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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. Thanks. Better keep it civil and hope people can ‘read between the lines’. ????????
  2. Russia has ‘strategically lost’ the war in Ukraine already, says UK defence chief. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jun/17/russia-has-strategically-lost-war-declares-uk-admiral-as-lavrov-says-no-shame-in-war-crimes I really hope and pray he’s right…
  3. Just look at what happened on January 6th: dangerously close to mob rule. A bunch of ill-informed people were not happy with the outcome of the election, and egged on by Trump and company they decided to storm the Capitol. What would have happened, if they had gotten their hands on Pelosi, AOC or Schumer? Or Mike Pence:
  4. You keep defending the indefensible. Please explain to me how mentioning/discussing Russian warcrimes means hijacking this thread. War crimes are war crimes, no matter how you slice it, and the Russian army is committing them wholesale, on a daily basis. Or are you saying they aren’t? Because there is plenty of evidence already, and probably much more to come.
  5. Unfortunately, looking at the state the world is in, and the direction it is taking, I think that is a very conservative estimate
  6. And Russia has shown itself to be a brutal and ruthless invader that commits countless warcrimes. And you want Ukraine to give ground to that monster? If only…
  7. Not to mention the grain Russia is stealing and shipping back home, and to Syria.
  8. So what? 22 or even 36 % is still a minority. And that they speak Russian doesn’t necessarily mean that they have any warm feelings towards their ‘cousins’ on the other side of the border. If I google it, I’m willing to bet I can find countless Ukrainian soldiers who speak Russian. More than 50% of Belgians speak Dutch, by the way. That doesn’t mean they want to be a part of Holland.
  9. And it pleases you that (in your mind, at least) Russia is winning and Ukraine needs to start negotiating? If so, why? I mean, Belgium used to belong to Holland. What if Holland decided to invade and ‘take back’ what was once theirs? Would you be okay with that? Because that’s exactly what Putin says Russia is doing now, just taking back what was theirs. I guess the ‘de-nazification’ scam was no longer working, so he was looking for another bogus reason, and decided to compare himself with Peter the Great. And just FYI: Russia can never win this. Most Ukrainians already hated their guts, and that hatred has just become a lot stronger with the way the Russian army commits war crime after war crime.
  10. My thoughts exactly: how blind do you have to be to not see that group of kids? And what a gigantic a-hole do you have to be to not stop in an instance like this one? Classic example of me first, me first, me first. They really need to change the law and go after guys like this.
  11. Why are you posting about this if you are not interested? You’re not making any sense.
  12. What crime are you talking about? And what jurisdiction does this so-called “court” have to sentence prisoners of war to death? That is blatantly obvious.
  13. I think the list of foreign fighters in the Wagner group is (much) longer than just Syrian.
  14. Not to mention Russia’s use of the infamous Wagner group, which is a mercenary army which officially doesn’t even exist and has no official ties with the Russian army or Russian authorities. But we all know it’s Putin’s private army that does his dirty work for him. Although that didn’t work out too well in Ukraine, since they got their @sses handed to them there.
  15. So what? I’m usually no big fan of mercenaries, but as far as I know, he was enlisted in the Ukrainian army, so he should be treated like any other Ukrainian prisoner of war.
  16. Anyone who has the gall to say things like “the hysterical anti-Putin crowd”, and “a lot of propaganda coming from all sides” is automatically suspect in my book. Because anyone with an ounce of common sense can see where most of the propaganda comes from. I’ll give you a hint: the name of the country starts with the letter R, and it’s the one that started this whole war in the first place. But that’s just between you and me, I don’t want to be accused of spreading propaganda.
  17. Looks like he’s dying of cancer, and that his mind is going as well, so it wouldn’t surprise me if he wants to go out with a bang. I just hope his handlers/generals have a better grip on reality, and a stronger will to live.
  18. The other day Putin compared himself to Peter the Great. This was, according to Putin, not someone who waged war on other countries and played land-grab: he was simply taking back what once belonged to Russia. And Putin, in his private little insane universe, is just doing the same thing, so it’s totally justified. I’m also pretty sure that Putin’s reality is pretty far removed from what’s actually going on in the real world. And he’s probably dying of cancer, so maybe he decided that he needed to do something drastic so people will remember him when he’s gone.
  19. Yeah, all those hundreds of dead civilians in Bucha, all of them executed, many of them tortured, they are just figments of our imagination, right?
  20. You would do a lot worse than what he’s doing already: flattening whole cities by bombing everything to smithereens, raping, torturing, killing, and twisting the truth to fit his own sick narrative? What did you have in mind?
  21. I think he’s getting his news from different sources than he claims, like from his Russian handler(s).
  22. As per usual, they will “monitor” the situation, and then do absolutely nothing about it. Same old, same old. Sigh.
  23. Russian mercenary, known as “the executioner”, killed by Ukrainian sniper. https://www.skynews.com.au/world-news/mercenary-vladimir-andonov-killed-by-ukrainian-sniper-with-two-russian-generals-dead-in-separate-attack-reports-claim/news-story/5cdfa678c1b7df5ccedbb49d9fc1552f Good riddance to this animal!!!
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