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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. And another one bites the dust: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10724673/Russia-loses-eighth-general-34th-colonel-Ukraine-latest-blow-Putins-botched-invasion.html Eight generals and 34 colonels is the count so far, according to this article. Morale must be getting lower than low in the Russian army fighting their illegal war in Ukraine.
  2. There is no mention of sinking the Volga here, the official reason is that Ukraine apparently bombed several Russian border villages (which Ukraine denies), and bombing Kyiv was in retaliation of that. But we all know the true reason: Putin threw a hissy fit because Ukraine sank his battleship and he wants revenge!
  3. If there is one thing I know about rich people, it’s that they never have all their wealth in one location, but it’s spread over many different locations (bank accounts) and ‘investments’. You can also bet your life that they have quite a few secret stashes of money and/or gold (bitcoins?) hidden away. Besides, their ill-gotten fortunes are very difficult to trace and locate anyway: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-60608282 So my guess is that if these billionaires wanted to raise enough money to get rid of Putin, that would not a problem for them.
  4. Meanwhile, I think Putin is losing a lot of friends (or should I say cronies?) really fast: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/04/14/germany-superyacht-seized-russian-oligarch-dilbar/ “World’s largest yacht, linked to Russian billionaire Alisher Usmanov, seized by Germany”. Maybe these billionaires can stage a coup against Putin, just so they can play with their expensive toys again.
  5. Blah blah blah crackdown Blah blah blah huge fine Blah blah blah prison Blah blah blah same old drivel Blah blah blah same message again next year
  6. The only reason police generals would ever visit any checkpoint in person is to collect their brown envelopes. Although they doubtless have their lackeys to do that for them, since they probably don’t want to be seen doing that themselves.
  7. They’re having a laugh, right? If I go and sit by any major road I could probably point out 923 drunk drivers in just a few hours, all by myself. And the RTP in all of Thailand can’t catch more than 923 in total? Pathetic.
  8. But just today. Tomorrow and next week and the rest of the year you can belch out as much black smoke as you want again.
  9. It’s the darkest communist times all over again. I once dated a Czechoslovakian woman, who had managed to escape to Germany (she was 11 at the time), with her parents and siblings from then communist Czechoslovakia. She told me that her parents never discussed any sensitive topics in front of the children, because they were afraid one of the children might repeat anything in class or to friends, and that would/could be enough to get them in serious trouble with the authorities. Imagine having to live like that as parents, always having to be careful what you say in front of your own children.
  10. Not to mention bankruptcy and utter poverty. Hope the Russian people like eating cabbage soup and rats and mice.
  11. Thailand, hub of crackdowns. Deep sigh. Why not do your job year round? That would eliminate the need for all those crackdowns, because if the RTP did their job like they are supposed to, people would know there’s a fair chance they’d get caught drink driving or committing other travel offenses. Now they know there’s about zero % chance of getting caught.
  12. Where does all that money go to, though? Doesn’t most of it flow right into the pockets of the oligarchs?
  13. Of course I have not, as they haven't published them, have they? Link to a reputable site if they have please. https://ccl.org.ua/en/news/ria-novosti-has-clarified-russias-plans-vis-a-vis-ukraine-and-the-rest-of-the-free-world-in-a-program-like-article-what-russia-should-do-with-ukraine-2/
  14. Holland capitulated in May of 1940, after fighting the Germans for 5 days. After that, there were 5 years of German reign of terror, during which over 100,000 Dutch jews were sent to concentration camps (very few of them survived), and tens of thousands of Dutch people were sent to prison, tortured and many died. Some of my family died at the hands of the Germans. What do you think the Russians are going to do with Ukraine if they would win and take the whole country? Have you read the plans the Kremlin has? It’s beyond insane, so I can very well understand most Ukrainians are willing to fight to the death, because they would very probably end up wishing they were dead if the Russians did win and started carrying out their diabolical plans.
  15. Seriously? So Zelensky is partly to blame? Or maybe Zelensky should have capitulated right away to avoid further bloodshed, like some other posters here suggested? The way I see it, Russia invaded Ukraine without any provocation and is committing one war crime after the other. Ukrainians have every right to fight for their freedom and their very existence. If it were up to Russia, many Ukrainians would end up dead or enslaved, or maybe second-rate citizens at best.
