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Posts posted by wandasloan

  1. Four more lines of nonsense without any substantial meaning to it. Just a typical troll who wants to provoke a reaction on TVF. Nice attempt in trying to get me upset "wandasloan" but you're out of luck today.

    Yes, yes of course. Do you feel better?

    Now. Do you think RS has legal rights in this case, at this time? Do you think the NBTC has bullied RS over their property? Very simple questions with one-syllable answers, I'd say. And your answers certainly would not be nonsense.

    My answers are: No, yes. How about you?


  2. "He insisted American seafood importers still had confidence in the standard of Thai seafood."

    Where do they get these people? This has nothing to do a/b the standard of Thai seafood.


    Fair enough. But I think in the context that what he meant was that they will continue buying it - because the standard of the product is high enough to justify the purchases. He is slagging off the slavery part and focussing entirely on the transaction part.

    What you're saying, understandably and credibly, is that importers might stop importing no matter what the quality of the product, because there are other factors involved in buying and selling. I'm pretty sure his point is that this won't happen because the importers only care about the quality of what they're buying. Only one of you WILL be right in the future.

    So far, though, he has been quite right. So far. He has a point, though. This slavery hasn't exactly been a secret for several years, and there have been quite vociferous, and universally failed attempts (plural) to organise boycotts in the United States both against source countries and against specific suppliers like Wal-Mart and Costco.

    We shall see.


  3. Ahh but i havnt eaten prawn or shrimp from Thailand or other parts of Asia for years because I have been well aware of this slave labour problem since working with AI. Nor would many if they knew the depth of it until now.

    I couldnt care less as I said what happens to the Thai prawn industry or other countries similar industries when found wanting no, It is not hard for them to have their own standards high enough but sadly they dont want any just the profits.

    By witholding my cash from a dubious source I can use it to support other nations that DO hold up to higher standards. Same thing for the retailers, I do not give my money to retailers I know to be using these sources, my cash my choice, enough do it and that alone will force things to change

    Salvery is not drugs and your using it in a strawman argument way. Drug users have a choice slaves dont.

    Ignorance of the buying public does not mean they condone it, just unaware.That is at long last changing and once common knowledge youd better believe consumers WILL be the catalyst.

    You claim to be a very remote person with no connection to this subject. And you are not.

    I didn't say slavery is drugs. I didn't say you personally eat or don't eat shrimp any more than I said you do or do not shoot heroin. And I was very, very VERY clear about it and I don't much appreciate your misrepresenting it as some poor downtrodden misunderstood victim. Remember?

    "You" (Europeans in general)

    Thank you for noticing.

    What I said was that your decision but more importantly Europe's COLLECTIVE decision to eat shrimp *is* taking a stand. You are not innocent. Europe's COLLECTIVE decision to boycott Thai shrimp will equally be taking a stand. You are not innocent. Europe's unceasing demand for illicit drugs is most assuredly taking a moral, ethical, economic and environmental stand towards the people who produce them for you, and for their surroundings -— just like shrimp.

    Your stand may be wonderful. It may be lower than a fetid klong. I will be the judge of that, thank you - me and millions of others. But however you are judged, Europe (collectively) every day takes a stand on shrimp just as it has long taken a stand on drugs. Even saying you don't care is a STRONG stand, which means - just as you claim - that you don't care what happens to the people involved on both ends of this massive supply chain.


  4. Or instead of crawling back on their knees, I guess that in the EU, if large

    stores are no longer carrying seafood, I would think that people would just eat

    less seafood......

    There is hardly a shortage of shrimp farms and slave labour in the world. Indonesia, Vietnam, Ecuador and India would be the first of many to add to their existing and thriving slave markets and environmental degradation to take your European money. Of course a large percentage of "Vietnamese" shrimp is Chinese, so you needn't worry about your precious shrimp cocktails.

