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Posts posted by DavidS

  1. I guess with staff its a good job they are not indentured labour.

    They can choose where to work.


    Jobs are not easy to come by, so if I have to choose between providing a smoker with a smoking environment, or a non-smoking worker with a healthy environment, I would choose the latter. Their jobs support themselves and any dependents.

    The workers could well say that its a good thing you are not chained to your seat like a galley slave, so you could step outside and smoke?

    I cannot speak for sure about Thailand, but in many countries OSHA rules if applicable would alone preclude smoking in a workplace.

    I'd say that currently jobs in these areas are easy to come by.

    Ask most bars,pubs,restaurants if they have enough staff.

    As far as I know The United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is an agency of the United States Department of Labor, doesn't cover many countries.

    Many people choose to work in places that are bad for their health or hazardous.


    I am aware what OSHA is, I did mention OSHA rules if applicable, which have been adopted by a number of countries in order to improve the work environment.

    In any event, I do have difficulty seeing why it should be necessary to permit smoking in an enclosed general environment, as opposed to a designated smoking room.

    Smokers step out of restaurants, malls etc in order to smoke. What is the big deal about walking 10 yards to step out of a pub?

  2. I guess with staff its a good job they are not indentured labour.

    They can choose where to work.


    Jobs are not easy to come by, so if I have to choose between providing a smoker with a smoking environment, or a non-smoking worker with a healthy environment, I would choose the latter. Their jobs support themselves and any dependents.

    The workers could well say that its a good thing you are not chained to your seat like a galley slave, so you could step outside and smoke?

    I cannot speak for sure about Thailand, but in many countries OSHA rules if applicable would alone preclude smoking in a workplace.

  3. (e.g. no smoking on the ground flour smoking on the second floor - or - No Smoking)


    Separate smoking and non-smoking areas? No objections whatsoever, as long as the ventilation is reasonable and really separate, like in airports.

    I cannot speak for the staff though, so this is only my opinion as a customer at the establishments.

  4. No anti-smokers allowed, so I guess I am allowed.

    I have no objections to smokers smoking.

    Please respect the law and do it outside the bar. I see a post that expresses appreciation for smoking areas outside the bar. That to me is a reasonable wish, and one that I support.

    In the same way that I respected smokers rights to smoke in the bars for the last 2 years since I quit, and lifetime non-smokers have done ALL THEIR LIVES, can non-smokers expect the same consideration and respect now that the law has changed?

  5. How hard is it to have a smoking and non smoking area?

    However the person who thinks that drinking alchohol is not harmful should do a little more research!

    RP, I do not think any reasonable person would object to a smoking and non-smoking area. Look at the airports that have them, nobody that I know of complains about the smoking rooms.

    However, the law does not allow this in air-conditioned areas, though I have read that non-airconditioned establishments are allowed to partition off a smoking area.

    Re alcohol, anything in excess is bad. Same can be said for burgers, but I enjoy the odd one. Sugar, etc etc. But I have yet to see scientific research advocating smoking in moderation.

    So, all I ask is that the law be respected.

  6. Have you noticed that its usually the ex-smokers that are the most vocal about smokers?

    Thanks, I could see this coming a mile off!

    I think if we are honest and realistic about it, the discussion is not about smoking or not smoking. You are free to smoke. I would be the last one to tell you not to, because I smoked for so many years. But you are no longer free to smoke in the pub. The law has changed, face it.

    I quit 2 years ago, but until now, I had to respect your right to smoke in the pub, so I never complained. I go there for the sport that I do not get at home (beer I get cheaper at home anyway). Everytime it is too smoky, I get ill for the next 2-4 days and have to take medication. Price I paid for my love of sport. Smokers were within their rights to smoke inside, I could either respect that or take a hike. But why is it that now the law has changed, some smokers will not respect my rights in the same way I respected theirs?

    Friday and Saturday were pretty marathon sports days, so I had ample time to enjoy the sports and observe the goings-on at the local. There were a small handful of people smoking in the bar, and a smaller to larger number (depending on when) who stepped out to smoke.

    I made it a point to step out too, in order to have a chat with them and thank them for their consideration. Some comments I got.

    From an American, who was in the bar when at least 6 others were smoking inside;

    "Not at all, I just feel that we have to respect other peoples space. Besides, its a nice environment in there, why f*** it up."

    From an Australian, who was in the bar sitting next to a chap who was smoking, but stepped out when he wanted to smoke;

    "Thanks, but its not a big deal mate. Back home, we can't smoke inside anyway, so there is no difference really"

    From a Swiss, who stepped out when others were smoking inside;

    "The law has changed, so we might as well get used to it."

    So please, let us recognise this for what it is. A small minority who think that their nicotine addiction somehow gives them the right to break the law and ignore the rights of others, and another group (also smokers) who believe that regardless of what other smokers may do, they will stick with their principles and respect the law and the rights of others.

