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Everything posted by geovalin

  1. Super gonorrhea poses a ‘major global threat’, scientists have warned in the wake of an Austrian man catching a drug-resistant version of the STI. The unidentified man, in his 50s, became infected after having unprotected sex with a prostitute while on holiday in Cambodia in April. Five days later, when he returned home, he experienced a burning pain while urinating and discharge from his penis. Medical tests revealed he had gonorrhea and he was given standard antibiotics. While the drugs made his symptoms disappear, the man still tested positive — which meant the treatment had technically failed. Doctors called his strain ‘extensively drug resistant’ and different to ones seen before. They warned it could effectively render gonorrhea untreatable, if it was allowed to spread. Lead author of the report, Dr Sonja Pleininger of the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety, said such strains ‘poses a major global public health threat’. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501099632/austrian-man-catches-drug-resistant-strain-of-sti-from-cambodian-prostitute-as-experts-claim-virus-poses-major-global-threat/
  2. Two opposition officials have been fired from their state jobs after they stood for office in the recent election, according to documents shared by the Candlelight Party, though one said he had not yet been notified by their employers. A Health Ministry decision shared by the party, dated Tuesday, said Keo Somony was removed from the department of mental health and drug abuse following a decision by a disciplinary committee. It did not specify a reason. Somony stood as a second-ranked candidate for the Candlelight Party in Phnom Penh’s Chbar Ampov commune, he said on Wednesday, alleging the decision to fire him was political. He said he had not been given a warning, but had been informed of his termination by his department. “So I think this is 100% political discrimination,” he said. Somony filed a letter to the ministry on Wednesday seeking a review of the decision. Health Ministry spokeswoman Or Vandine said she had not received information about Somony’s purported dismissal, while another spokesperson, Hok Kim Cheng, could not be reached. The second decision was signed by the Interior Ministry last week on June 16, according to an image shared by the Candlelight Party. The decision says Eng Srouy, a trainer at the police academy, was dismissed from the National Police because he had abandoned his work. https://vodenglish.news/two-candlelight-officials-removed-from-health-ministry-police-academy/
  3. Despite the continued efforts by the National Bank of Cambodia (NBC) to promote the use of riel (KHR), the level of dollarisation in the country still remained over 80%, according to the Financial Stability Report 2021, released by the central bank recently. This level of dollarisation limits the NBC’s role in influencing money supply and interest rates in the country, the report said. “A more riel-based economy will allow the NBC to effectively implement monitory policy in response to economic shocks. Therefore, NBC has put efforts into gradually de-dollarising the economy through the facilitation of the KHR usage, regulation setting that aims to boost loans in KHR and public awareness-raising of the role of the national currency in strengthening economic resilience,” the report said.“These efforts have contributed to gradually decreasing financial dollarisation measured by the ratios of foreign currency deposits to total deposits,” the report added. https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501098527/dollarisation-level-rules-over-80/
  4. Nhim Sarom's defenders say the arrest is designed to discourage challenges to country’s ruling party. Authorities in Cambodia arrested a newly elected commune chief over his alleged involvement in a robbery case 20 years ago, sources in the country told RFA. As a candidate for the opposition Candlelight Party, Nhim Sarom won a seat on the council of Chamna Lue commune in the central province of Kampong Thom during local elections on June 5. Police took him into custody on Tuesday afternoon, while he was working in the commune hall. The arrest warrant for his involvement in an incident in 2002 was obtained by RFA. It is dated June 21, 2012, but only enforced, signed by Kampong Thom Provincial Police Commissioner Vorn Sophorn, on June 21, 2022. Khat Kheang, Nhim Sarom’s wife, told RFA’s Khmer Service that her husband was innocent, and that his arrest was a violation of political rights and the will of the people. "I request that the authorities release my husband,” she said. “My husband is not in the wrong, my husband is clean, let the court help release my husband." Kampong Thom Provincial Court Investigating Judge Sik Vanna accused Nhim Sarom of robbery for an event that occurred 20 years ago. The arrest and charges are politically motivated, Thach Setha, the Candlelight Party’s vice president, told RFA. “The alleged case occurred in 2002 and there was an arrest warrant in 2012, but they never arrested him,” Thach Setha said. “Why did