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Posts posted by shrekroma

  1. Well said. Has there every been an honest Politician in Thailand?


    Ultimately, the elite pressed charge against him ( similar to what they did to Thaksin )

    He finally had to flee out of country and never had a chance to come back.

    Read Thai history.

    Current political turmoil is way greater beyond Thaksin's corrupt. Living in Thailand for years doesn't mean you know Thais well.

    Because lots of things are apparently unspeakable as you may heard of.

  2. If the law can't be applied equally to everyone, then those applying it need to be replaced with those who can and will.

    If those are a group of small people. Then your theory is right.

    But in Thailand, the entire system is collapsing.

    Double standard is everywhere - every single aspect in Thai society.

    Rich vs Poor. Elites vs Common people. These things do exist.

    There is so much trouble that most of people believe the law can be abused to serve one in power - whichever side it is.

    I see no positive sign no matter what result this case will turn out.

    It'll eventually spin to political turmoil and just make one side more angry.

  3. If necessary, but that is a last resort. As long as as demonstrations are peaceful (nobody throwing grenades at the police or military to provoke them), and as long as the demonstrators are not disrupting traffic or commerce (like they did in Bangkok), nothing will happen.

    I'm laughing so hard about this. This guy must never realize where he's living now.

    He does think Gov will listen to peaceful protest must like he saw in his fairly tale dream.

    The fact is nobody will care sh*t whoever stupid enough running in the street just to shot in the head later.

    And the people who set BKK on fire will do it just to show their rage.

    What the hel_l do you expect when these people fighting each other.

    Wake up. This is Thailand.

  4. If anyone thinks that the BTS tracks are the ONLY high vantage point into the temple they haven't viewed the place.

    One good silenced sniper farther back, and above, shooting OVER or past the 'possibly soldiers' on the BTS tracks would have the same effect.

    You cant shoot thru gap between dual BTS track, It's too narrow. Above BTS is too far. Cant be 'aim-shoot' shot as it happened.

    Plus opposite the temple is a police head quarter. So, the posiblity is very slim.

    Either from BTS or beneath it. No other ways.

    Those poor reds were shot from either blk or military.

    Now this Gov has to explain how blk could get into BTS station while military already secured the area & had fully controll over it

  5. But isn't it remarkable how peaceful Bangkok is without the marauding reds.

    Another self-serving comment blaming Reds to fullfil Thaksin hatred syndrome.

    BKK was a peaceful city for a LONG time before. Who start first ?

    If you are not that blind, you already know the answer.

    And you know what. God bless Thailand. None of those junkie is put to jail.

    One even made his way to this cabinet. Way to go. LOS.

    Anyone dare to disagree with this Gov is suddenly become one of Thaksin cronies ?

    As far as I see. No one in this forum claim all Reds did was right.

    They are pointing out a wider and much bigger problems. Double standard - ie.

    It's funny that you keep bashing other who disagree with you as a Red apologist machine.

    Whereas 'you' never get outside of your yellow box, but no one seems to care.

  6. Exactly

    How could the soldiers shoot at the temple when they were only armed with slingshots and firecrackers and the red thousands armed to the teeth with grenade launchers and automatic rifles , as all the foreign media have reported . This case is clear to me as it should be to you : The reds shot the nurses and then assailled by regret , comitted mass suicide (so that Abhisit can be blamed) .


    I'm laughing so hard about this. I have some to share too !

    Darling Abhisit didnt do anything wrong !!! 90+ killed is because Thaksin !! Sae dang sniped in the head because of Thaksin.

    And guess what. Dan Rivers CNN is on Thaksin payroll !! :)

  7. Nope. Using minimal force to suppress a violent and murderous rebellion was the way to go. Now it's time to investigate and punish redshirt leaders, redshirt terrorists, and military personnel who violated the rules of engagement, while offering monetary support to those families and businesses who suffered during the demonstrations. Then it will be time to enact political demonstration laws, followed by policies that held reduce inequities in society. After that it will be time to make moves toward reforming the Royal Thai Police. Simultaneously committees need to be set up to amend the constitution in ways that make the next election more legitimate in the eyes of the majority of the people. Then, when all this has been completed, and if there has been no further violence, elections should be held.

    I'm sure most of the Reds will agree what must be done as you stated above.

    However, none is going to happen as the elites do live on unequal society.

    Also, if you asking Reds to abandon Thaksin, you have to show them a brighter future - no double stadards, no insulting ridiculously privileges etc.

    Finally I dont think any elections will never ever going to solve current crisis. But it still a positive move though.


  8. He came to power legally when the MPs voted him in as an acceptible compromise when the pro-Thaksin party was disqualified.

    The end justifies the meaning, isn't it.

    If you apply this logic universally, Thaksin is problably a stateman. Since he won every major election in last decade.

    This logic sounds silly as much as you stated Abhisit is righteously to stay in power.

    I dont know how long it takes for people to realize this conflict is not just about persons but the system that isn't fair. And the law is heavily abused to serve only a group of people - no matter which group it is.

