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Posts posted by DavidS

  1. But you probably would still have the option of crowns and if tooth too bad RCT and PIN for crown or implant as a last resort.

    But agree a second opinion is in order if he did not explain what was required and why. If he did a panoramic xray he may have seen things/leakage but should have taken the time to show you - even I could see clear image and problems in these type films.

    No X-ray taken and no explanation, which is what had me worried.

    I think a second opinion and a more thorough evaluation and explanation are very much in order here. As in how many fillings, which ones and why / whats wrong.

    Thanks all for helping me out with this decision.

  2. Thanks bb.

    I'm a little apprehensive about it because I had the misfortune of visiting a bad dentist in the 80s. Why bad?

    Because in the 90s, I went to see a dentist who had become a friend first, in order to replace broken fillings. He was pretty horrified, and in his words, "Listen chum, as a professional, I do not normally comment on the work of others, but someone has been at your teeth with a pick-axe. There is not much left inside the teeth I am fixing."

    So, if this chap has a go, I may have nothing left.

    This is pretty disconcerting. Perhaps a second check and opinion is in order.

  3. I live in a housing development by L&H that is basically a gated community, with new phases still under development, and the village managed by them. So, not a condo, but the same company anyway.

    Having been here for 1 year, I would say that the generally quality of work done has been good. Any minor problems have been promptly rectified.

    This is not to say that there has been nothing wrong. If a contractor takes short cuts, then you will have problems. The supervising engineers cannot be everywhere all the time.

    We had 2 problems here, the first when we discovered that the kitchen sink would not drain properly, when we connected a dishwasher to the system, and had a backflow. Turned out that the workers fitting the original piping allowed scraps of PVC pipe to get into the drainage system. Second was we had an overflowing septic tank after a few months. We had to get the district office sanitation people in to pump it out. Their workers said there was a blockage in the outflow. Turned out it was shoddy work. L&H rebuilt the outflow system.

    So, yes there were issues. But the nice part was getting them fixed was completely hassle free and cost us nothing. We were even reimbursed for the cost of the sanitation team from the district office. The supervising engineers went to great lengths to ensure prompt and proper rectification of defects.

    All said, I would have no hesitation whatsoever about buying into a development by this company. Hope this helps you, and good luck.

  4. Just got back from a trip to the dentist, for routine cleaning and check. The dentist has asked me to come back to replace some old fillings.

    Is this something that is routine?

    I did ask if there were cavities, and he said no, just change the old fillings.

  5. Make it an official public warning from me instead. This is the ladies forum, please read the rules specific to this forum before posting. If you have issues with women then this is not the place for you to post.


    Thank you for drawing my attention to the rules specific to this forum.

    I do not have any issues with women, as an objective reading of my posts should show. I did make it clear that I do not see this as a gender issue, but rather as one of differing viewpoints.

    Be that as it may, I do recognise that unlike the other forums, free expression of divergent opinions is certainly not as welcome. And as I am not a lady, I do not get a vote on this, and have to respect the prevailing situation.

    This I shall do.

    Good Day.

  6. IMHO, when I post anything here, I welcome the advice of others who may be more knowledgeable about the issue, or may have prior experience to share.

    As has been stated here before, nothing beats having a qualified professional standing in front of you. But gaining more knowledge from members here, as well as from medical sites, I believe makes any necessary trip to the doctors that much better. Being better prepared, one can discuss the options in a more meaningful way.

    In the same fashion, I usually google for more info on meds that I am prescribed. I often find that the doctor has neglected to inform me of minor side effects, like possibility of a little stomach upset. Knowing about it saves me wondering what and where I ate something wrong.

    So for those who take the trouble to share their knowledge and experience, I would say please continue to do so. There are sensible caveats in earlier posts that would apply in any situation.

  7. and you have already been told it was a joke, others got it, you didn't so deal with it but take you stirring elsewhere, it wont be tolerated here. I hope that is clear enough for you.

    Is this a threat in your official capacity, or is it a personal opinion?

