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  1. PHNOM PENH, March 3 (Xinhua) -- Cambodia's Ministry of Environment and partner groups on Thursday launched a "zero-snaring" campaign in protected areas to protect animals from being trapped and killed, officials said. The ministry's secretary of state and spokesman Neth Pheaktra said the six-month campaign will be conducted in protected areas in provinces situated in the eastern side of the Mekong River, including Kratie, Stung Treng, Ratanakiri, Mondulkiri, Preah Vihear and Kampong Thom provinces. The partner organizations in the campaign included the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), Birdlife International, and Conservation International, he said. "The campaign is launched on the day that the world celebrates the World Wildlife Day, and it is aimed at raising awareness about the impact of snares on wildlife and human, enforcing the law, encouraging people to love wild animals and biodiversity, and eliminating poaching, trapping and trafficking wild animals," he told Xinhua. The spokesman said snares are the most dangerous device to kill wild animals and that some 61,611 snares had been removed from protected areas in 2021, an increase of 42 percent from 43,270 in 2020. "Snares are the hidden killers that have killed wild animals in Cambodia's protected areas," Pheaktra said, adding that there are many types of snares including electric snares and metal traps. Kim Nong, general director of the General Directorate of Administration for Nature Conservation and Protection at the Ministry of Environment, urged locals to quit snaring wild animals, saying that under the kingdom's law, wild animal trappers can face imprisonment from one to five years and a fine of 15 million riel (3,750 U.S. dollars) to 150 million riel (37,500 dollars). "During the six-month campaign, we will work with local authorities and communities to prevent wildlife trapping and to educate people about the law and penalties as well as the value of wild animals," he said. The WWF's country director Seng Teak estimated that 20 percent of traps in the protected areas have been removed, as the other 80 percent remain in place. "These traps are a key contributor toward the functional extinction of tiger in Cambodia and the rapid decline of the Indochinese leopard and other predator species, as well as bears and ungulate species," he told Xinhua. He urged the authorities to take serious actions against perpetrators, bushmeat markets and restaurants that provide wildlife meats to customers http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/asiapacific/20220303/76a6f79e09a1458ab256c37fe727be13/c.html
  2. Cambodia has added its voice to 140 other countries who last night voted in an emergency UN session for a resolution deploring Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and calling for the immediate withdrawal of its forces. In an emergency session of the UN’s general assembly, 141 of 193 member states voted for the resolution, 35 abstained, and five voted against. The only countries to vote no in support of Moscow were Belarus, North Korea, Eritrea and Syria. Vietnam, Laos and China were among those who abstained. The resolution said the UN “deplores in the strongest terms the aggression by the Russian Federation against Ukraine”. It demanded that “the Russian Federation immediately cease its use of force against Ukraine” and “immediately, completely and unconditionally withdraw all of its military forces”. The resolution is not legally binding, but is an expression of the views of UN membership, aimed at increasing pressure on Moscow and its ally, Belarus. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501035194/cambodia-votes-for-un-resolution-to-condemn-russias-invasion-of-ukraine/
  3. In speeches, Facebook posts and Fresh News articles, several government officials have turned on Europe and the West over their support for Ukraine. “The war between Russia and Ukraine is no longer a Russia-Ukraine war, but a Russia-Europe war,” Prime Minister Hun Sen said in a speech on Wednesday inaugurating road construction. Europe’s provision of arms to Ukraine was escalating the conflict, and was making it more difficult to end, Hun Sen said, also noting the heightened risk of nuclear conflict. “We oppose the use of force,” Hun Sen said, while also acknowledging Russia’s attack on Ukraine. But “war cannot end war,” he said. Since Russia’s February 24 invasion of Ukraine, a string of Cambodian officials have commented on what they see as Western hypocrisy. Over the weekend, Justice Ministry spokesman Chin Malin said Russia had learned from the U.S. and allies to label wars as operations to protect freedom, democracy and self-determination, and to act first and negotiate later. read more https://vodenglish.news/hun-sen-govt-officials-criticize-west-over-ukraine-war/
