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Posts posted by stumonster

  1. Halo

    what is it you are actually trying to say...

    reviewing the topic I notice it says at daves pub... which is not the name of the bar at all

    or am I going to be at the wrong place tonight? everybody will be drinking at a bar called daves pub... and I, nigel no friends(cept for polo).....


  2. I am in bangkok..

    the first ISP I used here was the clickta connection I got free for 6 months when I had a telecom asia telephone line installed in an appartment, and apart from 3 hour session times that was perfect...

    where I live now I have a TOT line and I have tried several different ISPs

    KSC(samart) 259baht(220baht from panthip) 50 hours 8 hour session limits - acceptable, sometimes it locks up or drops out but this is the one I am using now

    IDEAnet 450baht unlimited 1 month, 4 hour session limits - was rather hopeless, very hard to get a modem, though the connection worked ok when connected

    clickTA - 15 day unlimited, 3 hour session limits - hard to get a modem

    clickTA - 15 hours, 3 hour session limits, 159baht - hard to get a modem

    as you can see none seems to be the greatest, I am following the adsl thread with interest, I would be quite happy to pay 1000baht per month for an always on, 50 Mbits/sec minimum ,no download limit connection


  3. reverse osmosis I am happy with , but can you trust the maintenance? don't know

    some of the others I have seen say ultra violet treated water, this I avoid...

    I still usually just buy a few of the 6 litre bottles and some 12 packs at the big C.

    also ice here in thailand...I have had ice from many different sources during my time here and have never considered it to have caused me a health problem.


  4. yes they are smart, they exploit peoples lack of education with massive marketing campaigns and convince them to pay extortionate prices for a product with a logo on it.

    polo if you could just pursuade bargirls to shave the nike logo in their pubic hair.....your utopia is beckoning

  5. yep remove the english script and put the logo on the sleeve... though I like the idea of the writing on the back... I can handle it when I cannot see the people laughing at me..

    I nearly bought one of tutu's rip offs at the chutuchuk market till I noticed they had made a mistake and printed feralang ....


  6. was in mbk yesterday to get myself a new phone as the old one finally gave up the ghost.

    base model nokias are less than 4000 baht and all you have to do is slip in a local sim card.

    have a prepaid thai and a prepaid US card.

    4th floor at mbk has all the phone shops, you are probably best off buying a new phone. a prepaid sim card will set you back 300-600 baht( depends how much credit comes with the card), and the people you buy the phone off will set it all up for you if you require.

    check out http://www.esato.com/phones/findphone.php

    if you want to compare a few models


  7. I do not think taskins wish to own part of liverpool will go ahead now, with the information now released about the use of public funds, and the backlash in the uk, as well as a public bid by a liverpool supporter.

    with that deal down the tubes, a crackdown on english football shirts will fade into the distance.

    I hope mr T has a big tantrum when he realises that his gambit to move attention away from his and the governments inability to actually govern, backfires in a big way.

    I hope the thais view it as a huge loss of face for mr T and his cohorts when this deal fails..


  8. tax you might want to get youself a yahoo email address aswell.

    I have set my hotmail account to only allow contacts in my contact list to email me because of the amount of spam being recieved. I have not seen this problem occur yet with my yahoo account. ( though I have a yahoo.com.au address not a yahoo.com one)

    another bonus is my yahoo.com.au account allows me 6meg of space so with 3 of these accounts I have nearly 20 meg of storage space online to allow me to place files there which I can access anywhere with a net connection.


  9. even on this forum MR T seems to be getting just what he requires...

    discuss unimportant things like english soccer

    forget about issues that could cause massive hardship for the ordinary thais living in thailand

    wonder if his spin doctors are getting a bonus this week!


  10. for second hand books in bangkok the market at chutuchuk is the place I usually go to, in the book section there is a few shops which have books in english, though be prepared to spend at least an hour digging through a lot of trashy novels to find some good books...I have been very happy with some of my finds there

    on the subject of books about concentration camps, I recommend a book called stoker or the stoker, which was written by an australian pow about his experiences in a couple of concentration camps in poland during the second world war. he make an interesting comment about schindler at the end.

    and tutu warrior have a look online at www.gutenberg.org


  11. polo ( are you erco also? )

    what makes you jump into all these discussions and acuuse all and sundry of being fat farengs mindlessly pursuing helpless waifs with our viagra fueled penis'. where do we find the time to read and post on this forum when we are allegedly out pandering to our overblown egos, exploiting thais....etc

    what is it you do here in thailand? are you a tourist or do you reside here? are you married to a ( non-exploited ) thai lady? what are your religious convictions?

    and back to the original topic of this thread, how would you improve the lot of the poor exploited girls after you have removed the curse of the fat fareng sex tourist?

