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Posts posted by palusa

  1. Hi guys, does anyone know the direct translation of "Kai leuat ork"?, this bastard mosquito carried disease has just killed my wifes younger sister (19) in Mae Sai in only 3 days and now her younger sister (4) has the same. My wife says that there are many, many people up here with it but its existance and the infection rates are being kept quiet, she said the hospital is full and the nurse said yeaterday there were another 30 cases in Mae Sai. If i find out what it is exactly i can warn others of its existence, I dont want another family to go through my wife's families grief

    • Like 2
  2. They don't harm so why hurt them.

    They do no harm? Maybe not physical harm, no. But I have known people being harangued for hours in their own homes by these zealots who, once they are in the door do not want to stop their diatribe until you are converted.

    I know these people well, they believe according to the bible that we are all in last days, they take it upon themselves to go out and be abused and ridiculed to share and warn mankind about their beliefs of impending termination of this system. They do not "harange people for hours" they put their fear of abuse and ridicule to one side to try and help their brother and sisters of mankind as or in a type of giving you life belt type situation. I wonder if you would have the necessary bottle and the guts to be able to do the same


  3. Another rubbish accusation, the American Hmongs are exaggerating!

    1. There isn't any refugee camp at Huai Nam Khao. The displaced group gathered there mostly from Tham Krabok, Saraburi on their own to stay close to their Thai Hmong cousins. They are not being detained. The area is accessible from Khek Noi, Khao Kor, and to Tab Berg and Lom Khao. There are many NGO stationed there to help them. They are in better shape than Thai Hmongs along Thai- Laos mountenous border.

    2. They are roaming the mountain freely, destroying reserved forest and watershed from Phu Hin Rong Kladown to Lom Kao, Petchaboon. It is not a comfortable living condition there but certainly better than going home to Laos. 2. If American Hmongs want to help them, they can call their Sen. and Rep. to support settlement in the U.S.

    3. They just had good times celebrating Hmong New Year with the Governor.

    4. I don't believe any of them were threatened to be killed.

    5. I trust any Thai government, red, yellow, or blue will keep on treating them at its best.

    6. Buses must be for the voluntary repatriation, and some few rejected cases for U.S. resttlement.

    Oh dear, how can one be so elequently educated but be so blatantly blind

    Elequently? sod it we all make mistakes

  4. Another rubbish accusation, the American Hmongs are exaggerating!

    1. There isn't any refugee camp at Huai Nam Khao. The displaced group gathered there mostly from Tham Krabok, Saraburi on their own to stay close to their Thai Hmong cousins. They are not being detained. The area is accessible from Khek Noi, Khao Kor, and to Tab Berg and Lom Khao. There are many NGO stationed there to help them. They are in better shape than Thai Hmongs along Thai- Laos mountenous border.

    2. They are roaming the mountain freely, destroying reserved forest and watershed from Phu Hin Rong Kladown to Lom Kao, Petchaboon. It is not a comfortable living condition there but certainly better than going home to Laos. 2. If American Hmongs want to help them, they can call their Sen. and Rep. to support settlement in the U.S.

    3. They just had good times celebrating Hmong New Year with the Governor.

    4. I don't believe any of them were threatened to be killed.

    5. I trust any Thai government, red, yellow, or blue will keep on treating them at its best.

    6. Buses must be for the voluntary repatriation, and some few rejected cases for U.S. resttlement.

    Oh dear, how can one be so elequently educated but be so blatantly blind

  5. This is exactly the kind of thing you expect in a hel_l hole third world jail.

    Of course. there's no violence in the nice comfy jails in the civilized western countries eh?

    There's more to this than is being told. :)

    Condolences etc etc.

    Constructive reply?. Yeh right!

    Heart felt condolencies yeh? Thats Ok then etc etc

  6. Not all Lao displaced persons are refugees. U.S. and western countries are screening non refugees out from resettlement program, and will leave them here in Thailand. the same applies for Burmese displaced persons. Thousands of Loas Hmongs are stranded at Huai Nam Kao in Khao Kor, Petchabun with their cousin Thai Hmongs, after leaving en mass from Tham Krabok, Saraburi and Thai treats them well enough.

    For Lohinga case, Royal Thai Navy treat them in the same way Royal Australian Navy would treat the Rohinga, period.