  9. someone who murdered 3000 of their fellow citizens


    During Thaksin era, his war on drugs was THE most successful campaign.

    By successful, it doesnt mean more dead is good. Instead it means drug circle was virtually eliminated.

    Thaksin was condemned by international community for violating human rights.

    In Thailand, it's different.

    Every single poll got 95%+ approval rating.

    And this also pushed him to win landslide another major election - among Bangkokians -too.

    If one want to jail Thaksin because of this policy, he/she might want to think carefully.

  10. And if you believe Reds use M79, it's fair for anti-Abhisit/elites to accuse this Gov as criminal against humanity due to the fact that this Gov ordered troops to use live ammu killing civilians.

    On April 10 the army tried to disperse the crowd with *riot gear only*. Reds threw grenades and shot at them. Next time, of course they used live ammunition.

    What did you expect?

    Hunting down blacks by shooting Reds ? brilliant logic.

    Before Apr 10, M79 fell off numerous times. Not once this Gov could capture the responsible persons who did it.

    Finally when they were believed to stay among reds, this Gov managed to use deadly force to seal the deal.

    The result was a catastrophe: 80 people dead, including jounalists, medics, nurses even troops (friendly fire).

    Despite 6 dead people killed in temples, I guess you still grade this Gov as doing excellent job.

  11. Thaksin hired Sae Daeng --- Sae Daeng trained the Ronin ---- yes ... that is a direct line for the terrorism charge.

    This Gov cannot easily get away by blaming everything on Thaksin.

    By no evidence, you said Thakin hired SaeDaeng. And SaeDaeng went rogue against the Gov.

    Does that mean this Gov can snipe out SaeDaeng ?

    What give this Gov a right to shoot people ?

    Is it appropriate that this Gov applying 'preemptive strike' policy towards Reds ? and finally left 80+ civilian deads ?

    Why is it so hard to arrange a new clean fair election ?

  12. still sad to see people who are blind as helen keller not to see the videos of all the red violence

    Red violence doesnt involve with M16, Tavor, Rifle, Sniper etc.

    And if you believe Reds use M79, it's fair for anti-Abhisit/elites to accuse this Gov as criminal against humanity due to the fact that this Gov ordered troops to use live ammu killing civilians.

    You have just proved that very point. BLIND if you cannot face the facts before you. Clearly, there was heavy weapons in circulation amongst the red camp.

    Yeah right.

    Perhaps the Reds are way too idiot for not launching rockets to that freaking APC when it came !!

    Then just leave the weapons nicely in their camp and ran out just to be shot in the head !!!!!!

    Tell me the Reds also got the nuke and I'll believe you !!


  13. still sad to see people who are blind as helen keller not to see the videos of all the red violence

    Red violence doesnt involve with M16, Tavor, Rifle, Sniper etc.

    And if you believe Reds use M79, it's fair for anti-Abhisit/elites to accuse this Gov as criminal against humanity due to the fact that this Gov ordered troops to use live ammu killing civilians.

  14. why would the US want to involve itself with Thailand Thaksin problem - it's a lose lose situation.

    That's the whole point.

    For the US, is this a win-lose or lose-lose situation ?

    The US is unwillingly put in position to decide, which many believes a lose-lose outcome.

    So what next ?

    China will be happy as USA flag fades from this region.

    The BKK elites will be nervous as they have no more big brothers to watch out.

    For the US, well, you say no need to pay attention. So be it.

    For Thaksin, he'll incredibly happy as he can travel around the globe, except US, Brit etc.

    Without US pressing on terrorist charges, any warrants on him are most likly to be ignored.

  15. The US is going to help? Thaksin did his gig after 9/11 but seems that other Thai politicians had no objection to what he did. No big deal they have every right to BUT the US help?

    They are not going to help and any chance they might have died years ago! Thais have short term memories, there will be NO US HELP.

    Deal with it, and go on to your next news story this one has fork in it

    I think you are completely missing the point and lack of knowledge about Thai-US relations.

    While you believe this conflict has nothing to do with the US and Thais should fix their own problems,

    other countries ( especially China ) is happy to wait and see and progressing 'when the chips fall' policy.

    This means let the US takes side. If US win, fine as it once was. If wrong the power shift to others.

    The sense that China will have more influence on Thai than US is somewhat unacceptable.

    And you are dead wrong about 911. That's not Thaksin's gig. It's the elites above Thaksin who pulled the string.

    Just like Abphisit Gov condemned Burma recently. Who Do you think is actually running this country..

    I suggest you read NYtimes, WSJ, Economist, FT to widen your aspects.

  16. the US will want between 200 and 800 Thai nationals who have comitted crimes while in the US and fled to Thailand. The Thai goverment refuses to return them. The US can make a deal, can Thailand?

    Thailand has made their own bed, time for them to sleep in it

    At this point, Thailand can do nothing to deal with Thaksin in world stage.

    It's solely up to the US, whether they'll help or not.

    There is no any other country want to get a hand in this mess,

    especially when the future is uncertain.

    If the US chooses not to help hunt down Thaksin,

    Yellow folks will be disasterously devastated.


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