they arrested him only after he was elected to be commune chief?” According to Thach Setha, the charge is related to the seizure of property for debt repayment. “Nhim Sarom took a motorbike from a man who owed him money. He took the bike to the police station to try to find a solution,” Thach Setha said. “The two men later reconciled, and the problem was resolved. …This is political intimidation,” said Thach Setha. The 20 years between the incident and the arrest was “strange,” Soeung Senkaruna, spokesperson for the Cambodian Human Rights and Development Association, told RFA. “As far as this case is concerned, it looks like a political issue. It is something that we think will have a significant impact on political competition,” he said. Arrests like this one can undermine the public’s confidence in Cambodia’s political and legal systems, said Soeung Senkaruna. Nhim Sarom was one of three Candlelight Party candidates elected to commune councils in Kampong Thom province on May 5, and the second newly elected local official from the party to be arrested following victory in the election. Ley Sokkon, who won a seat in Battambang province, was arrested June 8 for allegedly violating housing rights when he filmed local authorities of the ruling party registering people to vote on election day. RFA was unable to reach Kampong Thom Provincial Police Commissioner Vorn Sophorn for comment on Nhim Sarom’s arrest. Translated by Sok Ry Sum. Written in English by Eugene Whong. https://www.rfa.org/english/news/cambodia/nhim-sarom-06212022170426.html Copyright © 1998-2020, RFA. Used with the permission of Radio Free Asia, 2025 M St. NW, Suite 300, Washington DC 20036
  5. Apsara National Authority (ANA) has put in place measures to remove decaying trees around temples in the Angkor Cultural-Historical Resort area to ensure the safety of national and international visitors. It is also putting up additional public advertisements and explanations to warn tourists about the dangers of falling trees, especially when it is raining or windy. The move comes after a large tree was blown down by strong winds on Monday in front of the Pre Rup temple in the North Srah Srang village, Nokor Thom commune, Siem Reap city. It fell on a car parked underneath but no tourists were harmed. ANA spokesman Long Kosal told Khmer Times yesterday that this was an “unfortunate incident” caused by strong winds and was the first case involving a tourist car. “Technical officials regularly inspect trees at risk, but it is a natural disaster that we cannot control,” he said. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501098596/apsara-fells-rotting-trees-after-accident/
  6. Customers can now open a Wing Bank account remotely (e-KYC) and access an exciting range of benefits Customers can now open a Wing Bank account themselves, without needing to visit a physical branch, via our Electronic Know-Your Customer (e-KYC) system. No matter the time of day, or the customers’ location, they can save time and hassle by opening an account online, granting them access to many financial services on the Wing Bank App. “This new feature of the Wing Bank App allows customers to open an account instantly, and with no paperwork. All they need to do is scan their valid National ID or Passport, and their details will be filled in automatically,” said Han Peng Kwang, CEO of Wing Bank. “They can then perform any financial service available on the Wing Bank App, even a request for a quick emergency loan if needed.” To open a Wing Bank account, customers can simply download the Wing Bank App from the App Store or Google Play Store and follow the instructions in the app. Once customers have completed the simple process, they can enjoy many services available on the Wing Bank App, including local and international fund transfers, seamless bill payments, online shopping, phone top-ups and fund deposits to earn attractive interest rates. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501098597/customers-can-open-a-wing-bank-account-instantly-and-enjoy-great-benefits/
  7. Cambodia has ignored an appeal by Myanmar-based as well as regional and international civil society organizations not to invite the Myanmar regime’s defense minister, who is responsible for the junta’s atrocities against civilians, to the upcoming ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting (ADMM). The meeting, which is scheduled to be held in this week, will be joined by defense ministers from the 10 countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Cambodia currently holds the rotating chair of the bloc, of which Myanmar is a member. Since last week the letter has been signed by 677 Myanmar, regional and international civil organizations. It requests that the defense ministers of the other ASEAN countries not invite the regime’s defense minsiter, General Mya Tun Oo, to the meeting as it could embolden the junta, which has been committing extrajudicial killings, arbitrary arrests, lootings and torchings of civilian properties in Myanmar since the coup last year. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501098129/cambodia-rejects-calls-to-bar-myanmar-junta-minister-from-asean-meeting/
