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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. If he’s lucky, the burning is not the only contributing factor. Once it stops raining, in November or December, the air quality starts to deteriorate quite rapidly. Then in January the burning starts and it gets even worse. My plan to move there when I retire has been shelved a long time ago, just because of the atrocious air quality for 4-6 months a year, and the dogged unwillingness of the authorities to do something about it.
  2. I agree with you mostly, but January 6th has shown us that large numbers of them, sufficiently whipped into a frenzy by their cult leader, are capable of violent acts. I shudder to think of what could/would have happened had they actually gotten their hands on Pence, Pelosi or AOC. Don’t underestimate the dangers of the loony right, what with people like Marjory Taylor Green, Lauren Boebert, Jim Jordan and Josh Hawley (and many more just as crazy as them) on the inside, constantly riling up their intellectually challenged base and consciously and constantly spreading the most outrageous conspiracy theories, lies and misinformation.
  3. I thought it was clear to everybody that most MP’s are there only to look after their own (financial) interests, and those of anyone who pays them handsomely? Or did I miss something?
  4. Exactly. There are rules of war, the Geneva convention, and Russia and its fanboys could not care less about those.
  5. Have you seen the Mark Twain quote underneath all his posts: “It’s much easier to fool people than it is to convince them they’ve been fooled." I’m guessing irony isn’t his strong suit.
  6. Why would anyone claim there was widespread voter fraud and then not be able to come up with the tiniest little bit of proof of that in over 1,5 years?
  7. I hope so. If by radical you mean those who think it may soon be necessary to take up arms against the US government, that is. Or maybe this kind of radical: “top law enforcement officials say the biggest domestic terror threat comes from white supremacists.” https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/12/us/politics/domestic-terror-white-supremacists.html Or did you have another kind of radical in mind?
  8. What all those Trumpers don’t seem to understand is that this would be the story of the century, if the Dems really had stolen the elections. Like Woodward and Bernstein, this would be Pulitzer prize material, multi million dollar book deals, and so on, and so forth. Whoever would discover that this had been the case would be a very rich man/woman indeed. So I’m sure that many reporters (as well as law enforcement agencies) have looked at it long and hard, and if there had been any shred of evidence it would have been reported by now. But nothing has come up so far. Gee, I wonder why that is.
  9. Please share your wisdom with us and explain how the Democrats cheated, I would really like to know. And can you use small words, so us simple folk can understand it? But more importantly, I would like to see from you at least one link to a credible news source to substantiate the claims you made here in this thread about the election being stolen and Democrats cheating. Mind you, I didn’t make that up: those are the rules on this forum. Which you have totally ignored.
  10. Leaked audio: before election day, Bannon said Trump planned to falsely claim victory. No surprise there, Trump had been saying for months that the only way he could lose was if they rigged the election. Just paving the way for his big stolen election lie, getting the MAGA crowd ready to swallow it line, hook and sinker and starting to get them riled up to the point, months later, where they were willing to storm the Capitol for their lord and master. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2022/07/leaked-audio-steve-bannon-trump-2020-election-declare-victory/
  11. If you had followed the news even a little bit (the hearings of the January 6 committee, for instance), you should know by now that it was quite a bit more than just a riot by a few loons. More and more evidence is coming out that this was a planned effort by Trump and hos cronies to overthrow the results of the election, in order for Trump to stay in power. I would call that insurrectionist, wouldn’t you? And the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan was a deal Biden inherited from his predecessor Trump, in case you forgot.
  12. Same as all those MAGA nutters who claim they love the constitution so much, and they just want to defend it against ‘the radical left’, while in fact they wipe their @sses with it with what they’re doing. Same as all those evangelicals who claim they are christians, but they prove to be anything but by what they’re doing. I don’t know if it’s ignorance or arrogance, stubbornness or just plain stupidity, or maybe a combination of all of it, but there seems to be a large group of people in the USA who refuse to face facts and reality, and they have created their very own truth, and their very own reality, and they desperately cling to that no matter what.
  13. I’d bet good money that more than 90% (maybe even 95%?) are male and vote Republican.
  14. On January 6, 2021, Trump gleefully watched TV for 187 minutes and did nothing to stop the rioters, or should I say insurrectionists? Nothing. He watched as people got hurt, police officers were beaten up, one police officer even died, and he did nothing to stop it. Rioters chanted “hang Mike Pence” and Trump said Pence probably deserved to be hanged. What has Biden ever done as president that even comes close to such despicable behavior? So if you want to discuss “substandard”, as you put it, I would say that Trump is in a league of his own when it comes to being the worst president ever.
  15. Heaven forbid, nothing about the USA army could never be socialist, could it? Because everything about socialism is bad and evil, and the USA army is righteous and protecting freedom around the world.
  16. You haven’t been paying much attention then, have you? Not a day goes by that the man isn’t complaining to someone somewhere about the stolen elections. Just read what he’s been spouting on ‘truth social’, his very own twitter. Every rally that he’s spoken at, he brings it up. Sickening.
  17. It’s all that their glorious leader and savior Trump does, he keeps screaming at the top of his lungs that the elections were stolen from him, without providing the tiniest shred of proof, so that’s all that his cult followers can do as well.
  18. Kim was buying time, so he could continue the development of his nuclear weaponry. And he blew smoke up Trump’s @ss, to butter him up. Which worked like a charm.
  19. He probably achieved more than you will ever know. And all Trump achieved was to make a total fool of himself.
  20. What does that have to do with anything? Who cares at what time they count the votes? Maybe to expedite the counting so that the results are in as soon as possible?
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