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Posts posted by plasticpig

  1. Ah that fine ENGLISH tradition of burning the effigy of a Catholic revolutionary ....followed by a hanging drawing and quartering......nothing like keeping alive old prejudices is there?

    Did you have a bad day or some thing?

  2. name='intumult' date='2007-10-16 17:45:10' post='1598989']

    I got a phone call asking if the friend of a friend is in real danger and if he should move out of Pattaya. Seems this Farang has been in Pattaya a short time, hitting the bottle a lot and has now been shooting his mouth off at the local Thais when he is drunk and generally being abusive.

    As I am told, some locals have been hammering on his door, though he is unable to understand what was said, the intimidation was obvious (and understandable considering his foolishness).

    I understand - as would many - that he has been an idiot and I am wondering if he is in real danger and if he should move out of town or not (On the phone I said it would be a good idea if he did move). Or is it likely to blow over with no real harm done if he keeps his head down?

    It would be nice to get advice from those with more experience than I in these matters and from Pattaya itsel

    So what was the out come?

    did he run away or sort it out?

  3. name='pop3' date='2007-11-02 23:13:18' post='1630023']

    I was listening to a few of these whiter than white wanabe cop's sitting down talking the other night in walking street. dressed like Gestapo they were talking at the top of their voices about girls they had been with lately, part of the conversation went like this, This one had real big tit's, I bent her over and gave her a right stabbing.

    These guy's are just a bunch of tourists that came here, decided to live here and realized they can do a job here in the police force that they would never in a million years be accepted for in the west.

    Having one come up to me at a road block with his hello hello hello attitude is not going to be appreciated.

    And i thought they were top guys. :o

    Is it true? if so who said it?

  4. JaiDeeFarang' date='2007-10-30 11:46:31' post='1623673']

    There may be resentment when a farang is fined un-necessarily for an offence he hasn't committed. He may be left wondering if the red backs he just handed over are split between the Highway Police and the FPV's for their Christmas party. They remind me of teachers pets or snitches, people bullied at school and now they have a limited authority they'll use it to make themselves feel important or possibly there are other alterior motives for trying to keep in with the police. Do these volunteers have background checks for illegal activities both here or in their home country? I'm not making any accusations here at all, just asking a reasonable question.

    That's the spirit.

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