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Posts posted by abdulrahman

  1. Nong Khai immigration wants a current letter from the Embassy AND a letter from the bank showing how much is deposited AND the bankbook showing every deposit for the past year.

    If the deposits don't add up to 40K a month, no visa. (Non-imm O supporting Thai wife)

    The letter from the Embassy isn't the holy grail, in fact for me, it's fairly meaningless.

    Yes,they WANT it,but as I already said,if you are ready to make yourself unloved,they are obliged to follow the rules.

    My personal experience only!

  2. Happy to know he can go back home.

    The Passport was genuine?It seems it was!

    The photo was accepted by the competent(British,I think)authority?It seems it was!

    Was the Passport accepted by the Thai Immigration on entering Thailand?It seems it was!

    Why the f*** would he have then to lose his flight and go to prison?For swearing?In English?(normally a tourist doesn't swear in Thai to a Thai Officer)

    The British FCO is to blame?For sure.

    The Thai Immigration is to blame?Not on TV.

    The Politically Correct people are acting like fools?YES.(Sorry Jingthing,MHO only).

    It could happen to me,not sure if I would only politely smile.Third world my a**. :)

  3. Someone very close to me ( could be me ) is very particular about his partners..... :D

    The range is anything up to 40Kgs, 150cms and 40Kgs is perfect, these women are in their 20's and 30's, is this normal for other Farangs too, or is there an underlying sickness involved ?

    No sickness,don't worry.

    Maybe a perversion? :):D :D

  4. Hey,do you remember what you should have learned in High School?

    Only when the primates began to compete with the big predators the human development started.

    I don't eat grasshoppers they are nice.

    I don't eat bugs(the big brown ones)they are not so nice.

    Isn't a steak better? :)

  5. Just been at Immigration in Soi Suan Plu Bangkok, they required the following for an extention (not the first application) apart from the usual copies:

    400k+ in the bank for 3 months (actually I had it there a week short from 3 months but as it was the change in the rules and I used this 400K+ for the first time they allowed it), letter from the bank and copy of bankbook stating the same amount and updated on the same day so I had to put an additional 100 baht in there to show your bankbook update on that day.

    Required also is a new (recent) photo of you and your wife in front of your house with the house number visible.

    Well,as always every Office(Officer)has his/her own requirement.If they could inform the people affected,this would be a big help.

    If they could follow their own rules........no,not possible in Amazing Thailand. :)

  6. I'd like to see one of these activists reaction if one of their sons or daughters were beheaded, for being a Buddhist.

    Would they pamper the culprit? Make sure he's comfy?

    Would they suggest being nice to associates of the murderer, even if information gleaned from them may save another innocent life?

    Violence against children is deplorable and inexcusable.

    But taking out the pliers and a blowtorch on these animals warms my heart.

    Hope you take a dose of the same medicine. :)

  7. My wife told me the prices are going up.Alcohol and tobacco at first,it's easier,but other commodities as well.

    Tourism is declining,don't know by how much,don't trust the statistics.

    Petty crime is increasing,as always and everywhere when the economy is in a recession.

    But IMHO as long the rich Thais,people that control the Government and the production are not directly affected (a big Baht devaluation,for example),things will not change,tourists and poor farmers be damned! :)

  8. So did anyone see this "footage"? Why not simply upload it on Youtube so the rest of the world can see it? Oh wait, I know, because he is afraid that us "educated elite" can see through the poorly hacked job of video editing done on the clip.

    i didn't saw it, but i am waiting. i didn't saw Abhisit in that car, he claimed to have been, either. did you saw him there`are one of the thousand people, including Thai and foreign journalists, witnessed the incident and they could testify to the fact the prime minister and his deputy were inside the car during the attack. did you take a pic? please upload here.

    and if i get only get wind of it after some government official denies something, than had the media failed to deliver me all the information about the foreplay.

    and if you look above, there i pointed out a few points where the government makes false statements, but that and the situation with the thai media at all, seems the wannabe "educated" not to disturb.

    there is also no update on that Government page, that claimed to explain it all http://www.factreport.go.th/event/3

    A Troll? NO,a Stooge!