    Should the west and UNHCR care to take them all out of Thailand, They will be very much welcome to the Kingdom as future American tourists?.

    Hi ASA. mate are you for real regarding the statement "Thai treat them well"? Mate just jump in your car or on your bike and go to the main road where you stay, Mae Chan, watch the big, daily 24 hour road block there, watch as the Thai police harass, take goods from and then blackmail their REFUGEE victims into giving them any money and valuables they might have. ASA dont please qualify this procedure as treating people well because its what is known as burying your head in the sand, propoganda or simply spouting crap. Anyone reading this can see the disgusting event any day of the week held on the main highway just before Mae Chan on the Chiang Rai to Mae Sai road.

    Do you honestly think the Australian navy would do as you say in treating the Rohinga the same as the unaccountable Thai navy is doing?, come on man wake up, the clue was in the wording un/accountable. Period?, yeh my freind with words like yours you must be about due that time of the month.

    Many of the Thai Yai tribe have lived in Thailand for more than a thousand years, these people stand for the Thai national anthem, have the Thai flag in their homes, love the Thai king, are loyal to Thailand yet with all this they are persecuted, abused, robbed and cheated by the Thai establishment. ASA why should these guys be sent away to come, assuming the same arguement applies. to be allowed back as American tourists?, they have probably been here longer than your family and have the right, or as much right to be Thai and treated with fairness as you are. Irrespective of nationality they have the basic human right to be treated with respect, do you agree?

  7. I would like to thank you guys who tried to help, i really appreciate it. Its a shame that some people have nothing better to do than sit by their PC's and publish their bitterness to fellow men on a site that is such a valuble tool where people can get help and advice. You the decent guys make this site, dont let the warped few put you off for the sakes of others that need you.

    I am really appreciative. Palusa

  8. This is a load of crap. As slapout pointed out, your son would not have had a Thai ID and would therefore not have been "on the books". Even if he is, he's exempt from any callup because he's presently living overseas. Additionally, the individual directly participates in the lottery to determine selection for compulsory service, which he could not reasonably be expected to attend.

    Call their bluff, talk to the Army Attache.

    No its not crap, my ex's family are great guys, my son used to go to school in Thailand for about 5 years, he has a Tabien Bahn and ID card, he is now 18 years old. i have tried and tried to get advice from the Thai Embassy London but its like drawing teeth, i got a decent response from the consulate lady in Hull but it was not what i wanted to hear as she confirmed the probability of my sons arrest on arrival, even advising us on our return to go in on his UK passport

    I will try again with the Attache theme but i must admit its the first ive heard about those guy existing, even my Thai freinds in the UK did not know. Thank you for all who tried to help i just hope i can get passed the press 3 option when i phone the Embassy again ( i could'nt all last week)

    "his mother left us many years ago"

    "I have just been informed from the ex's family that the army are looking for my son as he was called up but didnt appear and now he is wanted for arrest"

    It is kind of odd the mother left many years ago, yet the mothers family knows exactly how to get in touch with you?

    How would the Army know to contact YOUR ex-family and not you or your son's mother directly?

    Seems kind of odd in Thailand someone would go out of their way to find the son's name for military service, and then unable to track down the mother or father, yet can track down the mothers family? Who ever puts in this kind of effort, adding in there are probably a million kids in this same situation.

    I suspect if they could not find you or your ex-wife, give up and move to next case. That is the Thai way.

    I don't see how they would have a clue to tie your son to your ex-wives family but they would have a record of your son's passport and any movement in and out of the Kingdom

    Oh dear, poor lad dont you know about a certain document over here regarding families called Tabien Bahn, on it you have the people who domicile at the particular property along with all their details like sex age etc. Mate i only asked for advice, what is it on this site that makes the bitter amongst us become an amature Clouseau. I mean do you get your rocks off trying to be super sleuth, you know what you are doing Clouseau? you are putting people, genuine people, off from asking for help because you get sanctimonious grumpy types, conducting a unnecessary witch hunt and lop sided analysis and for what? Get something to do with your day and leave a potentialy good site with accumulated handy knowledge alone for people to enjoy and benefit from.

  9. This is a load of crap. As slapout pointed out, your son would not have had a Thai ID and would therefore not have been "on the books". Even if he is, he's exempt from any callup because he's presently living overseas. Additionally, the individual directly participates in the lottery to determine selection for compulsory service, which he could not reasonably be expected to attend.

