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Everything posted by scotty1286

  1. That sounds ideal as it will be a couple or more long calls over a couple of weeks then won't need it again. Thanks.
  2. Yeah, it's quite a distance from us, the biggest player in all of this are currently telling both sides to leave the area I'm in alone, but not sure for how much longer. Obviously I can't put too much online.
  3. I will again be trying to contact HMRC, previous attempts have seen me giving up after waiting up to 1 hour and still on hold. What is the cheapest way to call a UK landline number, would it be Skype or are there any other alternatives ? Thanks.
  4. You were correct with your first guess, although at the check points they seem to think your second guess is correct 🙂 Sorry to hear about your eye problem but great that you got it attended to so quickly, wishing you a speedy recovery.
  5. Nope, not working in any of the above fields either. Plenty of Chinese around here but only 1 other western foreigner that I know of.
  6. If the ELCB is tripping it is possible you have a partial short to earth somewhere in your wiring that the unit is detecting and tripping, this is even more likely as you have had 2 units doing the same thing.
  7. I just completed this quiz. My Score 30/100 My Time 108 seconds  
  8. North, I am working on Ramree island.
  9. What a great thread, thanks Simon. I'm in Rakine state at the moment and things here are not good but are hopefully going to improve in the near future. Have worked here a few times and can honestly say the locals are the nicest and most respectful people I have ever met. Considering what they have been through and are currently going through it truly is amazing.
  10. So from this, it COULD cause up to 8 points loss of IQ (although a lot of high functioning people regularly use it), it is not known if it causes mental health problems, it slows down your reactions. I'm not seeing that is causes a person to be violent from this ?
  11. I get about same feeling from pasta withdrawal as i do from weed withdrawal.
  12. So it was the weed that made these people into assassins and ISIS were fine upstanding gentlemen before consuming the devil's lettuce.
  13. So because he was going to a weed shop it must be the weed that made him do it. So by the same logic if he had been going to a restaurant it must be the food that made him do it ? I would really love to see some scientific evidence of weed alone making someone violent.
  14. Even when they are an actual account of what happened but just because you don't think they should be accepted. As I said previously, things change all the time depending on how the IO officer feels on that particular day but don't be so dismissive of others experiences.
  15. The last couple of months when I have come through Priority it would have been just as quick if not quicker going through the normal lanes due to the amount of families with children in the Priority lanes. It used to be one of the reasons I upgraded on my short haul trips but hardly worth it now, might be different in high season though.
  16. Well I'm glad the immigration officer who I dealt with did not have the same opinion as you. She was the person that showed me how to do it so it was obviously from my account, sometimes common sense prevails, only sometimes....
  17. It's almost a pleasure to use this office after using Jomtien for years, most of the staff are genuinely very helpful.
  18. Yes, for annual extension, she only wanted it for the months that had not transactions after looking through my bank book. I have now set up a monthly 100b transfer into my account so there is movement every month. Of course what she is looking for at my next extension will probably change, a bit frustrating but it is Thailand, easier to just smile and say ok then.
  19. Bangkok bank mobile app lets you download a 1 year statement instantly. Found this out when immigration officer at Map Ta Phut requested it and BKK Bank said will take 7 days. Went back to immigration and the lady showed me how to download a statement , emailed it to her and she printed it off for me.
  20. Yup, Satan's salad is famous for it's violence inducing qualities. I heard after injecting it only once you are addicted for life.
  21. What's wrong with people that need to work, most under retirement age do ? Vast majority of my friends work.
  22. No, I think inverter type are the most efficient, I have been wrong before though....
  23. Never seen this type, would be incredibly expensive to keep cooling hot outside air to blow into a cool room, that's why they recycle the cool air already inside the room. You would also need a good size air ducting from the outside to the indoor unit for the outside air to get to the chiller section.
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