  4. Officials from the Oddar Meanchey provincial Department of Culture and Fine Arts joined forces with the heritage protection police force to inspect 68 ancient artifacts that were being kept at Chey Udom Chongkal Pagoda in Chongkal district and commune. The artifacts will be catalogued for preservation as part of the nation’s cultural wealth, an official who joined the inspection said. Yean Ya, an official from the culture department, told The Post that most of the artefacts in the pagoda, located in the commune’s Kork Wat village, were ceramic fragments of ancient temple statues. read more https://www.phnompenhpost.com/national/prehistoric-treasures-found-oddar-meanchey-pagoda
  5. Founded by the former publisher of the shuttered Cambodia Daily, the schools imparted free English and computer classes More than 550 non-government schools funded by Japan Relief for Cambodia and the World Assistance for Cambodia (JRfC-WAfC) began closing on March 1 following an order from the Ministry of Education. No reason was given by local education officials for closing the rural-based primary and secondary schools that were part of the legacy left by Bernie Krisher, the former publisher of the independent newspaper Cambodia Daily. A letter from Education Minister Hang Chuon Naron terminated the government’s agreement with JRfC-WAfC, requiring the organization to halt its activities in Cambodia. The letter was posted on Facebook by teachers who worked at the schools, which specialized in English and computer skills, CamboJA News said. Cambodia Daily earned a fierce reputation for independent journalism and as a critic of the government. It was forced to close in 2017 after being handed an unexpected tax bill amid a crackdown on opposition dissent. read more https://www.ucanews.com/news/cambodia-closes-more-than-550-independent-schools/96319
  6. The number of women working as owners of corporations and businesses in Cambodia has reached approximately 61 percent. This was stated by Ith Samheng, Minister of Labour and Vocational Training in a get-together with the ministry’s female civil servants to congratulate the 111st anniversary of the International Women’s Day (Mar. ???? under the theme “Gender Equality Today for Future Sustainability” via videoconference on Monday. The figure showed a high rate of women workforce in business and corporation ownership in Cambodia, Samheng added. Ensuring and supporting women’s small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are vital to develop an ecosystem for sustainable and inclusive business development. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501034174/sixty-one-percent-of-cambodias-business-people-are-women/
  7. Cambodia has over 17.6 million internet subscribers as of October, increasing from 1.6 million registered as of 2020, according to the report of the Telecommunication Regulator of Cambodia. The report stated the mobile internet users are 17.2 million. As of October last year, the mobile phone subscribers were 20 million, 125 percent compared to the total population of 16 million. In Cambodia, there are 5 mobile internet service providers and 35 fixed internet service providers, of which 2G mobile coverage covers 92 percent of the total population. 3G mobile coverage is 85 percent and 4G mobile coverage is 82 percent. There are two submarine fiber optic cables, of which the first submarine fiber cable connects Cambodia to Thailand and Malaysia and the second cable connects Cambodia to 18 countries of Asia, Africa and Europe. However, the telecommunications structure does not yet cover the whole country, as the fourth generation (4G) mobile network is serving about 80 percent of the population. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501033903/internet-users-surge-to-17-5m-as-govt-moves-to-digital-economy/
  8. Two security aides of Cambodia's prime minister are indicted for a 1997 grenade attack on a political rally. On Feb. 2, a French judge ordered two security aides for Cambodian prime minister Hun Sen to be tried for organizing a 1997 grenade attack against a political opposition rally in the capital Phnom Penh that left 16 people dead and at least 120 injured. On Feb. 22, Sovannarith Keo of RFA’s Khmer Service spoke to Brad Adams, Asia director of New York-based Human Rights Watch, about the French court’s action and what might happen next. The interview has been edited for clarity and length. RFA: What does this French court’s order of indictment mean for Hun Sen’s bodyguard chief Hing Bun Heang and for Huy Piseth specifically, and what does it mean for Hun Sen himself? Brad Adams: Well, I think that for the two individuals, Hing Bun Heang and Huy Piseth, they will never be able to travel in Europe again. They won't be able to travel to North America. There