    Call their bluff, talk to the Army Attache.

    No its not crap, my ex's family are great guys, my son used to go to school in Thailand for about 5 years, he has a Tabien Bahn and ID card, he is now 18 years old. i have tried and tried to get advice from the Thai Embassy London but its like drawing teeth, i got a decent response from the consulate lady in Hull but it was not what i wanted to hear as she confirmed the probability of my sons arrest on arrival, even advising us on our return to go in on his UK passport

    I will try again with the Attache theme but i must admit its the first ive heard about those guy existing, even my Thai freinds in the UK did not know. Thank you for all who tried to help i just hope i can get passed the press 3 option when i phone the Embassy again ( i could'nt all last week)

  10. Guys need some help here, my son half Thai half UK has been living in the UK for most of his life, his mother left us many years ago, he does not speak Thai.

    I have just been informed from the ex's family that the army are looking for my son as he was called up but didnt appear and now he is wanted for arrest. I want him to be proud of his parentage but i have been told if he returns to Thailand he will be arrested at the airport and immeadiately imprisoned. Has any one had experience of this and if so what did they do.

    Regards Palusa

  11. If we are talking about Tachie Lek up in the Mai sai area then you do not need to take or get your passport stamped, fill in a TM card or any thing else.

    You go to the Thai immigration desk tell them you not want to take your passport, have i think it is Two copies of your passport front page at the ready and the Thai immigration will give you a ONE DAY PASS you take the one day pass across the border to the Burmese Immigration office show them , have your picture taken hand over 500 BHT and they give you a card that you represent when coming back they (Burmese) then give you your Thai pass back (Piece of paper back/one day pass) , you take this back to the Thai immigration and hand it back and collect your passport no stamps no TM card to fill in.

    I believe it is the equivalent to a one day pass.

    I might have missed some thing out but i am sure some one will correct me :)

    I believe before you had the option of paying $5 US or 500 Bht but now it is just 500 Bht as they have cottoned on that 500Bht is worth ore than the $10 US (330 Bht Approx)

    Note i have copied and pasted this from my previous post from a previous thread on the subject titled .....Border Shopping In Masae Or Burma, temporary border crossing visa


    Take no notice of the rest of if's and maybes this guy is spot on

  12. A mate has just sent me this from the web site, "Political Correctness- The Awful Truth", under the "Compensation Culture" heading

    In Blackburn, the council has banned backstroke in a local swimming pool because of concerns that swimmers may crash into each other. Many schools no longer allow children to play conkers for fear they will get hurt, and in Crudwell, Wiltshire, one primary school banished home-made cakes from its fete after the council raised fears over food poisoning. Derby County Council advises schools to cancel trips if it is too sunny for fear that children will get sunburned. Oh, and don't forget Hertfordshire County Council which dictates that parents must not provide their children with goggles for swimming lessons — in case they spring back and hit the little darlings in the face. The fear of a lawsuit or losing their job has led many teachers to behave in completely ludicrous ways

  13. Because of family reasons i have to stay in the UK for a while, things are so politicaly correct and some laws so stupid just for the crack i would like to start a "UK gone nuts" topic, its not meant to offend its just a crack. eg:

    1. (Daily Mail Saturday morning) Man taken to court and fined and fined for phycologicaly damaging a cow by not leaving an electric light on at night.

    2. BBC today. Lady in Scotland threatened with thousands of pounds fine from the Performing Rights Society", threat was withdrawn), because of singing as she stacked shelves

    3. On many UK news sites. Man from Bulgaria had his repatriation to Bulgaria stopped because of hardship of his feelings because he was joint owner of a cat in the UK and would miss it.

    Check on these they are not jokes they are real events, bugger cant wait to get out and back to semi sane Thailand.

  14. If they refuse to register the child ask them to put it on paper with the reasons why. They have to register the birth, make sure that you are the one registering the birth, as that will make you the legal father in the case of not being married to the mother.

    In your case it might be best to contact a lawyer and let him deal with it. Alternativley you can contact an NGO speciliased in refugee work. There are several based here in Thailand.