    Holding Thailand responsible just means you will spread the problem elsewhere, not that you care. It's a lot like drugs. As long as Europe gets its fix who cares what harm it does in the supply countries.


    Rubbish, its a start and the point of the new UN regulations, leaving Thailand to do nothing is NOT an option or an excuse.

    so the problem moves and gets targeted wherever it goes, its nothing like drugs and can only happen with the cooperation of business and government.

    As to the supply countries your right I dont care about what harm it causes their economies, they could set a standard all on their own if they gave a toss, but they dont and only care about the profit. If theres blowback ? well it serves them right

    No one said the west has to be always the one to come up with all the standards, it just happens to be the only one doing so.... now why is that ?

    That is EXACTLY what I said. By buying shrimp from countries (plural) using slave labour and degradation of the environment you are setting standards and you specifically and forcefully "don't care about what harm it causes" the countries that supply your habit.

    I don't know how you could more forcefully show your standards than by handing over your hard-earned cash for the product, whether it is drugs, shrimp....

    I don't know why you say it is rubbish when it's your own view. It is most definitely and clearly the policy of European consumers, no doubt about that.

    Or do you mean that if you can actually attract a boycott of Thailand in the future, then it's okay what the Indonesians or Vietnamese do - that you aren't against shrimp-slavery at all, you simply want to harm Thailand? I don't want to put words in your post, but you are very unclear about this and I'm trying to figure it out.

    But whatever your beliefs, make no mistake that by spending *OR* by withholding your cash for shrimp, you are most definitely and positively coming up with a standard. "You" (Europeans in general) are major, serious contributors to the standard. Just as you are with illicit drugs.


  5. Ratcatcher and lostsoul49 have some great points. You two guys seem to be the only ones here who truly understand the terms of conditions that RS agreed upon after the NBTC decided to compensate them. Some people here also raised a valid point that the NBTC probably did not pay RS the entire 427 million baht at this point (due to government red tape), so RS agreed to not play by the rules. If no compensation was agreed upon in the beginning, then it would be a different story because RS would have every right to not air the World Cup matches on free TV.

    Have you ever heard the word "intimidation" used in a sentence? Here is an example:

    Nice little TV cable outfit you've got here. Be a shame if anything happened to it during a time without any government or functioning courts just over something like a few football matches, hmmmm?

    What's that? You don't see the word "intimidation"? 555555 hahahahaha Sure you do!

    Rights? We don't need no steenking "rights" senor.



  6. Or instead of crawling back on their knees, I guess that in the EU, if large

    stores are no longer carrying seafood, I would think that people would just eat

    less seafood......

    There is hardly a shortage of shrimp farms and slave labour in the world. Indonesia, Vietnam, Ecuador and India would be the first of many to add to their existing and thriving slave markets and environmental degradation to take your European money. Of course a large percentage of "Vietnamese" shrimp is Chinese, so you needn't worry about your precious shrimp cocktails.

    Holding Thailand responsible just means you will spread the problem elsewhere, not that you care. It's a lot like drugs. As long as Europe gets its fix who cares what harm it does in the supply countries.


  7. RS got told to put the matches on free to air channels AND that is exactly what they did. The NBTC should be held accountable for the cluster fxxk that is digital TV in Thailand.

    Yes. I cannot think of another group, in any country, capable of doing to digital TV (and many other issues) what the NBTC has done. It looked like the junta was going to go after the money-grubbing NBTC, but it appears that even the army can't stand up to this exquisitely vindictive group. I wonder what photos they have of Gen Prayuth to cause him to back off in 24 hours.

    NBTC is just a rubbish organisation that have done nothing to this country. They forced everybody do go digital and once they go digital the signals can't be picked up more.

    Heh. I would only argue with your choice of words, because in my opinion the NBTC has done quite a lot to this country. Unfortunately.


