. And make sure the sand is compacted first. If nothing else, wet it down and let it sit (and set) for a couple of days.

    I would insist on ready mixed concrete even if it may cost you a little more so that you will be assured the "pour" is of consistent quality. Do not allow hand mixed batches as each batch will create a weak point where it meets the other batches.

    And with pre-mixed, you can get all your concrete poured in one day.

    And have someone there to witness the laying of the reinforcing mesh. Even though I told my contractor before he started, he still just laid it on top of the sand like he does on every other job. I made him raise it up and continue to ease it up as the pour was done. If I had not, the concrete would have just pushed most of it back down on the sand.

    As everyone said, NON-SLIP tiles after the concrete has set

  8. I'd like to see what is on offer - if I didn't have to go through farcebook to do so.

    Craft Been CNX

    I agree with Amexpat. There are many of us who have not and will not sign up for Facebook and, therefore, your info or whatever is on Facebook is not available to us.

    I have seen your ad but that just goes to Facebook. So other than that, I know absolutely nothing about you. A real web site would be informative. For example, you are the sole distributor for Northern Thailand for what beer? What are you direct retail prices? Pre-order/buying from you should give us discounted prices over what the beer would be selling for in some TBD retail outlet (who carries your beers?).

  9. This sounds like it will be just a reception, rather than actual wedding ceremony

    If that's the case, best to wear a western style. Nobody wears Thai style dress to weddings anymore. Certainly not in Bangkok. And definitely not men.

    If you are father, brother of the groom or best man, and it's at the thai ceremony, then that could look like a gesture of you trying to blend in and adopt some Thai culture. In most other circumstance I would suggest, no smile.png


    I sort of agree with MiG16. You can not go wrong in today's BKK with a coat and tie, specially in a nice, air conditioned upscale hotel.

    However, while we were all nobodies using any and all criteria you can imagine, the mother of the bride asked us all to wear traditional Thai apparel for a similar reception at Jim Thompson's back in February. The groom did, the bride's side of the family did, and those of us living here did.

    The groom's family and a bunch of friends all came over from the U.S. so they all dressed U.S. style. It would not have been expedient to ask them to do otherwise.

    I wore a "formal" shirt but open collar syle, not Mandarin, and short sleeves and was appropriately dressed. So you have options.

    But my real recommendation would be to ask the wife's family or whomever invitied you. They will have the definitive answer.

    • Like 2
  10. Did he leave something out of the story? You said he had no more money but then added that he said he could survive a few more years. Living for a few years takes an income of some kind. Plus he has to show funds in some manner for his visa.

    Based on what you wrote, there is nothing anyone can do here.

    He, on the other hand, can go back to the U.S. He most likely has social security income, medicare health coverage. He could probably find some kind of job, a night janitor job or a WalMart greeter to make a few dollars.......

    Now if you were implying he is becoming or has become chronically depressed, that is an entirely different situation.

  11. written by a non-Thai ? หมานิว written the 2nd time as มานิว , different spelling,

    And the whole "sentence" reads funny; ตัวเองดีดีดีละ itself/myself good good good and.....???

    but what do I know?

  12. Plain plastic wire ties work for me. Assuming a thief will get in one way or the other, all I care about is keeping the zippers from opening by accident.

    And maybe such a simple system tells everyone I have nothing I really value in there?

  13. If you had a library card at your last official or current official residential address in the U.S. you may be able to borrow e-books over the internet.

    I use my last address as my absentee ballot address. Some 4 years after I moved here, I heard about this option, investigated it, and found my old library did now have the on-line capability. So I re-activitated my card over the internet and now can download 10 e-books (and/or audio books) at a time. There is a 21 days time limit.

    They download to my computer and I transfer them to my reader (or mp3 player). Once I am done with them, I can return them early, just like a regular library. So, theoretically, there is no reason that I could not have 10 unread books on my reader all the time.

    I had to download the OverDrive Media Console program (4KB) to do this and it is self explanatory to use. When searching for a book, you can select filters that allow you to select the format and whether or not a copy is available at that moment in time. Or you can look for a specific author or title and then either borrow it or put a hold on it.

    The final step opens an Amazon site and I download the book from there. When I finish reading, I delete (return) it from the OverDrive Media program.

    If you never had a card, can you get an account from here using that address? I do not know.

  14. Unless your radio is something special or you are emotionally attached to it, I would not recommend bringing it if it is not dual voltage capable.

    I brought a few small 110V stereos over because I had the room to do so and it would not cost me anything.

    I ran them on transformers, not coverters, and they still failed. Except for the ones I forgot to plug into the transformer and plugged directly into the wall and just burned up. Transformers ran hot so I always unplugged them when not in use (converters ran hot also). I got a couple of years out of them, but they were inconvenient to use.

  15. We have the accordian screens on every door, upstairs and downstairs, entrance door and balcony/patio doors, and prefer them over sliding or swinging ones. However, there are trade-offs to consider. I will list some thoughts that come to mind, including problems we had that have been eliminated.

    1. Expensive (can't be fixed)
    2. Take up next to no space -- major advantage -- folding into a 1" - 1 1/2 " channel on the side of each side of the door. The channels are set back so they do not protrude into the door opening on the side or top.
    3. On a double sliding doors (say to a patio), the screen come in from each side and close nicely in the middle with a very strong magnetic strip.
    4. New visitors have to be taught how to open them as most people have never seen them before. And even just telling them how to open them is frequently not enough as the magnetic strip is really strong and they are afraid to exert sufficient force. I conside that a neutral issue.
    5. Channel(s) are a box, 4 sided, with the bottom one on the floor inside the door. That can not be "set back" so you have to get used to stepping up, say, 2 inches above the eye's perception of the floor height as you come in. Otherwise you stub your toes (that has been a painful lesson for me).
    6. Orginally strung with gut (like old tennis racquets); now all gut has been replaced with nylong as the gut kept breaking.
    7. Nylon lines in the bottom and top channel require periodic cleaning and rubbing with either commercial grade olive oil (installer recommended) or synthetic lubricant (web source says suitable for nylon lines).
    8. All screens are guided to the closed position by pulling a vertical metal bar across the opening. That bar has plastic pulleys and rollers on the top and the bottom. Depending upon use and age, the pulleys break occasionally. In 6 years we have probably averaged 1 break per door.
    9. Our cat has learned it can leave or enter the house by pushing the screen at the bottom. Has not caused any damage so far. That is good. A stray cat we feed watched her and learned he can do it, too. That is bad (but then it is our fault for feeding him).

    We like them enough we will keep them in good repair and even completely replace them if needed.

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