should be a European arrest warrant put out through the European Union's common procedure. There should be an Interpol Red Notice, which means they would be subject to arrest anywhere outside Cambodia. Of course, they should be subject to arrest in Cambodia, but we know the Cambodian government has already refused to arrest them. It could lead to enhanced sanctions against both of them. Hing Bun Heang has been sanctioned in the past, and I expect that both of them will face additional sanctions that would affect their assets overseas and any companies that they're involved in. And of course we know that in particular Hing Bun Heang is highly corrupt and would be subject in time to sanctions for that as well. So it would be illegal to trade with them or do business with them if you're a foreign company based in certain jurisdictions. For Hun Sen, the judgment of the court or the court order makes it clear that if he didn't have immunity, he would have also been subject to an arrest warrant. So will Hun Sen be arrested? No, not right now, not unless his immunity is challenged and lifted by a French or other court. But I think it will be very hard for the European Union and other democracies at least to invite him for bilateral meetings or to participate in multilateral meetings, because we now have an independent court in a very well-established democracy concluding that the evidence shows that Hing Bun Heang and Huy Piseth organized and ordered the grenade attack, and that only one person could have given them permission to do that. And that was the prime minister. This is something, by the way, that Huy Piseth acknowledged when he was questioned by the FBI in 1997. He said that only a prime minister could order this when agent [Tom] Nicoletti asked him why bodyguards would be present in that park on that day when they had never been present at any other protests before. And he admitted it. RFA: You mentioned earlier that there will be enhanced sanctions against these two individuals and that there should be an Interpol Red Notice or a so-called European arrest warrant issued against both of them. Do you think the French court will likely move to request this kind of Interpol Red Notice or other international arrest warrant against these two individuals in the future? Brad Adams: Yes. The way it works in the French system is that it's up to the prosecutor to make that request. But the problem is that there is no transparency, so we will have to dig in, and maybe you as journalists can also dig, to find out if and when the prosecutor makes that request. They do not have an obligation to make that request in public. They can, but they don't have to. So we don't know when that will happen, but I can't believe that it won't happen, because the case is very serious It's a case of attempted assassination, according to the French court, and attempted murder—the attempted assassination of Sam Rainsy and murder of the 16 people. And this is obviously a very, very serious crime. RFA: Will your organization, Human Rights Watch, move to pursue the request of an Interpol Red Notice against them? Brad Adams: Yes, of course we are going to push very hard for this. But in the end it is up to the French authorities. I will say the French authorities did pass the demand, the summons for Hing Bun Heang and Huy Piseth to appear in the French court from the French judge to the Ministry of Justice in France, to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in France, to the embassy in Phnom Penh, and to the Cambodian government. So, the system worked properly in France to pursue this case although the Cambodian government refused to make Huy Piseth and Hing Bun Heang available for questioning. And that's the reason the arrest warrant was issued. The arrest warrant was issued when they failed to appear as requested by the French Court. RFA: Can this order of indictment be appealed to the Supreme Court in France? Brad Adams: No, there's no way to appeal at this point. This case is now going to be set for trial sometime next year probably, at which point the evidence will be heard in court. And people like me will be called to testify. Hing Bun Heang and Huy Piseth will be entitled to appear and testify if they choose to. And the court would come to a conclusion about whether or not there is enough evidence beyond a reasonable doubt to convict them. A Cambodian man prays in front of portraits of victims of a 1997 grenade attack on a political opposition rally in Phnom Penh that left 16 people dead and at least 120 wounded. File Photo: AFP RFA: If the two are convicted by the French court in upcoming proceedings, as you mentioned, how likely will a sentence be announced against them? Brad Adams: I can't say that. I would expect in a case with this much death and this many injuries that it would be a very