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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. https://www.khaleejtimes.com/health/why-water-is-halal-certified-in-some-countries From the article: According to Dr Sirajuddin Suhaimee, director of the Department of Islamic Development's Halal Hub Division in Malaysia, the world's biggest halal certification body, the certification is for the process and not for the product. "The best water filters are made of pig bones," he said. "Water filteration units use products that are not halal, so before we give a certificate, we inspect all these."
  2. Nato is going to increase its quick reaction force from 40,000 to 300,000 troops. Oooops!! Again this is something that Vlad really did not want, but is a direct result from his thoughtless and ill conceived attack on Ukraine. Well done, Vlad! https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-61954516
  3. I am no big fan of any religion, to put it mildly, and certainly not of the extremist Islam. Or the Christian right wing nutjobs in the USA, the evangelicals, for that matter. I will say this, though. I have traveled extensively through North and West Africa, especially through the Sahara and Sahel, and the so-called ‘civilized’ West can learn a thing or two when it comes to hospitality and generosity from the people there. They will literally share their last meal and their last bottle of water with you, and they will go out of their way to help you in any way they can. This is probably a generalization, but it is true of most of the many people I met there on my travels.
  4. Not to mention the Americans and French have a few of those submarines floating around as well at undisclosed locations, with plenty of nuclear warheads to destroy most (if not all) of Russia.
  5. Not sure if this allowed, because it’s a link from a Dutch newspaper, but it’s all about the video: https://www.telegraaf.nl/e/867999319/ Bodycam footage of firefights in Severodonetsk between Ukrainian and Russian soldiers. Several Americans on the Ukrainian side, by the sound of it. One of them was very very lucky, about 50 seconds into the video.
  6. Of course they are, they want to go back to the 7th century. Ignore those hard-core conservatives.
  7. No wonder people pay good money to become a cop here, as it’s obviously very profitable to be one. And I’m willing to bet anything that this is just one of many scams/rackets that these guys have running.
  8. Putin and his cronies also clearly have no idea that an attack on London/UK would mean an attack on NATO as a whole. And we all know what that would mean. I just hope and pray that Putin and his sick and demented clique won’t let it come to that.
  9. These people live on planet Cuckoo. Their leader Putin already moved there a while ago and now all his sycophants have joined him there. It’s all talk to let everyone know how tough they are. At least I hope it’s all talk.
  10. “London will be first target in WWIII”, says Putin ally. https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1630673/Russia-Andrey-Gurulyov-London-first-target-world-war-threat-Russia-Putin-ally-vn Getting crazier and crazier. This guy is talking as if bombing London is a viable option and there would be no consequences for Russia if they did. Complete madness.
  11. Many lawyers defending other rioters/insurrectionists have already used that defense, that it was all Trump’s fault and that their clients didn’t know any better, and no judge has yet fallen for it. As far as I’m concerned, judges can throw the book at all those idiots.
  12. Even if you do get caught, you can always buy your way out if you have enough money.
  13. And there’s no doubt in my mind that it would have been a lot deadlier if the rioters had managed to capture the representatives and/or senators they had set their sights on.
  14. I truly can not understand how any sane person can still support Trump. He is a snake oil salesman, a conman, and the biggest narcissist that ever lived. When he opens his mouth, it’s to do one of three things: 1) trash anyone he sees as a threat or enemy. Which basically is everyone who ever said anything bad about him, didn’t agree with him or refused to kiss his @ss. 2) toot his own horn. 3) whine about the 2020 election being stolen from him. And this is the man that roughly 40% of Americans idolize. Amazing.
  15. Here’s a video I found after less than 5 seconds on Google: Does that contain enough violence and threats inside the building for you, and a little more than just empty verbal threats and crowds yelling silly <deleted>, as you put it? And it’s funny that your catch phrase at the bottom of every one of your posts is ‘better research=better holiday”. Maybe you should do some more research on this topic before posting claims that are demonstrably false.
  16. What about the gallows they had erected outside? I’d bet my last dollar that most rioters would stand cheering had they caught Mike Pence (and/or Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, AOC) and actually hanged them there. What about Lauren Boebert constantly tweeting Nancy Pelosi’s position in the Capitol? That was nothing short of an invitation to the rioters to come and get her. Boebert should face charges for that. What about the tours that several Republican representatives gave on January 5th to groups of people who turned out to be among the rioters the next day? They also should face charges for that.
  17. Well, Republican representative Andrew Clyde from Georgia (Marjory Taylor Green’s state, probably just a coincidence) said it was ‘just a normal tourist visit’. Mind you, that same guy is seen cowering in a barricaded room on video footage taken on January 6, trying to hide from the mobs roaming the hallways of the Capitol.
  18. Well, that wasn’t for a lack of trying. Mike Pence at one point was just 40 foot away from the mob. Guess what would have happened if they had managed to get their hands om him? That’s not dangerously close to catastrophe for you?
  19. Not disagreeing with you, but executions squads around the world are going to be very busy when you start putting people like Lavrov in front of them.
  20. He probably forgot that people outside Russia have access to more reliable news sources than RT.
  21. Yeah, damn those commie-loving liberal snowflakes! Us good ole boys can’t even have ourselves an old fashioned lynching anymore. How dare they take that away from us!
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