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Posts posted by SimonD

  1. ... And the Americans didn't start the war with Germany to free us, they did it for their own selfish reasons.

    Hitler declared war on the USA on December 11th, not the other way around. Agree about the Soviet contribution but that wouldn't have helped the western allies if they had overrun all of Europe, would it?

  2. I vote for Khun Klingon in the Chiang Mai forum; his cheerful predisposition is exemplary.

    You mean Naam right?

    The other nomination has me perplexed as well....maybe you could translate for me?

    The other one was an imaginary poster: the collective forum member who represents everyone of us who altogether make this forum what it is...

    Sorry if that was lost on you and others. Glad it got you thinking, who it could be. biggrin.png

    I agree. I nominate "The Unknown Poster". This could represent those fallen by the wayside...

    or have they?whistling.gif

    • Like 2
  3. About 3-4 weeks is old enough to start being weaned anyway. Buy some kitten milk from a pet store (do NOT give her cows milk) and put it in a shallow dish at room temperature. Kittens learn to eat by watching and copying their mother so you're 'mum' now.biggrin.png She shouldn't need to be bottle fed, just rub some milk around her mouth and she'll lick it off.

    Once she has started lapping the formula milk you're away. Add a small amount of wet food to it and mash it up well - no large lumps she might choke on. A thin porridge or gruel consistency is fine. Gradually increase the wet food until she's eating normally.

    Good luck and well done for giving a waif a home.thumbsup.gif

    • Like 2
  4. Keep in mind this is not a zoo but rather a farm. You are paying to visit a farm where the crocks are being bred and raised to be slaughtered.

    Again, this is not a zoo that is about taking care of animals or displaying them in their natural habitat.

    Would be like going to a chicken farm and complaining at how the chickens were being treated.

    I'm perfectly well aware it's a farm, where did I say it was a zoo? It doesn't deny the degrading way the animals are treated before slaughter for the amusement of paying visitors. If you have no compassion for animals being abused then that's a pity.

    Your comparison to a chicken farm is off base. In many civilised countries people do complain about poor animal husbandry and conditions have been improved because of public pressure. I see you ignored the issue of the tiger, bit tricky trying to justify that one.whistling.gif

  5. It's a great place if one enjoys seeing crocodiles being dragged around by their tails, provoked with sticks and treated as objects of fun.

    The drugged tiger that visitors can pose with is an absolute disgrace. Anyone with feelings for animal welfare should steer clear.

    Just my 0.02p.

    Have you been? I have & yes it's pretty shit that most if not all of the animals are more "wired" than the late Amy Winehouse...?It must pass some sort of international law though to be allowed to operate?

    Yes, I went there in late 2007 when I was living in Pattaya and my GF and I left after half an hour. That magnificent tiger looked like a cat just back from the vets. The tosser holding its chain kept yanking it to keep it awake and 'smiling' for the cameras. It was degrading. bah.gif

    I don't think Thailand has signed-up to any international standards on animal welfare but I might be wrong. I know the OP is asking about 'now' but I doubt anything much has changed.

  6. .....

    A Thai did once tell me fat people are held in high regard seeing how they have lots of money to eat well!

    This is what I have also heard. Isn't there a Thai saying "When you are fat you smell good. When you are thin you stink."

    The association of weight and wealth is found in other cultures as well.

  7. In Bangkok and at the airport it seems easiest to exchange money. I've had problems with banks, on the other hand, not wanting bills which were small denomination and not new/crisp looking. Alternatively, you could exchange THB for USD before you leave town and head to Laos.

    Thanks, yes, just wondering if I could use up the US $ I've had for years ? maybe in shops there ?

    Whenever I've been to Laos (and Cambo) it's been a struggle to get enough small $ bills in-country for everyday use. Get some fresh $10's and 20's for the border and big purchases. Those $1's and $5 will come in very handy as long as they are in good condition. Maybe try ironing them?

    You really don't want a wallet full of Kip.sad.png

  8. ... I have a gut feeling, but nothing more than that they will only come to my present location when there is a bag full.

    This is exactly what my GF says does happen. My post UK to rural Surin rarely takes less than three weeks and frequently much longer.

    I don't mind the delays so much but I wish they would stop rifling through it. I sent a birthday card once with 100 baht note inside just to see what happened. The letter arrived a bit quicker than usual but minus the cash (no surprises there). She said the bottom edge of the envelope had been neatly cut and then resealed with a smear of glue.

  9. @ scorpio,

    The various offices, Liverpool amongst others, don't appear to have public access telephone numbers. The closest I could find was this:

    Immigration Enquiry Bureau (Croydon) +44 (0) 870 606 7766

    The regional offices seem to accept post and email contact only.

    UKBA 'return of documents' - http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/aboutus/contact/return-of-documents/

    Good luck.

  10. Don't forget that most still believe that London is shrouded in fog three hundred days a year and the reason there are different accents around London is so that people know where they are in all that fog.

    The proper term for it is 'pea soup'. 'Fog' is such an execrable word.

    It makes navigating the gold-encrusted streets to one's club hazardous at the best of times, what with all the cheeky cockney lavender girls and the speeding Hansoms...

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