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Posts posted by wandasloan

  1. You can always trust certain papers like the BK post to remain objective and free to report, especially when the Chairman of the Board of Directors, one M.R Pridiyathorn Devakula is also economic adviser to the NCPO. Definitely no possibility of conflict or influence in what is being reported there. One would wonder why one of the best columnists on the BK post Voranai who seemed to be able to critically think and question things has now been given the boot..............

    I dont think they have that much credibility to protect!

    Voranai was NOT "given the boot". On the contrary, he left to become editor of a new magazine. And this was reported in the Bangkok Post, easy to confirm, reported elsewhere, common knowledge in many groups, etc.

    I thought Thai Visa banned rumour-mongering?


  2. The fact the NottheNation exists and seems to be equally as real as the nation says it all.

    I am not sure we need journalists in Thailand. The Nation or Bangkok Post might as well just become YouTube online TV for politicians and celebs to say whatever they like.

    They really don't know how to ask a probing question.

    Where "we" refers to you and what others who are backing you as their spokesman? And as a follow-up how do we know they are backing you, because you say so?

    Was that a probing question?

    I'm only trying to get factual information, because actually I feel sorry for you, never having seen satire until you got to Thailand. Just out of curiosity, and not really probing, but what unfortunate, backward, humourless country do you come from that has no mockery of the news media whatsoever?


  3. Thailand is no different from most nations in having a corrupt Press. The mass media across the world is owned by vast conglomerates who are there primarily to service the interests of their bosses and the politicians who do their bidding.

    In the United States, which claims to be the world's most advanced democracy, the CIA has an amazingly sophisticated set-up to ensure the gullible public swallows the establishment view of events. Try this link for a real eye-opener:


    You might be able to back up what you say, but not with a one-source, fruitcake conspiracy website like Globalresearch.ca that makes Bangkok's The Nation look like the greatest shining paragon of journalistic excellence since the late Sukhothai era. I urge you to do some more reading on this subject, but next time with credible sources.


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  4. No, "deadly typhoon Rammasun" is not going to "hit Thailand". What a misleading and spectacular title.

    Thank you!! Talk about dishonest headlines, that one is a prize-winner. Typhoon Ramasun will NOT hit Thailand. Period.

    In fact, all of Thailand is almost - almost - 100% safe from typhoons because of its location. Only the far South can very, very occasionally be hit by a freak typhoon veering far off course and moving across that area. Bangkok and central provinces, the Northeast and the North - it is simply impossible they can be hit by a typhoon simply because of their geographical position.

    The FALLOUT from a typhoon - rain for sure - Thailand can and does get that. Apart from the far South it NEVER has been hit by a typhoon and won't be. Al Gore himself couldn't bring a typhoon to Bangkok.


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  5. I just told my wife: she laughed. Maybe he doesn't want to get audited?


    But, a very strange turn in events? Why?


    Your wife is pretty sharp. You should listen to more of her and think less. The point is it is NOT strange. It is common, even de rigeur for politicians and other tainted people to become monks. Common. The exact reason they do it is probably just another lie, but it is definitely a cultural thing to "look at your sins" with a period of meditation and quiet (and, supposedly, humility) under the instruction in a wat.


    Women also go to the temple - it is something like this, but the nuance is different. Women who do this almost always seem to actually feel guilt, contrition and seek redemption or self-awareness.


    These men of politics and government, however, go because they can, because it looks good on their CVs, because it pays for another portion of the ticket both to a good reincarnation AND back to their old and profitable ways. Some - and we never will know how few - feel true feelings of religion and repentance, I've seen this myself, no names. But generally it's just a feel-good look-good thing.


    But whatever the motive it is NOT strange and it is NOT a turn of events. Suthep will emerge from the wat, proclaim he is a better man and go right back to it. It is not a life-altering experience, and it won't alter his life. He's taking a break. As do most Thai males in their lifetime.



    And which lucky temple got to take Thaksin in ?  Or is he in "self exile", as opposed to being on the run from the law ?  


    I'm pretty sure Thaksin has not been a monk. Maybe when he reaches Suthep's age he will. I'm pretty sure there are two, three temples outside Thailand.



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  6. Has Suthep been convicted of any corruption?


    If all the evidence is there how come there was no successful prosecution?


    Rhetorical questions. But to suggest he's worse than Thaksin is pushing it. 


    Thaksin has one conviction and 15 court cases waiting his return, plus the ones he got off with.



    The only one who has suggested he's worse than Thaksin is you, in the above post. With public money (in government), Suthep was before Thaksin, but I have no idea how you would say one is better than the other.


    Because of that, I would caution about using "number of convictions + number of cases" as your benchmark. You know what they say about how statistics can prove anything, and you just... well, proved it. According to your exclusive measurement standards, Stalin was a leader without fault and Osama bin Laden was just another anti-Russian man helping the mujahadeen in Afghanistan.


    It's interesting to some people that in the last 25 years, there have been far more media articles linking Suthep directly to corruption than linking Thaksin. If you were to claim that this shows how Thaksin was far less corrupt than Suthep I would very rudely laugh in your e-face. But hey, statistics can't lie, right?