  16. After what we have seen so far from them (and definitely will see more of in the future): silly question. There is literally no limit to the depths the Russians will stoop to, I am quite sure of that. Shame is not a word that you will find in their dictionary.
  17. This is very interesting: https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/chairman-russias-rusal-calls-investigation-bucha-killings-2022-04-08/ “April 8 (Reuters) - The chairman of Russian aluminium giant Rusal called on Thursday for an impartial investigation into the killing of civilians in the Ukrainian town of Bucha, which he described as a crime, and urged an end to the "fratricidal" conflict. While the statement from Chairman Bernard Zonneveld, a Dutch national, did not touch on who was to blame for the deaths of civilians in the town, it is unusual for a large Russian company to comment publicly on the conflict.”
  18. That’s the hallmark of the megalomaniacal narcissistic dictator, they don’t care about anything or anyone but themselves. They use all kinds of bombastic rhetoric about god and country and whatnot, but in the end it’s all about ego and power. What always puzzles me no end is how many people keep blindly following these ‘leaders’, time and time again, like lemmings off a cliff, it just boggles the mind.
  19. Here’s a novel idea for the RTP: why don’t you start doing your fracking job already? Honestly, the RTP must be the most useless police force in the world. Unless there is money to be made, then they spring into action right away.
  20. The more desperate you get, the dirtier you start to fight. Judging by how dirty the Russians fight right now, they must be very desperate. Although I do believe it was ordered by the Kremlin from the get go - or at least after a few days, when it became clear that the Ukrainians were fighting back hard - to use terror as a weapon. It has been their MO for a long time now, in Chechnya, in Georgia, in Syria: they really don’t care how many civilians they have to kill, and in what way, and the kind of destruction they cause, to achieve their goals.
  21. Nearly 100 health facilities in Ukraine have been attacked by Russian forces since the war started, according to the World Health Organization. The Russians are fighting an increasingly dirty war. Hope those responsible for all the atrocities will get their comeuppance some day soon. https://www.dw.com/en/dozens-of-ukrainian-hospitals-hit-by-russian-forces/av-61390201
  22. Furious Russian women cut up their Chanel handbags. Talk about your meaningful protests! Hubby won’t be very happy with it, because these handbags cost up to 8000 dollars. And he can’t access his bank accounts anymore to buy new ones for his wife/mistress/whatever. Maybe they should start crashing their Ferrari’s and Lamborghini’s, and toss their Audemars Piguet and Patek Phillipe in the Volga to really make their point. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10691751/Furious-Russian-women-cut-Chanel-handbags-protest-firms-Russia-boycott-sales-ban.html
  23. There was also a conversation where a commander yells at a soldier, calls him names and then tells him to “kill them all”. There is more and more evidence that killing and executing civilians was an order that came from somewhere high up, that it was not just soldiers going on a rampage.
  24. https://www.the-sun.com/news/5045167/ukraine-mayor-executed-russians-shallow-grave/ This is just one tiny example of the kind of warcrimes that the fascist/nazi Russian army is committing. Olga Sukhenko, the mayor of Motyzhyn, a small town of 10,000 people just west of Kyiv, was kidnapped by the Russian army, together with her husband and son, brutally tortured and then executed. The three bodies (together with a fourth body, as of yet still unidentified) were found in a shallow grave behind a house. Many more horrors like these will still come to light, and the Russians will continue to deny they had anything to with it. Screw them, hope they all get a terrible disease and die a slow and painful death. And I’m not saying I condone it, but to some extent I can certainly understand why Ukrainian soldiers execute Russian soldiers they took prisoner. If someone started indiscriminately murdering my countrymen, especially people I know or even family, I don’t know what I would do if I got my hands on some of those people doing the murdering.
  25. The government is fully aware of what is going on, make no mistake about it, but maybe for different reasons than you think. You see, wIldlife trafficking is one of the most profitable kinds of crime there is. Which means all kinds of officials, all the way up to the top, receive many big fat brown envelopes to look the other way. Which means they will be quite reluctant to do anything about said wildlife trafficking, because they would be slaughtering the goose that lays the golden eggs. There will be token arrests here and there, but the kingpins will never get caught and they can continue to do what they have been doing for many decades. That’s how the system in Thailand works. If you have enough money, you can literally get away with murder.
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