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Posts posted by jackyseymour

  1. Somebody I know came here for a holiday and started going out with a bg. He returned soon after, resumed the relationship and before he left told her he was thinking of retiring here in a few months time and would love her to move in with him.

    HOWEVER, to prove her commitment to the relationship, he would expect her to pay half the rent and living expenses! :D

    The story did not end 'happily ever after'!

    Reminds me of a woman who came here and was dumped by her husband for a bar girl within a year of their 'retirement'. They'd been together thirty years and the wife still not having a clue her husband was that bored with her agreed to retire in - THAILAND!!! :D

    That story did not end 'happily ever after' either! :o

  2. Hi, I am attaching a pic of the water heater we use in our Bangkok apartment, this nicely provides hot water to our shower and wash basin. It was installed when the place was built so I don't know where it came from. I am now looking for something similar for our new house, just to heat the shower and sink, I can see many types of water heater in the shops but as usual the staff are little better than useless at explaining the product to me. I don't want to buy something and find out that it is just meant for a shower.

    Any ideas (pics or specs would be even better), will be much appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.

    Heater Pic

    Go to any Homemart or Homepro and take a look at the different brands, making sure that there are TWO outlets for both the shower and the sink - most have just the one for a shower only. Also very important here is that there are two types of water heater, one is for warm water - nam oon, and the other for hot water - nam ron (go figure ...) I only managed to get a nam oon but it's hot enough for me.

    Most importantly - make sure it has a SAFETY SWITCH. The one's I've bought are UK brand (easy enough to spot - have a small union jack on them), they have dual outlets, safety switch and 5 year guarantee. Cost around 7k.

  3. A few years ago, I happened to be seated next to a very straight laced looking lady on her way to London via Bangkok. She told me she and her husband's experience of expat communities anywhere were to be avoided at all costs. Well, just take a look at the number one topic this evening re the sexual appeal or otherwise, with a 'poll' no less, of a fugitive and devisive demagogue's young daughter.

    Their are 'expats', and there are those that have chosen to live in a country not of their birth.

    It sounds like she probably was a world away from some lofty glitter-brigade expats seen in other countries.

    Correct me if I'm wrong but are you saying that to be an expat means some 'ivory tower' corporation/company has to be paying you an 'expat package'

    I know many fine expatriates who have CHOSEN to live in LOS and are self-made in getting an ordinary job and earning a decent living.

    Obviously these can't, by your reckoning, be 'expats' then can they? :D

    Everyone needs to take a few steps back, remember this is Asia we're in, not some prudish and rigid office with David Brent shuffling around and chill. :D

    What on earth are you on about? :o

  4. Obviously there are an awful lot of ex-pats out there to avoid! But having said that, I've met a few who are genuine, caring people, in fact - just like us! 'us' hmmm ...

    Yes, I smile at most farang (and Thais) I meet, nerves, I suspect :D (by the way, I find the fact you felt the need to put 'Thais' in parenthesis rather telling) :o but one of the reasons I left my own country was 'cos it's so depressing! so having relocated to the other side of the world and having had your husband of 30 years dump you for what you describe as a 'Thai tart' within the first year, made you happier? :D O.K. - most of the smiles you receive in LOS are not genuine, and you have deduced this after what, one year, year and a half? what insight! :D but it doesn't actually matter - if you smile it leaves you both feeling better, so why not? :( Hmmm. How can you be sure the reciprocee is just as happy to receive your empty and inane grin as you are as to have proferred it, given your aforegoing statement that 'most of the smiles you receive in LOS are not genuine? (sic) :D

  5. This thread has turned into quite an interesting read;

    I have to agree with the consensus that getting involved with various organizations will provide you the opportunity to meet other foreigners here. I wouldn't go so far as to say they are 'nice' people (by any stretch of the word nice), but they are certainly an interesting, diverse and eclectic group (albeit IMHO often myopic in their views of things here in the glorious "Land 'O Thais").