substantial prison sentence. That's what would normally happen, but it's impossible for me to say whether that would happen after a conviction. If there is a conviction, the court will have been convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that they had organized [the attack] and had planned to kill, and that that's about as serious a charge as one could expect. RFA: It seems that there will likely be a long way to go for the French court to begin hearing the merits of this case. Do we know of any exact date for this hearing? Brad Adams: No, there's no date. The estimate I've been given by the lawyers in the case is that usually it would be 12 to 18 months after the order by the investigating judge. RFA: Sam Rainsy’s lawyer, Pierre-Olivier Sur, told the AFP on Feb. 2 that “French justice is closing in seriously if not dangerously against Prime Minister Hun Sen. If it weren’t for his diplomatic immunity, he would be the one in the dock instead of his subordinates.” How likely is it that Hun Sen could be summoned in the future to testify at the hearing on the merits of this case? Brad Adams: I expect that will happen the day after Hun Sen leaves office, if he ever does. And, of course, we don't know. Does he really plan to step down and have his son take over, or is he going to stay until he dies? We don't really know. But I imagine that the day after he leaves office this lawyer will be back in court asking for Hun Sen to be summoned, and that his failure to appear would follow the same path as this case. He would then be subject to an arrest warrant. There's no reason why the lawyers wouldn't make that request. There's no reason why the court, given its order, which suggests that Hun Sen was only protected because of his diplomatic status, would not make such a move. RFA: So this means that if Hun Sen resigns from his position as prime minister and loses his immunity, an arrest warrant could be handed to him. In terms of international legal cooperation, it is likely in the coming month that as the chair of ASEAN, Hun Sen along with other ASEAN state leaders will be invited by the U.S. president to attend the ASEAN-U.S. Special Summit in the White House. Is it likely that the French court would issue a surprise arrest warrant and then send it to the U.S. for help in serving it? Brad Adams: You know, I wish they would, because I believe he's responsible for this horrific attack. But, no, they've made it clear that they would not. They think his diplomatic status provides immunity while he is in office. So I don't think there's any chance of that happening. However, it should be pointed out that this is the interpretation of the French government. It is not necessarily accurate that he has diplomatic immunity. This could be contested in court someday in France. You know, every country has to decide whether to give diplomatic immunity to a head of government when they travel. And most do, because they're afraid that if they arrest one prime minister, their own prime minister might then get arrested when he travels. But it's not the same as being an accredited diplomat where you have diplomatic immunity. And this is a choice that governments make, to give diplomatic immunity to traveling government officials. RFA: For my last question, how would this French court’s order of indictment affect Hun Sen’s international image overall, especially when he attends the ASEAN-U.S. Special Summit in the White House? Brad Adams: Well, we're going to be making the point to journalists such as yourself and the international media that the chair of ASEAN has been indirectly accused of committing mass murder by a French court. Now of course he's been accused of this and many other things by many other people over the years. He's been accused of being responsible for mass killings in the 1998 election and for the killings of journalists and activists, etc. There's no lack of evidence and accusations against Hun Sen. But for a French court to make this order is very different from Human Rights Watch or a Cambodian NGO issuing a report. So I think it's going to elevate the attention he gets. It's going to be a black eye for ASEAN. It's going to make Cambodia look bad, and it's going to lead, I think, to a lot of governments thinking hard about how they should interact with Hun Sen. It can't be business as usual for some governments. You know we don't have much hope for ASEAN or for China or India. I mean, they're going to do business with anybody. But we do hope that other democracies who say they put human rights at the forefront of their foreign policy will reconsider how they interact with Hun Sen. https://www.rfa.org/english/news/cambodia/accused-03012022140550.html Copyright © 1998-2020, RFA. Used with the permission of Radio Free Asia, 2025 M St. NW, Suite 300, Washington DC 20036.