  9. Pfff. Temperature.

    There's only one threat to our existence here in 15-20 years and that's the sharply falling birth rate we see at the moment. Too many people with only one kid. It's the end of life as we know it.

    How very strange!I thought that the population of planet Earth was increasing.

    Homo sapiens,I mean,not other endangered species! :)

  10. This from the labor act.
    "work" means engaging in work by exerting energy or using knowledge whether or not in consideration of wages

    or other benefit;

    Immigration does not question where you get the money unless you use tax payment receipts to prove your income. To use this income you need a work permit to prove you are working legally.

    Foreign earned income can only be proven by a letter from your emassy.

    Money in the bank option. No questions asked about the source of the money.

    I wasn't asked anything when I presented my income letter for my extension.

    1. Do you have to prove the money in bank came from outside the country?

    2. Income - is it Gross or Net that is used to calculate and what exchange rate do the Embassy use?

    3. Is the embassy letter accepted without question by immigration.


    2)Up to your Embassy


  11. I wonder why not many people take the train from Bkk to Nong Khai, it is simple, more comfortable than being squashed in a van, and I think better & safer than a bus trip, but of course can't beat a flight..

    (apart from the cost)

    The trains tickets are difficult to obtain near National Holidays or at the weekend,if you don't reserve early.

    The trains leave at 8pm at night, and arrive between 8.30 am and 9/9.30am the next morning. You can take either the fan sleepers, about 460B, or aircond. ones, about 780 B, price varies slightly with upper or lower bed.

    Strange,this,I pay always a little,more.Double pricing,again?

    IF the Train is on schedule,the bus to the Friendship Bridge is faster.

    When you get off the train, go to the ticket office, and buy a ticket on the new service that goes across to Laos. The connecting one leaves at 10am, pass through the new Immi. offices at the station in minutes, board the train & take about a 10 minutes ride to Thanalang, in Laos, get off the train, and get your Laos visa, again only minutes to do so. Then hop on one of the Thai Laos buses waiting there, pay 40 B. or, 10,000 kip,and travel to the bus centre in Vientianne.

    So easy, but not as early for you to get to the Thai Consulate, although I was in the city before 11am. Of course, once it becomes popular, times will be longer, but it's great now.

    It will be great,and more crowded,when the Train will arrive in Vientiane City.Don't hold your breath. :)

  12. The Pound and Euro are both worth about 30% less than one year ago so the financial argument is less compelling.

    (and if it doesn't kill you, it only makes you stronger)

    Lesser the Pound,higher the Euro.

    But you'll wonder,not every farang comes to Thailand from Britain,some Countries have as much,or more sun as Thailand,try to revise your outlook on the world (at least on SouthernAsia) :)

  13. OK quick question. My wife and I are currently renting an apartment in Bangkok, she is still registered on her parents Tabien Bahn up in Khon Kaen where we spend most of our time. Would I be able to get a Yellow Tabien Bahn even though my wife doesn't have her own, ie. use her parents one?

    If the landlord/lady agrees,shouldn't be a problem. :)

  14. They also might to make an interview with your wife, and after that with you.

    To make sure that you have the same story.

    How much do you know about your wife, her mothers maiden name etc?

    Well,really hope this will not be a common trend.

    After5 years+ of marriage cant remember the name of my mother in law,the first name,I mean,hope the surname is the same as my wife,not sure,though.An interview of myself would be a waste of time:my language or yours?

    Add to this that I'm photoshy,no pictures at all.OK,let the wife carry the bag! :)

  15. Has anyone tried driving themselves up to Nong Khai, parking the vehicle and then proceeding to Laos to do all the procedures yourself?

