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Posts posted by Sheist

  1. 18 hours ago, gargamon said:

    Too many words. Your post should have been:

    “For the life of me, I can't figure out WHY anyone would use Windows“

    No, W11 really does suuhhk.  W7 and to a lesser extent, W10 are OK, but W10 in its first prepatched incarnations was horrid.  W11 is crashy, freezy, not fun to use, not helpful, not quicker, not more useful... literally no value that I can find.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  2. 12 hours ago, Mark Nothing said:

    I returned to my 18 year old weight and health by including a mental aspect in combination with diet and exercise.


    Your body responds to verbal commands.  I ordered my body to produce the results required by twice daily affirmations.  Something like "Please return my body to 175 lbs and with perfect health and vitality.  Over and over.  Day after day.  Persistence.  And it just happens by default. Very powerful results, without much effort.


    It also helps to identify stress/worry in your life and eliminate as much as possible.  The weight accumulates much quicker when you are more hassled.

    It takes a lot more than "verbal commands", sadly.  😄

  3. 9 minutes ago, Mike Lister said:

    I don't have links but as the earlier poster also said, I have NAFLD also and it has now progressed to NASH, my diet is as clean as clean can be although artifical sweeteners were the one thing that wasn't.


    Yikes.  Curious what symptoms look (looked) like.  Thankfully, I am not diabetic.  It also helps I never smoked.  Quit beer years ago.  Never could tolerate hard alcohol, really, but the brew definitely jacked up my head AND my body.

  4. 3 minutes ago, noobexpat said:


    You drink 1 to 2L of diet coke per day??


    Coke No Sugar - That is not a typo.  😁👍  I stopped Diet Coke (gag!) many years ago.

    Bear in mind, I am not a drinker of tea, coffee, beer or alcohol of any kind.  Still drink water per day, too.  Very hot climate here.

  5. On 4/8/2024 at 4:47 PM, Mike Lister said:

    Artificial sweeteners in coke and other dinks need caution, the body doesn't know what to do with it so it gets stored on the liver as a form of fat....fatty liver ensues.


    What sources/links?  I'd like to research.  I need something more to make me give up my Coke No Sugar, though.  😄  Still waiting for research to leave the "may" zone and complete some clinical trials, but it has been MANY years now waiting for that.  I just read one from December 2023 where they say the same "may" and  "awaiting clinical trials" etc.  I've been enjoying Coke Zero/No Sugar since it debuted in 2005.  🙂  No, I don't overcompensate by eating more sugary foods.  I enjoy the same soda per day - about 1-2 liters - but I stopped the sugary drinks when I picked up Coke Zero in 2005.  Drink lots of water too, but boring TBH.


    Oh, I do remember the long list of faux sweeteners over the many years: saccarin, sucralose, aspartame, acesulfame potassium, stevia, etc.  Hated the old DIet Coke "experience", but I dig Coke No Sugar.  A lot.  My tastebuds don't want the sugary anymore.  Same for Sprite No Sugar, 7-Up No Sugar - all terrific taste "experience."  

  6. 5 minutes ago, Freddy42OZ said:



    It's so easy to for most people to lose weight and even easier for them to have not put it on in the first place.

    Except most people are not willing to make the required sacrifices.

    If you tell fat people that if they never eat another pizza, or burger, never drinking another can of coke or eat another slice of cake they will lose the weight; or they can keep eating those things but they will stay fat and probably get fatter.....  you would think that 100% of them would choose to never eat those things but for some reason people seem to prefer a little pleasure even if they will look repulsive.

    Society should be doing a lot more to discourage fat people.  But instead we have the utter nonsense of people not wanting to hurt fat people feelings.


    It isn't looking repulsive that is the big thing.  It is pain getting up, getting down, moving, putting on tennis shoes without grunting, inability to walk or do much exercise and basic body mobility.  I dropped 40-50 pounds and I am never going back to being fat.  I can't get younger, sadly, but dropping the LBS is something I can do.  The easiest thing to do?  Stop buying the sweets.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  7. 4 hours ago, TroubleandGrumpy said:

    Exercise is total BS - this whole lose weight by exercising scam annoys me.  IMO 'physical activity' is NOT required to achieve or maintain a healthy weight. Certainly not sitting down all day is obvious, but all that is needed is to walk a bit every day and do a little bit of exercise. If all that BS was real, then all Thais would be fat - they dont walk much at all and just do basic physical stuff.  The issue and the only issue, especially for those over 40, is the type of foods and drinks consumed, and the amount consumed.


    Eat mainly 'natural/good' foods, and dont consume much of the 'bad/processed' foods, and avoid the 'bad/processed' products so prevalent in food and drink available in the stores, and you will achieve/maintain a healthy weight - over time.  When I decided 15 years ago that enough was enough and I started this diet regime, I was astounded at how many things for sale in shops were 'bad'. It was worth it, and despite the occasional fall off the wagon, I am now consistantly over 20 kilos under what I was when I started. 