  8. In a shocking report, the Ministry of Health has revealed that 66% children aged between one and 14 are victims of violent disciplinary methods inside the family. The report also said that the ‘disciplinary torture’ is affecting them both physically and mentally. Lo Vesnakiry, a secretary of state at the Ministry of Health, said yesterday that the ministry carried out case studies across the Kingdom and has found out that the majority of children are subjected to violence in the family as a disciplinary action. “The psychological aggression includes shouting, yelling or screaming at the child, calling the child dumb, lazy or similar abusive words,” he added. “The physical punishment includes spanking, beating with a belt, hairbrush, sticks and other hard objects, hitting or slapping on the face, hitting the head, hands, arms or legs, and beating them up as hard as one could,” he noted. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501097762/66-children-face-disciplinary-torture-within-families/
  9. Vietnam and Cambodia have maintained strong trade ties between the two nations and Vietnam is the biggest investor in Cambodia, among the ASEAN nations. This is according to the Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh. The Prime Minister made the statement this morning, while speaking at the ceremony to commemorate the 45th anniversary of the downfall of the Pol Pot regime. The ceremony was held in Koh Thmor Village, Tonlong Commune, Memot District, Tboung Khmum. The ceremony was also attended by Prime Minister Hun Sen and will also be the inauguration of the achievements of the military. The Vietnamese Prime Minister said that in the first five months of 2022, the volume of Vietnamese investment in Cambodia increased by 20 percent compared to the same period last year. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501097555/vietnam-cambodias-biggest-investor-among-asean-nations/
  10. Giant stingray snagged by local fisher in Mekong River weighs nearly 300kg The world’s largest recorded freshwater fish, a giant stingray, has been caught in the Mekong River in Cambodia, according to scientists. The stingray, captured on 13 June, measured almost four metres from snout to tail and weighed just under 300kg, according to a statement on Monday by Wonders of the Mekong, a joint Cambodian-US research project. The previous record for a freshwater fish was a 293kg Mekong giant catfish discovered in Thailand in 2005, the group said. The stingray was snagged by a local fisher south of Stung Treng in north-east Cambodia. The fisher alerted a team of scientists from the Wonders of the Mekong project, which has publicised its conservation work in communities along the river. The scientists arrived within hours of getting a post-midnight call with the news, and were amazed at what they saw. “Yeah, when you see a fish this size, especially in freshwater, it is hard to comprehend, so I think all of our team was stunned,” said the Wonders of the Mekong leader, Zeb Hogan. read more https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/jun/20/largest-freshwater-fish-ever-recorded-caught-in-cambodia
  11. Vapers’ in the coastal metropolis of Sihanoukville will be on their guard after authorities promised stern action against e-cigarette users. Preah Sihanouk Provincial Police Commissioner Major General Chuon Narin told the media that the authorities will take action against the new type of tobacco or e-cigarette (Vape) after requests from parents and guardians who are concerned on the effect of ‘vaping’ on young people. Health experts have noted that the use of new cigarettes or e-cigarettes (Vape) is currently gaining traction among young people, Some research suggests e-cigarettes has the same side effects as regular cigarettes, and is also a fast-acting infectious agent, resulting results from the use of shared smoking devices, Experts also say it is a gateway to drug use. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501096926/crackdown-on-sihanoukville-vaping/
  12. A total of 27 looted Cambodian artefacts arrived back home from the US on June 15, a year after a court in Manhattan district of New York state ordered their seizure from collectors and return to Cambodia, according to the culture ministry. In a June 17 press statement, the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts listed some of the pieces as a bronze meditating Buddha on a Naga throne, a Shiva idol, and a sandstone sculpture depicting Prajnaparamita of the Buddhist tradition. The artefacts are currently being stored at the National Museum in Phnom Penh for experts to gauge, clean, restore and build containers to hold the pieces, before an official ceremonial handover is held at a convenient time. read more https://www.phnompenhpost.com/national/27-cambodian-artefacts-return-home
