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Posts posted by SimonD

  1. A street vendor is selling tortoises outside a pub.

    A drunk comes out of the pub and staggers past the vendor, stops, sways a few times, turns and comes back.

    "How much for one of those?" asks the drunk.

    "Five pounds."

    The drunk buys one and staggers off.

    The vendor is there the next day and the same drunk staggers outside. He comes up the vendor and demands...

    "Gimme another one of those pies but not so crunchy this time."

  2. @theblether and folium: give it a rest will you!

    I have been following this 'debate' for the last few days and am astonished by the cheap shots being taken by certain members. The ignorance being displayed about the UK/devolved military establishment and its sustainability in particular - which itself is a debate which has been swinging back and forth for centuries - beggars belief. Your individual military service (or lack thereof) is not the issue. Neither is it the number of aircraft carriers we (cannot) afford to patrol far seas without infrastructure to support them, the aircraft to fly from them or the bodies to crew them.

    If anyone wants a viable comparison for the likely size of Scottish armed forces post-independence then I would suggest you look at the Danish example, but that's not the point. An independent Scotland would be part of the larger NATO picture and would scale its commitment accordingly, as every other country in western Europe (bar the Swiss) has done since the end of WW2. I agree with the earlier point made about the 'guns or butter' decision. Scotland would be financially crippled if it had to create and maintain its own armed forces to the level proposed by some on here.

    Anyway, I would like to get away from the current spat and throw a couple of questions into the mix:

    1. Would an independent Scotland seek to retain HM Queen Elizabeth as head of state or elect/appoint their own?

    2. Would an independent Scotland retain it's close ties with the remainder of the island of Britain (the UK would be consigned to the history bin without the kingdom of Scotland) or would it move to join the Scandinavian group of countries as has been mooted? What would be the social and financial repercussions of such a re-alignment?

    Would anyone care to get back even remotely on-topic and stop bleating about what happened 20 years ago?

    Edit: Written while theBlether was posting #289. Spare us any more point scoring between you and folium - it's not relevant and is getting tedious.

  3. Speak to the taxi-motorcycle guys on the ranks, let them know what sort of place you're looking for and offer the incentive suggested by another poster.

    The mom 'n' pop shops are also a good place to ask. The people who run them have their ears to the ground. Print off some 'wanted' ads and offer to pay to put them up various shops, or even on utility poles. Get a disposable sim just for this purpose rather than compromise your main number.

    By your username I take it you are looking in Pattaya? If so, have you looked on the Darkside?

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  4. I need to withdraw my mea culpa......I was right again, the interest rate was 15% from October 89 - October 90, in response to the Lawson Boom and overheating in the South East housing market.

    This introduced the phrase"negative equity" to the British public.

    So now it's your turn to apologize. Who's first?

    Smartarse! tongue.png

    No, wait a minute....

    What has this got to do with....whatever the thread was about? That's what I'd like to know!

  5. BBC interview with PR spinner Max Clifford also reveals that he has been approached by numerous 'star' names from the 70's and 80's seeking advice on rebutting allegations not yet made. Draw your own conclusions as to who else is yet to be exposed...

    A sordid mess that seems to widen by the day. Why did so many people keep shamefully quiet? What if it had been their own children!!

  6. Bringing the Welsh into it now are we boyo? You incomers need a lesson in manners, so you do. Indeed to goodness...

    On these points we are all agreed. Crikey....all we need is a Welshman to clean the loos and the Union is safe.

    That's very kind of but we're not interested all the same. Thanks for the offer though. Clean your own bogs...tongue.png

    Have you seen the parliament building? Jeez....perhaps one day it will become a five a side football arena or some such.

    The Prestatyn Second XV quite liked it. Better than the windswept wasteland that is Prince's Street. Who was responsible for that?

    Dragging centuries old grievances into the present just causes more grief than necessary.

    Oh, I don't know. All adds to the fun, doesn't it? Mind you, the Cymry are still waiting for the bloody lot of you to leave our land. Only came over from Frisia because the Romans made a cock of it, what with all their meddling and tomfoolery.

    Go on now, boyos, be off with you. Leave the Union and don't look back. Only leaves us original inhabitants of these isles with the English to be rid of. It's taking a while, so it is, and there's a lot of them, mind.ermm.gif

    Nothing but misery now the last pit's closed, so there isn't...crying.gif


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