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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. Kim was buying time, so he could continue the development of his nuclear weaponry. And he blew smoke up Trump’s @ss, to butter him up. Which worked like a charm.
  2. He probably achieved more than you will ever know. And all Trump achieved was to make a total fool of himself.
  3. What does that have to do with anything? Who cares at what time they count the votes? Maybe to expedite the counting so that the results are in as soon as possible?
  4. I’m not your buddy, pal. And you need to get real, he only got a meeting because Kim knew very well he could Trump like a violin. Which he did.
  5. My version is (among other things) that it’s not okay to try to overturn the result of a fair election, and anyone who thinks otherwise is crazy. But that’s just me.
  6. For someone who claims to have studied history you need to get your facts straight: https://www.voanews.com/a/east-asia-pacific_trump-kim-love-letters-reveal-friendship-flattery/6195698.html https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-60327044
  7. You forgot to mention that Trump loves Putin and Kim as well. Don’t know how many people they killed, but it must be quite a few. Putin is in the process of killing thousands of innocent Ukrainians as we speak.
  8. How about Gandhi? And there are plenty of ‘leaders’ who just earn their salary as president or prime minister, and nothing else. Usually that’s quite a good salary, they won’t starve to death, but I wouldn’t call those leaders rich.
  9. My guess is these are just token dismissals to show the public that they are addressing the corruption. If they really were addressing the corruption, there would only be a teeny tiny police force left in Thailand.
  10. I haven’t looked at the latest figures, but isn’t it true that a (vast) majority of Republicans still believe the election was stolen? That to me indicates a total disregard for facts and reality. No wonder they would want to take up arms to defend their living in La-La Land.
  11. Most Americans have absolutely no clue what ‘socialist’ means, they have been brought up to fear it and see it as something evil. Just like the MAGA crowd calls everyone and everything they disagree with “the radical left”.
  12. While Trump and his offspring are a paradigm of honesty, selflessness and generosity, right?
  13. I think that headline should read: “One in three Americans are seriously deranged”. Land of the gun nuts, home of the cuckoos.
  14. I often traveled by train in the 80’s and 90’s, often between Bangkok and Chiang Mai, and a couple of times between Bangkok and Singapore, and I absolutely loved it. Trains also still ran pretty much on schedule back then.
  15. All other rafting tour operators in the area had ceased their activities because of the rainy season and the enormous volumes of water coming down the rivers. This particular operation chose to continue rafting tours down that dangerously swollen river. Very irresponsible and negligent. But TIT.
  16. Lavrov confirms Moscow’s plans for regime change in Ukraine: “We will definitely help the Ukrainian people to free themselves from the regime that is absolutely anti-people and anti-history.” The arrogance and cynicism of that one sentence alone is repugnant and sickening. How someone like Lavrov can say something like that with a straight face is beyond me. In April he had claimed, by the way, that Russia had no intention to change the regime in Ukraine. https://www.anews.com.tr/world/2022/07/24/lavrov-confirms-moscows-plans-for-regime-change-in-ukraine
  17. That’s rich, accusing Ukraine of not fighting fair.
  18. Are you saying she should become a prostitute? Because if you are, you’re a sleaze and you should be ashamed of yourself.
  19. I would say Putin/Russia have been looking at barbarism in the rear view mirror for quite a while now, they have progressed way beyond that by now in terms of evil, immoral, vile, dishonourable, and whatever else kind of horrible adjective you can think of. They are worse than despicable. Can’t someone start a go-fund-me to raise enough millions of dollars for some brave soul to put a bullet in Putin’s brain? I would gladly donate a month’s salary.
  20. Apparently many more pockets need to be lined here than in Laos and China before construction can start or finish, which is a lengthy process and would explain the delays.
  21. I predict even less than that. Hoping for the full year, though. Fingers crossed.
  22. Wow, Russia reneging on a deal they signed the day before, who’d have thunk it?
  23. It always amazes me how Thai police and authorities waste so much time and effort on trivial matters like these, while at the same time organized crime can pretty much do as they please.
  24. Let’s hope the judge wants to set an example for all those out there who would also want to thumb their nose at a subpoena from the Jan. 6 committee. Maybe if Bannon gets more than a slap on the wrist they will think twice before doing that.
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