    And of course, the non-smokers in the bar. BTW, I twice got a thumbs up from the staff. They saw me shaking hands and chatting with the smokers who stepped out, and figured out I was thanking them for doing so. Easy to say non-smokers should go elsewhere, but the staff have their jobs at stake and in a place like Thailand, I wouldn't ask them to throw away their jobs for this.

    But the nicest of all was the very first chap, an American. He came in early, sat with the owner and another bloke who were both smoking. Owner told him the law was not really being enforced, so feel free. He stepped out anyway for his smoke. So I went out and said to him, "You are obviously a man of integrity and principle, and it would be an honour for me if you would shake my hand." He did, we chatted, and he thanked me for what I had said.

    They do not come finer than that.

    Edit - "You" and Yours" substituted with "some smokers" and "theirs".

    You said you would respect the law. I am obliged to accept that unless proven otherwise.

  7. Thank all for the advice.

    If a natural treatment can boost the body so that it can better cope with the muck in the air, I am all for it.

    Since everyone in the same area faces the same air-borne irritants, and not everyone has the same reaction to them, I would agree that there is something that can be improved in my ability to cope.

  8. As usual, its a few selfish morons that make life complicated for others.
    I seriously doubt that, but your nicotine addicted brain does not allow you to face reality.
    Selfish morons ignore those laws

    Now now DavidS, you seem very angry, maybe a cigarette will help? :D

    Not angry mate, perhaps a little indignant that 3 people would smoke in defiance of the law, ignoring the rights of 24 other customers and perhaps a dozen staff, and then the likes of them come on here and bitch and moan about how badly they are being treated.

    As for the ciggie, thanks but no thanks. I enjoyed smoking for maybe 27 years, then struggled to get rid of the beast for another 6 years before finally succeeding.

    It was really tough quitting, so I will not ever throw that all away. :o

  9. I find it amusing, that according to DavidS, all smokers are selfish, law breaking morons.

    This opinion alone ensures he looses all credibility in this discussion :o

    Wolfie old son, either you cannot remember anything unless it is right under your nose, or you have a problem understanding simple English. If the latter, please join a language school.

    In case its the former, in my previous posts above, I said;

    "When I smoked before, I always believed that I would further the cause of smokers by respecting the rights of non-smokers. I know there are smokers out there who believe this as much as I did."


    "Selfish morons ignore those laws."

    In case you cannot understand this, what it means is that I believe that there are indeed smokers who are fine people, and that only those who IGNORE the new laws are selfish morons.

    Nowhere did I state that all smokers are selfish, law breaking morons because that most certainly is not the case.

    You should leave the disinformation to the likes of Cheney and Rumsfeld, they do a far better job of it.

    BTW, you aren't Rumsfeld are you? No job, time on your hands?

  10. cool!!! wow you all had a very elaborated valentine's!!! congrats!!!!!!!!!

    well, can it be valentine's every day?

    can it be a spontaneous valentine's

    any day that u make something nice, without waiting for: 14th, anniversary, bday, xmas... u know?

    i love that...

    I luv to surprise n also to get them..


    Anyways, my ex bf send me flowers 2 days ago. that's odd!! hahaha...

    Yes, any day can be special, but I think since we are only human, sometimes a reminder helps us to make the day special.

    But you are absolutely right - the best special days are when nobody expects them. Yes?

  11. What's a blue pig got to do with Valentine's day?

    I got a 99 baht rose from 7/11 exactly the same as she got me. I think we'll keep them until next year - wate of money.

    We had an bloody amazing day! My daughter's 5th birthday too.

    You did mention your daughters 5th in a previous post, and I remember thinking thats one lucky girl.

    Glad you all had a good time!

  12. it was a quiet normal day, went to the university, had to edit and record some PSA's and had dinner with my sister..!!!

    happy valentine's!!!!!!!

    I cooked a steak dinner for my wife, who had to work by the way.

    Had it with a nice bottle of wine, and fruit cocktail with cream for dessert. She's loading the dishwasher now (neither of us wants to wash up), then we are going to have sherry as a night-cap.

    12 years together, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

    I do hope everybody else reading this is similarly blessed.

  13. I seriously doubt that, but your nicotine addicted brain does not allow you to face reality.

    The vast body of opinion, public and scientific, is opposed to smoking.

    The same is true for drinking, how wold you feel if a similar prohibition was introduced in relation to alcohol?

    First of all, I suggest that you check out research on alcohol consumption - in moderation, it has support even from the medical establishment.

    Secondly, when I drink, my consumption does no harm to anyone. I do not behave in an anti-social manner, ensure that I can get myself home unassisted, and absolutely do not drive. The same clearly cannot be said of smoking in an enclosed environment.