    Siam Society, Foreign Correspondents Club of Thailand, and several other organizations DO provide valuable insight into this country and its peoples' views on all things wacky and wonderful in the glorious "Land 'O Thais". Sadly, in my experience, criticism is NOT taken well by either of the aforementioned predominantly foreign attendees of those clubs. I have been booed by the audience for asking more than one guest speaker to actually answer a question I posed, instead of dancing around the issue with oblique answers as thais oft do. Evidently asking an "un-thai" question (i.e.; a valid question, supported by research) is frowned upon in those lofty circles.

    Another poster pointed out the very valid observation at the ease which foreigners can exist here without any "hold-my-hand" type of support system, and how this self sufficiency lends itself to foreigners being more standoffish towards one another. (BTW: no I don't need a hand holding or a hug, thanx).

    The above premise can be further extrapolated upon by the fact that often times thais don't know which category a foreigner falls into within the highly regimented and stratified levels of conduct/interaction to which thais adhere (having had it beaten into them since birth). This can and does give foreigners the luxury of existing outside the 'normal parameters' of thai interaction i.e.: foreigners receive a great deal of freedom and latitude in their conduct, (often detrimental in thai perceptions of foreigners residing here). Foreigners can and do traverse the levels of thai social strata with comparative ease. This is most certainly something thais do NOT afforded each other. It could be yet another reason why there is no need for deep infrastructure and/or support in the foreign population here.

    It has also been stated by a poster that I would be unhappy wherever I live so might as well live where it is cheaper. I find that amusing as I feel extremely happy with not only my life here, but my interactions with these people and foreigners as well. I make no excuse about being critical, judgmental, cynical, or acerbic, and I do NOT suffer mindless sock puppet mentalities easily. To quote a line from the American television show "House MD" staring Hugh Laurie; "I'm curious.. Seeing as I'm not a cat, that's not dangerous."

    I operate under a live and let live philosophy. I accept without question your behavior and opinions may and most likely do differ greatly from mine. However, that fact in and of itself does not invalidate either my opinions or beliefs. Neither am I compelled to acquiesce to your point of view because of our differing opinions. Often times from my perspective you are wrong anyway. :o

    (edited for spelling and clarity)

    A few years ago, I happened to be seated next to a very straight laced looking lady on her way to London via Bangkok. She told me she and her husband's experience of expat communities anywhere were to be avoided at all costs. Well, just take a look at the number one topic this evening re the sexual appeal or otherwise, with a 'poll' no less, of a fugitive and devisive demagogue's young daughter.

    Their are 'expats', and there are those that have chosen to live in a country not of their birth.

  6. Anywhere on Phuket to buy a US Flag?

    What with this and your various other posts, particularly concerning some cop kicking your cat and asking where you can find a male strip club, you are fast becoming tv's replacement for that other loony in need of hormone replacement or a good lay, F1Fanatic. And about as interesting ...

    No wonder you've chosen to stop all personal messages contacting you! I tried to send a personal message but, failing that, thank you for the laugh. It's always good to have someone who confuses personal abuse with pertinent comment.

    How bad were the messages you received to make you block them??

    Somebody is v sad here, but seeing as I'm not the one blocking messages, I suspect it's not me! (By the way, I'm so sorry for making our earlier message exchange - months ago (!), making you feel so stupid.)

    Do you see what I mean? :o

  7. Anywhere on Phuket to buy a US Flag?

    What with this and your various other posts, particularly concerning some cop kicking your cat and asking where you can find a male strip club, you are fast becoming tv's replacement for that other loony in need of hormone replacement or a good lay, F1Fanatic. And about as interesting ...

  8. There are a lot of Australian tourists here on Phuket, in large part I am lead to believe, due to the incredibly cheap flight and hotel packages from oz, flight and hotel packages even cheaper than flight only. Well, they have to fill their rooms some how.

    Anyone have any info of the same from the uk? My young nephew wishes to visit and looking for cheapest options. Thanks.

  9. There was an item on BBCWorld News this morning about the very large Asian community in, I think it was Las Vegas, and their ability to swing the vote to allow either the Democrats or Republicans take the state.

    A reporter was sent out to interview some Asians in a local market as to which way they would be voting.