  7. CP is a globally huge company, and has enough money to buy most people. Of course the investigators find nothing of consequence, once a big bank account has appeared.

    Similar to the Red Bull company.. lots of dosh to buy most people, well all, it appears as such - so far.

    It bought President Bill Clinton — or at least its time for a private meeting with the head of CP. A Thai lady and her mother nearly went to jail over that and similar influence buying but the completely independent and honest US court system decided it wasn't necessary to punish her even though she was found guilty.

    That's the power of CP.

    No big Thai company permitted here in Thailand. But, can you image the chicanery and insider manipulation in publicly traded securities? But it's big new when they bust a phone room filled with 5 chinamen and a brit.

    I don't think you know much about Thai business, which includes several HUGE Thai businesses. Also, I don't think you read or watch the news much if you think boiler rooms are big news.


  8. I do not knows K. Suthep's motives.
    But having been corrupt in the past does not necessary mean still being corrupt.

    Forgiving is a part not only of Christianity or Buddhism
    But here every poster allows themselve to judge. - And without evidence


    You are partly right, and most of this is just opinion anyway. But you are wrong about the "without evidence" part. Mr Suthep's corruption is legion and documented. There is lots of suspicion about many other deals, but there are well known, publicised and documented corrupt deals. A well-known series of corrupt deals by Suthep even caused the fall of a Democrat government. Evidence is not lacking.



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  9. I am not a supporter of him completely ..... but I am very glad he did what he did.

    Prior to Suthep Thai politics was a brotherhood of corrupt Thai politicians of two major parties whose whole concern was their own greed, self-interest, and organized corruption.

    Well, to be fair it still is.

    But at least Suthep broke the mold and changed things for a while.


    I think you're giving him a little too much credit. Street marches and shutting down Bangkok and mass rallies are hardly new. That said, though, if you said "he" instead of Suthep, it could apply to Thaksin.


    Yes, it could. Including.... no, ESPECIALLY the part about the smoke and mirrors about organised corruption. Suthep wrote the book on that, and Thaksin just tweaked it a bit.


    A startling similarity (cue Twilight Zone theme) is that both Suthep and Thaksin had not been a monk at age 64. Suthep is 65. Could next year, when Squarehead turns 65, be *his* turn at the monestary. Do NOT change the channel.



  10. Maybe some of these journos have contracts with state TV stations or newspapers which prohibit second payments.

    Maybe all the media people are the owners of their respective media. But you (and I) have no idea whether this is the case. The value of speculation is lost on me.

    Why is anyone gunning for CP. I thought they were tight with people in th army.

    The people who released the report were "gunning for" corrupt media people. It's why the group exists.

    That said, do you not think there are people who would be thrilled to gun for CP *_BECAUSE_* they are tight with the army? Not everyone in Thailand thinks alike. Yet. Not about large companies and men with guns, anyhow. But anyway, that is not what happened. CP stood in the middle of the road, and it got run over.


  11. Actually it is against the terms of their journalist license and the terms of their Thai journalist association membership.

    There is no such thing as a journalist licence, not here or any civilised country. You (and I) have no idea who these 19 people are, so you (and I) have no idea if they belong to any association or what the terms of that membership may be.

    Mr Reborn was correct in all he wrote. He'd make a good journalist, heh.


  12. the first stage of the TPP ...be very careful Thailand

    Really! And another segment of coup fans gets buyers' remorse. The thing about alienating your supporters with stuff like this is that the alienated ones get *really* angry, much worse than the original anti-coup people and groups. In history, it's always these groups with buyers remorse that wind up the most militant opponents - like all the Bangkok people who voted for Thaksin are now the true Shinawatra haters.


  13. 1570 is actually an old hotline that belonged to the Business Development Department. It was for providing information on registering new businesses. I guess the junta figured that wouldn't be needed any more.

  14. The US acted incredibly foolishly and short-sighted to make this threat when China is right there is the shadows waiting to strengthen their relationship both militarily and commercially.

    You might be right IF the US had made this threat. But the US has not made this threat. A US congressman once asked a State Department official if the US intended to make such a threat. But no such threat has been made. This is censorship propaganda from the junta, and the report that the US has threatened to do anything at all about Cobra Gold - delay it, move it, cancel it, change it in any way - is simply false, utterly false and reported by the Thai media under both censored news and strong intimidation.


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  15. I would like to know which camps they are talking about.

    I believe that they aren't talking about Rohingya camps, but about other ethnic minorities like the Karen who have had camps for over 20 years along the border. The government of Myanmar and the UN are saying that it's safe for many of those people to return, but I'm sure there are stills serious risks.

    This has been in all the newspapers and on many internet sites. They are the well-known nine Burmese refugee camps. Yes, the Rohingya are part of this repatriation, but they are not in camps, per se.


