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Posts posted by jojothai

  1. 3 minutes ago, Espanol said:




    "Thais and foreigners traveling from the low or medium risk countries can join Phuket Sandbox"


    Where is it stated in the official regulations?

    We get enough misinformation and varied interpretation on visas to last a lifetime.
    The government may be deliberately keeping this a grey area so they can claim numbers of tourists when in fact they may allow in long term visa holders.
    Will they not be counting all under phuket sandbox as "tourists" including returning Thais?
    People can believe what they want and take their chance. No objection. 

    • Sad 2
  2. Reference to previous post: 

    For those returning to UK I can confirm that I got my Astra Zeneca  second dose just over 4 weeks after the first dose.
    The official line I got from from NHS, GP and pop-up centers is 8 weeks between doses.
    If you want it earlier, you have to search local / Pharmacy vaccination centers to find one that will give at 4 weeks Astra Zeneca or 3 weeks Pfizer.
    This is now being reported in UK media


    • Like 1
  3. 16 hours ago, skatewash said:

    People with non-immigrant visas or re-entry permits are allowed to used the Sandbox.  So are Thais.

    If you are so convinced, then please be so good to state where this is part of the scheme so that people will not get conned.

    Are "Tourists" (or as now being interpreted as "visitors") on long stay visas?


    They may portray that it is tourists to make it look successful and perhaps many non-tourists increase the numbers but be careful that you are not going to be fleeced.

    The statements are clear, so dont complain if you have problems.

    Best of luck, but i am not going to be banned from thailand or pay under the counter because at somebody's discretion i was not compliant. 

    • Confused 2
    • Sad 1
  4. 2 hours ago, zzzzz said:


    sandbox is for everyone!!

    Where does any of the articles say that? Do they not state "Foreign tourists".

    If you have a tourist visa, ok.

    But if on long stay, i will not trust any offer that could be rejected at the last minute, or subject to large brown envelopes because you did not comply.

    • Sad 2
  5. 8 minutes ago, Sheryl said:


    People who live in Thailand and need to come back, and whose only other choice is 14 day confinement in a single hotel room. For them, it makes sense (though these new rules limiting flights, if true, will greatly curtail their numbers).


    Makes no sense at all for other than returning expats.

    The conditions i saw only stated tourists. They are now mentioning thais.

    Perhaps they are going to have to change from just tourists so that they can get some people to come.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  6. 8 hours ago, tomazbodner said:

    In terms of vaccine effectiveness against the Beta variant, Dr Supakit said the AstraZeneca vaccine, which is becoming Thailand’s main vaccine, has only a 10.4-per-cent chance to protect against infection from the Beta variant and it cannot prevent severe symptoms.

    What's he basing that on. Fear mongering?
    The only studies reported are too little to prove anything.

    If you want the latest try the following.


    Is the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine effective against the Beta strain?

    A small study of 2,000 people in South Africa has shown that the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine offers minimal protection against mild cases of the Beta variant, but the vaccine is still likely to reduce severe cases and deaths from the strain.

    The study, which was based people of an average age of 31, shows that protection may be as low as 10%. The research wasn’t able to determine whether it protects against serious illness or hospitalisation, because this group of people were at low risk of serious illness. Other research suggests that the vaccine is still likely to reduce severe cases and deaths from the B.1.351 strain. More research is needed in this area.

    Oxford University is working on adapting the vaccine to ensure that it protects against this variant, as well as other strains. They have said a ‘booster’ jab could be available by autumn 2021. 

    • Thanks 1
  7. He is sticking to the original plan of opening up with one shot given to 70%,

    and trying to give people hope when its Total lunacy.

    This was to be expected. He still does not understand that the people will need 2 shots, otherwise it could be a bigger wave, and hopefully a wave goodbye.


    I do not want to be in thailand unvaccinated when they open up like this.

    Thats why i came back to uk to get vaccinated. Now Expect to get second dose soon. It will be just 5 weeks here to get both doses.

    • Like 1
  8. 16 hours ago, wensiensheng said:

    My worry is the opposite. Just like the Phuket scheme (only open if 70% of population is vaccinated) the numbers will be fudged and it will be open in 120 days…..come what may. Although, he seems to indicate open in 120 days no matter what the situation may be at the time so fudging may not be necessary.


    if so we will find out if those who say the virus should be ignored because the death rate is low and the economic cost is immense, are right or wrong.


    ten million vaccinations a month is 333,000 per day, or five million people a month allowing for 2 doses each. I don’t know how many people he is aiming to get vaccinated, 70%, but 70% of what? Kids included, excluded? Foreigners included, excluded. Anyway,  at five million people per month, that’s likely to be 10 or 11 months to a finish.


    I think that’s more than 120 days. So it seems vaccinations is not a metric he is using to determine whether to open.


    I’m not too sure what he is talking about really, but it seems the balance is shifting heavily toward the “open and be damned” side of the equation.

    He is talking about opening up in thailand afiter 1 shot local.

    Stupid clowns got no idea how bad this could go.

    • Haha 1
  9. 3 hours ago, Neilly said:


    And as to your point #3, Thailand has decided to increase the time between vaccinations...the UK is looking to drop the time to eight weeks instead of ten/twelve...I think I just read that Thailand are going to extend to sixteen weeks

    The uk has already dropped to 8 weeks, about 10 days ago and there are remarks suggesting it could drop more for the over 50's.

    I hope so, i am in uk waiting for second dose before returning.

    • Like 2
  10. 5 hours ago, fondue zoo said:

    There are recent studies that indicate you need your two does for effective protection against the the Delta strain.

    This was being stated weeks ago.

    The clowns plan to open up appears to be based on one dose. Figure the numbers.

    Doing at present say 300,000 a day on average. On target?

    To get 70% done is 167 days for one dose. Nearly end of year.

    They need to be doing 600,000 a day. Even the uk is not matching that on average.

    • Like 2
  11. 22 hours ago, sirineou said:

    France, Spain, Greece, Cyprus, Croatia,  allow travel for vaccinated foreigners.

    Germany, Denmark, Slovenia, Latvia, Estonia, Austria, Poland, and Lithuania to a limited extend. 

    https://www.dw.com/en/which-eu-countries-accept-vaccinated-travelers/a-57808870 . 

    I am sure Thailand and the rest of the European countries that allow limited vaccinated travel will  be keeping an eye on the first five countries to see how it is going. If it goes well there will be tremendous internal pressure from vested interests to emulate IMO. 

    Travel within "europe".

    As i understand it is restricted mainly to EU and EEA with a few other countries that have done well.

    The article says its going to he in effect 1 july.

    I see that some EU countries have started it earlier, which is good to know thanks.

    I note the uk is excluded.

    Its very limited at this time, but a start.

    Its relatively easy for the EU to do this if they now have a common database of vaccination records. A different situation with other countries worldwide where certification can easily be forged.

  12. 9 hours ago, sirineou said:

    Most of Europe has already opened up for vaccinated people.

    I do not believe that is the case in the majority of Europe. There may be a few countries but i have not checked.
    As far as I am aware i n most countries there is not yet any exemption from the testing and quarantine requirements.
    Even going to Portugal from UK, when on green zone, being vaccinated made no difference.
    If you are going anywhere in Europe, you need to check.

    Its more likely IMHO that by the end of the year you may not be able to fly international without being fully vaccinated.

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