    All of them said they would be voting for McCain. One woman said she was concerned about the economy, and thought it would be better managed under the Republicans. Helloooo? And then there were the 'undecideds'. But you could see to a man, or woman, no way were they going to vote for the man with the dark skin.

  10. Many years ago, I talked to the then editor of The Phuket Gazette at some soiree about why their investigative journalism was so crap.

    He said that working on the Gazette was just a job like any other and nothing was worth the risk of anyone getting hurt.

    If you're looking for a Woodward and Bernstein, they're not here on Phuket.

    I'm very well aware of that and if you re-read my post more carefully, you will see that I'd already said that they'd stated that there were certain things they had to be careful about reporting on. However, I don't believe their stance against unions here needed to be quite so vitriolic and prolonged. Nor do I think they need to be so up the <deleted> of the seriously cashed up here on the island week after week. Apart from the two, or was it three? weeks following the tsunami when there was no publication at all. I'd no idea that Phuket Town had been so devastated.

  11. There is something about the Thai custom and attitude toward being a university student...

    I had an ex-GF and friend here who was and is a university student. I never supported her financially, but clearly she was interested in that. On my own, even though it had been suggested here above in this thread, I came to the conclusion that the better thing for me was to help her become self sufficient rather than simply doling out money as a sponsor.

    So we had some long conversations about that, and how she, being quite personable and reasonably proficient in English, ought to be able to find a normal (not bar) part time job that she could do while finishing her studies. Over a period of time, she gave some half-hearted efforts at that, worked a little, and finally gave it up.

    Within a year later, she had met and was being sponsored (XX,000 baht per month) by an English guy living abroad who, by her own admission, she was OK to date and be intimate with, but not in love with at all. As far as I know, she's still doing that to get thru school and not working or even trying to work.

    When we talked before about the part-time job notion, her response to me was that Thai university students don't do that (work jobs to support their studies). They go to school, and after school, they study a bit and then want to have fun, that was her argument. None of her friends were working jobs, she pointed out. It also became very clear to me that for the typical Thai university student, the time demands of their studies are not so great that taking on part-time work would be a big problem.

    Not being a univ. teacher here, I'm not in a position to opine on the share of Thai univ. students who support their studies through part time work (though I clearly know some do). In my own case, I paid for half of my university studies through working 3-4 nights a week on the graveyard (overnight) shift at 7-11s in the U.S., mopping floors and stocking shelves all through my college years.

    So I tend to be a bit put off when people (Thai women) expect something to be handed to them for free, or, as the case may be, in exchange for having a sponsor. That's certainly the easier way out, I guess. But I'm not sure it's such a great thing for building character in today's Thai young people.

    I guess one could think of sponsorships as a kind of job. But if you look at the practice that way, then, it's very clear what's being sold. And at that point, it becomes hard to separate that from what goes on in the bars.

    You know, there was a feature in the local paper here on Phuket on Mother's Day here in Thailand, about a variety of Thai mothers and how they'd worked and sacrificed things for themselves to give their offspring an education in the hope of a decent start in life.

    And I remember one elderly fisherwoman, who although widowed, had worked hard to finance her son's education in a university in Bangkok. She said she was sad to see he still had exactly the same clothes four years on, and that he'd been living and studying hard in one little room for that time, not wanting to be more of a financial burden on her than was absolutely necessary.

    Shame he wasn't a cute girl with loose morals then wasn't it?

  12. LininLOS, I also read that news about the CCTV system! Why on earth is the Phuket Gazette not asking questions about the huge difference in pricing for these 2 systems? ...

    It's a great shame about the Gazette. They used to ask awkward questions for the authorities to answer, but now they're just a poodle. You only have to see what garbage articles they have written about the One-Two-Go disaster to see that they've lost their nerve.

    But if you want to see pretty pictures of Gulu Lalvani, people from Luguna Phuket or JW Marriot Resort, or any other of the mega-rich Gazette donors, then get your copy now! :o

    I've been here over ten years. I really don't see that they've lost their nerve. They never had any.

