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Posts posted by megashox

  1. But does that first word truly apply to Thailand? Did Thailand sell itself? Or was it pressured, or some corrupt leaders bribed in some way, to become the GI R&R whorehouse?---and then all flowed from there.

    It's the age old question - Which force created the market? The "demand side or the "supply" side. Remember, it takes two to tango!

    In the case of Thailand the "supply" was just as much created by the lure for "lying on the back" and making substantial money, instead of a working under the sun in the rice fields for peanuts.

  2. ....and a lot more like veiled racism against strangely-named immigrants.

    You mean against "other" strangely named immigrants! :o

    While David [RIP] is playing his greatest innings in the big blue, its about time some admins stepped in and closed this thread.

  3. This is sounding more and more like (ex) Iraqi Information Minister Muhammed Saeed al-Sahaf.

    There are no more drug pushers in Thailand! (Our initial assessment is that they are all dead!)

    There are no terrorists in Thailand! (Be assured Baghdad is safe!)

    It was the work of bandits! (Those infidels!)

    There is no bird flu! (We shall slaughter them all!)


  4. I would suggest the following:

    1. Contact the Malaysian Embassy and (only) through them the Thai police

    2. Place an ad in the English language press with a photo - requesting information from 3rd parties, or requesting him to contact you urgently

    3. Check his credit card / ATM usage with your local bank (this is possible only after reporting him missing to your local police)

    Good Luck!

  5. I'm joining this discussion late - but I do have basic questions and would appreciate if somebody could enlighten me.

    1. Does anyone know how you actually use the Card?

    2. Do you show the Card to immigration on arrival?

    3. Does the Card have a magnetic strip on the back to swipe? Or an embedded chip perhaps?

    4. If I bought it, would my name be embossed on the Card or just laser printed like some cheap discount card?

    5. Is there an Elite Club premises - somewhere the Cardholder could go for a drink or a game of pool?

    6. So far, I havent' seen any establishments with a sticker or sign saying Elite Card accepted here. Are there any?

    7. Is the Card fraud proof? Could someone steal the Card holders identity?


  6. the only sort of news that the english language newspapers want, is the sort of news that can be obtained with the maximum of ease and the minimum of effort by the hacks that "work" for those rags.

    :o Well said - maerim!

    Todays paper (with tomorrows news?) has a story on its front page about a man comitting suicide in Tanzania. If they can't get the "news" then they should stick to movie reviews and product write-up's.

    It makes one laugh how they "un-noticeably" plug a product 2 pages away from the full-page ad by its producer.

    A 25 x 19cm photo of Steve Waugh (BP dated 26 Dec) next to a one column story also lives up to their interpretation of "a picture is worth a thousand words". :D

  7. My company had an incident with a Thai producer of plastic and silicone products. We have dealt with them for about 3-4 years. Some months ago, our accounting dept transferred money to their account by mistake (it was actually meant for another supplier in Thailand). On realizing the mistake, we immediately wrote to them asking for a refund - after deducting any expenses incurred by them.

    So far, we have nothing and every time we call them they told us that the refund is awaiting their internal management approval. It sounds as if we are asking them to loan us some money!

    The amount is less than US$ 10K, but now we know their nature and will not do any further business with this company for sure. China - Here we come! :o

  8. Just returned home from Ngam Wong Wan Road and almost ran over two of them standing about 50mtrs apart on the divider in front of the Mall, with loudspeakers and huge yellow signboards. Apparently extolling the virtues of the virgin mother assorted family members and the holy land to all the local masses! Merry Xmas.


  9. Thx Plachon,

    I admit that I let myself go a bit in that post.

    The tone used by Kwiz117 really begs for a reply with home truths. Actually, his statements are racial and inciting - just read the last line of his post.




  10. <font color='#000000'>Interesting subject..

    I am a Sri Lankan national, and looks like from India due to my skin color.

    The above posts are correct. The Indian’s gets the least respect in Thailand and sometimes I feel that they do deserve it. Unfortunately myself and my Thai GF is also getting categorized into that due to my skin color. But with upper middle class Thai families, I have never experienced any difference. They respect me coz they are aware, from where Buddhism came to Thailand.

    If I get some respect, it is simply due to the fact of Buddhism and otherwise, unless I have money to show off myself, we will not have any future in Thailand.

    If they have some technique to change the skin color, irrespective of the cost, I will do it and become white. :o:D

    For me I am not sure whether I can call this Racism. I think the basis of judging a Foreigner in Thailand is “how rich he is?”.

    Also they like to see Foreigners spend money. The problem with Indian’s who come to Thailand is, they are not ready to spend money for entertainment. They are very focused on Earning the maximum and go back to India or buy Assets and make the family rich. This has some similarities to what Thai-Chinese think except for the fact that spending money for entertainment. Specially Thai-Chinese people do not go well with Indian People due to this reason.

    Indian’s who come to Thailand, always stay together and try to build a community of Indian’s than mixing with Thai People. Actually this is the case even when they live in UK, Australia, US etc..

    The actual situation is they themselves do not like Thai People due to the Living together culture and the way they are addicted to sex etc. I have heard that they are saying Thai People are like Animals. [excuse me]

    In total, if my estimation is correct over 100,000 Indian’s live in Thailand.  All I know is non of them do not care what Thai People think about them. They know it and they stick together and trying to get the maximum from Thailand.

    I think the number of buildings and prime property they own in Sukhumvit and Silom area is a good example of the intentions of Indian's living in Thailand.

    I think they dislike Thai People more than Thai people dislike them.



    Hey Kwiz117,

    I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry when I read your post.

    I’m an Indian living in Thailand for the past 15 years. I’m happily married to a Thai girl and we have a lovely 5 year old son. In all the time I’ve spent here, I’ve never been racially discriminated against by Thais – at least not any more or any less than the next foreigner. In fact, I’ve seen Thais treat Thais much worse than they treat me.

    I really doubt the intentions of posting your diatribe against Indians. Do I detect a sense of envy at the success enjoyed by Indians in Thailand? So many properties and so many businesses couldn't be built (or tolerated) if the whole country hates us!

    Wouldn’t you love to own some tall buildings or hotels on Sukhumvit Road? Or perhaps would you just like to own a factory in Nakhon Nowhere? Sour grapes, eh?

    I just don’t believe your trash about Indian factory owners trying to cancel Thai National Holidays from their working calendar. Not only is that against the law, but we Indians also enjoy all kinds of holidays! After all aren’t holidays also days of rest for us Indians from our evil but tiring money-making activities in Thailand.

    Aren’t you going a bit too far by blaming all your problems on the Indians? Maybe a simple solution even lies in your own behavior or general approach towards the Thais. Perhaps it’s your body odor or maybe it’s the clothes you wear, or possibly you are just a plain a-hole.

    I'm happy to know that you got some shreds of respect in Thailand because of your being a Buddhist. At least, there India has been able to help you by exporting Buddhism to Sri Lanka some centuries ago! Otherwise, you would have been just another monkey climbing trees for coconuts.

    Get a life my friend – and invest in some quality body deodorant or decent clean clothes. See a psychiatrist and get some intensive self-respect therapy. That may up your chances a bit if all else fails in the Land of Smiles!

    B) Megashox


    Next time I spend money on entertainment in LOS, I'll remember to invite Kwiz117 to witness that rare occasion.

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