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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. Read this in a Dutch newspaper. Haven’t been able to find a link yet, but will post it as soon as I find it. OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Humand Rights (ODIHR) today came with a second intermediary report about war crimes in Ukraine. Not only committed by Russians, by the way. Some shocking details about Russian soldiers committing war crimes. Karina Yershova was kidnapped, tortured, raped and killed. Other women were raped in front of their children, who were threatened they would be next. In Charkiv, a 9-month old baby was raped in front of her mother. A Russian soldier posted a video on Twitter of the rape of a one-year old boy. Several torture chambers have been found in Trostyanets. Dead bodies with their ears cut off and teeth pulled out have been found in Zabuchchya. Parents have been forced to watch their children be subjected to fake executions, and sometimes real executions. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. What is NATO waiting for? This needs to stop!!
  2. Don’t underestimate the Putin fanboys (and girls) in Europe and the USA. There are forces at work, especially in the USA, that are very keen on establishing authoritarian regimes just like in Russia. Someone once said “eternal vigilance is the price of liberty”. I think we are living in a time when we really need to be vigilant about attempts to do away with democracy.
  3. I didn’t know this. Just goes to show that they will stoop to any low to achieve their sick ambitions. Very sad indeed.
  4. Don’t get your hopes up, they’ll come crawling back out of the woodwork soon enough to defend their hero Putin and everything he does to defend mother Russia and Russian interests. They’re like Trump supporters, completely blind to the truth and living in a fact free world.
  5. It’s the only way they know how to wage war: just bomb the hell out of everything and everybody. And that’s exactly what the Russian artillery is doing right now in Ukraine.
  6. Putin is creating his very own “Hitler jugend”: https://www.newsweek.com/putin-youth-movement-teach-russian-children-national-principles-1724624
  7. If you arrest people for that, the streets and roads would become quite empty in Thailand.
  8. A (vast) majority of people in the USA who are in favor of tighter gun control are held hostage by a minority of gun nuts and (mainly) Republican representatives, who are scared to death to lose the votes of that minority. I think Republican congresswoman Debbie Lesko phrased the insanity best when she said she would shoot her own grandchildren to keep them safe. That has to be the dumbest thing that ever came out of the mouth of a representative, and that’s saying something, with intellectual heavyweights like Marjory Taylor Green and Lauren Boebert to compete with.
  9. OCSE sounds alarm on Russian filtration centers in Ukraine. “There are reports indicating that people are subject to harsh interrogations and humiliating body searches in such centres,” said the 115-page report seen by AFP, calling the setting up of such centres an “alarming” development. It added those found to have collaborated with Kyiv “often simply disappear” with some being allegedly transferred to Russian controlled territories, where they are detained or even murdered. https://www.euractiv.com/section/global-europe/news/osce-sounds-alarm-on-russian-filtration-centres-in-ukraine/
  10. I would be “stressed” as well, if I were beaten/tortured on a daily basis. The Russians probably won’t allow an autopsy, and they won’t release the body to his relatives either, I imagine.
  11. Wonder how the Russians are going to spin this. But judging by the deluge of filth and lies they have been spewing so far, I’m sure they will come up with “an explanation”.
  12. I can imagine lots of RTP crossing their fingers that many motorists will not pay their traffic tickets, so they can go and arrest them and squeeze a lot more money out of them.
  13. If there is a hell, I hope the devil reserves an extra special place for these monsters (and their puppet masters), where they constantly get to experience all the pain and fear and terror they are now inflicting on others. I’m not a fan of the death penalty, but I think I will gladly make an exception here. Total scum.
  14. Russian missiles strike city of Vinnytsia, killing at least 17 civilians. Just another day at the office for the Russian military war criminals, firing missiles willy nilly on some random targets in a random Ukrainian city. It’s like the nazi’s firing V1’s and V2’s on London toward the end of WWII, hoping to make as many civilian casualties as possible. For a country that is claiming their goal is to de-nazify Ukraine, they sure do apply a lot of nazi tactics of terrorism. Despicable. I’m getting to a point where I’m thinking NATO should step in and kick the Russians back across the border. Practically, I think that could be done in a matter of days. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russian-missile-strike-kills-12-ukrainian-city-vinnytsia-emergency-service-2022-07-14/
  15. And guess who’s escalating it? Not NATO, not the USA, but Russia! It just goes to show that brutal terrorist regimes are willing to help out a bother in need. Wise words! I know at least one someone who’d better just stick to monitoring the war situation and not comment anymore…
  16. Yeah, I’ve noticed that your reality and the real reality are light years apart.
  17. “Police need long holidays too.” Yes, it must be exhausting sitting on their backsides all day, watching traffic go by without doing anything, playing on their phone or making their ‘rounds’ to collect their kickbacks. I’d be in need of a long holiday too if I had such a punishing schedule every day as well.
  18. You really don’t have a clue, do you? NATO/USA is not the aggressor here, that ‘honor’ rests squarely on the shoulders of Russia. They invaded Ukraine, and everything that happened and will happen as a result of that will be their fault, and nobody else’s.
  19. 150 soldiers from Buryatia refuse to fight any longer and returned home this weekend. Hope many will follow their example. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2022/07/12/150-siberian-soldiers-refuse-ukraine-deployment-activist-says-a78267 https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-ukraine-war-women-soldiers-home-buryatia-tyva/31940262.html
  20. And the noose tightens: Moscow councillor jailed for seven years after criticising Ukraine war. What an unbelievably brave man. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jul/08/moscow-councillor-jailed-seven-years-criticising-ukraine-war-alexei-gorinov
  21. Well, comrade, you got that right, because there is only one side to this story: Russia started this war and is solely responsible. Period!
  22. I think the point the author makes is that NATO/USA provoked this war, that Russia got dragged into it, had no choice but to go to war. At a time when no other country had nuclear weapons, so totally different circumstances.
  23. So it’s just an author’s personal opinion, nothing else… And it’s also aligned to the reality. Hmm, somehow I see a flaw in that kind of reasoning.
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