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Posts posted by DavidS

  1. Make an elegant homecooked meal instead of hitting the town. Put in the time and make a wonderful meal at home. Put out a nice tablecloth, use a few candles, and make it a romantic evening at home instead of fighting the Valentine's Day crowds out and about.

    My choice, already have the wine, shopping for steaks tomorrow. :o

    And you are spot on about fighting the crowds - last year traffic into BKK was horrible from where I live. No more of that to spoil the evening.

  2. Does anyone have experience with visiting the MFA legalisation dept for marriage affirmation and translation certification?

    I will be heading up to Bangkok in the next few days and wonder what the cost of the service is?

    It says on the British Embassy website that your marriage affirmation signed letter and translation in Thai can be certified on the same day service, but no costs are mentioned, other than that the normal procedure is two days, can anyone whos been to the MFA on the marriage route please fill me in on this one?!

    Thanks in advance!

    Best DSG :o

    The same day ( 2 hours max they say) service is 400 baht per page certified. No idea what the 2 day service costs and I think practically nobody uses that. A lot of people waiting, so it did take almost 2 hours.

  3. HAHAHA! Calm down mate. I thought it sounded quite resonable! Au Bon Pain perhaps Mr Bendix? You should try their cheese bagel with bacon and egg, I have it virtually every day, it's delicious!! With coffee and delivery charge: 150Baht. Not too bad...

    Bacon and egg breakfast bagel on a cheese jalapeno bagel with coffee - 95 baht from ABP, yes.


    Mug of instant coffee, 2 slices of bread with butter and jam. Cost - who cares?

    Money saved - lots of beer on the weekend!

    To each his own.

  4. By the way I hate smoking but I am an addict to it tried every way to quite but can not, give you 50,000 if you got the majic cure and I know many others with the same problem,

    You have already taken the first step - you hate smoking.

    Mate, it took me many many times of trying before I was able to quit, but finally I managed to quit 2 years ago. Lost count how many times I tried and failed, but one thing never changed - I never stopped hating my addiction and that kept me trying to stop, again and again.

    Look at the I want to quit smoking forum. Lots of advice and support there. Quitting is one of the most difficult things to do, and probably the very best thing you will ever do for yourself.

  5. Yes pretty much in the same boat. The bad news is that I don't think any of the new anti-histamines are much use for runny nose allergies, and I don't think there is any pill that will give you the quick fix effect anyway. In fact long term use may be counter productive.

    But the older HCI ones will help and will certainly provide sedation. I use actifed, now and then to good effect. It's not a good idea to use drugs more than a week or 2 really.

    It sounds like you are not getting to grips with the main cause of your allergy. In this instance then your nose is likely quite agitated and you'll be susceptible to just about any irritant. Perhaps a first step is allergy testing. It's quick, cheap and painless.

    You don't say where you are, but if you are in a big city then general air pollution must be ruled out before all else. And I think this applies even more so if you live in Bangkok or Chiang Mai for instance.

    There is of course no substitute for the word of a trained medical professional standing right in front of you, but I'll be brave and guess it's persistent non allergic rhinitis based on traffic fumes, with the complication of minor allergic rhinitis too (hey fever). In this instance then you should cut down on the amount of time you are outside for sure, and also wear some form of mask. Adequate rest is essential. You might want to rinse your nasal passages 2 or 3 times a day, and take lots of steamy showers or use steam tents ( just hold your head over a bowl of hot NOT BOILING water with a towel draped over your head). When the essentials are in place you might then want to experiment with various antihistamines and nasal sprays for temporary, minor relief..

    Thanks, I live in Bangkok, on the outskirts though.

    Usually have a problem when I go downtown and that is generally for an evening out, so the smoke in the pub doesn't help. Takes about 2 - 3 days to recover, with Clarityne, and longer if it has been particularly smoky.

    This current dry season has been rough, so I would guess the dust in the air is a factor.

    Have not been tested for allergies, so that's a worthwhile idea.

  6. Since I quit smoking a couple of years ago, not only have I become allergic to cigarette smoke, but dust and pollen trouble me more easily than before.

    I go through a box of Clarityne a month easily. A friend suggested that long term regular use of this medication is not advisable.

    I do not want to use steroidal nasal sprays, because of the thinning of the nasal lining these cause. No luck finding non-steroidal sprays at Boots.

    Anyone in the same boat can share their experience?