    You are comparing apples and oranges in a feeble attempt to justify actions that are no longer just anti-social, in the locations that we refer to in this thread, they are now clearly illegal.

    Any hypothetical thoughts I or anyone else may have about prohibiting alcohol, or sex, or whatever, are quite irrelevant in this context.

  14. As usual, its a few selfish morons that make life complicated for others.

    Indeed, that comment swings both ways.

    I seriously doubt that, but your nicotine addicted brain does not allow you to face reality.

    The vast body of opinion, public and scientific, is opposed to smoking.

    Lawmakers pass laws in response to that.

    Selfish morons ignore those laws.

  15. and be all self-righteous in a virtually empty pub, whilst all of us who like a smoke with our pints can enjoy it in relative peace!

    I went to my regular pub yesterday. At 6.30p.m. I went and took a quick count. There were 27 customers, 3 of whom smoked. A little later, a stream of about 6 - 8 more customers came in. A 4th person lit up.

    Empty because smokers leave? I think not.

    A small minority completely disregarding the rights of the majority? Absolutely.

    Sort of reminds me of the Yubambung brothers that everyone loves to criticise. Think only of themselves, zero regard for the rights of others and believe they are above the law.

    When I smoked before, I always believed that I would further the cause of smokers by respecting the rights of non-smokers. I know there are smokers out there who believe this as much as I did.

    As usual, its a few selfish morons that make life complicated for others.

  16. Some years back, a Thai singer was electrocuted and killed due to a leak when he was in the shower, so yes it can kill you.

    Made me very nervous staying in rented accommodation after I read about that in the papers. In our own place now and the Stiebel Eltron** heater I installed has a cutout system built in, in addition to the cutout at the mains.

    I think it is very good advice about the Saf-T-Cut.

    ** Apologies for any confusion with the original 'Panasonic' - I have Panasonic on my brain because of disappointment with a new rice cooker I bought, but that is another story.

  17. I saw the original post, did not bother to dignify it with a response, but really this is beyond the limit.

    You claim to be a teacher? Of What?

    You drink and drive, have an accident and then want an opinion regarding what happened after? Then the thread degenerates into a bigoted Thai bashing spiel?

    Please do the world a favour. Cease and desist.

    I drink. I make no apologies about it. I DO NOT DRIVE!

    Taxis are cheap and plentiful. Use them!

  18. Thailand's moral guardians are taking action after an Assumption University poll showed 27 percent of 2400 Bangkok teenagers surveyed said they might have sex on Wednesday.

    While 43 percent couldn't wait and did it on Tuesday, and the remaining 30 percent hung on until Thursday.

    Moral guardians are taking action!!! ... words fail me.


    Sort of reminds me of when I drink.

    I'll have you all know that I only drink on days that begin with a "T".

    Tuesday, Thursday, Today, Tomorrow, Thaturday, Thunday, every Thingle day!

  19. Nope, I do get it. But there are endless threads with exactly this debate going on at the moment.

    The optimist in me hopes that he will be too busy to be a menace.

    The pessimist tells me this is just an inactive post, eyewash, and nothing has changed.

    I guess a really useful thread would be where not to go in order to minimise the chances of being shot. Rather like worst restaurants thread?

    "Be Safe - Avoid These Places."

  20. Sorry, but what elections are these? The senate elections are on 2nd March.

    DavidS - as with the general elections they are having early voting the week before for those who have registered to vote outside of their home province.

    I'm not too bothered personally, but if I were a business owner selling alcohol I would be furious at losing 4 weekends out of 8 at the height of the tourist season.

    Thanks sweetchariot. Right in the 2nd and 3rd week of the coming Super 14 season too, and 6 nations of course.

    Almost worth drinking Coke if the bars would open!

  21. It is not about health or capitalism or personal responsibility or logic. It is about getting the sheep to blindly follow rules and remain under control. Step out of line with the powers that be and they have another way to come after people. Divide and conquer. Get the sheep all worked up into a feverish hatred of Muslims or farangs or blacks or smokers or drinkers (last year) or illegals or whatever. Doesn't really matter what as it is easy to sell the sheep on anything as this board clearly shows.

    I always thought this thread was about smokers being upset about the new rules and non-smokers pretty much cheering the rules.

    Now I see it is much larger than that, its a battle against the dark forces of oppression.


    Can a light sabre light a cigarette?

  22. Has anyone else had problems since 12th Feb with sending emails from their YAHOO account? Receiving is still OK.

    I am using TOT broadband, but do not believe that would be a factor as my GMail account, which uses exactly the same settings, is OK.

    First had this problem a couple of weeks ago, and found that POP3 / SMTP ports had to be changed from 110 / 25 to 995 / 465 and SSL had to be checked. Made the changes and all was well until yesterday. YAHOO settings have not changed according to the website.

    YAHOO in its death throes? Maybe they should just accept the Microsoft offer.

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