  13. Covid-19 epidemic had a devastating effect on the global economy, but Cambodia has been able to maintain good economic stability and the banking system remains strong and creditworthy to support economic activity, according to a report. During 2021, assets and deposits of the banking system increased by 18 percent and 17.7 percent, respectively, and loans increased by 23.5 percent, the National Bank of Cambodia (NBC) said in its latest report. The bank’s assistant governor and Director General Chea Serey told a workshop on ‘Financial Stability Review 2021’ that the domestic and global economic activity in 2021 continued to pick up despite the emergence of new Covid-19 variants and an increase in infection rates. “For Cambodia, the favourable condition of the world economy, coupled with the success of nationwide Covid-19 vaccination campaigns, spurred recovery with a 3 percent growth rate in 2021 after a slump to -3.1 percent in 2020. https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501097033/cambodias-banking-system-stays-strong/
  14. Unidentified criminals have cut down and stolen four prized rosewood trees from a Siem Reap conservation area, according to officials now offering $1,000 as reward for anyone who can identify the perpetrators. The trees came from a 1,888-hectare area in Banteay Srei and Svay Loeu district managed by the Forestry Administration to nurture and protect rosewood, a tree known for its valuable dark-colored timber. Rosewood has been decimated around the country by illegal logging. But after heavy rains over the weekend, patrollers visited the forest on Monday to find four sawn stumps of 50-year-old trees, according to provincial agriculture department director Tea Kimsoth on Friday. There were few clues, Kimsoth said, but he believes experienced loggers had used handsaws, rather than chainsaws, to avoid making noise. read more https://vodenglish.news/1000-reward-offered-to-identify-illegal-rosewood-logger/
  15. The transfer makes it more difficult for her to meet her family and lawyer. Authorities in Cambodia have transferred Cambodian American democracy activist Theary Seng to a remote prison, a move that her lawyer said will isolate her from her family and legal counsel. Theary Seng was arrested on Tuesday while she protested a mass trial that convicted her and more than 50 other democracy advocates on charges related to their association with the banned opposition Cambodian National Rescue Party (CNRP). She began serving her six-year sentence for treason the same day at Prey Sar prison in the capital Phnom Penh. But prison authorities have confirmed to RFA that Theary Seng has since been transferred to Preah Vihear Prison in the country’s far north. “We have foreseen risks in keeping her in Phnom Penh, and for the sake of ensuring her security and to maintain public order, we transferred her to a higher security prison,” Nuth Savna, spokesman for the General Prison Department, told RFA’s Khmer Service on Friday. Theary Seng’s lawyer, Choung Chou Ngy, told RFA that the move could complicate an appeal, which would be reviewed by a court in Phnom Penh. “The prison didn’t tell me why they transferred her. I don’t know the reason. … The transfer affects my rights to defend her because I lose opportunity to see her. She has the right to appeal, so I need to see her to explain to her about the process and her right to appeal,” he said. “If she decides to appeal, I will prepare a case for her,” Choung Chou Ngy said. “It is difficult for a lawyer to defend her while she is so far away and the court will have a problem because it has to transport her from Preah Vihear.” Choung Chou Ngy said that he was unable to see his client while she was held at Prey Sar, which he said was a violation of her rights. Marady Seng, Theary’s brother, told RFA that he was also unable to meet his sister while she was detained at the Phnom Penh prison. Officials cited COVID-19 restrictions as the reason, he said. “Since June 14, we have no new information. I have been concerned since her arrest I don’t have any information about her health or whether she was harmed. This is not justice,” he said. “What the government has done is too much. I urge the government to release her immediately.” Am Sam Ath of the Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights told RFA that Theary Seng’s detention is another example of Prime Minister Hun Sen pressuring human rights advocates. “Putting her away from her family and friends will isolate her and impact her emotionally,” Am Sam Ath said. He noted that the government has used similar tactics to isolate incarcerated other opposition politicians and activists. Theary Seng and the other convicted activists were all in some way connected to the Cambodian National Rescue Party (CNRP) before the country’s Supreme Court dissolved the party five years ago, a decision that paved the way for Hun Sen to tighten his grip on the country and squash criticism of his government. The treason charges against the activists stem from abortive efforts in 2019 to bring about the return to Cambodia of CNRP leader Sam Rainsy, who has been in exile in France to avoid what his supporters say are politicized charges against him. Translated by Samean Yun. Written in English by Eugene Whong. https://www.rfa.org/english/news/cambodia/theary-seng-06172022143033.html Copyright © 1998-2020, RFA. Used with the permission of Radio Free Asia, 2025 M St. NW, Suite 300, Washington DC 20036.
