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Posts posted by palusa

  1. Good luck mate, hope all ends well.

    Are you sure she hasn't gone home to her mum?

    Or an aunty or someone else on the Thai side of her family?

    Kids usually keep in contact with close cousins etc, maybe you could ask around there.

    I would be thinking along the lines of..."the ex's boyfriend was the one on the phone"

    After her selling her children to you...I would not trust her for 1 second.

    Are you sure she is not behind this setting you up for a sting?

    Best of luck mate

    She is a very different individual to most peoples daughter, she doted on our family, she was very shy and very timid, she never went out the house at all, except with us, she did had a father who left her when she was very young, her mum died and she has a half sister, the half sister is not close at all but in all fairness to her she has been keeping in touch with me phoning once a week to see if i have heard anything. I didnt buy her, i met her working in a bus stop restaurant where she used to take care and play with my little autistic son, i took her in and she took care of my son but very soon became family, it would be impossible for her to set me up because she has the brain and mentality of a child. I as talking to many NGO groups over the last week and it seems like this is a standard MO of human traffickers, it seems this is absolutely the exact same operation that lures young girls over the net time after time.

    With help of her classmates we have been able to access one of her email accounts but unfortunately she has erased all her sent emails and her freinds cannot find any clues in her unopened mail, i do have a PC expert coming from the UK to see me soon to see if he can help, incidently she has not opened one email since the day she left.

    Thank you all


  2. contact a NON-THAI computer expert and you will be able to retreive everything from your HDD, a simple virus cannot actually delete any real info. it's all fake.

    I am sorry you cant believe it when another human being is hurting and in trouble, perhaps if you sent me a private message i could give you my address, that way you could come and talk to my neighbours, my freinds, my daughters freinds , her school etc, then after that maybe you could learn to be a little more compassionate for your fellow man

  3. Thank you all that gave me ideas and support with my missing daughter, i wish i could tell you she has been found or that she has come home, but no, nothing has been found and no contact made. I have got help from ECPAT organisation who have in turn passed the information on to other groups involved in human trafficking. If i ever see her again or get news of her i will post it to this forum both as a thank you update and a warning for your families. Like i have said if it happened to my daughter then nobody is safe. I pray that no one else should go through this

  4. 20 years old and deemed an adult. You have no legal right to access any information on her from a bank, phone company or any other entity without a proper court order. In order to obtain that, you will have to establish that there is foul play or mental illness implicated. Without revealing details here, if you believe that she was ill, then you can move things along faster.

    I don't know if you have access to resources that can help you but here is a link. It is American but it provides some tips and suggestions that may help you in our search, no matter the age of the missing person or where it happened. http://www.missingkids.com

    click on the If your child is missing

    You may find this US Department of Justice publication helpful for the tips and advice it gives that are applicable to any missing persons case. It is a survival guide. It has links to the International clearing houses.


    It's worth a read for other parents too if you want refresh your childproofing skills.

    Sorry I can't be more helpful.

    I have just had a conversation with ECPAT and they told me much the same, seems that not a lot of help can be given by the authorities because she is 20 years old. It doesnt matter that she has the mind of a child, if any of you guys saw her she honestly looks about 13 or 14 years old. Anyway ECPAT are going to help as much as they can through their contacts, i am going to send them a report this afternoon. I also have an appointment with my daughters Head of College, all the staff and pupils are very kind and helpful but non of the people there have heard from her, they know how much i worry so i dont think they are sheilding her in anyway because they dont have to, i dont care where she has been or what she has done, i want her home safe then i will deal with what ever happened. My ex wife by the way had nothing to do with my daughter at all but thanks for the idea.I will try to get her on line name from her freinds, thats a goods idea and worth a try. I know some people out there maybe think she has gone off with a boyfreind but if you knew her, you would understand she hardly left the house without daddy and her brothers, she was just a scared little girl, i dont know how this happened, it doesnt make sense

  5. Another thought, as a 20 year old student, she most likely has a bank account and ATM card/Credit Card. If you know her bank, it may be fruitful to try to get a record of her transactions since she has been missing. you might find a pattern in those. I know she is not a minor etc, but in these circumstances i would hope the bank would be sympathetic and attempt to assist you

    Another good idea but again unfortunately she had no account, she is very timid and would never go to a bank with all the forms and people. BUT, one thing i did do was i sent her some money to get home and i sent it through my bank to a woman she said she knew, i only sent her 500 baht so she could get the bus home as i was suspicious at the time, tomorrow i will go to the bank and ask if it is possible to narrow the area down as to where the account is situated.

