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Posts posted by jfchandler

  1. Depends on one's preferences. Umbro shorts and t-shirts + Victoria's secret or LaPerla underneath, cruising around in open Jeeps... Sounds plain, but you get a much better preview of the whole package... and they tend not to freak out and run for cover when it rains or when the sun comes out either.

    Like all things, there's an upside and a downside.


    Dammit guys, you just spoiled my image of campus attire in California. I thought it was all like beach volleyball and Baywatch uniforms in class. And the profs were like the Hoff and Pamela Anderson. Jeez, I'm shattered by this let down. :D

    Well...I can only speak for one campus...a Calif. State Univ. campus in the LA. area... And, we did have some profs who looked like Hoff, and some students who certainly resembled Pamela... including the Daum triplets of Playboy fame...

    But even if the ladies were wearing Victoria Secret underneath, they were usually wearing sweat pants and sweat shirts or jeans and t-shirts on top... Still sticking with Thailand any day....

  2. Mike...you need to get a map of Thailand...and start looking....and there are many available online...

    All those places you mentioned are far outside Bangkok..in other provinces... Khon Kaen, for example, is about a 7 hour bus ride from BKK to the northeast in the Isaan area...

    The last name mentioned is always the province, which sometimes also matches the name of the main city. The name before is the city or town, such as Ban Phai... which is a small town outside of Khon Kaen city, I believe...

    Your other post was about a school in the general BKK area, although as someone mentioned, about 40 minute drive from city center.

    Living in BKK vs. living upcountry in the provinces are entirely different experiences... You need to think about which is suitable for you, and narrow your searching accordingly.

  3. Thanks for the update on Sarah Jane's having moved to Hua Hin... A bit far of a jaunt from BKK just for dinner, but good to know if one's staying there for a visit... How is the food in their new location???

    Meanwhile... there is a new som tam place that's air con and pretty good right at the steps of the BTS Thong Lo station....

    See my post and review about it here... I like it a lot...for good, inexpensive food...


  4. I worked at a state university in California for more than a decade...before moving here...

    At my university campus, like pretty much all other public universities in the U.S., there were NO uniforms and basically NO rules about what attire students could wear to classes -- except for sometimes hard-to-enforce provisions about patently offensive or inciteful messages...

    As a result, the female students typically wore jeans and all manner of very casual attire (although the business administration majors attending after work did have a bit more of a tendency toward suit ensembles).

    Thus, on a campus of more than 30,000 students, you'd rarely see a female student wearing anything even remotely close as alluring as the photos posted in this thread (or the students that can be seen out on the BKK streets and in the malls any day).

    It's when the rules require everyone to look the SAME (i.e. uniforms) that women, being women, are going to start looking to stand out from the crowd... Personally, though, given the choice between the typical U.S. campus attire and that here in Thailand, I'd take Thailand any day!!!!! :o

  5. Actually, I had been waiting to post on this, until I could go back again and focus on their burger... the last time I tried one, I was sorta focusing on a lady...

    But... on Suk Soi 8, maybe 200 metres in, there's a popular night pub called Det Bar. But they're also open early in the morning and through the day for regular restaurant menu.

    Last time there, I tried their hamburger, which as best as I recall was pretty good. Likewise on the fries... I'm pretty certain, in a surprise to me, it came with TWO pretty decent size beef patties, which tasted like beef... And the usual hamburger fixings... And some nicely cooked french fries... All in all... a satisfying meal.

    Need to go back again, focus on the food, and update this post, including prices.

  6. This thread would be more amusing if it wasn't for the fact that 95% of the readers are pathetic old geezers. Tes - that means you.

    What is pathetic about being elderly? Show some respect and refer to the seniors as elderly gentlemen. If you can't do that I hope some young, brainless yob kicks your zimmer frame from under you if you reach an advanced age.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My favorite posting of the day.... (except for the univ. photos....)

    You tell 'em Bagwan!!!!! :o

  7. Bully's Pub on Suk Road near Soi 4 has about 4 offerings...pretty good...with good fries... The meat actually tastes like a hamburger... I can personally vouch...

    The Landmark Hotel cafe nearby has been reported to have a good burger and fries...next on my list to try... Same good reports about the Nana Hotel coffee shop... but yet to get there for burger time!

  8. RUN FOREST RUN, or you'll be paying for the rest of your life.

    SnakeBite..... I don't have a dog in this fight... Don't hate all Isaan women... Don't think they're all great...

    But... you must have RUN FOREST RUN programmed as a repeat key on your keyboard...because...I think you've chimed in with that about 100 times!!!!

