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Everything posted by nightbird

  1. Looks like Stick Thai has sold out of the Amnesia Haze.
  2. If you like Sativa dominant strains, I can highly recommend Amnesia Haze, sold on the lineapp by Sticky Thai. 350THB. He's up in Lopburi. Overnight to bkk. A super clear high enhancing smell and taste for me. I use a Dynavap mechanical vape. This stuff is cured very well.
  3. Thanks for the link to the dispensary. I had emailed them some time ago but never got a response. I haven't been in the US for more than 15 years but online prices seem lower than here for the same strains. Taratera, Prikpot, are very convenient but very pricey. Better pricing for 3g orders.
  4. Are you buying from Taratera at their Sathorn area shop?
  5. I ordered from Green Lab on a Saturday and it was delivered the next day, Sunday! This was to BKK.
  6. I ordered the Shopee offering yesterday on your advice. Thanks, again.
  7. Green Lab also did not answer me when I queried them.
  8. I believe each of them. No problem. As I said, the high is fine and I will definitely buy the 10g/200thb on Shopee.
  9. Did you test these yourself? Green Lab's says there are twice the amount of THC and I'm assuming they did test each being the grower. Thanks for the Shopee link.
  10. We can speculate all day, but my point is they both worked, no matter what the % of THC they had.
  11. I've now tried both of the Thai stick offered by Green Lab. Both got me stoned easily on very little leaf. The ST1 has the stronger THC content, but oddly enough, the WA1 made me more stoned. There is a definite difference that I felt but we are all unique and will experience each differently. I think I prefer the ST1. I will probably keep both in stock. These really give a clear sativa high.
  12. The Green Crack I bought from Prikpot looks nothing like Thai Stick. I just received 2 different strains of Thai Stick from Green Lab. They couldn't be more different than the Crack. BTW, the Thai Stick ST1 is very good and more potent than I had imagined. A great buy, btw. I haven't tried the other, yet.
  13. I took a look at shopee and I can't find any weed. What are the search words for finding the sellers?
  14. Being a tea person, many descriptions of teas are like wines, etc. But they are not often immediately accessible to the casual taster. Often, they are subtle elements especially in the aromas. With weed, I am like you, I don't really care about this aspect, but I do expect a clean, non offensive aroma and taste. Just smelling the buds, you can immediately see the difference from one to the other. The rest is just vocabulary which doesn't impact the effects of the smoke. I find vaping a cleaner and better taste and smell experience.
  15. There are countless accounts of Cannabis OD, bad trips, paranoia, etc. But nothing deadly like horse and fentanyl.
  16. If you want to get an idea of pricing, you can look up sellers in the U.S. online and compare pricing. Generally, U.S. dispensaries will be the least expensive. Compare the price of green crack to yours. Do you think it could be the same quality, certified, and tested for THC/CBD, and sell for the paltry amount the seller is asking? Not all growers can achieve optimum results with the same strain that is why testing is important.
  17. Green Crack is excellent weed. Bought some at Prikpot.
  18. Many people don't know the difference between well cured and not. Big difference in how it burns and how it vapes. And, tbh, low cost strains really don't give you great highs, in most cases. You do get what you pay for, but here in LOS, the prices for high end are more than in the States and in many cases, you really won't know the real % of THC, etc. Not trying to be snobby, just realistic and speaking from experience. I'm definitely going to try more Thai strains as I imagine there will be some that are quite good.
  19. Superrich at Rajadamri. Best exchange. Then SIA and Vasu, all in BKK.
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