  8. as I said, if you don't like it, then dont read it & certainly feel free to not bother posting about it. some people get it & some don't, don't feel bad about it but don't put a downer on it for the rest of us.

    "If you dont like it dont read it" is not a licence to post drivel, nor is it a shield from fair comment.

  9. Send this to the men you know, to warn them about arguments they can avoid if they remember the terminology.


    So true! If a man knows what these terms truly mean when a woman says them....thats a very very good thing!

    I cant even remember how many times I have said to bfs "Thats okay" and actually mean..."thats NOT okay! I am so pissed at you, and what I really want to say to you is _________." Fill in the blanks!

    :D I understood every single one perfectly. A smart man would study this list :D
    haha. i understood them all too. dunno why men just dont get it!

    Perhaps you stumbled into the wrong Forum.... THIS IS the LADIES Forum and if you have nothing of interest apart from perhaps trying to 'flame' women and incite provocative responses, I suggest you visit the other Forum - there are plenty here.

    Boo's post - if you read from other responses - was taken in the way it was meant - as good ole fun! As you are not a woman, I doubt you would understand, whereas us WOMEN did. As you will see, SOME guys have also responded in the lighthearted manner that I'm sure Boo intended to make. Thanks guys :o

    Andiamo, no I did not stumble into the wrong forum, I checked out a new post. As I understand it, whilst it is the ladies forum, it does not give ladies the right to post material that is beyond comment from others? You post, you are open to fair comment. Correct?

    Please look at the selected quotes above your post, and tell me that there is not a smug, condescending air about them?

    Please also look at a couple of other posts, not quoted, that were less than complimentary. Clearly, I am not the only one that thinks this thread somewhat less than amusing.

    Flaming? No, I do not think so. Unlike someone whom one could have expected more from, I have not resorted to name calling. I have kept my argument well within the bounds of civility.

    And I do not see this as a gender issue. If some men were to start a thread that would be categorised as sexist and derogatory, I would find it equally unamusing.

    In any event, appreciate your polite response. It would appear that one has to be thankful for small mercies.

  10. Just tell me where can absorb a 20% loss of income? Then tell me where else has to take a hit of 20%. Bloody no-where, that's where.

    Ordinarily, I would just say it comes with the territory, but the rational part of me will not allow that. I went to 2 restaurants / bars to watch the super 14 rugby this afternoon. Both had no alcohol on sale, no matter the cup or glass.

    Ordinarily, both of them would be bursting at the seams. In the first, 1 hand had too many fingers to count the customers, in the other, 2 hands would more than suffice.

    All foreigners, who cannot vote anyway.

    My logic? If you can allow the bars to open but ban under-age drinking in the bars, and enforce it, why not the same principle for the elections. You serve a local, we shut you down for 30 days. No excuses, ask for ID if you need to, but by all means serve the foreigners - they cannot vote anyway.

    My sympathy to all the publicans who are losing out, and all their staff on the tips etc.

    edit - typos

  11. :o I understood every single one perfectly. A smart man would study this list :D

    A truly smart man would save himself a lot of grief and end the relationship.

    Thankfully, not every woman behaves in this fashion, and there is much to be said for cutting ones losses.

  12. Thanks,

    I think i need to print out this list so i can study it each morning before the boss gets out of bed.

    any chance of a second list with appropriate reply options?


    Reminds me of my first wife.

    Most appropriate reply options?

    Lets see, how do you respond when a 'friend' is basically dishonest, manipulative, constantly using emotional blackmail to get their way?

    Don't know about you, but I think the first thing to do is end that 'friendship' and get as far away fom that person as possible. There is after all no foundation for a relationship of equals, with mutual trust, openness and respect.

    Unless of course you are referring to a relationship with a politician, in which case you would expect them to be basically dishonest and manipulative.

  13. Well its not very nice saying I am a fan of a murderer. But like a good christian I can forgive easily, thats what my mum tauht me from an ealry age anyway.

