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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. I love how those Russians spin things, it’s just ridiculous! Apparently it is totally okay for Russians to go and fight in Ukraine, but it’s not okay for foreigners to go and help Ukraine defend their country against the Russian invasion. The hypocrisy knows no bounds.
  2. The thing with people like Stalin and Hitler is that they are just the tip of the iceberg, they could never do what they did on their own. Which means there are apparently always many people to do the dirty work of these manics.
  3. Major Krasnojartsev, an infamous Russian fighter pilot, believed to be responsible for dozens of air strikes on civilian targets in Aleppo, has been shot down and captured. https://militarywatchmagazine.com/article/first-ever-russian-su-34m-strike-fighter-shot-down-pilot-captured-after-fighter-crashed-in-ukraine
  4. SAS and Navy Seals are preparing evacuation of Zelensky. Would really like to see the look on Putin’s face if they succeed. https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1576350/Zelensky-rescue-latest-sas-navy-seals-ukraine
  5. Problem is there’s probably a long line of rats waiting to replace this rat. The oligarchy controls the country, and they will not let go of power very easily. Putin is their man now, but when the time comes, another ‘Putin’ will take his place. Unless the Russians finally rise up and take the power away from the oligarchy.
  6. He also said that all the sanctions the west imposed on Russia were like a declaration of war. Looks like he’s somehow aching to involve NATO, or the EU, or the USA.
  7. ‘Fans’ of football club Red Star Belgrade (Serbia) created this image. And they loudly proclaimed their support for Russia by chanting “Russia, Russia”. Talk about disgusting….
  8. Not entirely sure if this is true, but apparently FSB operatives who don’t agree with Putin’s invasion, foiled these plans by informing Ukrainian intelligence agencies of all three upcoming attempts. So Putin may be dealing with a fifth column in his own intelligence community. Wouldn’t that be something.
  9. What kind of reset would that be? The kind that Putin is in the process of executing?
  10. Looks like Putin means business. Such a nice guy….. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/zelensky-survives-three-assassination-attempts-in-days-xnstdfdfc https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/ukraine-president-volodymyr-zelensky-survived-3-assassination-attempts-in-last-week-report-2803158
  11. Don’t you think the best way to save lives on both sides would have been for Russia not to have invaded Ukraine in the first place? That would have saved the thousands of lives lost so far, don’t you think? And don’t you think the best way to save further loss of lives on both sides would be for the Russians to stop their illegal invasion and retreat back to their own country. I can guarantee you that would save many lives, on both sides, as you seem to be so keen on emphasizing.
  12. Of course it’s that easy: Putin has delusions of grandeur and Russia invaded Ukraine, without any good reason. So why should Ukraine surrender? That would be giving in to the bully.
  13. It’s quite obvious that Russia is the agressor here, and that withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukrainian soil would be the best solution. Yet you haven’t condemned the Russian invasion and you keep pushing for Ukraine to surrender. Call me crazy, but I find that a little odd.
  14. Germany seized Alisher Usmanov’s 600 million dollar mega-yacht. If they start doing that to all those billionaires, I’m betting Putin will quite soon meet with an unfortunate accident or something. https://www.forbes.com/sites/giacomotognini/2022/03/02/germans-seize-russian-billionaire-alisher-usmanovs-mega-yacht/
  15. I read that the oligarchs/billionaires are all sailing their 100 million dollar superyachts to the Maldives. Reason: no extradition treaty with the USA. Fricking weasels. The average Russian is really going to feel the brunt of the sanctions, though. May be the incentive they need to get rid of Putin and his clique.
  16. The regime is stooping to new low depths. Expect them to stoop a lot lower still…..
  17. Strange post. Won’t go into your little rant about democracy, but will say that Putin probably was - to a certain extent - a straight shooter, but over the last two years he’s been isolating himself more and more. To me and many others he seems to have gone off the deep end.
  18. My guess would be bought and paid for, plus a huge dose of indifference. When the money is good (and preferably in large monthly installments) who cares where it comes from?
  19. Then do something about the horrendous traffic on the main road first, because that’s not relaxing at all.
  20. So basically the generals want to remain best chums with some of the most repressive regimes in the world, i.e. Myanmar, Saudi Arabia, Russia. I wonder what the reasoning behind that could be. Besides the obvious: money.
  21. I’d rather Lukashenko feel the pain soon. He’s the Putin stooge, and the guy sending in his soldiers as cannon fodder.
  22. How about dealing with the enormous graft and abuse of power of the current powers that be? That would be a much better use of the OAG’s time.
  23. How about flying them to an airfield close to the western border of Ukraine and handing them over to Ukrainian fighter pilots there?
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