    The person prompting her was Thai and male

    I will call the Embassy for advice tomorrow but she is only a Thai National

    I will also try Mr Cyberspace

    Thank you

  6. While there is a rule that missing person's threads are not allowed I think that as long as the OP does not reveal personal details but merely asks for and receives advice about the proper channels and authorities to go through, I see no reason to close this thread in line with that rule.

    Thank you guys so very much, i wish i had the cash to get the drive to an expert but unfortunately i dont but the advice was very gratefully recieved, I also thank SBK for allowing the thread, sorry i did not know about the missing person rule. I have just spent the last 2 hours with the police and it was a complete waste of time. I asked about detectives and they came out of the wood work in droves when i mentioned paying but after a while they all drifted away because i could give them no leads. I found 1 lead since i started asking you guys for help (If you can call it that) the phone calls my daughter made were all recieved in Bangkok, they are according to my bill made to MB BKK area, does anyone know this area?

    Thank you very much

  7. Was your son close to his sister. Does he know anything. What about her friends at school or work ?

    She has not contacted my sons or her school freinds including her blood sister and her best freind who she adored, she used to have a part time job in a restaurant, i was there last night and no one has heard from her. She was crazy about computers and always on line, i have sent email after email to her 2 addresses but nothing, she has never signed in on messenger, i have my computer on 24 hours a day just in case.

  8. I can understad your worries. It sounds like a serious situation and unfortunately your dauther is no longer a minor.

    What you can do is ask for organisations/ngo's related with woman trafficking for advise. Some have good relations with the police and might be able to direct you in the right way. Another method is searching the internet for more clues about here. You might get a lucky. The person she is with will have left traces in the chatroom too.

    Good luck.

    Mario, do you think you can bring this danger with the chat rooms to attention of all members, my daughter was a very very quiet and shy girl with only 4 months to go at college, if the people who prey on young girls can twist her they can get anyone. I do not want anyone else to feel like i do now. Funny thing is i knew about this problem but never thought it would happen to us as my daughter was so loyal and quiet. I once again reiterate if it happened to my girl non of your families are safe and that an uncomfortable but certain fact.

  9. My god palusa now you say your ex wife returned and took your money as well as your step daughter has gone missing,this is very very sad.

    Dont worry about that because i won, i got my kids and her signing a paper with a lawyer saying the kids are mine and she has no further claim to them after excepting the money. I do not have a second thought on that score i was definitely the winner

  10. I went to a PC expert but the hard drive was absolutely destroyed.

    Sorry to hear your sad story.

    I'm no computer expert (as i'm assuming neither was your daughter), but i'm very surprised to hear that your hard drive was completely destroyed, particularly as it was seemingly done remotely. As i understand it, completely destroying and wiping off all retrieval data from a hard drive is not actually that easily done.

    Perhaps you might consider a second opinion?

    Perhaps your right, but i will try again with another shop but unfortunately the last shop wiped my drive and reinstalled windows again but as you say you never know. I do not think it was done remotely i think she was told what to do because of all the systematic things that she carried out, she was definitely NOT capable of thinking about and executing all the events that subsequently happened. I am going now again to the Police and try to get them to do something.

  11. It will cost but a good private investigator(not associated with the police)and i imagine dangerous work too,but i think a good bet apart from the NGO's,you must be "going spare" at the moment.I dont know what else to suggest.

    Once again thank you. I will try to find out about a detective, unfortunatley my ex-wife turned up last year after 6 years apart and took every baht in the bank or she would take my children, so i am not rich guy, if i get anywhere with contacting the detective i will do it, i can sell my (old) car if thats what it takes

  12. I can understad your worries. It sounds like a serious situation and unfortunately your dauther is no longer a minor.

    What you can do is ask for organisations/ngo's related with woman trafficking for advise. Some have good relations with the police and might be able to direct you in the right way. Another method is searching the internet for more clues about here. You might get a lucky. The person she is with will have left races in the chatroom too.