    As for the cow, it only had three legs already as one had been severd in an land mine accident. So it was not having a good life anyway.

    Heyll man, thats telling em. Caint be havin no three legged cows messing up the natural order of thangs, so yall put em out of their misery.

    An if you done run out of cows, theres lotsa folks with one leg there on account of all them landmines, so yall can put em out of their misery too.

    Its the weekend, yall have fun now ya hear.

  14. Drinking beer at home tonight I can handle. But missing out on the Super 14s tomorrow is a bit tough.

    Anyone know a sports bar in BKK that will be open, Sukhumvit area perhaps?

  15. I said it very nicely at the end of the OP: "But please, if you are going to give me advice, probably you don't want to suggest that I'd learn to speak Thai. Thank you."

    My question is, will the lack of speaking Thai eventually tempt a (older) farang to leave the Kingdom?

    But hey, if it makes you folks happier, I will learn the alphabet.

    PB, looking at this and some of your previous posts, all I can say is that if you are looking for reasons to leave Thailand, there are dozens.

    If you are looking for reasons to stay here, there are also dozens.

    Spoken language is just 1 means of communication, as many others have noted, and I would add an imperfect one at that. Knowing / speaking Thai helps. It will not solve all your problems. That very much depends on your outlook and how you approach life.

  16. I had an early warning of this when i first came to thailand the first taxi i encountered i said " mandarin hotel please " he replies ok, after 15 minutes of driving, he turns around and says " where you go ' ,. i should have heeded that warning,.

    When I first came to Thailand, I did not have the benefit of a forum like this to help me understand things, so it took me 6 months of being hot and bothered before I finally figured out that when a Thai taxi driver says OK, he simply means "Yes, I will take you." In no way does he mean that he has a clue where the place is.

    I had some interesting journeys to strange places before I sorted this one out.

  17. Just got back from the local.

    They have FINALLY enforced the no smoking rule 100%. Ask for an ashtray and the staff politely request that you step outside for your smoke. They'll light it for you if you wish, at the door.

    Clothes do not stink, nose is not all clogged up.

    Thought I'd died and gone to heaven, but the snack I brought back reminded me earth can be a pretty good place to be.

  18. "People put up with the smoke because they want to go to the bar." :D

    Not what i hear about back home, they tell me,

    No smokers Moaned that much, day in, day out, they made smokers go outside to smoke! :o

    Then the No smokers Followed the smokers outside cos they didnt have anyone to moan to! :D:D

    now the No smokers are getting cold they want the smokers to come back in so they have someone to moan to!!!!! :D:D:D

    why on earth didnt they just go to a no smoking area, why all perfect people can sit happiley and not be infected and the smokers can carry on laughing and joking and dying on our own B)AT HOME!!!

    You forgot this.

  19. Ah well David S, then you may have hayfever. Get checked straight away as I previously advised. Older style HCI drugs will work and perhaps some of the newer ones too. You really need to get on this. The problem here is that after a few days of runny nose bacterial levels might build up causing you to feel hot, tired and a bit sick. Is this happening at the mo?

    It has been particularly troublesome lately, which is what prompted me to post the question about Clarityne.

    As I mentioned, exposure to cigarette smoke troubles me the most, and if it is a bad spell lasting 3 or 4 days, then yes, I do feel sick and generally out of sorts. But it has been clearing up with Clarityne.

    Today for example, (have not been near a smoker since last Saturday), I just keep sneezing and have irritated nasal passages that have me snorting away to get some relief. Yes, there are lots of trees where I live, but they are pretty much past peak flowering season, so I do not think that is the issue. House was just mopped clean yesterday afternoon, so that should not be it either. I know if I pop a Clarityne, I will feel better, but I am trying not to take that stuff every day.

    General dust in the air, because Bangkok is just such a dusty city? Possible, though there is much less dust here as compared to when I lived in Ekkamai.

    The last time I saw a doctor about it, he had me on antibiotics, had me take Clarityne for 2 weeks in order to get rid of the problem completely, and prescribed a steroidal nasal spray. I used the spray for a few days, then stopped. The other meds I finished.