  7. I'm surprised this hasnt generated more discussion. I guess the quality of Burger Kings in Bangkok and Danny's woes are more important to most members.

    The thing that struck me about the interview (and I've only read the transcript, not seen the real thing) is how easily the guy is capable of telling bare-faced lies, particularly about the deaths in the student riots.

    He's read Orwell's "1984".

  8. I agree, 100 baht for a coffee and bagel is extravagant. Why, I could have a beer and 25 baht change at the local!

    75 baht for a beer? I can only afford Leo on the street stands at 40 baht for a big one (free ice). I'm obviously going to the wrong places and mixing with the wrong people.

    75 baht is when I am on my extravagant Fridays and Saturdays out, nice surroundings and Big Screen rugby and cricket on.

    Other days its 740 baht for 24 cans, out of my fridge, served by the ugly mug I see in the mirror. :o

    BTW, when I first came to BKK years ago, I did the usual businessman / touristy thing and went to those hotel places where a beer sets you back 280 baht, live band in attendance. I can't se myself doing that anymore - haven't been to one of those places in ages.

  9. Yesterday, i spent around 100 baht for a coffee and bagel for breakfast. I drove to work, so no taxi or BTS fare. A couple of hundred baht for lunch, and then I stayed in last night, so it was a cheap day.

    I usually withdraw around 10,000 every Saturday morning. Usually that is more than enough for the full week, including extra costs such as filling the car etc.

    You spent 100 baht for a coffee and bagel! Throwing money around like that will encourage the locals to think that we're all a bunch of over rich care free spenders. Please try to think of the rest of us when you splash out so extravagantly.

    Rather than take out 10k a week the Mrs gives me 1,000 baht on Monday mornings (if I've behaved myself), and I daren't ask for another baht before the week's out.

    I agree, 100 baht for a coffee and bagel is extravagant. Why, I could have a beer and 25 baht change at the local!

  10. (note: I've only won 2,000 baht once. My landlady cashed it for me as I was too lazy to make the trip to where ever you're supposed to go. Lottery prizes are subject to a 5% tax which (supposedly) goes in to the Social Fund).

    The deduction is 0.5%, not 5%, though whether or not there is a sliding scale (or escalating scale) I do not know. At the lottery office, I only had 10 baht deducted for my 2000 baht win.

    If you had 5% deducted, I'll hazard a guess that your landlady went to a local shop that cashes in lottery tickets for a fee, ie 5%. I was offered that, but being my first win here ever, I wanted to savour the experience :o . Of course, the taxi fares cost more than the 5%, that was the price of learning how to collect a lottery prize here.

  11. Adding salt to the water will bring eggs of worms and some other parasites to float on top of the water and snails to leave from hidden places after a given time like 10 minutes.

    Yes there is a veggie wash that you can buy, but I am not sure if that is worth the effort.

    I did read an article some time back by someone who supposedly was in the know about these things. His point was that there are certain vegetables that are very attractive to pests / fungi, and these get sprayed more with pesticides. He specifically mentioned cabbage, and I know from personal experience that diamond back moths love cabbage. Long and the short of it was he recommended soaking cabbage in water for 15 minutes. I know that would help with surface residue, not if they use a systemic pesticide.

  12. Can anyone else out there (linguistically challenged like me) who has been through the same thing offer me advice?

    may i advise "pimsleur" -> check on google

    way of learning Thai by repeating what you hear, over and over again

    30 lessons of 30 minutes

    Noted with thanks!

  13. As for this business of why bother with not smoking, look at the pollution. Yes, why bother looking left and right when you cross the road - the pollution from the bus is going to kill you anyway, might as well get hit by the miserable thing and get it over with.


    Just that banning smoking for health reasons yet leaving the other pollution "as is" is like crossing the road after looking up for falling airplanes - and not worrying about the traffic on the road.


    So quit smoking and start demonstrating about the pollution :o

  14. I note that all the arguments back and forth on this thread - and similar threads - are all directed at the "here and now" - and the immediate future.

    The laws are also aimed 15-20 years down the road - to make it that much less desirable for young teen-aged young people to take up smoking in the first place.

    The greater value in smoking prohibitions is probably a generation down the road.

    Makes sense. When I was a kid, my parents smoked, my uncles and aunts smoked, hel_l even James Bond smoked. I smoked for 33 years.

    My adult children grew up in a different age and they do not smoke.