  16. The publicly-listed RMA Automotive, an authorised automobile distributor in Cambodia, inaugurated its subsidiary firm Ford Automotive Assembly Plant on Thursday in Pursat province. The plant will assemble over 1000 units in the first year of operation. The $21-million plant is located in Kroko Special Economic Zone in Sna Ansa in Krokor district. Lieutenant General Hun Manet, High Representative of Prime Minister Hun Sen, attended the inauguration. Speaking at the event, Ngon Saing, chief executive officer of RMA (Cambodia) Plc, said that the company plans to assemble over 1,000 units in the first year of operation, and increase to 4,500 units during full operation. The plant will assemble two models of Ford pickup – XLT and Wildtrack and the SUV – Ford Everest for the domestic market. The price of the vehicles will be lower compared to the imported vehicles, Saing said. “It may be more expensive than the imported [vehicles] because we spend more in investment, more in labor costs and transportation, but due to government incentives, the product will be cheaper than imported cars,” Saing said. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501095729/ford-plant-inaugurated-in-pursat-province/
  17. A commerce ministry official has said there are many business opportunities for halal products and it will play an important role in attracting tourists to Cambodia. Sin Sideth, Deputy Director-General of Consumer Protection Competition and Fraud Repression Directorate-General (CCF) told a workshop yesterday that some consumers mistakenly believe that halal products are only for Muslims and stressed that they are for all consumers regardless of colour, race or religion. “Currently, the demand for halal products in the world continues to grow in both Muslim and non-Muslim countries, and this is a huge trade opportunity for many countries in the region and the world,” he said at the Cambodian Halal Affairs workshop in Siem Reap. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501095831/halal-products-offer-many-business-opportunities/
  18. A slew of new government decrees has privatized seven public lakes and waterways in Kandal and further carved up Phnom Penh’s Boeng Tamok. One local commune chief is threatening to resign over the sudden handover of a lake his residents rely on.“This is a state lake. How can it be like this?” said Oum Chhun Sreng, Russei Chroy commune chief in Kandal’s Mok Kampoul district. “We are lower and we don’t know anything. Why do they make this private? Do they not have a place to develop and so they come to develop on other people’s lakes?” Russei Chroy’s Boeng Chon Len lake is one of seven plots of state land in Kandal — alongside four in Phnom Penh and another in Kratie — that have been privatized in the latest release of governmental sub-decrees. “If you have any evidence to send to me, I will send it to my people,” Chhun Sreng said. “This is my people’s lake. … How could they take people’s land that they have used since their ancestors? Do they not want water to flow? Who decided to build on this?” read more https://vodenglish.news/kandal-commune-chief-outraged-by-privatization-of-lake/
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  19. Lawyer for arrested Cambodian American activist Theary Seng said he has been denied access to his client. The split between Cambodian opposition leaders Kem Sokha and Sam Rainsy could help Prime Minister Hun Sen and his ruling Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) hold power, sources in the country told RFA. Kem Sokha, while on trial Wednesday on unsubstantiated charges of treason, declared that his alliance with his Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) co-founder Sam Rainsy was over, seemingly confirming rumors that the country’s top opposition partnership of the past decade had ended. Sam Rainsy, who has been living in self-imposed exile in France since 2015, attributed Kem Sokha’s statement to the legal pressure he faces and said that there was no change in their relationship. Such a split, if genuine, could help the CPP in general elections next year, and all but ensure a smooth transition of power from Hun Sen to his son, Han Manet, exiled political analyst Kim Sok told RFA’s Khmer Service. Hun Sen has ruled the country since 1985. “Hun Sen will transfer power to his son because he has seen sign of split between the opposition leaders,” he said. Mey Chandara, coordinator for the Phnom Penh-based Cambodia Youth Network, told RFA that the split will cause a rift in supporters of the opposition at a time when they should be unified to challenge the ruling party. “We don’t want to see them separate. We want the opposition’s voices to demand justice in the upcoming election,” he said. Sam Rainsy founded the Candlelight Party under a different name in 1995. In 2012, supporters from his party and Kem