  8. Good point. Meanwhile, number of games won by all Asian teams including Australia: 0

    Anyhow this regional stuff is just part and parcel of enriching Fifa and spreading its graft and culture of corruption. If it were *actually* a World Cup, and if world football were *actually* a sport, they would simply have a full worldwide tournament. Start with 128 teams and use knockout for the first two rounds, home-and-home games. One round reduces the number of teams to 64. The next round reduces it to 32. Then start your festival round, with groups as now if you must.

    Teams ranked from 124 to (as of today) 207 would hold a pre-tournament knockout tournament for the last four ranked spots, number 125-128. Almost every actual sport, as opposed to a gangster conspiracy, has proceeded that way since the invention of the passenger airplane.


  9. This whining about a hotel room applies to almost anything in life. It applies first and foremost (for the Official Thai Visa Millionaires Advisory Board) to airline tickets. Try getting an internet bargain-site price on them, on the phone to the airline. But it applies to books on Amazon, to groceries at Big C, to tickets for the US Fourth of July picnic.... it's a fact of life, and the "logic" is partly that the person selling online requires a much lower profit margin than the person who needs a staff to man the phones, partly that online prices can be loss-leaders, partly that HUGE sales online (again) require a lower profit margin than tiny sales over the phone.

    Only a person who has never run a business could have made this OP.


  10. The fund raiser was to raise funds to help those injured during the demonstrations who are still in hospital.

    And now they won't get any help at all. That cruel, nasty general, denying hurt people proper health care.

    Seriously, this is just the sort of thing that makes the honeymoon end sooner rather than later. Prayuth went directly for Suthep's throat after Suthep's absolutely stupid bragging that he had been controlling Prayuth for four years. But telling Suthep to shut up now is a bit of barn-door locking, and every one of those pro-coup, discipline loving yellow shirts is going to go, "hmmm, I thought he only meant Jatuporn and Yingluck".And every coup, no exception, comes to this. The general wants 65 million privates who "krap pom" and obey orders like Douchelanders..

    But 65 million Thai people want to say what they darn well please. It's a problem.

    But if you think Suthep organised his SECOND self-congratulatory dinner (now cancelled) just to raise money for wounded yellow warriors, you are really, really naive. If you think he needs a dinner to raise funds he could reach into the top drawer of his desk and pull out, you are also naive.


    • Like 1
  11. US have about the same chans of winning as Thailand have in world cup in ice-hockey

    Uh... no. Thailand have never qualified to this day for a hockey championship at the world level.

    The US, however, have qualified several times for the World Cup and are one of only 16 out of more than 100 teams that are actually qualified today. Thailand's chance up to today is absolutely zero, where "absolutely" is an absolute word. The US, however, have two chances of winning the World Cup - fat and slim. These are actual, real, chances that are very different from "no chance".

    England have the same chance at football as Thailand have in hockey. Spain and Portugal have the same chance as Thailand. Italy and Russia have the same chance as Thailand. The US have, as you and I write, more chance than any of those mentioned.

    Put it this way. I will give you odds of 12,000-to-1 and my entire salary and bonus and 25 years of cleaning your home twice weekly that Thailand will not win the next world hockey championship.

    In return, you will give me those same odds that the US will not win the World Cup, okay? If so, you're on - for both bets.

    (Please don't do the unmanly metrosexual "it's against the law to gamble" to try to weasel it. Take the bet or don't. Thank you.)


  12. All over the world, people are making their travel plans after carefully perusing all available literature on which governments have announced plans to perhaps maybe computerise taxi service at the airport at some future date. No wonder they all are Thailand-bound. All hail the taxi-line-computerising heroes of the Royal Thai Army, saviours of the tourist industry!

    How do you even get to have a job like that, being that humanly farkled?

  13. Absolute power does not have to be a bad thing as the Army has already shown everyone

    And since this Army is only tryin to restore law and ordrer and peace and to rebuild checks and balances the PTP led gov abandoned or ignored. So you cant compare this coup to N. Korea

    In Thailand, where your statement has been tested many times for many years since 1932 (as well as the opposite), absolute power has ALWAYS been a bad thing. No exceptions.