  9. The new office building of the International Border Check-Point of Poipet in Banteay Meanchey province was officially put into use on Tuesday to facilitate the cross-border travel of Cambodians, Thais and foreign tourists, especially the cross-border transport of goods between Cambodia and Thailand. The inauguration ceremony was presided by Sar Kheng, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Interior, and Gen. Ke Kim Yan, Deputy Prime Minister, Chairman of the National Authority for Combating Drugs (NACD) and Head of the Royal Government Working Group for Banteay Meanchey province. The new building, whose construction began on Oct. 27, 2017 and was completed on Sept. 2, 2021, cost 17.13 billion Riel (approximately $4.2 million). Speaking on the occasion, Sar Kheng thanked the Royal Government of Thailand, especially the Sa Kaeo provincial administration, which always provide good cooperation to Cambodia, contributing to the development of the Poipet city as well as Cambodia. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501034153/new-office-building-for-international-border-check-point-at-poipet-inaugurated/
  10. Defence Minister General Tea Banh said yesterday that Cambodia may consider sending Blue Helmet troops to Ukraine, if the country and the United Nations declare that there will be no more fighting with Russia. He added that Cambodia sends Blue Helmet troops on missions abroad under the auspices of the UN, which are non-war locations or areas that require peacekeeping forces. Cambodia has never sent Blue Helmet troops to countries at war. “We go to help countries that are at peace but not yet at full peace, such as helping to build infrastructure, roads, hospitals, schools, demining minefields and other humanitarian work,” said Gen Banh. “We cannot send Cambodian Blue Helmet troops to countries that are at war. We have prepared and protected our forces from the dangers of war,” he added. Government spokesman Phay Siphan said the position of the government has always been to support and protect peace and Cambodia does not join forces in the fight against any country and Cambodia will not send troops to serve the interests of any country. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501033904/cambodia-considers-peacekeeping-mission-to-ukraine/
  11. The Svay Rieng Provincial Animal Health Department’s mobile inspection team seized 115 live pigs being transported in a minivan. Department director Pen Chanthy said: “Our mobile team intercepted a minivan that they suspected of smuggling live pigs across the border illegally from Vietnam.” He added that the team was following instructions from the Agriculture Ministry not to allow the trafficking of live animals over concerns of disease, in particular, African swine flu which has been detected in Vietnam and Thailand. Chanthy said that blood samples were taken and sent to the Animal Health Department. Agriculture Ministry Animal Health Department director Tan Phanara said: “Cambodia is taking strict measures to test all imported pigs from those countries with cases of this virus but now we have totally banned importing them.” read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501034063/live-smuggled-pigs-packed-in-minivan/
  12. According to the initial investigation by the Cambodian police, the case of “a Chinese kidnapped and sent to Cambodia as a blood slave” is completely fabricated, the Chinese embassy in Cambodia said on Monday. Li Yayuanlun, known as the victim of the case, was in fact smuggled into Cambodia and contracted a serious liver disease. He later contacted a local organization for help, said the Chinese embassy quoting a statement by the Cambodian police. However, three people assisted Li in fabricating and propagating fake news for different purposes. Li was promoted as a “blood slave” who was illegally detained and abused, which misled public opinion and seriously affected social order, said the Chinese embassy in Monday’s statement posted on its official WeChat account. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501033244/chinese-embassy-in-cambodia-dismiss-case-of-kidnapped-blood-slave-as-fabricated/
  13. The Government of Japan will extend approximately $41 million in grant to support mine clearance and victim assistance and water supply projects in Cambodia. The Exchange of Notes and related documents on the extension of Japanese Grant Aid will be signed on Mar. 2 between PRAK Sokhonn, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Cambodia, and MIKAMI Masahiro, Ambassador of Japan to Cambodia. According to a press release of the Cambodian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, $17 million of the total amount will be used for the Integrated Mine Clearance and Landmine Victim Assistance (Phase 2), and the rest $24 million will be for the Expansion of Water Supply System in Svay Rieng province. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501033321/japan-to-provide-41-million-for-mine-clearance-and-water-supply-projects-in-cambodia/
