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Posts posted by plasticpig

  1. I would strongly recommend that you rent for 6 months before buying, see how you like it here in Pattaya it is totally different living here to visiting on holiday. If you rent first you can have a really good look around for condos or houses that suit you and also check out the prices, there is an awful lot for sale here at the moment and a bargain can be had for the shrewd buyer.

    I would agree with this comment. We have been here now for 2 years and at first we were considering buying but have changed our minds so now we rent. The other point I would make is renting is a very good way of finding out if you like an area.

    Why buy and end up in an area you are unhappy with. Yes rent for 6 months if you are going to buy. And if you don't like the area you can rent elsewhere. Less hasstle that way!

    You will need to open a local bank account but first need to get a letter from Immigration stating where you live take this to the bank of your choice and open the account.

    I would suggest as another has that the bulk of your capital have offshore. Its easy then to move money into Thailand and into the account here.

    To qualify for Retirement visa you will need 800,000 for example - a married couple. Having said that if you have the equivelent of 64,000 per month in pensions get a letter from the Embassy stating this and you won't need the 800,000 in the bank just the funds you want to live off.


    Not required at some banks!!!!

    Offshore bank or not why is it easer, please tell ?

  2. Aha!
    I do not think it was cod.

    For those who don't know the place, they have two choices of fish, moderately priced local fish and high priced premium imported cod. There is nothing more annoying to me than to pay for premium and get the cheap stuff. Actually, does anyone know if there is a Thai law against this? I did pm the owner a while back with my concerns about passing local fish for imported cod, but no reply.

    This isn't the only place this kind of thing has happened to me in Thailand. There is a steak counter at Central World Plaza Bangkok which offers imported steak. The first time I went it tasted imported and also great value. I went again and it was definitely not imported, dead on Thai beef. I knew it was really fishy when the one guy working there handed me a hand written "bill" on a napkin.

    Now that the cat is out of the bag, so to speak, perhaps they should offer only imported cod there and stop stocking the cheap stuff. Then no danger they will pass off the cheap stuff when they run low on the good stuff, or think they have a sucker who can't taste the difference. Hint: Americans know what cod tastes like too, ever hear of Cape Cod?


  3. I would caution against using hair dryers or vacuumes to clean a computer due to static issues. However, if you dry it properly you can put a keyboard in the dishwasher.

    Can i put the complete unit in the dishwasher as well?

  4. Hi,

    Just got myself a house…

    Now I have to grow something in my garden, does anybody have some advice on this "Malaysia grass". Also heard something about a plant that repels mosquito's… any good garden firm or somebody who does gardens in the Pattaya area without charging the moon. Any advice is always welcome. Thanks.

    Perhaps you're talking about Pyrethrum daisies ?

    By the way its farang ... Just wait till SR John sees that ! :o


    Scuse me butting in here

    Although farang is spelt in Thai with an "r" symbol in the middle to the farang ear the sound of most Thais pronouncing farang does sound very much like an "L" sound.

    So natural really that many farang transliterate as falang

    I cringe when I hear farangs prononce the word farang with a hard resonating RRRR sound in the middle.

    The only time when you will hear a Thai pronounce this way is on a News Program - bit like BBC Thai

    For me for many years I spell farang like this - farlang - if you say it quick it has a much more natural sound.

    Not meant to lecture - just an observation

    Oh for the opening poster - Think of the future - I like trees - mango, banana etc something to grow up and give shade and character to a garden and you get to eat the fruit too!!

    But you did

  5. I find the Liptons Yellow Label teabags you can get just about anywhere in Pattaya quite satisfactory :o

    Liptons is poor value, you need two bags or more for one cup of good hot tea.

    But is great as a cold drink. if you feel the need.

  6. Just go to it on beach road pattaya, sit down, look and listen

    You will then get an idea of what im on about.

    Mostly one nationality.

    Long white socks, white trainers. Shorts way to short.

    Baseball cap.

    Ray bans.

    Marlboro light, hanging out the corner of the gob.

    Piss, winging and moaning about everything in pattaya and the cost of coffee.

    Please go and report back with your findings.

    Thanks foxy.

  7. The next day, a full de-briefing took place as organizers discussed what went wrong.

    Bet that took all of 30 seconds.

    What if it had landed in a crowed of people.


  8. Can't stand the plastic mick pubs arould the world.

    it just never feels right.

    Devoid of all real atmosphere.

    Not my cup of tea.

    Go Go bar, now that has great atmosphere.

    anyone what to go now?

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