    Good luck.

    Thank you, do you know off hand any NGO'S so i can start to at least try to find her. I went to a PC expert but the hard drive was absolutely destroyed. to the other forum member who replied, i went to a detective police man i know and although he personally was sympathetic, he told me there was absolutely no starting point from which to work. I used to see her on the chat room but i have no idea which chat room it was as it was all in Thai. Yes i do have some photos of her that she forgot on my sons pen drive. Thank you for your help its much appreciated guys

  13. My adopted daughter went missing during the night a couple of months ago, she met someone through a chat line on the net and completely changed personality and one night she just disapeared, she took every photo of herself, deleted all the fotos on my laptop and downloaded a virus that destroyed my Home PC so there was no way of tracking who she was talking to. This action was totaly out of character and i suspect strongly that these actions were done under instruction from the person she was chatting to.

    On January 4th she phoned me and asked if she could come home, i told her absolutelly, no problem, she told me she would be home in 2 days, i could tell in her voice something was very wrong, on the 5th she phoned again crying saying she was in an accident, i could hear someone prompting her as to what to say, anyway, from that day to this she has completely disapeared. her phone is switched off all the time, i recieved my house telephone bill and she had been calling a particular number but this number has been discontinued, i strongly suspect it was the same guy from the chat room.

    Now I want to know from anyone what can i possibly do to find her, the police are not in the least interested. I dont know where to go, i am very worried about her as although she is 20 years old she has the mind of a child and looks about 14 years old. Please if anyone has any ideas let me know. I want my daughter home, I dont care what she has done I want her home and safe

  14. Sorry guys the topic should of read Any rights for a Thai/UK baby. i have not had even one San Mig yet either

    Met a girl outside tesco with a baby, she was crying, she did not have any money to feed her baby, she told me the father her boyfreind was from the UK, she asked me to help contact him. I have phoned,tried to email and text this guy but he wont answer.

    What i would like to know is, does this child have any rights to any help from the UK, the guy"s name is on the birth certificate and i have seen all the paperwork he has given and sent to this lady with intent to marry, now for some reason he wont answer the phone to her, it was bloody awful to see this girl in this situation, we are all human guys, any one know any leads as to how this girl can get help?

  15. Met a girl outside tesco with a baby, she was crying, she did not have any money to feed her baby, she told me the father her boyfreind was from the UK, she asked me to help contact him. I have phoned,tried to email and text this guy but he wont answer.

    What i would like to know is, does this child have any rights to any help from the UK, the guy"s name is on the birth certificate and i have seen all the paperwork he has given and sent to this lady with intent to marry, now for some reason he wont answer the phone to her, it was bloody awful to see this girl in this situation, we are all human guys, any one know any leads as to how this girl can get help?

  16. Call the thai embassy in London or look at their website, they will provide you will all information & required documentation you need.

    It takes approx one morning or afternoon to go through the papework checking, photos, fingerprinting & general waiting. It took us 2 hrs but we made sure we had a 9am appointment.

    It is quite straightforwrd though & pp took about 2 weeks to arrive (which was very quick)

    sorry for being a bit thick but i forgot to mention i am here living in Thailand

  17. I would appreciate help if someone could tell me what i would have to do to get my 6 year old son a Thai passport here are the circumstances

    My son born in the UK

    Mother is Thai

    I am UK

    Have birth certificate but only in english

    What would i have to do and where wou;ld i have to go and of course how much would it cost

    Thank guys for any help


  18. Hey guys that was a load of pretty crappy responses, what IS interesting however is that the police have now sprung into action, the reason? BECAUSE THEY WERE SHOWN THE LETTER I SENT TO THIS FORUM. Now that brings up another point, If this indeed is an effective avenue to right some wrongs perhaps just perhaps, us guys on this forum might have redress from such wrongs if someone knowlegable and eloquent enough could be our representative in addressing certain subjects and if everyone stuck together something might be acheived, yeh/no?. (Scouse and The UK embassy spring to mind as an example)

  19. I have just received frantic calls from a freind in Kanchanaburi (UK), he has a restaurant with a Thai lady partner, she has just finished with her useless hanger on of a boyfreind (Thai). The boyfreind ran off with the restaurant car and is now back looking for money from his ex. The short of it all is the UK partner will not give the Thai partner any money to pay off her boyfreind, boyfreind comes to restaurant with sledgehammer breaks up a few things, threatens everyone, phones the UK partner threatening to kill him. Uk partner goes to Tourist Police, they take him to Ordinary police, who smile and say they can do nothing until UK partner is attacked, I tell UK partner to call UK Embassy, they say they can do nothing and have to go as its now closing time.