    Back to square one now, so other than money changing hands, nothing much changed really.

  20. I'll probably just end up investing some more in my home gym.

    Probably not a bad idea actually. After much humming and hawing, I finally shelled out for a treadmill at home.

    Good thing is I can get away with a day of not using it (too busy, hungover, etc), but seeing it there gets me using it the next day.

    Now if I had to get dressed and go to a gym, it would probably be a different story. So, no regrets.

  21. Was this it . . . ?


    They could install them in a pubs' "smoking zone" provided they had a huge fan sucking straight up. No good if you've got a comb-over though. :D

    Thanks for the laugh, made my morning visualising the comb-over going straight up! :o

  22. Sorry, didn't mean the OSHA comment to come over as condescending.

    And what if (as pertaining to my previous suggestion) the owners have decided that the whole venue is the designated smoking area.

    I almost never smoked in restaurant, and never in malls, in pubs and bars I did as it was part of the social interaction.


    Thank you, you appear to want to have a reasoned and reasonable discussion.

    I think the other posts about the laws being here for keeps are correct. The best that smokers (or anyone advocating their right to choice) can hope for is a compromise.

    It has been done at least once that I know of. When KLIA in Sepang first opened, there were no smoking rooms. After quite some time, one appeared in the satellite building, and then later, one in the main terminal.

    But if one hopes for compromise, then it helps to keep in mind that the party seeking compromise has to be prepared to make concessions. Intransigence invites intransigence. There are not going to be long lines of non-smokers queuing up to petition the health minister to relax the ban.

    Whilst I take your point about people choosing to work in hazardous occupations, with the possible exceptions of the prison service or army when at war, hazardous circumstances as caused by other human activity or negligence or indifference are generally not accepted. Allowing smoking in the workplace would fall under this category, and as an easily preventable hazard, should rightly be banned.

    So I would suggest that the way to go would be separate smoking rooms, as in airports, with no service allowed in the room. If someone wants a drink in the smoking room, they go out and get it themselves. Not terribly difficult, as anyone who has had a drink in a western bar with no table service will tell you. And if they want service, then they sit in the general area and either step outside, or move to the smoking room for their smoke. They do have a choice.

    Do the staff deserve this? Would they want it? If you have ever seen the looks of disgust on the faces of the cleaning ladies as they enter an airport smoking room to clear the ashtrays and sweep the floor, I think you would agree with me that they would welcome not having to enter a smoking room.

  23. I heard on another forum that there might be another couple of weekends of alcohol bans coming up... the first of which would be this coming weekend. Any truth to this? Anyone know the details? Sorry if this has already been answered-- I used the search function but didn't come up with anything. Thanks in advance. :o

    This weekend, senate early voting on Sat & Sun, so expect no alcohol sales 6pm Fri - Sun night.

    Next weekend senate election on Sun, so no alcohol sales 6 pm Sat to Sun night.

    Whether you will get alcohol Sun night depends on location - some are apparently allowed to sell after voting closes, ie night, other jurisdictions do not even allow this.

  24. just a general word of warning: for those with allergies, bees pollen can kill......or at best make the allergy worse. my kids got propolis as an additive for 'strenghtening' their immune system... it actually exarcerbated their asthma and caused my eldest to sneeze constantly. we stopped the propolis and voila, back to regular allergic normal...

    saline for the nose helps clean out the pollutants, and keeps nasal passages moist and flexible so they can deal with pollutants better...

    and if pub smoke bothers u, then, obviously, dont go... if the pain is worse then the 'fun' that is....


    Moldy, thanks for the sincere advice.

    Bina, Much appreciate this warning. I do have a pretty severe reaction to pollen, as I discovered in Europe a few years back when I was outdoors and the trees were in full bloom. Felt as sick as death, though I did get over it within a few hours of getting back to the city. It did cross my mind about the effect of ingesting it, as compared to breathing it in.

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