Sokha’s Human Rights party merged to form the CNRP, which was dissolved by Cambodia’s Supreme Court five years later after it performed well in the country’s 2017 communal elections. Candlelight, as a separate party from the CNRP, was technically not affected by the ban and has risen to become the largest opposition party in the country. Sam Rainsy has thrown his support behind Candlelight, whereas Kem Sokha believes that its participation in what he viewed as a compromised election earlier this month only serves the CPP and its claims of winning the elections in a landslide. Seng Sary, a political analyst, said the divide between the two opposition leaders was real, and not initiated for strategic purposes. He said that the split was initiated by Kem Sokha, who did not support the opposition Candlelight Party in this year’s local commune elections. CPP spokesman Chhim Phalvorun dismissed the idea that the CPP would benefit from the split between Sam Rainsy and Kem Sokha. CPP will stay in power because it has the support of the people, he said. “When a wife and husband get a divorce, it is their issue. It has nothing to do with outsiders,” he said. If the rift in the opposition can be described as a divorce, it is not an amicable one, at least as far as Kem Sokha’s daughter, Kem Monovithya, is concerned. She wrote scathing criticism of Sam Rainsy on her Facebook account, accusing him of allowing Hun Sen and the CCP to use him to attack her father. “We think the ruling party wants to destroy the opposition party as a whole, especially the [Cambodia] National Rescue Party,” she wrote. “[The CPP] is doing two things. It is destroying Sam Rainsy through threats to arrest him, so he fled. At the same time, it is destroying Kem Sokha by using Sam Rainsy’s hands to attack him because he hasn’t fled,” Kem Monovithya wrote. “We think the ruling party and Sam Rainsy’s faction think that if Kem Sokha dares to defend himself or express any different ideas [from Sam Rainsy’s], his popularity will decline,” she said. Kem Sokha is now more popular than when he started the Human Rights Party in 2007, Kem Monovithya added. “Kem Sokha has been the main leader since 2007, so we will continue our courage and speak the truth, even if the truth hurts Sam Rainsy’s faction or the ruling party,” she said. “In simple language, we will fight both.” Activist yet to meet lawyer Cambodian American activist Theary Seng, who on Tuesday was arrested while she protested a mass trial that convicted her and more than 50 other democracy advocates for their associations with the CNRP, has still not been allowed to meet with her lawyer in prison. By forbidding him to meet with his client, the lawyer, Choung Choy Ngy, told RFA that Phnom Penh’s Prey Sar Prison was breaking Cambodian law, which specify that prisoners be allowed to meet with legal counsel to discuss appeals. He said he was preparing a complaint to the Ministry of Interior, seeking intervention from Minister Sar Keng to allow him to meet Theary Seng. “Theary Seng wasn’t at the announcement of the court verdict, so she doesn’t [officially] know what the verdict is, so my intention was to inform her and explain her rights to appeal,” Choung Choy Ngy said. “I am sad that prison officials didn’t allow me to meet her.” Prison Department spokesman Nuth Savna told RFA that officials have designated her as a special case, so they have worked to ensure her safety, so for the time being the prison will not allow visitors. “We didn’t allow the visit due to safety and security factors,” he said, adding that prison officials received information that there is a plan by Theary Seng supporters to protest in front of the prison. The prison should allow her to meet with her lawyer, otherwise it is a violation of Theary Seng’s rights, Am Sam Ath of the Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights told RFA. The U.S. State Department said it was “deeply concerned” about Tuesday’s verdict in a statement published Wednesday evening. “The sentencing of these opposition activists, many of whom are associated with the disbanded Cambodia National Rescue Party, is the latest instance in an alarming pattern of threats, intimidation, and persecution of opposition political leaders and parties. These actions undermine multiparty democracy and the rule of law,” department spokesperson Ned Price said. “We call on Cambodian authorities to release all those unjustly detained, including Theary Seng, and protect freedoms of expression, association, and peaceful assembly, consistent with Cambodia’s constitution and its international obligations and commitments,” he said. Translated by Samean Yun. Written in English by Eugene Whong. https://www.rfa.org/english/news/cambodia/split-06162022150150.html Copyright © 1998-2020, RFA. Used with the permission of Radio Free Asia, 2025 M St. NW, Suite 300, Washington DC 20036.
