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  1. Yes , I call out BS anywhere I see it and Netanyahus government keeps me busy ! Just look at the BS you repeat. "Israel had received info that a terror attack AGAINST ISRAELIS was planned and a full moon party was the possible location. For starters , Phuket does NOT have Full Moon Parties ! So BS full on there. And how did these fictional terrorists plan to single out the Israelis ? Ask each raver their nationality ? LOL And , btw , is this the Israel that was incapable of predicting its own attack and is still open for tourism while constantly under at war ? In short , what evidence was there for any of that BS 'warning'..oh I know its a 'secret'. Theres never any evidence. These Much Ado warnings are put out to keep the world thinking , "poor Israel and its sufferring ..." while it constantly ignores international law and theives land. ALSO , may I ask whats the meaning of your last sentence ?? It sounds like something a Nazi informer would say ...am I to read it as a feeble attempt to intimidate ? 5555
  2. Google says ...Im not asserting this is what the police will say , but it does assert the cops are SUPPOSED to recognise their fellow ASEAN members ... https://www.google.com/search?q=asean+licenses+issued+in+thailand+and+used+in+the+philippines+%2C+accepted+ok+%3F&rlz=1C1JZAP_enTH1032TH1032&oq=&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCQgBECMYJxjqAjIJCAAQIxgnGOoCMgkIARAjGCcY6gIyCQgCECMYJxjqAjIJCAMQIxgnGOoCMgkIBBAjGCcY6gIyCQgFECMYJxjqAjIJCAYQIxgnGOoCMgkIBxAjGCcY6gLSAQoyOTg3MDVqMGo3qAIIsAIB&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  3. "Quick , its getting a bit difficult here and 'ANTISEMETIC! 'isnt working. Lets just dismiss any valid points with an ageist accusation !"
  4. Only 2 months back the Israel government put out a travel warning that included Thailand and mentioned Phuket , all because a Jewish cleric had been killed in ....wait for it .... THE UAE ! Meanwhile , while the missiles were flying , Israel was advertising it had its doors open to Intefnational Tourism and were pushing visitation ! That annoyed/ disenchanted quite a few big tourist operators here in Phuket. But lets just call them antisemetic ...555
  5. Yes , and their great leader Abraham was actually an immigrant from Mesopotsmia ... they will be claiming it shortly.
  6. Theres a farang cooking and serving food at Kamala Fantasea market in Phuket and nobody seems to object...
  7. Wow , all that special 'targetting' and precision bombing ... so careful and precise it resulted in what Donny today calls TOTAL DESTRUCTION ... hmmm .... So Israel failed at 'precision' ... And still you declare that Hamas needs to be wiped out ? So Hamas still exists , therefore the Israeli assault on Hamas was another FAILURE . We know the truth , the only 'win' was what Israel calls ' accidental ' , it was making Gaza uninhabitable . THAT was entirely unintentional of course , we believe you , but Trump and Netanyahu will run with it . We wont mention all that the oil off the coast ...
  8. While Israel and the US clean up the proven oil reserves just off Gazas Coast ? Golly ...y'all so generous !
  9. Throw the book ( in Thai only ) at him.
  10. I cant seem to find any reference to "Compulsory " ? All properly taxed vehicles are supposed to carry CTP Insurance . Admittedly the cover is only a paltry 30,000 baht max , but as its fault free I dont understand why that avenue was not explored ??
  11. If only other 'Statesmen' had such wisdom...
  12. And when Trump starts talking about Hannibal Lector again , Kamala better get worried like the rest of us ! LOL.
  13. Absolutely hilarious coming from an obvious supporter of the only losing President to urge his supporters to ignore the election results and to storm the Capitol ! Fortunately most of the public does not possess the memory of a goldfish . Or do you think everybody watches Fox ? How many died at Trumps behest at this penultimate attack on Democracy again ?
  14. Wish she hadnt come across a lull. Phuket is having the busiest Low Ive seen in 16 years and its mainly Middle Eastern , cashed up visitors. And lots of groups of Indian men who dont seem as poor as before either . Its not quiet , its busier than ever before for this time of year , but way quieter than January !
  15. The photo depicts the beach as I visited it years ago and Ive no idea why anyone would consider beaches in that entire area worth visiting. Total rubbish beaches pretty much all of Prachuap KK...
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