    Mate thank you very much, its appreciated


  15. Hi guys, my wife is from the north ( we only had a village ceremony as thats all we could arrange), she was born and lived all her life, along with all her family, in Thailand. At the time of her birth her family were so poor she was born at home with no doctors paperwork and her family are border people. Thailand refuse to give her full nationality (she has the "shampoo" card at the moment) for another 7-8 years. We are having a child early next year and i would like to register myself not only as husband to my wife but father to my child. The Amphur does not really know what to do but errs on the side of caution and refuses even to discuss it now. Has anyone else gone through this and what did they do?, will the British Embassy except me registering my child.

    Thanks guys for any help


    Sorry guys there seems to be a line missing, i was refering to my marriage and the fact that i was only allowed to have a village ceremony, to some how legalise the marriage in the eyes of others

  16. Hi guys, my wife is from the north ( we only had a village ceremony as thats all we could arrange), she was born and lived all her life, along with all her family, in Thailand. At the time of her birth her family were so poor she was born at home with no doctors paperwork and her family are border people. Thailand refuse to give her full nationality (she has the "shampoo" card at the moment) for another 7-8 years. We are having a child early next year and i would like to register myself not only as husband to my wife but father to my child. The Amphur does not really know what to do but errs on the side of caution and refuses even to discuss it now. Has anyone else gone through this and what did they do?, will the British Embassy except me registering my child.

    Thanks guys for any help


  17. Hi everyone, anyone come across this problem?, my wife is ethnic Tai Yai and lives on the border, she has an ID card but it the pink one, she is registered for full Thai citizenship but wont get it for 7 years although born in Thailand as her family were poor and she was born at home hence no doctors paperwork. My mother UK has just had a severe heart attack and needs care, does anyone know how i can possibly get my wife a passport so we can all go to the UK for the short term. I do not intend to stay in the UK i much prefer it in Thailand, one more thing my wife is pregnant.

    Thanks for any ideas

  18. ^BKK - SIN, BKK - Phuket, BKK - Udon, BKK - CM, BKK - Phnom Penh, BKK - KL, BKK - Hong Kong, numbers are irrelevent but these are the routes. :)

    Well well you are a lucky guy, i have used A.A. 3 times in last 5 weeks Chiang Rai to BKK, 3 times late, once ticket price given went up from ticket office in Big C supermarket 1480 baht to A.A. airport desk 20 mins later 4480 baht. when i queried the increase the staff, especially the little male git behind the counter, were rude and unhelpful telling me to complain to BKK or get another airline, (they suggested one-2-go), either way they didnt care

  19. I have used Air Asia 3 times in the last 5 weeks from Chiang Rai and EVERY time i have had a problem, i like the other poster used Thai, even though i loath them, and got into BKK 5 hours early. Truth is you just cant trust A.A. and if you try to reason with the staff they are rude especially the guy in A.A.'s airport office.

    Another recent complaint, i checked availability for a BKK flight a couple of weeks ago in the office at Big C, Chiang Rai, i was told no problem just turn up plenty of seats 1,480 bahts, same as their web site. turn up i did, seats available but they tried to charge me 4,780 baht, once again the staff did not care less, the guy said if i dont like it complain in BKK he didnt care.

  20. Looking for transportation options to Mae Sai from Chiang Rai. Also from Mae Sai to Thaton. Also how often/what time(s) does the boat travel from Thaton to Chiang Rai?

    There are buses galore from the old bus station in Chiang Rai and you also have the option of going VIP from the new station just outside the town but its not worth it for the little time you are on the bus. Both options are cheap as chips. Careful though the buses stop running at 6.00pm both ways.

    Dont know about Thaton sorry

  21. Ok so I am going to go to Mae Sot, it will be the easiest and then I will go to Laos. I want to make sure I understand everything so

    1. I heard from a woman that the border is closed, is this true??

    2. I go to Mae Sot, pay 500 B, cross and can stay there for a day or leave if I want to?

    3. I will get 15 days, can I get any more or only 15?

    4. Can I drive a Motorbike from Kanchanaburi into Myanmar or should I leave it on the border?

    5. I have 2 pages in my passport left and would like to get pages extended after I go to Mae Sot, what do you think about this?

    Hope You can help and thank you to all that has posted!!!!!

    If you mean the border being closed nearest to Kanchanaburi, that is Sanglaburi, the border has been closed for over 2 and a half years and there are absolutely no real plans in the near future to open it, thats from the horses mouth/s both Thai and Burmese officials.

    Sorry about that.

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