    A few questions:

    -Which is the best highway

    -Where to park the car in Nong Khai

    -expected itninerary if not in a real rush

    -best day/time to get there

    -any expected problems that could crop up

    Thanks in advance for kind advice

    1)From anywhere you'll arrive to Highway 2,straight to the Friendship Bridge.

    2)About 100 m before the Bridge,many places,some gated,all with Security,or you can let the car on the road,no problems that I'm aware of,(up to now!)

    3)If not in a rush,arrive in Nong Khai Thursday afternoon,or Friday morning(early)go to the Consulate,should be fast.Never went there,can't be sure.Parking place to the Border,5 min walk,bus over the Bridge 20 Baht,Lao visa on arrival 35 $(most Countries),bus to Vientiane 30 Baht,samlor 50 Baht+,Taxi 100 Baht++.Take the week-end to stroll trough Vientiane,or to a short trip to Vang Vieng,or to the Nam Ngum Lake

    4)If you are really unlucky,you have 2 busloads of Vietnamese in front of you,that will take HOURS!

    5)You don't stop to pay the 10 Baht overtime charge,and a bunch of Lao Police is running after you. :)

    Have a good time!

  16. To be clear: Are you trying to get your name on the blue coloured house registration? If you are, then you will have no luck, as it is impossible for foreigners to get on it, unless they have permanent residency in Thailand.

    What you can do however is get put on the yellow coloured house book, specially designed for foreigners. While not uncommon, not every amphur knows about them if they haven't got a large expat community.

    More about yellow tabieen baans here:


    Probably you're right,looking at the documents requested,he wanted to put his name on the blue Tabien Ban:mission impossible. :D

    For the yellow Tabien Ban you need much less paperwork! :)

  17. There are cases when old and nice farangs who do not drink excessively and shower on a regular basis find nice and caring Thai women who are maybe in their 30s or 40s and both of them enjoy living together for their mutual benefit. I'm happy for them. These cases might be rare I admit but they do exist.

    Primitive and bitter alcoholics who look for young girls to satisfy their unmet needs are more common of course.

    Not so rare,I have some friends that are exactly this kind of people,men and women both.

    By the way,my beautiful Thai wife is turning 50 this year! :)

  18. JR you are just going to have to bite the bullet if you need a re-entry permit and make that long trip to get it.

    Even a single entry would be better than none in case you had an unplanned trip come up.

    Make it a holiday trip by making it a pleasent trip and stay overnight somewhere along the way.

    I have to make a 1500 kilometer round trip to get my income letter from the embassy (no mail in's allowed) in Bangkok.

    I am considering a trip to Chiang Mai this year instead of Bangkok to get the letter to make it more of a hokiday than the torture of having to go to Bangkok.

    My immigration office is close by so it's not a problem.

    Aaarghhh!I must really stop bitching,Someone has it worst as myself! :o

  19. As with most or all Condo owners, I do not think that he registered my friend.

    My friend does not have that much money, I personally think that if he gets caught

    he will go into the Detention Centre, and stay there for a while until someone comes

    up with the money for his fine and onward ticket, plus his accommodation charge at

    the detention centre and also the taxi to the Airport.

    Then upon landing in his home country I think he will be arrested for falsifying a legal

    document i.e. The passport.

    The thing is he does not believe it will happen to him, and unlike others he does not hide

    he goes out gets drunk and is abusive to everyone, one day it will catch up with him.

    Oh and he also used the false passport details to register his baby

    As said already by many posters,he must cough up the money(2,5K Euros?5K is better)and with luck,help,a friendly Embassy,he can do it.

    Or he can leave Thailand on the sly and forget the Country,forever.Bars,bargirls,job,all!

    It's his choice. :o

  20. Respect your host Country and the Thai culture,as strange as it may be to you.

    Make clear that you deserve the same.

    Remember always the exchange rates(don't haggle for 2 cents).

    Tell,politely,to the Farangs on TV,that the love it or leave it formula,isn't valid in the 21th century.

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