    Surely there has to be some thing someone can do legally, the UK partner is now asking for "special" help, as he can get nowhere from legal channels

    Any of you guys got any advice?


  20. Yes!! When she come to visit me last year she saw a sheep, I'm showing her wonderful vista's of the lakes,mountains and waterfalls, but all she wanted was her photo taken with the sheep!!

    Mate what part of Cumbria are you going to, there are Thai folk in Barrow, Dalton, Ulverston, Flookburgh, Kendal, Windermere, and Ambleside and there is a shop you can buy Thai food in Lancaster

    Hope that helps


    PS what the crack about sheep?, Women are great now and again but you cant beat the real thing, besides a Cumbrian woman shaves more times than grizzly Adams, oh i shiver when i recall the memories

  21. Whilst your niece continues to travel on a Thai passport, she will require a visa to enter the UK. If she arrives as cabin crew and will be leaving as cabin crew (i.e. working) she is exempt from the visa requirement and may stay until she is scheduled to leave on her rostered flight. If she is resident in Austria, why doesn't she apply for a visa at the British embassy in Vienna?


    Thank you very much Scouse, so its bull she cant get in on her ID card.

    She always gets refused here in BKK and has to go to Austria where she has no probs, but she flies from the Gulf and has to pay for a special flight to Austria, Hotel etc then on to the UK.

    Mate you seem a knowlegable guy please explain to me why a girl who has obeyed her visa conditions to the absolute limit and has many professional people who actually know her give references about her character and have known her for 5 years be ignorantly dismissed by someone who knows her through a glass screen for 10 mins.

    Fact is if she wanted to run off and stay in the UK she has had more opertunity than anyone who has ever been on this forum, does she ?, no does she hel_l so what the bloody hel_l is going on in that Embassy.

    I am so confused.

    Regards Palusa

  22. If he was born in the UK, it needs to be the embassy in London.

    (The passport office in Thailand won't accept a UK birth certificate, so you need one issued by the embassy which will have the child's ID number on it. But you can apply for the passport at the embassy as well.)

    After that, you'd want to make sure the child gets onto a Tabien Baan, so that when they're older, they can apply for a "replacement" for the "lost" ID card. (Which was actually never issued because the child was born outside Thailand.)

    One thing to be careful of with a boy is that he might be eligible for National Service if he comes to live in Thailand before he's 30.

    Sorry dont know what happened there it didnt print my reply

    Anyway, I have just had a similar problem with my little boy and Immigration Police here in Kan phoned BKK and they said no problem except you have to get birth certificate translated and signed in Thai by the UK Embassy. Hope that helps


  23. Hi all, i have just had an interesting conversation with Billy Know All, he told me that my Thai neice (who has had many probs with the British Embassy in BKK), can legally travel to the UK by North Sea Ferry with her Austrian Residency ID card, is this true? does anyone know?

    Just a point of interest for you all, my neice flies to he UK 2-3 times a month and stays over for a day then back as she is a Air Stewardess but the Embassy still give her crap when she asks for a visa to see my mum, the lady she has called Grandma for 15 years or so.


  24. When you arrive in Kanchanaburi may I suggest that you go to the "Red Kangaroo/Four Nines" bar directly opposite the River Kwai Hotel on the main Saeng Chuto road. Many Aussies will surely be quenching their thirst there for ANZAC day. Good selection of beers too!!

    Bloody hel_l Ron you must get discount eh? or is it anything to do with those little tete a tete's you have with Don in the back room, you know the ones you always emerge very red and sweaty

    Brown noser

  25. Mate, how did you translate an old saying into me calling the Embassy staff pigs?, the expression means merely that you can only expect from a person that from which they are made up of, eg; nasty folk do nasty things, nice folk do nice things, when it comes down to the Embassy staff however they should be viewed and judged accordingly by their deeds as well. Fair?



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