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Posts posted by ignoramus

  1. Seriously though, if anyone out there who has fallen for the climate change [aka global warming] scam happens to own a mansion on a quarter acre anywhere on the gulf or Andaman coasts wants to settle for a tenth [or preferably a twentieth] of its value please make a note of my details and let me know the very minute you decide to panic. I'll be there in a flash with the cash. Oh lawdy yes ah will.

  2. Oh, forgot to mention: the Med'n diet is considered to be the best. don't think I indulged whilst actually in the Med'n, but here in Oz, where our lamb is top notch quality, it is pretty dammmnnn nice. Hey, what can be bad about a nice salad...along with some solid protein of course....

  3. Could rave on a bit, but, but shan't. Note that pork isn't white meat. Zinc, a must have [some soils have little] is found in red meat and one or three other foods. Excess water can kill you, but sufficient is vital. Salt is essential, but too much will kill you. Eat what you want, but have the occasional blood/BP test. Last but not least, was your question a serious one? If yes, then a naive one.

  4. Milk and beer are acid-forming [though one or two small beers surely can't be bad for one...]. Here in oz Qwik-Eze does the job for me, but Gaviscon ih LOS recently worked well enough.

    Thanks to those who mentioned bread's hitherto unknown effect.

  5. Brilliant response SantiSuk, I'm sure you'd have made Rimmer smile. [Meanwhile I am toying with the idea of ensconcing myself in Jomtien, and am horrified that it appears to be attractive to expeletive deleteds]. Maybe Patpong2 is more genteel.

  6. Since this subject is still extant, I had a look out of curiosity. I can't believe I wasted so much of my valuable previously. Can't even be bothered to re-read my ridiculously long posts. If whoever originally posted on this subject 3 years ago [!] hasn't looked into lyprinol [re shoulders] and thincs.org [re cholesterol] I am and shall remain astonished. The best of British luck to you lad. You need it. [Luck that is].

  7. Generally speaking -- there are always exceptions -- the male spatial ability is superior to the female. Rate of approach of a vehicle is better judged by human male. It depends I guess on the maleness/femaleness of the brain, which can vary in individuals. Hint taken?

  8. It's been 3 days and you've had no replies. I'm not surprised. What does "not sleeping" mean. Do you feel tired all the time? If so is it because of lack of sleep, the heat, your diet, or your drinking habits perhaps? Do you have an afternoon nap and wonder why your night-time sleep is sobrief? Some people try to conform to some theory about what's normal. The news is that there is no normal. Margaret Thatcher reputedly slept for 4-5 hours a night. I know of someone who is the same. I know of someone who thinks he needs 9 hours a night. More info mate and you might get a useful reply. Love the signature.

  9. The man would appear to have as much gall as the reptilian Gore, although Gore is richer (partly or solely owing to the Global Warming scam). Why, one wonders, did they change from calling it GW to calling it Climate Change.

    I'm curious about the circumstances surrounding his obviously welcome reception in Thailand. If he was invited by the government then the lads here were already salivating at the thought of more taxes from ordinary people; if he initiated the invite then they will shortly be salivating. It is about more taxation, no more no less, as man-made change is a crock of shoot.

    Not surprising that Clinton is expanding his horizons; as his own country has scrapped cap and trade (the people just won't stand for it). Thailand might though. Poor Thailand.

  10. Simon, I heard an interview tonight with someone from the asthma foundation here in Oz who noted that some asthmatics (though not all) have their condition triggered/exacerbated during thunderstorms, because pollen 'explodes' owing to a change in air pressure. This creates much smaller (and more dangerous) particles, which are virtually impossible for the lungs to expel. The question is, of course, whether there are more thunderstorms in the boondocks than in BKK. Sounds weird but my guess is that this will be the best explanation you'll get. I note that the resident [and extremely useful] expert hasn't responded. [Here in Sydney we have the very best informative talkback radio in the whole wide world, without a doubt]. Personally speaking, I haven't been upcountry, but don't like BKK's air, so your query has me wondering as well. .

  11. Simon, I heard an interview tonight with someone from the asthma foundation here in Oz who noted that some asthmatics (though not all) have their condition triggered/exacerbated during thunderstorms, because pollen 'explodes' owing to a change in air pressure. This creates much smaller (and more dangerous) particles, which are virtually impossible for the lungs to expel. The question is, of course, whether there are more thunderstorms in the boondocks than in BKK. Sounds weird but my guess is that this will be the best explanation you'll get. I note that Sheryle hasn't responded. [Here in Sydney we have the very best informative talkback radio in the whole wide world, without a doubt]. Personally speaking, I haven't been upcountry, and I don't like BKK's air. Hence your query has me wondering as well. [i am awarre that that you aren't an asthmatic, but lung conditions generally are not well understood

  12. Yep, gotta agree, Had just worked out how the previous setup worked concerning 'sent' and 'received' messages and bingo it all changed. Got a notification today re a pers msg, and could I find it? Nope. Oh well, it's all very character building I'm sure, bit go-d-am-mit life is too short for this stuff (I mean were people actually complaining about the old setup? Seriously doubt it -- I've been on TV for 3 years and heard no complaints. 'Complained' to George recently about my non-recognition when logged in for at least 4 times if not 5 and got a rather technical reply about doing something to my cache whatever that is, etc etc etc. How on god's earth would I have figured this out if I hadn't reported a problem? I am 17% -- not 99% -- into the 'system' message-wise so how could I need a clean-out? I didn't actually DO anything to cause a lock-out. Oh well, companies all over the world somehow see a need these days to change their names, logos or mission statements etc so I guess a full-colour clean sweep is par for the course for TV.

    Gawd I wish I was 30'ish with zero spelling ability but loads of puter-tech know-how.

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