  14. Seems like the only governments not happy and opposing this coup is the US and UE! They seem to be blinded to the good things happening for the people and the country

    Another one bites the dust. Another one suckered in.

    Did you not wonder why this report quoted a senior junta leader and did not quote the South Korean diplomat?

    The other day the Chinese ambassador said, "Despite the coup, China will be continuing to trade with Thailand and hopes that the economic atmosphere remains stable," and this same puffed up tinpot dictator reported that "the Chinese ambassador expressed strong support for the coup and praised the National Council for Peace and Order for restoring stability". No Thai media printed what the Chinese ambassador said, although it was freely available to them and everyone else in the world.

    I'm sure ACM Prajin the Great would not misrepresent what diplomats tell him on purpose, in order to mislead the Thai public and foreigners who are living under media censorship. ACM Prajin, like Brutus, is an honorable man. The entire junta is honorable men.

    Still, they can't report for beans and you'd be better finding out what this Korean diplomat ACTUALLY said before using his edited words to make a point. Korea, for starters, got rid of military rule and put its tinpotted corps under civilian control for a reason.


    • Like 1
  15. Unfortunately this article is true that the West has started putting pressure on Thailand..

    I mentioned the other day in a post with he US's report on Human Trafficking & downgrading Thailand to Tier 3 then EU saying sanctions it was obvious that these were connected.

    Of course there will be posters here that will say Thailand is a crybaby,more Thainess,out of touch that the West couldn't care less about insignificant Thailand....but one wonders who the real crybabies are? [snip] [snip]...

    And what about the Skull and Crossbones and Trilateral Commission? Not involved? Well, that's what they would say, wouldn't they?

    This is quite nonsensical. The US annual human trafficking report is issued every ~June 20, without fail or deviance. It had nothing to do with the coup whatsoever. It is a report, with an April cutoff date for included information and covering the entire world. What you claim is that the US issued the report because of the coup. And that is arrant nonsense. Totally false.

    As for the EU, it took action BECAUSE of the coup. What the action was connected to was the RTA putting the country under a state of martial law. You are entitled to your silly opinion about crybabies,but you are NOT entitled to back it up with false material.

    This is Thailand's business and the rest of the world should mind theirs! WPFflags.gif

    And the USA government is hardly an example, when most of their government is run by Monsanto, and numerous big food, and pharmaceutical corporations. Leaving the American people to sign petitions to get their government to do its job, and obay the Constitution for the United States of America.


    Irony du jour. The rest of the world should mind their business about other countries, except you. heh. I like it!


    • Like 1
  16. Enforcing laws would improve traffic flow no end. <deleted> bus drivers that use the left turn lane when going straight make nearly homicidal

    On most main streets, the left lane is called "the bus lane". And on all streets where there are buses, the left lane is called "the lane the buses have to stop in to pick up passengers." Weaving in and out of that lane might ease your tragic pain, but it would actually make traffic worse.


  17. I wonder if the Iranians that he screwed will allow him to get away with this without consequences even if Thailand grants him the impunity for life honors.

    Good luck sir.

    It was in the papers and everything. Iran cut off ALL purchases from Thailand. In the past few months, they have been very carefully and warily negotiating resuming purchases.

    No secret about it. But there's nothing else Iran can do about the man refusing to deliver the product they ordered. I don't see any other possible consequences by Tehran.


  18. I think the Americans are relishing the fact that they can be competitive in an outdoor team sport that has international appeal as opposed to just gridiron and rounders.

    They deserve a place in the last sixteen.

    Well, I doubt the Americans, who do EXCEPTIONALLY well in outdoor team sports with international appeal think they "deserve" anything they don't achieve. (Please don't post about all the individual Olympic events. I'm possibly more aware of that than you. I'm addressing your post claiming that not one of them is a team sport.)



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