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Everything posted by kentrot

  1. Yes indeed - thank you for monitoring all of us CHILDREN who don't know what is good for us. Staying up past midnight and having a beer while we watch world class football from around the world is such a no no A better strategy might be to stop the production of alcohol in Thailand completely. They called it PROHIBITION in the USA. And it worked great. Ask "AL CAPONE" . Oh wait - maybe the big money guy$ here would not appreciate that. God forbid that honest working class Thai citizens try to host the HOLIDAY tourists that you desperately claim to pander to. Sigh !!! *******************************************************
  2. The press ( & politicians) are good at finding an "Outlier" that can make the whole program look bad. For example - I would like to ask the government to outlaw CIGARETTES because they are harming the health of our monkey's. As proof I offer this photo !
  3. Earlier this week at Jomtien Beach, I was seated near a young Russian who was on his phone continuously for over an hour. Strange behaviour for a tourist don't you think ? I have heard from reliable sources that many eastern Europeans buy their way around Immigration rules . It is considered quite a routine business.
  4. I suspect that YABA is far more dangerous . And yet it's use has not been stopped even though illegal. Maybe the focus should be on that more dangerous substance. https://www.justice.gov/archive/ndic/pubs5/5048/index.htm
  5. The OPENING statement is that CHUWIT is a TV personality & ex-politician. The author neglected to include CHUWITS's chain of sexy massage parlours , now all gone and he is squeaky clean . What's that about glass houses & throwing stones ??? 5-5-5
  6. I've lived in Thailand for 19 years. Back then any image on a TV or Movie of a gun was blurred out . Same with cigarettes. Now gun violence is shown from dawn to dusk on tv. It has become common place to see violence. I blame the censors for not keeping that SH*# out of our faces. This calm beautiful Thai culture has been indoctrinated into the culture of guns and violence by daily tv exposure to it... normalizing that violent behavior.
  7. How many BIB's does it take to arrest a PUBLIC ENEMY #1 ..... a woman who does not appear to have any weapons in this photo. Or did someone yell - "Photo Op" !!!! Meanwhile the real bad guys remain untouched. **************************************************************************************
  8. 7-11 & Family Mart are the only places I have not been able to buy beer between 2 & 5 , or before 11 a.m. One afternoon I observed a farang go to the cooler in a nearby 7-11 and open a can of beer , take a long sip and then walk over to the cash to pay. The manager looked at the open can of beer and just took his money and set it beside the till so that I could be "rung-in" on the till's time stamped record of sales at the permitted time. Any of the alcohol bottle shops will sell you a beer out of their cooler at any hour when they are open. One time when I returned from a visit to North America I went into the nearby 7-11 at about 2 a.m. and told him I was jet lagged and would like to buy a beer to help me get to sleep on Thai time. He was obliging and , again, just put my money off to the side for later. Nice guy. So the rules for sale of booze are just an inconvenient joke. *******************************
  9. Some day the Thai reporters will learn the W-5 system and give us more background on a story. (Who, What, Why, When, Where .. and How) * Who was she with when she was molested ? * What was the condition of the assailant ? (blind drunk?) * When it is 3 a.m. on Walking Street , don't expect every pedestrian to be a gentleman. Some are blind drunk * Where is Walking Street and what is it famous for ? How about single girls walking alone at 3:00 a.m. * With all the reported stories of fist fights and violent behaviour in the wee hours , why would she put herself in that environment and not expect trouble? I'm a man and I know better than to wander Walking Street at 3 a.m. and not expect trouble. If she is a single woman , walking alone in the middle of the night , how can she not expect to attract attention ... polite or otherwise ?
  10. Watch the video - nothing to do with alcohol. The truck cut the corner turning right at the intersection and ran over the bike . Maybe they were in the driver's "blind spot" .
  11. "No more corruption or brides ...." Does that include the IMMIGRATION Police as well ? (Asking for a friend)
  12. The RTP can not even lay their hands on a Thai called "Little (RED BULL) Boss" who killed one of their own RTP. How can they say they will catch foreign "Wanted Criminals" ?
  13. Strange - not a helmet in sight and yet no law-enforcement around to collect fines . I thought there was going to be a crackdown on ...... Never mind ???? Quality tourists ; right !!!
  14. Could you please find other topics to discuss other than TOURISM. That industry is less than 15% of GDP (Wikipedia says 9-17%) How about Agriculture ? Or Manufacturing ? Or Electronics ? Lets widen the lens a bit and address the whole of the economy. Your focus and daily servings of stories on tourism are getting monotonous.
  15. Another interesting and entertaining "Round Up" (NOT the weed killing kind) of the machinations of life in Thailand this past week. You filled in a few stories I had missed. And always with a sense of humour. Thank you for your stamina in the face of a few posters who continue to contribute little to the forum but are quick to criticize .
  16. Speaking of Home Delivery ... I have enough Pizza KETCHUP packets to last me for the next 25 years. Please STOP sending ketchup packets with my pizza !!! Thank you .
  17. TOURISM is about 12% of the GDP of Thailand. PLEASE stop making it sound like it is more !
  18. Can someone PLEASE explain to me why we spend so much press time discussing TOURISM ... which is only about 12-15% of the economy. Has anyone looked at the state of the other 85% of Thailand's economy ? Can we PLEASE hear a few words about how that rather large segment of the economy is doing ?
  19. If ANUTIN was in the U.S.A. - I can imagine him wearing a white sheet with eye holes cut out - if you get my drift. It is getting harder and harder to ignore these Bangkok elite who run the place , treat their own rural people like 18th century slaves and with their Xenophobia -- paint all foreigners with the same brush... even those of us who support our extended THAI Families with resources we inject into the economy. He will end up biting the hand that feeds 'them'.
  20. He wants Thai's to holiday more. That's like standing in a bucket and trying to lift it. And why is everyone talking only about tourism. That's only 15-18% of GDP. What about the other 82-85 % ? Why isn't the government doing more to promote industry ? Every week there are stories of immigrant workers crossing the border to take THAI jobs Maybe imposing a decent minimum wage would create more jobs for Thai's . And would it be asking too much that farmers get a decent price for their goods. 13 million farmers subsist on a few hundred baht a day , if that. Not enough to take time off and spend on hotels and restaurants. A farmer might get 5 baht for a kilo of vegetables that took months to grow . And Lotus's sells it, a week later, for TRIPLE the price. Not exactly fair !
  21. I would be most curious to see the numbers for which group of those being fined are Thai and how many are farangs. We already know which side that scale will tilt towards. I'm asking for actual official numbers for both groups . Sadly I have to admit that here in Jomtien I see proportionally equal numbers of farangs & Thais riding without helmets. Usually , but not always , the farang helmet-less riders are younger guys (under 50 ?) who think they are auditioning for a remake of "Easy Rider" From personal observation the number of Thais without helmets has increases dramatically since the lock down is over. And the numbers who run the red light on Chaiyapruk & 2nd road is shocking. Enforcement is negligible ????
  22. ******************************************************************** Along with his inability to control his emotions/temper is his inability to wear his mask over his nose ! What kind of self loathing makes a person put that much 'graffiti' all over themselves. You've heard the saying ... "Would you put a bumper sticker on a Ferrari ?" He ain't no Ferrari ! *********************************************************************
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