  12. there may well be a better way to do it but I have always saved my hotmail addresses by just highlighting the text on my contact page copying , then pasting into a text file on my comp.

    have a search on google or your preferred search engine..

    also give a thought to using a different email client than outlook express.

    most of the worms and trojans circulating at the moment are written specificly to exploit outlook...

  13. education , education, education... and I think this applies to just about every country.

    teach people to think...comprehensionand logic is much better than just having people who can just parrot an answer....

    why does every discussion end up getting polo ranting about the evils of fat farengs exploiting women/men/gender confused?


  14. you probably were not scammed....just done over, I doubt it all goes to the govt

    easy fix is just do not go back..

    as for the vat, when I go and pay the electricity,phone or water bill at the 7/11 I get charged an extra 10 baht , which is broken down to 9.35 + 0.65vat


  15. Far away in the tropical waters of the Caribbean, two prawns were swimming around in the sea - one called Justin and the other called Christian. The prawns were constantly being harassed and threatened by sharks that patrolled the area.

    Finally one day Justin said to Christian, "I'm bored and frustrated at being a prawn, I wish I was a shark, then I wouldn't have any worries about being eaten..."

    As Justin had his mind firmly on becoming a predator, a mysterious cod appears and says, "Your wish is granted", and lo and behold, Justin turns into a shark. Horrified, Christian immediately swam away, afraid of being eaten by his old mate.

    Time went on (as it invariably does...) and Justin found

    himself becoming bored and lonely as a shark. All his old mates simply swam away whenever he came close to them. Justin didn't realize that his new menacing appearance was the cause of his sad plight.

    While out swimming alone one day he sees the mysterious cod again and can't believe his luck. Justin figured that the fish could change him back into a prawn. He begs the cod to change him back so, lo and behold, he is turned back into a prawn.

    With tears of joy in his tiny little eyes, Justin swam back to his friends and bought them all a cocktail. Looking around the gathering at the reef, he searched for his old pal. "Where's Christian?" he asked. "He's at home, distraught that his best friend changed sides to the enemy and became a shark", came the reply.

    Eager to put things right again and end the mutual pain and torture, he set off to Christian's house. As he opened the coral gate the memories came flooding back. He banged on the door and shouted, "It's me, Justin, your old friend, come out and see me again. Christian replied. "No way man, you'll eat me. You're a shark, the enemy and I'll not be tricked".

    Justin cried back "No, I'm not! That was the old me! I've

    changed! I've found Cod! I'm a prawn again Christian!"



  16. tax

    here is a link that will explain Xp ' s inbuilt firewall to you, though it is probably recommended that you install a third party one as soon as possible. just make sure you disable the xp one before/when you start another.. do not have two running at the same time


    the recommended free firewall is zone alarm, it can be gotten here


    maybe we need george to pin a topic in this section where links to firewalls and spyware erradicators can be posted.. and then direct all members to it so as they can secure their computers effectively...

  17. or rather than visiting porn sites you can use peer to peer file sharing to fulfill all your porn requirements, along with music and books...

    I use kazaalite as my p2p client which you can get from here

    klitekpp241e.exe @ http://www.nortaac.com/

    create a file on your computer called shared and put some files in it, so when you configure kazaalite you can point at the folder as your shared resource.

    standard proceedure... have a personal firewall ( recommended zonealarm @ www.zonelabs.com hunt for the free version )

    download .. run and install both spybot search and destroy , adaware

    ( the addresses for the above three programs have been posted many times )

    before you download anything check that it is what you expect, eg. look at the filename and file extension...picture .jpg .bmp .gif , music .mp3 , movie .mpeg .mpg .avi

    be aware that some movie players(microsoft media players) can be used as a shell and have the ability to open your default web browser and direct it to a site of their choosing..

    there are many peer to peer clients out there, but most contain a fair amount of spyware. kazaalite is kazaa with the spyware removed.( allegedly, though so far it seems to be true )


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