    How about... RUN SUCKER RUN.... or ... RUN FARANG RUN!!!!!! Ain't no one named FOREST at this address!!!!


  9. Does the rule apply to the boys and katoeys as well?? :o

    No... after some checking... I believe the katoeys will continue to be able to wear even shorter skirts and tighter blouses... That way...the instructors will have an easy way to tell them apart from the real ladies...

    But..I'm not sure about the boys... They may also be able to continue to wear short skirts...if they so desire...but... only if they shave their legs!!!


  10. you always see the middle aged farang leering at these girls on the subway. they dont even try to use the reflection on the mirror or to glance away and disguise it. they just stand there, poorly dressed and drooling.

    So...I guess that means...You've mastered the art of 'reflection in the mirror' viewing!!!! Thanks for suggesting that... :o And...I NEVER leer!!!! And am always nicely dressed!


  11. Twisted is in my neighborhood, but I haven't stopped by yet....

    What's the skinny on this place, in terms of music and prices?

    If it's more of the same... hip-hop and techno... I'd take a pass.

  12. Thailand now REALLY is going to h@ll!!! :D

    No more short, skin-tight university uniforms???????????

    But wait... this is ONLY Thammasat University... just one.... All the others... I assume... stay the same.... Ahh... what a blessed relief....

    Or is it??? See this post from earlier this month about apparently some coming national dress code changes...


    PS - And, isn't this the same university that recently had one of their male lecturers busted...amid considerable news media publicity throughout the country...for the blowjob for better grades scandal??? Is is possible they've decided that those SHORT skirts and bursting out female tops are just too much for the male faculty to handle without resorting to their baser instincts????

    Also of interest...a past post... Maybe there will be more of these offers..from now on... :o


    And...it seems... we've been here before.... with little coming as a result... So characteristic for Thailand....


  13. For the OP's stated plan to run his system with Windows XP....and perhaps eventually Windows Vista or its successor....you're really going to want/need more than 512 mb of memory.

    1GB would be better, and I'd take 2 GB if it was on offer since you're buying a new machine that I presume you want to keep at least for a few years (i.e., buying for the future). Memory is cheap these days, and it's one of the best things you can do to have your system run well and fast. Otherwise, if you're short of memory, your system starts to use (slower) hard disk space for its memory needs and everything slows down.

    I have an older Dell Pentium desktop running XP that can only take a maximum of 768 mb, which is what I have installed. Just using a normal range of programs (MS Office, photoshop, web browsing, etc.) it runs OK but clearly would do better with 1 GB or more...

    The few extra bucks you spend now on memory will astronomically improve your quality of user experience during the lifetime of your new machine...

  14. I'm flying back home to San Francisco (from BKK) on May 27th and coming back to Thailand at the end of July and I got a round-trip ticket on China Airlines for $1,028.64. Seemed pretty good with the price of oil/gas these days.

    That's a good price... I think it helps having the initial segment in May...before the higher seasonal prices typically kick in at the beginning of June...

    I've never flown China Air...so I can't speak to their service... But when I started flying to BKK some years ago...before I moved here... I heard about them as a BKK carrier and checked their record as an airline. Unfortunately, they've had a fairly high number of jet crashes thru the years...more than most major carriers... That kinda put me off using them, not withstanding their pricing... In contrast, EVA has an almost spotless safety record, as best as I recall...

  15. I've had the same problem at Soi 12...with the SOFT corn torillas they're using...

    I didn't have a problem with the meat or the taste of the soft corn tortilla...both were fine!!!

    But when I ordered a trio of tacos with all the fixings... lettuce, salsa, sour cream, etc... the moisture inside very quickly caused the soft corn to just disintegrate...

    Tried to pick them up in my hands..and everything just fell apart...

    Actually...that day...I really wanted the tacos in flour torillas...but didn't communicate well...and got soft corn by mistake... That was some time ago...but sounds like..that problem persists...

  16. I think showing that guys here aren't really interested in the relative price of everyday transactions in LOS (but they jump all over the posts about the girls and action in LOS) but guys who actually live in LOS are more interested in practical matters like these costs so are interested in conversing about them :D

    OK...so then...as a BKK resident...let me try to bridge the gap between those diverse points of view...

    My question is... How much is a good Thai lady going for in the States these days, compared to the prices in LOS???


  17. Yes...I agree...about rest after sinus surgery... They always advise that...also because it helps with the healing process...and..you need time to recover from the effect of the anesthesia...and...because...they don't want you doing anything to cause blleding..

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