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Posts posted by edwardandtubs

  1. This a typical piece of sloppy Thai journalism that adds more confusion than clarity. Public sector workers and those who work for large companies get tax taken directly from their salary (similar to PAYE in the UK) so have no reason to file their income tax returns. I believe this would only be necessary for self-employed people. The journalist gets confused between tax payment and tax returns.

  2. So why on earth has the work permit now expired a week before the the visa?

    You probably renewed your permit to stay extension one week before the due date and the one year was added to the then expiry date whereas you renewed the WP exactly on it's expiry date and got one year based on that date.


    I received my work permit and visa extension on 20 August 2009 so it's a mystery why supposedly my WP expired on 13 August 2010.

  3. I still can't work out how my work permit could have expired a week before my visa extension when I received them both on the same day.

    Have a look at the date when your original WP was issued. They usually go one year at a time and are no longer linked to your extension of stay.

    My WP is due every April 20 but my extension renewal is due on July 6. Both run for one year but on different dates.

    I will look as soon as I get to the office! I still have to decide whether or not to faff around this Sunday getting the medical and photos.

    I appreciate that the work permit is not linked to the extension any more. The reason I'm confused is that I distinctly remember getting my work permit and visa extension ON THE SAME DAY LAST YEAR. So why on earth has the work permit now expired a week before the the visa?

  4. I'm not sure where the 21 days as mentioned is possible. My own experience indicates otherwise. A few years ago, due to the university not having one document ready until the last day of extension/WP expiration, I was not able to get to labor after the extension was stamped in due to it being too late to get there on time.

    I went the next day to labor and it was pointed out to me that my WP had expired and I would need to apply for a new one. I explained the circumstances to her (with panic in my eyes) and she agreed to let it go this time but made it clear there would not be a 2nd time.

    Perhaps the rules have changed since?

    //edit - at that time my extension and WP were required to be in lock-step.

    I'm sure you're right. When the work permit expires, that's it you have to apply for a new one. I suppose if you get lucky the official may make an exception. The 21 days that marinediscoking is talking about is a completely different issue and doesn't help me at all.

    I still can't work out how my work permit could have expired a week before my visa extension when I received them both on the same day. Is it normal for the Department of Employment to issue the work permit before the applicant has actually visited them?

    I now have to decide, should I waste time and money getting a new medical and photos so I can make a new work permit application or should I just turn up at the Department of Employment and hope they'll make an exception?

  5. You have 21 days to renew after the date in your book, otherwise you will have to apply for a new work permit. I had to get a new one last year because of incorrect information from my lawyer while i was back home. Having said that you should always try to renew as soon as your visa is extended.

    Are you sure about that? The doe.go.th website is clear that if the work permit has expired you need to apply for a new one. The 21 day rule relates to how many days must be left on your visa when you apply for a work permit.

    Here's another question though. From what date are work permits valid? I went to the Department of Employment with an HR officer to collect my work permit and then we went straight to immigration to get the one year extension. I would have thought the work permit and visa would expire on the same day but now I'm told the work permit has already expired (one week before the visa expires). Is this possible? Maybe the HR officer made the application a week before we collected it. Would it then expire a week before the visa expires? Of course I just have to look at the work permit to check but it's currently at work and it would be a hassle to go in and check.

  6. I'm more worried about particulates which is the biggest health risk. I have noticed the larger, newer Toyota taxis smell a lot fresher but I think the mask idea is still a good one. Something like the totobobo mask or even a medical mask held close to the mouth so there's a total seal would get rid of 90% of particulates. Buying a new car is the other option but opens up a whole new can of worms.

  7. "Our King makes rain.; Let's get it right. Our King is at the forefront of research into weather modification, and has even received a patent on one of his innovations". I support this statement too. I do not care if the Australian do or not.

    HM the king cares, he knows the pains people are going through, aiding and support for the world and neighbouring countries in times of need. Vice verser, the world and neighbouring countries respond when Thailand in need for support and aid. After-mat of the Burma cyclone Hagis, millions of Thai donated aid to support the need of the suffering people there,this is great, they're Thais and they care...do you ?

    You seem a very confused person. Science and charity are universal values, not something for nationalistic point scoring.

  8. There are plenty of upper and middle class Thai women with rather dark skin and they have no problem at all finding a Thai man of equal status. Thai men might prefer "lady white white" when they go for a "massage" but when it comes to choosing a wife her social background and education are far more important.

  9. No mention at all has been made in the Australian media or by the Australian authorities about this. Could it be that a kind gesture was made by His Majesty but that the Australians don't actually need to use this technique? Weather modification is already used in Australia and other countries. The one technique that is referred to by the Thai media is certainly not the cure for all droughts, especially not over such a massive land area as Queensland.

  10. There is a free outdoor gym in Lumpini park, with all the free weights you could ever need. Beware of the Thai guys offering a "sports massage" or "wrestling game" in the bushes though.

  11. Dextrose can be bought from any pharmacy in Thailand. It's called glucose but comes with added vitamin D. That wouldn't be a problem would it? Alternatively one can get it pure and in bulk from cake supply shops.

    I really want to start making my own mead.

  12. I was reading an article that said the pollution levels inside a car are worse than the levels outside on the street. It also said that the worst pollution is found inside taxis. This worries me as I spend 30-60 minutes a day inside Bangkok taxis. A lot of research has been done confirming this, although the last one I can find is from 2006. The smell inside a Bangkok taxi is sometimes quite foul so it wouldn't surprise me if pollution accumulates inside them. How effective do you think the Bangkok taxi fleet is in filtering air pollution? It's scary to think it would be healthier to ride around in one of the 7 baht buses.

  13. If you eat the filthy, low-quality food on the street that wouldn't pass food safety regulations in any western country then yes Thailand in cheaper. If you actually want to cook a decent meal then Thailand is more expensive. A can of tomatoes from Tesco costs 33p in the UK but over £1 here in Thailand. Clothes seem a bit cheaper in the UK now compared to Thailand. At the lowest level you can pick up a Primark t-shirt for £3 (150 baht) which would be of higher quality that the crap they sell in Thai markets for the same price. At the higher levels, a shirt from Next would be cheaper in the UK than Thailand. Buying a car is much cheaper in the UK but running it is cheaper in Thailand. As for nightlife, a cheap bar in Thailand sells beer for the same price as a cheap pub in the UK, an expensive nightclub in the UK is about the same price as an expensive nightclub in Thailand. Accommodation is cheaper in Thailand but you can invest in the housing market in the UK with fewer hassles than in Thailand. I think anyone hoping to come to Thailand and save a lot of money will be disappointed.

  14. Time for an update.

    I have received a letter from the widow. The tone of the letter is a lot less threatening than the attitude of the rest of the family and their lawyers.

    Basically she is claiming to be USD $120.000.00 in debt to the bank and is now willing to settle for USD $150.000.00. If I settle she has promised to have all charges (pending or otherwise) removed.

    There is a veiled threat to pursue me through the Australian embassy if I do not put the money in her bank this month.

    Comments are welcome.



    You are completely and utterly untouchable in Australia. The Australian embassy would have no interest at all in this case. She's obviously desperately clutching at straws now. That puts you in a very strong negotiating position. You could write her a letter saying you have no intention of returning to Thailand but would like to make her a final, non-negotiable goodwill offer of 50,000 baht or you could just forget about ever returning to Thailand. You would definitely need to find out what the police plan to do about you skipping bail. That would be a serious offence in itself in most countries but in provincial Thailand you need specific advice.

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