  20. State officials defended the promotion of ruling-party scions in government, though they denied knowledge of a leaked letter appearing to show the military’s chief of staff seeking Phnom Penh and Siem Reap deputy governor positions for his son and a nephew. Speaking of ruling-party officials’ children, Interior Ministry spokesman Khieu Sopheak on Wednesday said that requesting their promotions was “normal.” “The request for promotion is the right of the one who requested,” he said. “If we do not promote our group, do we promote the opposition group?” Thong Solimo, spokesman for the military’s general command, said: “In a necessary case, a leader can request directly and it is OK.” The leaked letter, signed in early April by military chief of staff Ith Sarath, asks Sarath’s son Rath Dararath — who currently works in the chief of staff office — be made Phnom Penh deputy governor, and Sarath’s nephew Nop Longdy be made Siem Reap deputy governor. Both are one-star generals. The letter was purportedly received by Interior Minister Sar Kheng on April 7, and was to be studied by ministry secretary of state Sak Setha. read more https://vodenglish.news/promotion-of-officials-children-in-government-defended/
  21. 2 foreigners are currently in custody after being arrested for snatching $150,000 from a compatriot in a Phnom Penh street last month The heist took place on May 31, 2022 at Ser Chi Hour Lian, Sangkat Phsar Thmei II, Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh. Police have named the victim as Sheng Guangyong, male, 65 years old, Chinese. This morning. the Criminal Police Department of the Ministry of Interior confirmed that they had arrested 2 suspects in conjunction with the crime on June 10, 2022 at 11:25 at the corner of Street 289 and Street 516, Sangkat Boeung Kak Ty. 2 Khan Toul Kork, Phnom Penh The 2 suspects have been named as WEI JING YUN, a 56-year-old Chinese man, and QING YUI YUN, a 41-year-old Chinese man read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501094832/2-arrested-after-150000-snatched-from-foreigner-in-phnom-penh-street/
  22. PM Hun Sen said that he was ‘proud and pleased’ to welcome the FIFA World Cup for the first time to Cambodia today The PM made his remarks on the occasion of receiving and raising the World Cup in Phnom Penh on June 15, 2022. The FIFA WORLD CUP, which is made of pure gold and weighs more than 6 kg, arrived in Cambodia for the first time on June 15, 2022, the first appearance on Cambodian soil since the trophy was established in 1974. The PM stated, “On behalf of the Royal Government, I am very proud, like many heads of state and government, to hold and lift this meaningful World Cup. Of course, this trophy is also a symbol for humanity all over the world, because it represents the billions of people and humanity who love football and love the principle of fair play, which is always flagged before every match starts” read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501094786/in-pictures-pm-the-winner-as-he-welcomes-world-cup-to-cambodia/
  23. Villagers in Siem Reap’s Senchey village have alleged collusion between soldiers and local officials to grab their land under the guise of a conservation area. San Sarith, a landholder in the village, told VOD on Tuesday that about 200 families had been involved in a land dispute for more than a decade with the Royal Cambodian Army’s Region 4 forces, a division covering Siem Reap, Oddar Meanchey, Preah Vihear and Kampong Thom. Sarith accused the soldiers of threatening people to prevent them from using or working on the disputed land, which is located in Kantuot commune of Svay Loeu district. The commune includes parts of both Phnom Kulen National Park and Kulen Prum Tep Wildlife Sanctuary, but the disputed area is in neither. Sarith said that after people filed a complaint with the Siem Reap provincial court and Battambang Appeal Court, local authorities claimed the land is no longer involved with the soldiers. Authorities then turned to accuse people of working on land in the “Chob Som Nature Protection Area.” read more https://vodenglish.news/residents-dispute-rcaf-land-grabs-in-siem-reap-criminal-charges-in-koh-kong/
  24. But Sam Rainsy says the comments are the result of legal duress and part of a plot by PM Hun Sen. Cambodia’s top opposition partnership of the past decade is no more, one half of the duo said Wednesday, confirming rumors of a split within the Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) and raising questions over who can mount a legitimate political challenge to strongman Prime Minister Hun Sen. Speaking during proceedings for his trial on unsubstantiated charges of treason at the Phnom Penh Municipal Court, former CNRP President Kem Sokha announced that his relationship with the party’s acting President Sam Rainsy had ended, although Sam Rainsy was quick to dismiss the comments as the result of legal pressure. “I am using this platform to speak about politics [to put an end to speculation]. Sam Rainsy and I are done. I would like to