    My regime is simple - and the first thing came from a mate who had a heart attack at 42. He was told to cut down the beer and to stop eating one big main meal a day. He was told to eat more small meals - that gives time for the body to process and absorb the amount. Eating a huge meal at night and then going to sleep is exactly the wrong thing to do. Eat fruits in the morning - and then have 2-3 small meals each day - no big ones. He also did other things, but he reckoned that not eating that one big dinner at night helped lose heaps of weight. I did that, and also I did not consume food or drink that has a long shelf life - cakes, coke, food bars, etc. I avoid as much as possible sugar and grass and salt.


    Sugar is in many processed foods (and added by some Thais to food). It is impossible to totally avoid it (cuppa tea/coffee, etc etc) but it is needed by the body - but bring it down. Avoid over-consumption of salt - which is often combined with sugar and grass - such as in bread, cakes, etc. However, in Thailand salt is not as bad for mammals as it is in a colder climate where the loss of body water is not as high. Although, the local salt lacks Iodine and that is why so many of them have thyroid problems in later life - get salt with iodine and have a little now and then - but limit bacon and things extremely high in salt etc.


    Grasses are very fattening. The animals that are the biggest mammals on the planet all eat grass. Avoid anything that has processed wheat, rice, corn etc. they are all cultivated grass crops - cheap and easy to make and easily concentrated. By all means eat it in is natural form (rice, corn) but not 'too much'.  Breads, Cakes, and long shelf life products are all made with processed concentrated grass as the main ingrediant - it is a massive fat gainer to mammals. Avoid as much as possible.


    Lastly - drink lots of water - my favourite form of water is that light brown one with bubbles. Seriously though, beer has no sugar and has very little salt - but it is made from grass and alcohol is a stimulator of fat growth - especially in the liver.  But beer is 95% water and is it is far far better for you than coke and such drinks. Drink lots of water, moderate the beer, and dont drink any coke, fanta, etc.


    Plus get a set of scales - so you actually know how much you weigh and you can see any changes. Every now and then I weigh myself and oiften it is 'ooops - time to cut down for 2 days'.  2 days of cutting it right down (being hungry) forces the body to consume the stored fats. Do not do that to extreme and not anymore than 2 days - or the body will think 'famine' and then when food arrives it will think 'quickly store as much as possible for the next famine'. Slowly and surely (quietly quietly) is the only way to catch the fat monkey. 


    BS on the "no Coke."  Coke No Sugar, or any soda of the No Sugar type, means zero calories and zero fat.  I actually prefer the Coke No Sugar over the sugary stuff, and that amazes me.  Forget Diet Coke.  Men are supposed to drink 3.7 LITERS of water a day.  WOW!  Estimates are 20% comes from food, so that is about 6/10ths of 1 liter.  That is a lot of water to drink every day, but water does fill the stomach and makes you feel full.  I can attest.

  8. 21 minutes ago, lordgrinz said:


    I'm still going with the wait and see attitude, I was just thinking of padding my account a little more to accommodate all of 2025 just in case things are still not set in stone. The whole Remitted part is the absurd part of this, either tax us on worldwide income, or not. I would like to avoid filing any taxes here in Thailand though, or have to explain where my money comes from, it comes from Wise.....no other explanation needed. I files taxes in the US where the money is sourced, I don't feel like handing them any information about any accounts held there, because I don't trust anyone in Thailand to have that info, even my wife 🤪


    In theory, this might be why the US has not joined the CRS.  It might open up security concerns to the US accounts based on data handling compliance methods.  It also might explain recent reports of local banks refusing to open local accounts for US citizens, if true.  If you already have one (or some) open, consider yourself lucky!  


    RE:  "While the United States revolutionized the way that countries share financial account information by enacting the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), it has refused to adopt the global version of FATCA—the Common Reporting Standard (CRS)—that has been adopted by over 100 jurisdictions. This means that while the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) receives information about U.S. persons’ financial accounts in foreign financial institutions (FFIs), U.S. financial institutions (U.S. FIs) report little or no information about foreigners holding financial accounts in the United States. Several commentators have argued that the United States is becoming the “world’s new tax haven,” as foreigners can evade the taxes they owe in other countries by holding unreported funds in U.S. FIs. Another consequence is that FFIs around the world need to comply with both FATCA and CRS, resulting in higher compliance costs."


  9. 50 minutes ago, Sheist said:


    So what is the answer to avoid the 15% withholding at our bank for inbound transfers of foreign cash by SWIFT, etc?  I could not understand the lawyer's answer, or if it was speculation or based on something clear.  


    EDIT:  Since it has never been done in years past, I suspect I already agreed to that when the account was opened, but I need to verify with my bank.  My only concern is if January 1, 2024 lit some "let's start it now anyway" fuse.  


