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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. This just from my little country: The Netherlands are going to expel 17 Russian spies. Can only find Dutch language links, so you’re going to have to take my word for it.
  2. Well, to be fair, Morocco seems to be getting away with historical BS claims like that with regards to Western Sahara. Not that I’m condoning it, mind you.
  3. Vlad supporters are trying to be law abiding citizens, that’s rich! Just one question: is trying to kill Vlad critics/opposers with novichok law abading? I have many (many!) more questions, just curious what your thoughts are on this one.
  4. I do, very much so. Every day I am amazed at the enormous loads of BS that Putin and his cronies are spewing, and also amazed at how so many people in the West buy into that cr@p. I’m sure Ukraine uses its own fair bit of propaganda as well, but that pales in comparison to what good old mother Russia is doing in that respect. And has been doing for years and years, by the way. Do the words ‘troll farms’ ring any bells?
  5. My theory is that Thai people, in their everyday life with all its very strict social manners and morals and rules of behavior, are forced into a straitjacket that is much too tight, and that causes a lot of stress and frustration. So they need an outlet, an exhaust-valve. And I think traffic is that outlet to them, that there they can behave opposite to the way they are forced to behave in everyday life.
  6. I know there were thousands and thousands of Dutch volunteers who fought for Germany on the eastern front. Many of them died a pointless death for their great leader. Just like thousands and thousands of young Russian men are now dying pointlessly for their great leader. Not to mention all the innocent civilians who died - and will continue to die - thanks to Putin’s latest brain fart. Nazism is very much alive to this day in a lot of countries. You might want to check what the situation is in Russia, since that is the country with the fascist nazi regime regime right now, having invaded Ukraine and committing one war crime after the other. I’m willing to bet you anything that the actual number of nazis in Russia is multitudes larger than it is in Ukraine. And they’re much more dangerous as well, as we have witnessed over the last month or so. Please stop playing the nazi card. The facts are simply not on your side.
  7. And that’s number six: Lieutenant General Yakov Rezantsev, 48, was reportedly killed in a strike by the Ukrainian armed forces after telling his regiment the operation in Ukraine would only last a 'few hours' Like I said before, it sure sucks to be a Russian general in Ukraine now. The remaining ones must be [deleted] their pants. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/breaking-russian-general-killed-strike-26554643
  8. Unfortunately, I am five hours away from the nearest Thai Airways office, so am very reluctant to go there to sort things out. Thanks! Will try calling them on Skype right away.
  9. They are on Facebook, but not Messenger, and I can not find a cell phone number.
  10. Has anyone changed their flight/ticket online, through the Thai Airways website? Because in the Manage Flight Booking | Manage Thai Airways Booking section it says you can easily manage your booking. So I give in my THAI booking reference and last name, and then arrive at my booking details. But nowhere can I see how I can change my flight. My girlfriend is scheduled to fly from Frankfurt to Bangkok on June 3, but she needs to go back a lot earlier, somewhere in the first week of April. Thai Airways in Frankfurt is not available by phone, only by email. Sent them an email yesterday, but have no idea when I can expect a response. Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.
  11. What’s your point? There was collaboration with the Germans everywhere in Europe during WWII, why would Ukraine be any different? My home country, The Netherlands, had a Nazi party and they gladly participated in rounding up Jews and resistance fighters. Same thing in other countries, like Belgium, France, Hungary. Maybe Russia should invade all those countries, to de-nazify them as well?
  12. The Chinese powers that be will also probably be scratching their heads by now, after witnessing the reaction of the West to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. I’m sure that both Russia and China thought the West would be hopelessly divided and wouldn’t be able able to come up with any potent reaction, but exactly the opposite happened: the West closed ranks and within days it came with support for Ukraine and unbelievable sanctions against Russia, Putin and the oligarchs. Even Switzerland and Sweden, two historically neutral countries, joined in. China must be watching and monitoring all that like a hawk, and invading Taiwan has probably gone way down on their list of priorities. There’s no question they could invade Taiwan and win that war, albeit with great losses, but there’s 1,3 billion of them, and I don’t think Xi would care a whole lot if it would take one hundred thousand or two million dead Chinese soldiers to take Taiwan. But what China certainly doesn’t want, and can scarce afford, is the same kind of sanctions from the West that have been instated against Russia. So the Chinese rhetoric will no doubt remain as hysterical as usual whenever Taiwan is mentioned; the plans for invading Taiwan will probably be put on hold for now.
  13. Exactly. Those people just parrot the official Kremlin <deleted> and the hateful verbal diarrhea that comes out of Putin’s mouth. They should not get any podium whatsoever to spout that vile rubbish.
  14. You certainly won’t get any ‘balanced news’ from the Russian ambassador, just lies and propaganda.
  15. I like that footage in the end of all those warships hauling @ss to get the hell away from that burning ship, but it looks like at least one is on fire as well, possibly two. Pity the Ukrainians didn’t have enough firepower to damage/sink those ships too. Legend has it that Hitler threw enormous fits when he received bad news from the Russian front. When he gets news like this, I can imagine Putin stomping his little feet and screaming at his generals as well. Hope he gets a massive brain aneurism and lives out the rest of his pathetic life as a vegetable on life support.
  16. I would have expected a little more evolvement over a period of 75 years, but apparently all Putin is interested in is regression, even beyond Stalin, back to the good old days of the almighty czars.
  17. Police in Thailand are such gutless cowards! Locking up a sick granny for growing one marijuana plant, and at the same time taking fat bribes from all kinds of criminals to look the other way. What a circus.
  18. Russian execution squads hunting demoralized deserters, defectors. If this is true, it’s truly disturbing and disgusting. Gruesome practices under Stalin in WWII are back on the menu, apparently. https://torontosun.com/news/world/russian-execution-squads-hunting-demoralized-deserters-defectors
  19. What a totally screwed-up country Thailand has become, with those ridiculous anti-defamation laws. When staying a hotel you can’t leave a bad - or even mediocre - review without running the risk of being threatened/sued by that hotel. And when someone pays a lot of money to have a swimming pool installed, and the company doing that job makes a complete mess of it, that person is threatened not to complain. Insanity reigns in this country.
  20. I wouldn’t pay 25 baht to watch these ridiculously over-paid clowns play a match. Quite a few of them earn upwards of £100,000 per week (!!!!). And still they whinge and complain like spoiled little boys how hard and difficult their life as a professional football player is.
  21. Zelensky: “Russia is our top arms supplier”. Ukrainian forces are capturing Russian military and using it against Russian troops. https://www.businessinsider.com/ukraine-captured-russia-missiles-fired-them-back-cnn-2022-3?international=true&r=US&IR=T
  22. The USA has nukes all over Europe. There is an air force base (called Volkel) in my home country The Netherlands, where American nukes are based. Until very recently it was all very hush-hush, but now it’s been confirmed. I’m quite sure there are more of such air force or army bases all over Europe. If Russia decides to go nuclear, they will want to take out those bases as well. So not only USA, UK and France will be attacked. The French will probably surrender? Seriously? That’s getting pretty old, dude.
  23. They could certainly set the thermostats to less frigid temperatures in every 7-11 and similar little shops. Not to mention the cinema. The sweat almost freeze-dries on my back every time I go in there, and when you’re in there for more than three minutes you need long pants, a thick sweater and gloves.
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