    As for the argument that people who drink want to smoke, all I can say is Heineken and other beer producers must be selling a lot of soft drinks in beer bottles, because I see a lot of people swigging beer and not smoking - inside or outside the bar.

    At my regular bar, I have many many times taken a quick count of smokers vs non-smokers, and always found that the smokers are a minority, which mirrors the % in society who smoke.

    This argument will die a natural death.

    As for this business of why bother with not smoking, look at the pollution. Yes, why bother looking left and right when you cross the road - the pollution from the bus is going to kill you anyway, might as well get hit by the miserable thing and get it over with.

  15. Anyone care to share their experience of border run to Singapore ?

    I'm on a non O multiple entry visa and have to leave the country soon for a stamp (yeah, sucks)

    I don't like to be in a van for a whole daytrip to Cambodia ...

    Flying seems the best way, even dough a bit more expensive

    Singapore looks nice.

    Can I go for a roundtrip the same day ? I do not want to stay overnight, quite useless, just need a stamp.

    Should I exchange some baht to US Dollars or can I change Baht in Singapore ?

    I guess I have to pay airport tax when leaving BKK airport, but also leaving Singapore ?

    Any travel agency or air company you can recommend ?

    Any advice is more than welcome, Tnx !

    Yes, you can take a morning flight and come back later the same day if you wish. I did that many times when I was on a 'B' visa. You will have time to go into the city and have a look-see if you wish. It is a pretty nice place to visit.

    You can just exchange baht to SGD in Singapore airport, before or after immigration is no difference.

    No airport taxes paid in cash at either end, all included in ticket price.

    As for travel agent, take your pick. I used to use Business Air Center at the Phrom Phong BTS station, but only because they were located there. Can't tell you if they are better or worse than the competition.

  16. Hi everyone,

    we will be 'thai-ing the knot' later this week, and I am a bit nervous. Can anyone advise me about the office register proceedings, what happens? Do we just go in and sign a form thats it, or do I have to speak? or anything? I would like to go in prepared, if any of you kind gents would lend your experiences, I would be very, very grateful!

    :o DSG :D

    You do not need to speak, but you do need to have your paperwork in order. Trust you have all that?

  17. Yes saw it

    The lady journalist was rough with him asking quetions about killings of uni students and corruption pending case


    -Bad people lie about me; there were no students killed;then yes there was one (when the journalist spoke from TV footage...)

    -Bad people lie about me; I am not corrupted look already 2 years the case is in court and no result....

    The face of the journalist showed he didn't convince anybody

    Not good for Thailand's image I fear

    Dan Rivers, who did the interview, looked pretty male to me. :o

  18. Richard,

    The biggest risk is that the condo will not be completed when specified.

    I'm sorry, but the biggest risk is that the project may never be completed and you lose everything. A Thai friend bought into a condo project near the river some years back. When the crisis hit, the building was at the stage of internal work, ie almost there. Developer went broke (supposedly), abandoned it. Buyers trying to get someone else to take over and complete, developer who still holds title will not agree terms.

    Friend cut his losses and bought into another condo that was ready for occupation.

    Does not happen all the time, and the reputable companies are OK (I think), but disaster does happen.

  19. I bought a lottery ticket the other day - well, infact 2. I was wondering the logic to having to buy 2 tickets with face value of 40 baht each but both having the same numbers. Also the vendor charged 100 baht - i assume 20 baht commision. All seems a bit thai, i mean why 2 tickets with same numbers - which cant be split (or can they?) and why charge 20 baht above face value? Surely in any normal place the commision would be included in the face value

    Good news and, well, not bad news, but a fact of life.

    Good news first. Look at the prize money offered. Now for every prize that you win, because the single piece of paper is actually 2 tickets, you get 2 times the money. For example, when I won 1000 baht for the last 2 digits, I got 2000 baht. If I had bought 3 (x 2) tickets with the same number, I would have got 6000 baht. Not very exciting, but when you start multiplying by the 2 million prize, it does look nicer!!!

    Fact of life - I have never managed to buy a ticket for 80 baht. Used to pay 90 - 95 baht last year, since Jan this year it has been 100 and sometimes 110 baht.

    Only question I have, and I have not received a straight answer so far, is whether a foreigner can legally win the lottery. Nobody gives a hoot when you win 2000 baht. If you buy a set of 10 (x2) and win 40 million, that may well be a different matter.


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