  14. Cambodia will now be able to serve its citizens in Turkey better with the opening of its Embassy in Ankara on Sunday. Foreign Minister Prak Sokhonn and Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu were present to witness the official opening of the Embassy. According to the Ministry, Sokhonn also met with a number of Cambodian diplomats during the opening ceremony. “On the same day, Sokhonn had a virtual meeting with Çavuşoğlu, and signed the Agreement on the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with regard to taxes on income and the Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in the Field of Protocol,” it said. Sokhonn also met with Vice President of Turkey Fuat Oktay to discuss about relations between the two nations. Before meeting with Çavuşoğlu and Oktay on February 26, Sokhonn laid wreath at the memorial tomb Anitkabir in Ankara and signed the Anitkabir Book of Honour. The minister also met with Cambodian students in the country to know about their challenges and opportunities in studying abroad. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501033266/cambodia-opens-embassy-in-ankara-to-foster-better-relations/
  15. A Chinese businessman central to the ongoing rescues of trafficked and enslaved scam workers in Sihanoukville and across the country is under police investigation, his team said. Rescuers have been fielding dozens of pleas for help every week from Chinese nationals who say they are being detained at work camps in Cambodia and forced to perpetrate online scams. Thai, Bangladeshi, Taiwanese and other foreign nationals have also been rescued from such scam operations, though authorities and civil society have been largely silent on the alleged human rights abuses. A brief statement from the Cambodia-China Charity Team, which comes under the umbrella of the China Commerce in Cambodia Association, said that Chen Baorong of the Cambodia-China Charity Team came under investigation by the Cambodian police around midday Friday. read more https://vodenglish.news/rescue-team-leader-under-police-investigation/
  16. The Kampong Chhnang Provincial Court has summoned the chief of the Pursat provincial police to appear for questioning after a local land buyer accused him of making a fraudulent land sale. Khut Puthy, the 33-year-old buyer, is now seeking compensation from chief Sar Theng after the provincial official accepted money from him for the sale of more than 10 hectares of land that he may not actually own. When asked about the lawsuit, the chief of Svay Chrum commune in Kampong Chhnang, where the sale took place, told VOD he believes documents Theng has provided claiming ownership of the land are not legitimate. “The documents that he sent me are not official documents,” said commune chief Y Phuon, adding that Theng had only sent pictures of the documents by phone. “But when I verified them with the books of the commune, they were not there, so I conclude that this is a fake document.” read more https://vodenglish.news/court-summons-provincial-police-chief-for-questioning-in-fraud-suit/
  17. Officials retreat from requiring the detained workers to pay a steep fine as a condition of their release. Authorities in the Cambodian capital Phnom Penh on Friday released 73 striking employees of the NagaWorld Casino who were detained this week at a quarantine center on charges of violating COVID-19 protocols, RFA has learned. Thousands of workers walked off their jobs in mid-December, demanding higher wages and the reinstatement of eight jailed union leaders and 365 workers they say were unjustly fired from the hotel and casino, which is owned by a Hong Kong-based company. Cambodian authorities called the strike is “illegal” and allege that it is supported by foreign donors as a plot to topple the government, but the recent arrests were attributed to alleged violations of pandemic health protections. Activists said the charges were trumped up to break up the strike. After the government arrested and released 62 strikers on Monday and ordered two others into treatment when they tested positive for COVID-19, authorities warned that they would issue steep fines of 1-5 million riel ($245-1,230) to any more strikers who gathered to protest in large groups. More arrests, releases and orders for COVID-19 treatment were made over the past week, but the remaining 73 detained workers were let go Friday without having to pay any fines, they told RFA. Authorities also said the workers must agree to stop gathering to protest as a condition of their release, but the 73 strikers refused to sign statements to that effect. As a result, they were not provided with transportation and had to arrange their own rides home from the quarantine center. Several Cambodian civil society groups, community organizations, and trade unions on Thursday accused governmental officials of sexually harassing female strikers, including a report that a male officer grabbed and squeezed a female striker’s breast while forcing her onto a bus. The city government on Thursday denied mistreating the strikers in a statement. “It’s obvious that we were sexually abused by the authorities, and we will continue to demand our labor rights,” Siek Kanha, a woman among the group released