    Things are changing in Burma, slowly but sure, all refugees should be repatriated when the conditions are right, My suggestion of the UN taking a role in mediation was that it speaks for most of the world and it ability to put in monitors, also it has the power to impose sanctions assuming that china does not veto, in return Thailand should be offering work permits for certain skills by region.

    The UN has asked/begged/demanded to be involved for many, many years. It has no authority unless it is permitted. The UN has no power to impose sanctions. What sanctions could it impose? It doesn't trade, it doesn't govern. The UN does what its members tell it. If members of the UN want to sanction, they pass a UN resolution about it, but the UN itself can't enforce it.

    These people are refugees and have NOTHING to do with working or work permits. Adding that to the already long list of problems is just asking for more trouble.


  16. He added that job opportunities will be another issue that affects the refugees when they return to Myanmar

    Without sounding vindictive:; what about the job opportunities that are taken away from us, because of foreigners.

    Well, they are citizens. They have the right to be in Myanmar, and citizens can't "take away" jobs, they're not foreigners.

    There are a lot of issues and problems here, but one of them is NOT "these refugees will take jobs from Myanmar citizens." They can't do that. They are Myanmar citizens.

    If you mean in Thailand, then, again. These people of the story are refugees. They are NOT migrant labour. They are not working. To be in the camps at all, they are barred from working. The man is talking about if/when they go back to Burma, there will not or may not be work for them there.


  17. I assume they do very little in providing for Thailand's labour requirements.

    This really is an issue for the UN to mediate and if they are returned ensure they get fair treatment.

    Correct, this has nothing to do with labour or human trafficking. These folks are refugees. They include the Rohingya. And the UN will not be allowed into this bilateral, army-to-army deal. This is a felony and tragedy in the making. The Thai military is known outside Thailand as a peril to all refugees -— and it is the better of the two. Remember that these 130,000 (more actually) fled Burma to get away from the very army that is now going to (cough)welcome(cough) them. This is not going to end well.


  18. a lot banns, but it started at Thaksin and he built all the infrastructure for it.....

    So don't blame the junta for it.

    What a silly statement. Talk about taking moral equivalence to its final ridiculousness.

    According to your logic, since the junta is the group that started killing people in the street over politics in 2010 (or 1992 or 1976 or earlier than that if you wish) then no one should blame the red shirts for killing people at political meetings earlier this year.

    The junta is fully responsible for what the junta is doing about blocking internet sites, which is blocking hundreds, perhaps thousands of websites that never were blocked before. And the murderers who killed people on the streets earlier this year are fully and solely responsible for that, no matter what the army did in 1973 and on many occasions thereafter.

    I'll say for our new military overlords they are very straightforward and do not — as you do — attempt to deny what they are doing. They announced their internet policies, and take full responsibility (or pride) in them. They specifically reject your crazy equivalence claim. For that matter, they don't feel they need any defence at all.


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  19. Oh come on, Wanda. Obamacare causing the Dems party to be dissolved? You must be a closeted GOP fan, or a no longer closeted one.

    If you're not interested in the subject, why post?

    I said that under the proposed Thai law, the US election debate over what became Obamacare would not be allowed and there would be sanctions taken against the Democratic Party. That *is* the result of this Thai law, to disallow promises such as the one made in 2008 by the Democratic Party.

    Election promises are part of elections. Banning election promises is simply banning elections entirely, as has been done for example with the Thai senate, whose elected members are elected on personal popularity and underground bribes entirely. If that is applied to the House, the tyranny and corruption, both, will increase by magnitudes. It's not a theory or opinion, it has happened in the senate.

    Anyway, this discussion is on proposals, made under Thai circumstances, valid in Thailand only, with no indication to forcefully have other countries implement the same.

    Now once more, understandable under Thai circumstances, but probably unworkable. To ask for a workable situation we probably need to ask the NCPO to stay on a wee bit longer, or maybe indeed have the UN here for 15 years to educate the next generation of Thai 'democracy minded' electorate.

    Freedom of speech doesn't have any borders. You sound like one of those "I'm in favour of freedom of speech but...." people. (I almost wrote a different word than "people")

    The proposed idiocy by political morons of the EC may just be a trial balloon. If anyone thinks this can be a guided missile against Thaksinism (s)he is, frankly, ignorant and stupid, both. If the law states what the EC says it wants the law to state, it will be used AGAINST every politician of every stripe, constantly and pettishly, just like the stupid law on dissolution of political parties got Abhisit in the dock for weeks. This particular proposal you think ridiculously is "Thai-specific" will unite every politician, every party supporter and everyone who believes in basic human rights against.... well, you.

    ITEM This is the second time you've stated something about a 15-year UN appearance in Thailand. Apart from the fact that the UN is not a colonial power and not a single Thai citizen would allow it, why do you think this has anything at all to do with this discussion except to poison it?


  20. May I suggest once more a 15 year UN occupation to guide the education of a new generation of Thai voters, those now in kindergarten ?

    Even the people who claim a military rubber stamp is brilliant are dealing with the real world. If you have no interest in the topic, why not just pass on instead of seeding it with salt?


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