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Posts posted by plasticpig

  1. Its one of those types of food you eat on the way back from a bar/pub,

    You think you need it but you don’t.

    And next day you stink of it, your car stinks for weeks.

    The hole house stinks. And you left it half eaten on the table

    In the front room, and guest what the dog never even nibbled at it

    In the night.

    I want one.

  2. The best place for me for the last 5 years, I would say

    Was the thumbs up restaurant in soi 6 for fish and chips.

    It was some local fish but very nice, loads of it and chips were great served with peas and bread n butter.

    Big sorry to say after last trip down, to up date my library card in soi 6.

    It was now a Go Go/St bar.

    Sad loss. :o

  3. I would strongly recommend that you rent for 6 months before buying, see how you like it here in Pattaya it is totally different living here to visiting on holiday. If you rent first you can have a really good look around for condos or houses that suit you and also check out the prices, there is an awful lot for sale here at the moment and a bargain can be had for the shrewd buyer.

    I would agree with this comment. We have been here now for 2 years and at first we were considering buying but have changed our minds so now we rent. The other point I would make is renting is a very good way of finding out if you like an area.

    Why buy and end up in an area you are unhappy with. Yes rent for 6 months if you are going to buy. And if you don't like the area you can rent elsewhere. Less hasstle that way!

    You will need to open a local bank account but first need to get a letter from Immigration stating where you live take this to the bank of your choice and open the account.

    I would suggest as another has that the bulk of your capital have offshore. Its easy then to move money into Thailand and into the account here.

    To qualify for Retirement visa you will need 800,000 for example - a married couple. Having said that if you have the equivelent of 64,000 per month in pensions get a letter from the Embassy stating this and you won't need the 800,000 in the bank just the funds you want to live off.


    Not required at some banks!!!!

    Offshore bank or not why is it easer, please tell ?

    For me it was easier and is because the domestic bank we had in the UK would have charged us for all transactions. Plus our Offshore bank offers a level of support to its customsers that suits us.

    Each individual must come to their own conclusions about what is best for them!

    I was raising an issue that the OP may have to address....OK?


    Sorry still dont get it, you saying you got free money transfer, what bank was that ???

    can you tell us all how much money you need in an offshore account to not get monthly charges? 2000, 3000, grand.? please tell.

    I think you are not raising an issue, i think you were giving incomplete advice.

    Just for you, Kasikornbank, no letter from im, just pasport and wher you stay in Thailand.

    Hotel, house condo.

    Thats real advice. :o

  4. Must admit Simple Simons ( Jomtien) did me one night had the cod

    and chips it was like a bit of old rubber.

    Would not have minded but he did a bit of a sales pitch of how good it would be.

    I never went back.

    Breakfast is good but that’s it for me.

  5. Can i get a real Uk style Donner Kebab, with loads of Chilli sause, plus some humass.

    i know its a bit gross, but just can't get one, loads of chicken ones , but it an't the same.

    Pattaya area, or next time in in Bangkok.


  6. Hello All.

    I am after some advice and hope that you can help and hopefully shed some light on my tax query.

    I presently live in the UK with my Thai wife and last year we remortgaged a flat /appartment to raise the deposit to purchase a further property. As both properties are currently being let out I was wondering if when I come to completing the self cert a tax return I could put these costs (initial deposits on both properties and solicitors fees) against tax.

    If this is possible it would be a substantial amount about £40k

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you.

    Look if you think you can save 40k.

    Go get some real legal advice.

    Sorry but don't be cheap, its 40k . :o

  7. I think most people realise where they are residing.

    Yeah, unfortunately some don't realise that doing things here isn't the same as doing them at home.

    What do I do now? I'm going to call head office in bangkok in a minute, does anyone have an advice and does anyone know who I should speak to that has some authority?

    Probably the best thing to do, people aren't gonna be happy about having to take any kinda responsibility and there's probably gonna be serious loss of face, which might get in the way of anybody taking any type of responsibility/authority on the matter and pass it off anyway they can to get you to stop talking to them, without actually taking responsibility for it.

    Probably not much you can do if that's the case.

    Load of rubish

    Talk to toyota at a higher level.

    things will get sorted out.

    Face will have no place to hide out side of that dealership.

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