on Friday, told RFA’s Khmer Service. She vowed to continue to protest until the courts release the union leaders who are still detained. RFA was unable to reach any officials from the Phnom Penh City Hall. The Cambodian authorities’ abuse of public health measures to stifle a peaceful strike is “outrageous and unacceptable,” Phil Roberston, deputy Asia director of New York-based Human Rights Watch, said in a statement. “This continued harassment against striking workers exercising their rights is a blatant attempt to silence these brave workers’ voices, and weaken Cambodia’s union movement,” Robertson said. He noted that many of the strikers were wearing masks, social distancing, and getting tested for COVID-19 in accordance with the government’s health measures. “They have done nothing that justifies the authorities’ actions to detain them, shove them into overcrowded buses, and then hold them against their will for further COVID-19 testing at a quarantine site that lacks appropriate sanitation and health facilities due to inadequate access to water for washing and drinking,” he said. “Government officials involved are not fooling anyone. Their claims that the workers violated COVID-19 measures is a fabricated cover story showing the lengths to which the authorities are prepared to go to stop the NagaWorld strike.” Authorities continue to hold in pre-trial detention 11 labor union members and leaders who were arrested in December 2021. Eight unionists are charged with incitement to commit a felony and face up to two years in prison if convicted. Three others are charged with “obstruction of COVID-19 measures,” which carries a penalty of up to five years in prison. Translated by Samean Yun. Written in English by Eugene Whong. https://www.rfa.org/english/news/cambodia/nagaworld-02252022164029.html Copyright © 1998-2020, RFA. Used with the permission of Radio Free Asia, 2025 M St. NW, Suite 300, Washington DC 20036.
  18. Dreams of wealth beyond avarice have turned sour for a man in Poipet City, when a $1 million banknote in his possession was confirmed to be counterfeit by police. At 7:50 AM on February 25, 2022, the working group of the Central Command of the General Commission of the National Police received information from concerned citizens that a local man was in possession of what appeared to be a 1 million USD banknote. Police immediately intervened and raided the man’s house in Chan Kiri Village, Sangkat Poipet, Poipet City, Banteay Meanchey Province. There, police found that Phan Sun Heang, a 31-year-old man, and his wife, Tep Srey Khouch, 27, were in possession of the banknote. However, after a thorough inspection, sharp eyed police immediately determined that the note was counterfeit. Police then confiscated the banknote and educated the owner of the ‘funny money’. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501032456/funny-money-1-million-banknote-not-genuine-say-police/
  19. In an unprecedented move, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Cambodia has issued an open letter calling for ‘a fight against vicious crimes involving Chinese citizens in Cambodia’. The letter in response to a wave of criminality involving Chinese nationals, centred around the coastal port of Sihanoukville, but also happening in Phnom Penh and other Cambodian cities. Entitled ‘An open letter of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Cambodia calling for a fight against vicious crimes involving Chinese citizens in Cambodia‘, the strongly worded letter – issued in Chinese, English and Khmer – decries the ‘case[s] of shooting, kidnapping and extortion involving Chinese citizens in Cambodia’ related to ‘online gambling and telecommunication fraud groups in Cambodia’ The Chamber of Commerce warn that ‘If the Internet gambling groups is allowed to play the bully and do whatever it wants, Chinese enterprises that intend to develop in Cambodia will not only be deterred, but also seriously affect the business prospects and confidence of Chinese companies already operating in Cambodia.’ read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501032530/chinese-chamber-of-commerce-in-cambodia-calls-for-fight-against-vicious-crimes-involving-chinese-citizens-in-cambodia/
  20. The Interior Ministry has expressed concern that some 30,000 migrants workers who were working in Thailand last year were exploited to work longer hours or their salaries were not fully paid due to the Covid-19 outbreak. National Committee for Counter Trafficking in Persons permanent vice-chairwoman Chou Bun Eng said yesterday at the anti-Human Trafficking forum that it is better for Cambodians to be in the Kingdom rather than going out of the country to work and struggling to make a living during the Covid-19 pandemic. She said the government was taking great pains to pay $30 every month to the thousands of garment workers across the country during the pandemic as they only got 50% of their salaries from their employers. “Even paying the $30 per worker is a big amount for the government. They should think carefully which is more beneficial, whether staying in the country or migrating to work in another country,” she said. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501032625/some-30000-migrant-workers-may-have-been-exploited-and-not-paid-in-full/