    Having said that. I do understand, as they once pointed out, that they must be careful about what they print. And they do pay very occasional lip service to the 'downtrodden' - Burmese workers. The occasional victim of some random loony attack. Um. Yes, that's it. But for the most part, you're absolutely right. 'Society' pages and all that. But not much different from any parochial paper in the uk?

    They've always been against any kind of real empowerment for the working poor here. I remember some years ago, an ongoing tirade against the idea of any of the Thai workforce daring to improve their lot via workman's unions. Everyone complains about the sheer tediousness of it. But much like the 'government' of the country, doesn't everyone get the press/government they deserve?

    But all in all, it is perhaps the best this island can/is able to offer? The only interesting alternative was the Siang Thai Times, an English/Thai local publication which was seriously in need of investment.

    Ah, there we have it!

  13. I'm almost tempted to say "is it possible this can happen again?" To have another Toxinite get in the hot seat and have the country continue on whatever path it is they are on. But then again, this is the amazing Thailand where gall turns into a

    #_(&-up, and the response is a grin. Is it possible this can happen again? I'm wondering if I shouldn't wonder about this. :o


  14. Secondly, Kuta in Bali is NOTHING like Soi Bangla.................................if sexy is what you want, and many do, then Bangla beats Kuta hands down.

    Jeez. That's quite the image you have drawn - a beauty contest between the two.

    Like comparing 2 dead rat carcass pelts for lustre.

    Whilst i understand that the sleazy underbelly of one aspect of Phuket's tourism might not be to everyone's tastes, the facts speak for themselves. Patong is relatively busy all year round. People are buying beer, paying bar fines, and taking girls out.

    It might very well be that the place is a rancid smelling cess-pit.

    However, try to bear this thought in mind.

    Do you think the bar girls actually want to be there?

    Have you considered how desperate you and/or your family are for money for you to prostitute yourself?

    I firmly believe that everyone has their price. Would you prostitute yourself for say 1000 USD? No? A million? No? Ten million?

    There comes a time when the price is right and you would do it.

    It's just that we, generally, wouldnt prostitute ourselves for a week's worth of rice.

    We're the lucky ones, arent we.

    Some of the girls have little choice.

    Patong, and specifically Soi Bangla, serve just one segment of the tourism card. Please dont fall into the trap of thinking that that short street is representative of Phuket. It isnt. There are areas of Phuket - large areas - that dont see a white face from one month to the next. Virtually the whole of the east coast, particularly the northern east coast.

    There are still people living in tin shacks, tapping rubber trees in Phuket.

    I keep reading this same twaddle about the sex trade here on Phuket being confined to 'just one street called Bangla in Patong'.

    Over the ten years I've been here, it crept over the mountain to Kata/Karon - thought Chalong relatively free of it, but you try taking a stroll down the road to Chalong pier, every other 'shop' seems to have been turned into some hastily fitted up 'girlie' bar.

    But what really took my breath away was a couple of evenings ago I was driving from Naiharn in the direction of Rawai, and the once quite tree lined rise was heaving with girls strung right along the road with the 'helooo - welcome' thing going on.

    Phuket lost it's opportunity to at least have some decent well designed bars along the lines of Bali for instance, catering to family/couples or simply those who don't wish to be pestered by being constantly propositioned, a long time ago. Sad.

  15. This is what's all really been about. From the Editor of BahtSold:

    Ed note:

    Wasn't even going to give this any fuel or even a mention as it appeared a mere cynical political diversion by design (on top of ridiculous but damaging headlines stating 'war'). This all oddly blows up as both Thailand and Cambodia were in off/on talks on the semi-resolved issue. Some are wondering what influence (if any) the London HQ boss may have had in this and what his Cambodia golfing/casino buddy may want in return?

    Regardless, unfortunately there's now reportedly been one death and a few injuries inflicted on more disposable 'pawns' in the broader ongoing big-picture bloody charade.

    -The PAD didn't help either, recklessly blowing this border non-issue out of all proportion a few months back, following Thaksin's former lawyer/Foreign Minister Noppadon pulling out all the stops to side with Cambodia (all whilst the boss was reportedly dealing for casinos/golf resorts/undersea gas concessions in Cambo).