inform you that this is true. It’s no longer ‘Sam Rainsy and Kem Sokha as one,’” Kem Sokha said in a rare courtroom audio recording that was later published by the pro-ruling Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) Fresh News media outlet. “Before, Samdech [Hun Sen] maintained a culture of dialogue with Sam Rainsy, but now there is none. He [Sam Rainsy] led the Candlelight Party to join the [commune] election and in doing so, he left us and attacked me. I want to clarify this during the trial.” Sam Rainsy, who founded the Candlelight Party in 2005 before joining forces with the CNRP, has been living in self-imposed exile in France since late 2015. The opposition leader tried to return in November 2019 to lead a peaceful uprising against Hun Sen’s CPP, but his plan to enter Cambodia from Thailand was thwarted when he was refused permission to board a Thai Airways plane in Paris. Kem Sokha told the court on Wednesday that he had “never supported” his former ally’s plan to return, which has subsequently been used by authorities to try and convict several opposition members on charges of incitement to overthrow the government. His comments came after being pressed by the court prosecutor to explain his connection to the events of 2019. “I didn’t support him. I asked my supporters not to join. If I were granted political rights by the judge, I would have held a press conference to explain this,” Kem Sokha said, referring to a court-ordered ban on his political activities during his trial. “I’ve decided that Cambodia is my homeland and I have no other place that I belong. I have no interest in bringing foreigners into the country to provoke chaos.” Speaking to RFA Khmer following Wednesday’s hearing, Kem Sokha’s lawyer Pheng Heng confirmed his client’s statement. “This is real audio recorded during the trial. He responded to the same questions [asked by the prosecutor] who accused him of assisting with Sam Rainsy’s repatriation,” he said. “Sam Rainsy and Kem Sokha ended their alliance when Sam Rainsy threw his support behind the Candlelight Party.” Pheng Heng added that he was “surprised” that the court had allowed Kem Sokha’s statement to be taped during the trial, as reporters are normally banned from making audio or video recordings during hearings and said that he will discuss with his client whether he intends to file a complaint. Kem Sokha leaves the Phnom Penh Municipal Court following a hearing in his case, June 15, 2022. Credit: citizen journalist Rumors of a split Kem Sokha’s claim to have ended his relationship with Sam Rainsy appear to confirm pervasive rumors of a schism within Cambodia’s opposition that were reignited following a four-hour meeting last month between the former CNRP president and Hun Sen at a funeral for the latter’s brother, during which the two discussed national policy issues. CNRP supporters had dismissed the rumors as part of a bid by the CPP to fracture the opposition ahead of nationwide elections for local councils held earlier this month but had urged party leaders to issue a statement clarifying the status of their relationship. The CPP claimed a sweeping victory in the commune polls last week — a contest that rights watchdogs said was heavily slanted toward the ruling party and marred by intimidation and obstruction of the opposition. The official election results will be announced on June 26. On Wednesday, Sam Rainsy told RFA that Kem Sokha had lied about the nature of their alliance, insisting that “nothing has changed.” “We must look at the circumstance. Is he speaking his mind or is he being pressured? He spoke before the court that charged him,” he said. “I don’t change my stance. Kem Sokha is a hostage of Hun Sen. He can’t say what he wants. Hun Sen has threatened Kem Sokha that he will send him back to prison.” Sam Rainsy also alleged that the leak of the courtroom audio is “part of a plot” organized by Hun Sen. “This is a plot to show that Sam Rainsy and Kem Sokha are splitting,” he said. “If Cambodia’s democrats remain united, it will mean the end for Hun Sen. So, I’m not interested in what Kem Sokha said in this circumstance.” Cambodia’s Supreme Court dissolved the CNRP in November 2017, two months after the arrest of Kem Sokha for his role in an alleged scheme to topple Hun Sen with the help of the U.S. government — charges he denies. The former CNRP president, who faces up to 30 years in jail, declined to vote in this month’s election and was joined by many of his followers. Sam Rainsy told RFA that amid efforts to return the CNRP to legal status, the best way forward for Cambodia’s opposition supporters is to rally behind the Candlelight Party. “While we are in the jungle, we need candlelight until the sun rises,” he said. Translated by Samean Yun. Written in English by Joshua Lipes. https://www.rfa.org/english/news/cambodia/split-06152022193844.html Copyright © 1998-2020, RFA. Used with the permission of Radio Free Asia, 2025 M St. NW, Suite 300, Washington DC 20036.
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