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Everything posted by Tayida

  1. Correct. If he owns a Thai bank account, no problem at all. But he doesn't have one and refused to ask the staff in the hotel he stay as well refused to ask to a shop that has the transfer service.
  2. Agree.
  3. You are right. That is another good suggestions I did not think about. Thank you.
  4. I think ask for suggestions, even if it's simple for you, doesn't kill anyone. And, unfortunately, I am not clever as you are.
  5. I don't use it anyway. But thanks for the suggestion.
  6. 1) On wise FAQ, it says that you can transfer Thai BAHT only within Thai accounts. 2) As I had problem in the past, I never use again any app. related to banks or money transfer.
  7. Can you explain me the meaning of this as I never heard. Thank you.
  8. We were not there at that time and the ATM was not with me. And he was the first to leave where we were telling me he will come back in few days. But I left before he come back. But I should repay anyway the day after using, as I do yesterday, the postal EMS. No doubt about that. My fault.
  9. My OP was about asking a solution to send the money. I never wrote that was not my fault. And I wrote it more than once.
  10. I already wrote more than once that was my mistake to left without repay him. Totally agree with your comment.
  11. Correct: from CM was 47 THB, reaching the south in two days.
  12. He has the right to ask his money back, was wrong the way he spoke to me. But you are right about re-evalute some friendship.
  13. Yes. I already apologize with another member for my mistake.
  14. As I wrote yesterday I went to the post office and use the post EMS service. Cheaper than Wester Union. I own money to him no longer than 10 days. My mistake was to move to the North without repay him back. He just wanted wise as he has not a Thai account. I told him to ask the manager of the hotel where he stay for his bank account or to any shop that send or receive money. But he refused to do and he wants only wise. As I cannot use wise between a Thai and foreign account, I sign up to deemoney as someone suggested, but they said it will take around 48 hours to activate the profile. And he insisted that he wants go and report me. At the end, as wrote, EMS was the solution. The envelope should reach him tomorrow, sent yesterday.
  15. You are right. My mistake, my bad.Sorry.
  16. Back in 2018 sent a deposit for an apartment of 10.000 bath. Once sent, few days before my departure date the receiver disappeared and blocked me. Now, in 2023, still wait to see my money back...and of course I fill a complaint with local authorities.
  17. No. Just money i asked him few days ago as i was without my ATM card. I moved to the North without repay him and we reached this point.
  18. Went to the post office for the Western Union solution, but found that sent the amount into an envelope using EMS was cheaper. Matter solved, thank you to everyone for the help.
  19. Do you know if i send 1500 thb how much is the commission?
  20. I owe this friend of mine 1500 bath. I owe them to him and it's a fact. I'm ready to send him the sum at any time, but since he doesn't have a Thai account, I asked him if he could ask someone (perhaps the hotel where he's on vacation, for example the manager) for a bank account. He refuses to do so and only offers me to use wise, a method that is not possible from a Thai account to a foreign account. Now he threatens to go to the police and report me. I certainly don't want to have problems for 1500 thb also because the money is ready to be sent. Does anyone know if there are other ways to send the money to the subject? I state that I am in the North and he is near the border with Malaysia. Thank you.
  21. What are the laws are filming In thailand? They do Zumba classes on Patong beach nightly and there was a gentlemen filming but to the point of getting in everyone’s personal space, faces and behind them and came close to me and I went up to him and said stop it. He then proceeded to shove his camera in my face and ask who hell I was and I grabbed it away from my face, he claims he was with the dancers, but my concern is what he does with the footage. Is this legal here? Thanks for any help
  22. Tayida


    I bought his ticket in May, when Bibier still no has the facial problem.
  23. Tayida


    Sorry, why you think is not serious? Just wanna asking if I can fill a report to police as he makes me wait. If sounds a joke, I am sorry.
  24. Tayida


    I booked one ticket for the Bibeir concert in November from a guy that he will not attempt the event. First he should send me the ticket on 15 June, but now he told me to wait until Monday. If Monday I cannot get it and he will not refund and I go to police, can they do something or, as the event is still not happened, must wait November to see if I get the ticket? I already bought from him in the past and never has an issue. Thank you
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