    -The timing of this escalation smacks of 'Wag the Dog' and continues to "create" even more world alarm about Thailand all over global newscasts (but 'might' create an ideal time to slip through a rubber-stamped constitution revisal or revive an old one;)

    -Bottom line, the reality at this moment is, passage and trade continues on as 'normal' at every main Thai/Cambo border point but doubt this will make world news headlines... icon_rolleyes.gif

    Wag the Dog: www.wag-the-dog.com/Story/index.html


  16. Planning a trip up to Bangkok and, having taken a serious dislike to flying anywhere, am looking to taking a bus up from here in Phuket to Prachuab, staying a couple of nights or so, and then up to Bangkok either via bus - would prefer the train but have heard it would take the same amount of time as the bus from Phuket to Bangkok all told (12 hours!). Is this so?

    Would appreciate some recommendations as to accommodation in Prachuab Town. Living in Phuket, not bothered with beach accommodation, and would like to stay in the town - not some 'farang' style resort, or 'slummy farang mai me dtung' :o either. Anything homey and comfortable? Thankyou :D

  17. Avocados, like bananas, go ripe and rot and become useless. Even too soft and and rotten for guacamole. Actually really soft bananas can be used in pies and such, but rotten avocados ... nada.

    It is so common here to observe entire trays of soft, rotten avocados sitting there for days and obviously not selling. A waste.

    Now I have seen this happen in the US, but not very often. In the US, if a tray of avocados had reached ripeness and was about to go off, grocers usually put them on radical price specials to move them out, I have seen as cheap as 5 pieces for one dollar.

    Avocado prices are always seasonal, here, the US, Australia, I would imagine anywhere they are grown/marketed. This is another issue. Why let these beauties rot and keep the price at 50 baht per, when if they put them on special during peak ripeness for say 20 or 30 baht they would have likely sold out?

    Now I know avocados are an exotic item here to Thais, but I do wonder about the economics of them. If the grocer buys a tray and they all go off and he doesn't sell them, does he have to "eat" all the losses or does the supplier compensate for unsold rotters? Also, while having a tray of 50 baht rotters does imply the grocer overestimated the demand for the product (interestingly, they don't usually seem to have this problem with bananas) why would they choose to take a total loss rather than fire sale price the ripe ones? I suspect the answer is they are afraid they would be damaging their pricing power for the new shipment of non-ripe ones (aside from lack of management) but I would imagine they would make more money in the long run not having to throw out trays of rotters.

    When Has Anyone Here Seen The Thais Firesale ... Anything?

  18. FROM TOC

    PM Refuses to Comment on Thaksin Being Source of Political Conflict

    UPDATE : 15 October 2008

    The prime minister had no response to the suggestion by a former premier that ousted premier Thaksin Shinawatra can unlock the country's political impasse.

    Regarding a comment by former Prime Minister Anand Panyarachun that the fugitive premier Thaksin Shinawatra is the only person who can bring the ongoing political deadlock to an end, Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat said he tries to avoid such political issues and focuses on solving the country's problems instead.

    Despite there being several recommendations, he said he will not give his opinion about suggestions from non-government officials.

    As for the investigation into the violent clash between police and supporters of the People's Alliance for Democracy on October 7th, Somchai said he believes the two independent committees will release the results soon, even though there is no time frame scheduled for the work.

    This morning, People Power Party MP, Chavarin Latthasaksiri visited Prime Minister Somchai at his residence to discuss the results of the investigation by forensic expert, Pornthip Rojjanasunant into the use of teargas against demonstrators.

    Chavarin said he was concerned as to whether it is Pornthip's responsibility to give a statement about the masterminds who issued orders for the dispersal, so he wanted to meet with the premier to talk about the issue.

    The best way for Taksin to help the country out of it's present impasse is simply to stop breathing.

  19. An amazing and also brave statement at the same time. It shows how intelligent and wise this man is combined with his sincere dedication to his country.



    It seems that some posters do not possess the same intelligence and wisdom as former Prime Minister Anand Panyarachun; but not many have a similar background, roots and track record either.