  10. 1 hour ago, mrmicbkktxl said:

    I think at one point everyone what stays more than 180 days will need a TIN,probaly checked or asked for at extension of stay starting from 2025,just a thought


    So what is the answer to avoid the 15% withholding at our bank for inbound transfers of foreign cash by SWIFT, etc?  I could not understand the lawyer's answer, or if it was speculation or based on something clear.  



    • Haha 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Mike Lister said:

    Source? Link?

    https://www.google.com/search?q=The+US+is+not+a+party+to+the+CRS&rlz=1C1CHBD_enTH1041TH1041&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 which takes from https://michiganlawreview.org/should-the-us-adopt-crs-2/#:~:text=While the United States revolutionized,adopted by over 100 jurisdictions., from July 2019. 


    To date, the US has still not adopted CRS.  Anyone who has reported a foreign account with value larger than 10k USD in any year is aware of the FATCA/FBAR filing requirement.

  12. On 4/4/2024 at 4:21 PM, garzhe said:

    The US is not a party to the CRS


    What does this mean?  Assume everyone reading is a US citizen. 

    RE:  "While the United States revolutionized the way that countries share financial account information by enacting the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA),[1] it has refused to adopt the global version of FATCA—the Common Reporting Standard (CRS)—that has been adopted by over 100 jurisdictions.

  13. 18 hours ago, mrmicbkktxl said:



    So if we have a Thai savings account and we do NOT want an automatic 15% tax deduction taken on all inflows of cash, what exactly is this advice that WE have to give our bank?  Tell them to ALLOW or to NOT ALLOW the TRD to have access to our account data?  It sounds like we need to ALLOW (is this correct?) so they will NOT take out 15% each time, but this video only causes me stress and confusion.  If they take out 15%, then we HAVE to get a TIN and file to get it back!  (assume this account is 100% unaccessable and is not required to file)  The point is to avoid filing when the money is non-assessable (and thus non-taxable) and not be FORCED to file just to get our 15% withholding back!  This lawyer says "may" and "will see what happens" WAY too much in this discussion.

  14. 9 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

    This week i went there for an early appointment, lady at the front just said join the queue, so a waste of time, i still got queue no.5 but just lucky it wasn't busy.


    Strangely i checked last week went in the afternoon and asked at the desk what to do as i have appointment next week, he said come to front of info desk and will get a ticket so it seems different staff do different things.


    So it's hit and miss, system can't be relied upon


    I'll do what I did last time:  get there at 7am or so and get a queue ticket.  I also reserved online for 08:30am on a Monday, as it was the only day of the month even available online.  If they reject me at the door at 08:30am, I will still have the queue ticket in my hand.  👍

    • Thumbs Up 1
  15. The weekly every-day-different buffets (one day Mediterranean, one day sandwiches etc) could be had for about 1400b for 2 persons all in, so just under 700b including drink each.  Pricey, but the buffet offerings were superb.  Love the ice cream with full chocolate chips you could spoon on top at your leisure... a nice treat.  But 1500 per person, and only weekends?  No thanks.  Even approx 700b was the outer limit for my wallet tolerance.  The weekly buffets may be gone now; I never could find out if they even returned since COVID.

  16. Considering an air fryer.  Doing it old fashioned with canola oil right now, and am skittish to plunk the cash down on an air fryer for fear of taste being a disaster.  Soak in ice water an hour before air frying, really?  A whole hour??  RIght now, I just fill up the oil basket to the top and cook away immediately.  The basket in the photo looks awfully low.  Is this another issue with air frying, putting in more than one small layer of fries at a time?   Do you have to stop and flip them after half cooking time?  Do you squirt them with a spray of oil first?  What is a pretty-good cost recommendation for a low-cost air fryer, and from which store?  I appreciate all helpful input!  :smile:





  17. Check out Sanotyne, the retail name.  (ingredient loratadine) 10mg, the only thing that addressed itchy skin and random hives for my friend.  She takes one per day and problem is solved.  rwill is right; they attempt to treat symptoms here, not investigate or solve the cause.  

  18. RE:  "a retiree aged 65 years of age, married and living here full  time, supporting a Thai wife who has no income and doesn’t file tax return, is allowed the following:


    a. Personal Allowance for self - 60,000

    b. Personal Allowance for wife - 60,000

    c. Over age 65 years exemption - 190,000

    d. 50% of pension income received, up to 100k - 100,000

    e. In addition, the first 150,000 of assessable income is zero rated and free of tax"




    So if a USA national sends 209,965 baht wire transfer, this precludes the need to get a TIN and file any PIT?  Assume rate 35b per USD.


    The assumption being, 150k no tax, 60k personal exemption = 210k baht

    Under 65, unmarried, no children, no pension, no insurance etc.  Assuming these facts, is 210k the correct total deduction before tax consideration, or am I missing another available deduction?  My research says it is 210k.


    Also curious about the "gift" avenue.  If the gift amount is to an unrelated local person, let's say under 100k baht for the year, is this still considered income that must be included to the 209,965b?




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