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Everything posted by TPI

  1. The rotan sounds like a good idea!! It works in Singapore!
  2. It's a matter of spreading largess in other directions...the money had to come from somewhere, why not education? The money is wasted on the children anyway!
  3. O spider that was really nasty, don't you know that "justice" will be handed out in the next life? If any of the people mentioned ever thought of the karma they are creating surely they would be a little bit humble?
  4. I think that Thai Immigration do this just to "muddy" the waters and to keep long term expats in a state of confusion! Perish the thought that they might decide to move to a more friendly country??
  5. Fly to France, get on a plank and row to England...no problem, money for jam? Don't forget to tell them you're a muslim with four wives and 30 children!!
  6. And the problem is what??? An abuse of public decency?? Every woman and most old men have large boobs!
  7. Cleared the hang-up! if the barrel was at 45 degrees the projectiles might have landed in Pattaya?? 5555!
  8. Let's assume that DJT is found guilty of every charge and sent to prison for...X amount of years. Another GOP candidate rises up with a similar program! Will the DOJ, FBI, CIA and sundry others continue the legal process against any GOP or third party candidates? Obviously, the DNC intends to rule forever, the minorities will be manipulated until there is an internal schism...then what? Everybody gets the result they deserved!!!
  9. I married a Saigon bar girl 54 years ago. At the time I encouraged many of my friends to do the same. I and they are mostly still married to the same women, all have children, grand children, homes and bank accounts...some have helped their wives bring family members over to Oz! Some marriages fail, after all they are between men and women, we're all human! To judge all on the choices of the few that have failed is nonsense, remember, my friends and I married Vietnamese and Chinese women, they are not the same "culturally" as their Thai sisters? In every case, you take your chance? All of life is a gamble!
  10. So... none of you retirees are thinking that the photo requirements added to "copies of your home bank statement showing your income " for the last 12 months, so that they can see how you pay your B 65K a month into your Thai bank account means nothing??? Can't you see the thin edge of the wedge? If "they" know what your real income is do you think "they" wont make it a percentage of that income a requirement for a RV??
  11. Water, straight from the cold bottle! My preferred tipple is from a 1 1/2 litre, about 3 bottles a day!
  12. Like it or not, any party wanting to change LM is going to be under threat of a Coup....that's just the way the ball bounces!
  13. Doesn't the Law allow workers as young as 16 in Pattaya? It seems obvious that certain "licences" have not been obtained every month! Tsk tsk!
  14. Why don't the Bolt drivers get licences, it's just laziness or are all of the cars owned by one entity??
  15. Many cultures allow even younger women to enter into "relationships"! If she and her friends are happy then what is the problem?? My wife of 54 years was told that she was too old at 17 to get a reasonable husband (Northern Vietnam) and was forced to marry at 18 to an Officer who had been serving overseas (spoiled goods) and was told that it was her last chance! Ignore the "blue noses"!
  16. Please! By telling people where the best place is it will be immediately spoiled by an influx of visitors????
  17. Thank you very much for this information, I often visit from up country and 2nd hand books are my favourite shopping task! If you know any more please don't hesitate to PM me!!
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