    Could not agree with you more.

    What we have now are a couple of Rottweilers, ones an old Rottweiller, he's been the pack leader for 30 years, he's comming to the end of his time, but he's not giving up power to any dog, only dogs that yield to his commands are allowed close by, the other much younger and powerful Rottweiler is in the neighbours garden, teeth are bared, snarling growls continue time and time again. They once lived in the same yard, but never a real truce has existed, the youngers takeover has always threatened, this happened for a short time and the older Rottweiler lost some of his colonels. The older Rottweiler has no plan for the day he's gone! The old Rottweiler has a chinese Pug with a yellow collar running around yapping his head off with reckless-abandon. Many other dogs join the yapping and minor fights breaks out from time-to-time, it's hard to keep them in order and it's hard to keep them quiet enough to understand there yapping. The younger powerful Rottweiler is not just waiting out his time. He keeps comming to the fence and growling like he's going to leap over anytime. The old Rottweiler is not fooled, he knows his pack of dobermen in black coats have lined up to protect his rear! The younger powerful Rottweiler is not without friends, he has many times more, but their up-the-road over a hilly knoll, only distant howling can be heard from this group. ...... so, which one is it going to be! Retreat of the old dog, the younger dog moving on! None! Only one character in this imaginery pack of dogs has the ability to bring the dogs together to achieve real peace.


  20. In any country staff are usually the biggest headache for any manager and here in Thailand it is no different. I am looking for advice from people who employ thai staff as to how they motivate them and keep them.

    I run a small business (similar to a resort but not reliant on tourism) and employ 14 Thai Staff;

    We pay 25% more that other resorts

    The hours are good

    They recieve half yearly bonuses and commission

    The work is not too hard as we only have small numbers of guests

    Given those working conditions I would have thought we would have little worries about staff retention but that isn't the case. In the last month 3 staff have left, giving no notice or reason. One was not up to the job anyway but the other two were good and hard working. They all seemed happy and my Thai wife had no indication that they were leaving. We found out after that one just didn't feel like working and another wanted an extra day off so, rather than swap with her colleague or ask (she would have been given the time off) she left.

    I would love to know whether this is commonplace or are we doing something wrong. I tend to leave all the Thai staff to my wife whilst I deal with the UK staff.

    Has anyone got a magic wand answer please.

    I recently had a conversation with a Swiss architect, amongst whose designs was a very well known resort here on Phuket.

    He told me he had twelve Thai staff and stuck it out for 7 years before deciding a heart attack just wasn't worth carrying on with his design company, and retired. Chok dee.

  21. My neighbor, who built his house AFTER I was already in my home , out of the blue walked up to me and my cat while standing on the public road between our properties and kicked my cat. As as she ran away he picked up a rock and threw it at her

    ( he throws like a "girl, " so I laughed...( Cat was OK ) .

    I think he would have shot me then if he's been armed.

    This is the police chief of Cherng Telay , whom I think feels frustrated I didn't obey his barked order one day order to remove my ugly barbed wire fence keeping neighborhood kids fond of terrorizing horses out of my stable- where they could get killed from panicked horses stomping them.

    Or that I'm American and have little automatic respect for Police...

    He has no walls on his house and I guess one of my many cats has gone over there and according to a friend who conversed with his wife, makes new baby sick in some way . ) Gee, maybe if he stopped picking his nose or burning plastic refuse, it might help with the family's ailments...

    I have the other neighbor's ( Cops too, but neighborly, from Thalang Station ) dozen or so cock fighting roosters, chickens and dogs crapping all over my 2 rai property , that's the way it is here, you put up with sh8t..My Pen Rai.. The Cats aren't ...peeing or crapping in his house...a house with no walls .

    His house ( again, that he built AFTER I moved in ) is but 20 meters from my house. He often to burns his garbage so the smoke enters my home . ( Isn't burning household garbage illegal yet in Thailand , not that having a law means anything... )

    Really just want to publicly document this behavior of his...

    Get your housekeeper/stableboy, whomsoever, so long as they are a Thai national, to go buy you a gun and shoot 'im.

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