  21. The Ministry of Tourism has announced that a Thai airline will resume flights from Bangkok to Siem Reap and from Siem Reap to Bangkok from March 3, 2022 onwards. According to the Ministry of Tourism, Thai Smile Airlines will operate two direct flights a week. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501032546/bangkok-siem-reap-flights-will-resume-from-march-3-2022/
  22. Authorities said they arrested a Texas couple, Lisa Dykes, 58, and Nina Marano, 50, who had fled while out on bond for murdering a 23-year-old woman. The couple didn’t merely skip town, according to authorities. They allegedly left texas for Cambodia, where the FBI helped local law enforcement put them behind bars once again, according to local reports. Dykes and Marano are charged with Charles Anthony Beltran, 32, for allegedly murdering Marisela Botello-Valadez, 23, while she was visiting Texas from Seattle to visit an ex-boyfriend. The young woman went missing Oct. 5, 2020 after going out alone, authorities said. Beltran was allegedly on surveillance with her. He shared a home in the Dallas-suburb of Mesquite, with Dykes and Marano, authorities said. That’s where officials said they found blood matching Botello-Valadez’s on carpets and pads in what was apparently Beltran’s room. Cops alleged in 2021 that Beltran and the couple allegedly ducked authorities and tried to hide evidence, leaving jobs and moving out of homes in Texas and Pennsylvania. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501032791/arrested-in-cambodia-texas-couple-after-skipping-bond-for-murdering-23-year-old-woman/
  23. Cambodia is looking to imitate China's internet restrictions but it has already run into technical issues. The government says it wants to tackle cybercrime but activists argue it's an attempt to muzzle free speech. A controversial scheme to route all internet traffic through a Chinese-style 'firewall' was delayed in Cambodia this week just as it was supposed to go live, giving pro-democracy activists some respite in their efforts to maintain online freedoms. In February of last year, the government adopted a sub-decree on the establishment of the National Internet Gateway (NIG), a system designed to route all internet traffic, including from overseas, through a single portal. Internet service providers (ISPs) will also be required to maintain information about the correct identities of their users. According to the government, the NIG will increase state revenue collection and help tackle cybercrime. Human rights campaigners say it is designed primarily to crack down on free speech and dissent in Cambodia, a country ranked as one of the least democratic nations in Asia by Freedom House. read more https://www.dw.com/en/cambodia-determined-to-implement-china-style-great-firewall-despite-glitches/a-60911295
  24. More than one million Cambodian workers work abroad in various fields and send money home to their families. Last year, the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training estimates that the remittances sent by workers to their families are about $3 billion a year. According to the summary report of the Ministry of Labour today, the income of these Cambodian workers have contributed to the growth of the national economy and the living standards of the workers’ families. In addition, the report said that the inflow of funds continue to promote the implementation of the policy on labour migration for Cambodia 2019-2023 and relevant legal standards to protect and promote the rights and interests of workers including social protection while working and returning home. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501032136/more-than-one-million-cambodians-work-abroad-and-sent-about-3-billion-every-year-to-their-families/
  25. Under a National Mine Action Strategy 2018-2025, the government is all set to achieve a mine-free Cambodia to the fullest extent possible in another three years. CMAC director-general Heng Ratana said the Kingdom has another 794 square kilometres of landmines and explosive remnants of war, including an additional 1,240 square kilometres of cluster munitions to be cleared. He said they were now identifying the areas with cluster munitions and mine fields in cities and provinces. He added that according to their research and report, the cluster munitions dropped by the United States on Cambodian territory since 1970 were approximately three million tonnes. He said the government is committed to solve the problems caused by mines and cluster munitions and explosive remnants of war by properly implementing the Sustainable Development Goals of Cambodia 2016-2030, National Strategic Development Plan 2019-2023, the Phase IV of the government’s Rectangular Strategy 2018-2023; and National Strategic Plan for Mine Action 2018-2025. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501032089/government-set-to-achieve-mine-free-status-in-three-years/
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