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Posts posted by Udox

  1. When one purchases a freehold property and land, what is the proceedure for exhange of the deeds etc. Is it just a case of both parties going to the land office, changing the names on the land registry and handing over the deeds (and the cash of course). The land is Nor Sor Sam and this is information out of interest to educate myself, prior to the lawyers meeting later in the week/


  2. Hi All,

    Just to add my two-pence worth too! I am English in my 30's living in Udon Thani for just a few weeks now. Always ready to sink a beer and pass a few hours (keeps me out of the internet shop !) There has to be more than going to Mambo all the time (not that its a bad thing of course). And I can certainly vouch for the Sunday Roasts at Steves Bar - just about the best I ever had !

    Anyone who also likes Chang drop a reply.

    For the record , I am not in the oil business, have never been to Saudi and my current bike is a 125!


  3. You are not alone with your experiences at this office. I visited there a couple of weeks ago and found the whole experience daunting and even upsetting. Why they cannot treat you like normal people and instead make you feel like second class people is beyond me. All it takes is to tell you "you need this"" and then we produce it - easy, but on this day you also need this or that and why haven't you got it ?

    Sometimes we don't realise how lucky we were in our home countries!

  4. Thank you for your comments and clarifications. I will apply to extend my 'entry permit' during the last 30 days of my current 90 day permit (my first one, having just arrived here a few weeks ago). This will be late next month and fingers crossed they will be gentle with me. The female immigration officer who I saw before (on my first visit to their office) looked like she could reduce grown men to tears - in fact she probrably has done in the past! I guess this is why it makes life here so 'interesting' and also why this forum is so busy. I, like many others really appreciate the time that some of you folks spend patiently answering all our questions, some of them time and time again. Thank You.

  5. My current status as per your request Dr.PP is that I have arrived here earlier this month with a multiple entry Non - Imm O visa based on marriage to a Thai. as stated in the post I would like to apply for the year extension as early as possible - and hopefully before July, but as said in the post I was 'advised' to come back next year when the year is nearly up (having had to do 3 re-entries) and then they will 'let' me apply for a further year. The office I visited was in udonthani - are they correct or am I able to do it after the first 60 days of my stay ? I am not anywhere near 50, and do not have/want a WP

    Many Thanks

  6. In a previous post I was told that a Non-Imm O M/Entry can be extended after being in Thailand 60 days and as far as I am aware this is correct - exept the immigration office I just visited tell me I have to wait until the visa is almost expired ie. almost a year (next year) and then apply to extend for another year. No amount of persuasion would make them alter this 'rule'. How do you tell someone in 'authority' like that, that you think they are wrong and you are right? I would really like to submit my application after the first 60 days which will be before the July change and therefore keep me on the 200,00 baht rule. Should I just go and try a different office or will they re-direct me back to my 'local' office. Where is the 'rule' written down regarding the requirements-perhaps I should show them a copy??

    Secondly, regarding the aforesaid 200,000 baht. Can this be in my wife's account or do I have to have my own account? (We can prove the money is from overseas in any case). I have an ATM card to access her account but it is not a joint account.

    Many Thanks

  7. My personal household effects are due to arrive at "Bangkok Port" next month. The shipping agent at 'my end' gave me a rough idea of what should happen at Bangkok, however i would be more than pleased to hear if anyone knows what does happen. As far as i am aware, the contact at the port will oversee handling customs and duties etc and then the shipment will be placed in a warehouse for my collection. Sounds straight forward - but is it? and is it going to cost me lots? (handling etc.?)


  8. With July getting ever closer and the 'Granfather Rights' issue being thrown around in the forums, my question is: Can one apply for a one year extension to a non-O multiple before the initial 12 months validity expires, to secure the Grandfather Rights.

    My non imm O M/E will not expire until 2005, but can I submit an application to extend prior to July 2004 to stay on the 'old' system? ie within the next few months?

  9. Further to my previous posting regarding application for the elusive visa, the replies opened up a minor debate as to whether one should apply at the RTC in hull or the RTE in London. To those who replied - I bow to your previous experience and take your advice on board. Could you therefore please give me some sort of idea as to how long it will take to obtain said visa (Non-Imm'O')at Hull. Also, although it is said one can conduct matters by mail, do the forms have to be submitted initially in person, where they can check your documents there and then (and your wife)? Or is there no need to ever go to Hull?

    Many thanks to those who take the trouble to reply to those of us with lesser experience.

  10. I am British in my 30's with a Thai wife and planning to go to Thailand early in the new year whilst my wife completes her Degree. I believe I can obtain a Non-Immigrant 'O' Visa on the basis of my marriage and initially this will be for three months (the visa - not my marriage!). When in Thailand and before the three months expires I can extend this to a one year visa - so I am told. My question is regarding proof of income and/or savings. At what stage has this to be shown? when I initially apply for the visa (in London) or when requesting the extension in Bkk?

    Naturally this will have to be proven with a Thai bank book, in which case, if the proof is required here in London, and we were to transfer money into the Thai bank, how can we then prove the money is actually in the bank without posting the bank book over to Thailand (and back) to be updated?

    I would also enquire what the current minimum amount is for proof of savings required by the authorities?

    Many Thanks

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