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Posts posted by ignoramus

  1. A big vote of thanks to Centrelink International for contributing.

    I'm ex-Centrelink, and am most impressed that CLI would take the time and trouble to be helpful.

    I seems that those Tasmanians are really nice people.

    I am acquainted with several CL people in Oz, but am reasonably certain that they would not bother to assist here (even those who themselves may be contemplating a long stay in the LOS.)

    Nice to see that Patong Bob contributes, he being ex as well.

    I think it was fishhooks who was concerned about the A pension qualifying age being raised to 70. Worry not mate, if it happens it'll take ages to take effect, and even then won't happen overnight. The qual. age for females began rising about a decade ago (from 60), and is still not up to the male age (65)! It's quite close though.

    CL never bites people on the b*m for laughs, and as someone mentioned there are 'savings provisions', meaning that if you qualified at point A and a rule change occurs at point B for others like you, you don't get bitten but your pal might.

    Unclear 'regulations' -- There's the Act and there's the 'procedures book' that your average CL person uses (until there's an 'appeal against a decision' that is). The Appeals bodies use the Act, which they know like the back of their hands, so to speak. The PB is used as a general guide by the 'lower ranks' (no offence).

    I was no Pensions (or otherwise) expert, and others have contributed greatly here anyway. I have nobody I can refer to either, so can't be of any great help.

    roskruge asked me a question, but what? I forget, though seem to recall that I knew the answer. Anyway this topic was started in Jan so I don't imagine too many are interested, or will even read this...

  2. Saw a TV show on Guatemala City recently. It appears to be crime central, with innocents copping copious crossfire between rival gangs. Know someone who was mugged twice somewhere in S America. Suppose one could describe such experiences as the rich tapestry of adventure. In which vein one ought perhaps suggest South Africa as being a country of really exotic adventure. Murder country of the globe, it seems. Sounds truly colourful. My female cousin escaped unraped, unlike many of her nice white friends. Nice animals though.

  3. The US, Canada, Oz, Europe and the UK were driving motor vehicles many decades ago. Rickshaws were the go in most other places, way back. I was driving cabs 40 years ago and the 3 types of drivers us cabbies kept an eye on were nuns, orientals and guys wearing hats. The nuns and hats have largely disappeared but the orientals have increased in numbers, and here in Oz nearly all cabbies are from the aforementioned rickshaw places. OMG.

    It wouldn't be so bad if they all drove at a slow pace. It's the erratic driving which is hard to handle. And the brake lights flashing intermittently (at speed) on freeways. What is that about? Foot off accelerator=car slows. Me no need brake unless I stopping. Magic. Not funny. Maddening.

  4. If I'm not mistaken the German government is currently trying do them down for fraud or something. Don't know if they still use a 'device' called an 'e-meter' or not, but 47 years ago in London I was offered an e-meter' test. I appreciated that experience, because the naivety and fraudulence of it was stark. My first experience of those who wish to control others. People who stare are invariably, always, and without exception, on the OTHER team. The prob is that so many people lap up the attention, sad to say.

  5. jingjingna, I've had a similar thing occur with r thigh. The doc I went to had answer straight away, in my case anyway. Sounds really complicated but wasn't. I forget the names but an inner muscle was involved. A very easy and safe stretch was the answer.

    Lie on floor on back, bring right foot up towards buttock, hold r knee and bring over left leg as though trying to touch floor on left side. Do for as long as comfortable (seconds at a time is fine) and repeat as desired or as comfortable. Relax and breath between goes. May feel strange, and/or very uncomfortable, but just do it as gently as you like - don't force. You may find that it disappears quite quickly, but it also may return. Just repeat.

    Same goes for the other leg of course, but in reverse, naturally. It may not help at all of course, but it seems to me to be an easy and simple way to approach what my turn out to have been no biggie. Cheers and good luck

  6. Here I come again...entering late as usual. I've rarely hat any joy from anyone who approached me in a watering hole. There was a female once, but I got and STD from her, so no joy there. I never approach strangers in watering holes. I might approach a pretty female in the street if she had just dropped money, but this would not be entirely out of honesty.

  7. What's this?

    Are bars closed on Friday nights?

    I must have missed this news.

    Totally weird if true...Fridays are big, worldwide, surely, like without exception.

    Oh I get it...a joke right? Business would go crazy if true.

    Don't reply, I simply don't believe it.

    (Plus I'm a naive kind of guy, but this time won't believe anthing you say).

  8. Absolutely no disrespect PB...... having read your previous post re leaving/remaining in 'the kingdom' I believe that, but for your partner, you would leave ASAP.

    Does he not help you with Thai? Do you not ask for help? Is he a lazy Thai? Are you a lazy farlang?

    Your original question is - again no disrespect - a tad self-indulgent.

    For you I expect Mexico and or Texas is fast becoming/has always been alluring, but for one obstacle - your partner.

    I fancy that his desire to remain here is almost as strong as yours to leave. Your bond is strong I suspect, but tinged with seriously conflicted and unrelated needs (he is and feels at home, you want to feel more 'at home').

    I reckon there's a serious gap in the mutual understanding of each other's needs, complicated by, of course, wholly inadequate language communication.

    You doubtless love each other, but the intellectual understanding quite possibly leaves you both frustrated, and indeed mystified. You have my sympathy.

  9. Hi PB, this post reminds me of a previous post of yours about remaining/leaving.

    I like you, as you seem exceptionally human.

    I'm thinking your partner wants to remain (he's Thai yes....).

    I understand Mexico is not such a nice place crime-wise, electrical-safety-wise. (Naam is clever ain't he - language-wise).

    I like the mime suggestions. It worked for me, as I'm sure my tonal talent was zilch (and, like you, I would have zero intention of competing with the Thais were I to decamp from here).

    Your posts are fun anyway. I don't mind a little harmless drama either.

  10. The routine changed relatively recently. I did a St Johns course many years ago TD, and have forgotten most of it.

    I think it used to be 15 breaths and 2 pumps, and is now 30 and 2....but ain't sure. Either way I think the technique has been simplified.

    I keep collecting first aid stuff and then can't find it (and pray I don't need it).

    However I reckon I'd take it a tad more seriously if I was in LOS, which appears to be the modern-day Wild West (every-man-for-himself-wise).

    For those interested, I'd imagine "st johns first aid" in Google would provide a clue.

    (I haven't read the original link - can't handle such stories.

  11. Totally agree with you distorted L. If I met you I'd stand with my back to the wall and an eye on the exits, especially if we were having 'friendly' drinkies.

    I feel that my avatar aptly illustrates the depth and breadth of my impressive character and sparkling personality.

    Interesting question garro. Considering that there exist people who delight in being 'vexatious to the spirit' (of others), a fair guess would be that such people exist on this forum, n'est ce pas?

    I like sbk's feisty-woman avatars, in addition to many another. I like the cutesy animals, the lady pics and the plainly humorous ones. I think I am afraid of Naam. Gunnyd is a tall fellow isn't he, I could well be wary of him, given certain circumstances.

    I'd love to possess the ability - whatever it be - of those who say they don't even notice the avatars. I enjoy all the clues in any situation.

  12. Cambo afordable huh? Don't care WW. If you are there I'm a'gunna steer well clear. Even for hols.

    Gun's almost as tall as you huh? Why am I not suprised. How big is your other weapon? Euthanasia suddenly seems useful.

    I would relish getting banned for this post. That way I'd know precaxtly from whence TV emanates.

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