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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. Over the last three months, six Russian oligarchs with Kremlin ties died under suspicious circumstances. Apparently they all committed suicide. Coincidence? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10770211/Six-Russian-billionaires-executives-oil-giant-Gazprom-died-suicide-three-months.html Not only is being a general in the Russian army a very dangerous job these days, so is being an oligarch with close ties to the Kremlin/Putin. You can have all the money in the world, but if you’re one someone’s (won’t say whose) sh*tlist it’s not going to help you one tiny little bit.
  2. Yeah, it would be a very long and brutal winter indeed, but almost certainly a very short one for almost all of us, if anyone would survive at all. The world has suddenly become a crazy place, where apparently all of a sudden one deranged potentate gets to decide if we all live or die.
  3. I am an ex-smoker and I don’t think I’m ‘winging’ (as you put it) when I complain about cigarette smoke. When I’m standing at a bus stop and someone lights up a smoke right next to me, am I not allowed to complain? When I’m sitting in the park, enjoying the sunshine, and someone sits down next to me and lights a cigarette, am I not allowed to complain? Those people are directly jeopardizing my health, or didn’t you know how harmful second hand smoke can be? And this is a thread about (e-)cigarettes, not about toxic fumes from cars.
  4. “Research from The Johns Hopkins University on vape ingredients published in October 2021 reveals thousands of chemical ingredients in vape products, most of which are not yet identified. Among those the team could identify were several potentially harmful substances, including caffeine, three chemicals never previously found in e-cigarettes, a pesticide and two flavorings linked with possible toxic effects and respiratory irritation.” https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/5-truths-you-need-to-know-about-vaping Read the article for more information. Vaping is not nearly as innocent as many will have you believe.
  5. “The global e-cigarette and vape market size was valued at USD 18.13 billion in 2021 and is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 30.0% from 2022 to 2030.” https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/e-cigarette-vaping-market This would mean that the global e-cigarette and vape market would have a value of around 150 billion USD in 2030. That is a serious amount of money, and lobbyists would probably pay good money to prevent restrictions or have current restrictions lifted. So my question would be how much money has been thrown at the Thai Digital Economy and Society Minister (and his underlings) to come up with this call to revise the e-cigarette ban in Thailand. I for one would be very interested to know, but I’m afraid I already know the answer.
  6. Maybe you should read this before posting things that are not entirely true: https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/5-truths-you-need-to-know-about-vaping
  7. Yes, four suspects have so far been indicted: three of them Russian and one Ukrainian. What’s your point?
  8. The Dutch government are probably highly motivated because they still have a bone to pick with Russia, with regards to downing flight MH17 in 2014. It was shot down with a Russian BUK missile, and 193 Dutch citizens were killed, together with 90 people of other nationalities. Russia has always denied any involvement in this, although there is overwhelming evidence to the contrary. It’s just one more in a long list of crimes that Russia should be held accountable for.
  9. Dozens of Dutch military police are also going to Ukraine to help investigate and document Russian war crimes: https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/dutch-military-police-help-ukraine-investigate-war-crimes-anp-2022-04-28/
  10. Your English is suddenly very good, by the way, not at all as shoddy as in many of your previous posts. Do you guys take turns posting under this name?
  11. Hmmm, I wonder why that is. Maybe because the Kremlin has muzzled or eliminated every credible news source in Russia and the ‘official’ news media spout nothing but outrageous lies and hysteria?
  12. If they’re going to sack every bent civil servant, who’s going to be left to run the country then?
  13. It’s not a matter of not doing ‘what we want’. It’s a matter of international agreed upon conventions (signed by Russia as well, by the way), among other things that you don’t invade a sovereign country and commit the most atrocious war crimes there. When you do that, you can expect sanctions as punishment.
  14. No, the sanctions to punish Russia for invading Ukraine. Slight difference.
  15. Looks like Parkinson’s to me. Plus maybe the onset of dementia.
  16. My take is that Putin has gone bat-sh*t crazy and no one knows when or how this is going to end. The only thing I do know is that there is going to be an awful lot of death and suffering before this is over.
  17. Let me guess: people can only vote “YES”? Or have the ballots already been filled out, and ‘voters’ (using that term loosely here) only have to deposit them in the ballot box. Saves a lot of time for everyone, that’s for sure.
  18. Sentenced to two years, but a suspended sentence, and has to pay 45,000 baht. What the **** kind of sentence is that, and what kind of message does it send? No jail time, and a piddle little fine that won’t even make a dent in his drinking money for a Saturday night out with the guys. What a joke the Thailand legal system has become.
  19. And more and more Russian soldiers reportedly refuse to fight in Ukraine: https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-ukraine-treason-soldiers-refusing-to-fight/31806466.html
  20. It’s becoming increasingly clear that the Russian army, very likely following orders right from the Kremlin, have been behaving like animals in occupied territory. Indiscriminately bombing and leveling countless civilian targets like hospitals and apartment buildings, raping women and girls, torturing and executing hundreds (probably thousands?) of people; Hitler himself would have been very proud of them had they been German soldiers in WWII invading Russia. Never thought I’d see things like that happening again in Europe in my lifetime, but unfortunately I was very wrong. Russia has now become the evil empire that needs to be stopped, kicked back in its cage and contained forever.
  21. Only thing is that plod will want a substantial slice of the cake for the effort, I’m guessing.
  22. Totally agree. Like I said in previous posts, there are no lows that Putin/Russia won’t stoop to, and shame is not a word that you will find in their dictionary.
  23. Putin honors army unit accused of Bucha killings: https://www.forbes.com/sites/madelinehalpert/2022/04/18/putin-honors-army-unit-accused-of-bucha-killings/ “Putin on Monday signed a decree praising the brigade for “mass heroism and valour, tenacity and courage,” according to Agence France Presse.”
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