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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. Man, 96 years old, who survived four nazi concentration camps killed during Russian attack on Kharkiv. https://news.sky.com/story/ukraine-war-man-96-who-survived-four-nazi-concentration-camps-killed-during-russian-attack-on-kharkiv-12572163 <deleted> Russians. They’re just going to continue to flatten whole cities, Putin doesn’t give a flying ***** if he has to kill a couple million Ukrainians to save face. Gutless coward, with way too many über-obedient puppets who will fulfill their lord and master’s every depraved wish. Makes me sick to my stomach.
  2. What I meant was that the sanctions are going to cripple the Russian economy, so pretty soon there will be a lot more to whine about than just empty shelves or stores closing.
  3. They’re going to be whining about a lot more pretty soon….
  4. Elite Russian officers want to poison Putin and replace him with a chosen successor to restore trade ties with the West, Ukrainian intelligence officials say. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10633433/Elite-Russian-officers-want-POISON-Putin-replace-Ukrainian-intelligence-officials-say.html No wonder Putin is becoming (or has become) completely paranoid.
  5. Posted an item about the AP journalists fleeing Mariupol, but then noticed Bkk Brian had beat me to it, so removed my post ????
  6. So hope a Ukrainian sniper gets him in his sights. If anyone deserves a bullet in the head (apart from Putin and his cronies), it’s this guy, he’s a true monster. Would be a very nice scalp for the sniper, and a very welcome addition as well to the rising body count of Russian generals being taken out.
  7. Ukraine war: Boris Johnson sparks fury after comparison to Brexit. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-60809454 That man really needs a serious reality check, and maybe think for two seconds before making ludicrous remarks. What a doofus.
  8. "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me". Ever heard of that? There is a huge difference between proposing to do something bad, and actually doing something bad. That looney Ukraine TV presenter can propose to kill children until he is blue in the face, but as long as no one acts on it, it's all words. Reprehensible and vile, and he can rot in hell as far as I'm concerned, I'll give you that, but still just words, and certainly not a war crime, as far as I'm aware of. Now Putin, on the other hand, has gone from proposing to do something bad to actually doing something very bad, and his army is actually committing war crimes. Can you see the difference?
  9. This whole war looks like an enormous miscalculation, a screw-up of monumental proportions. Putin thought - or was promised by his yes-men army leaders and intelligence people - that it would be over in three days, just a walk in the park, the people in Ukraine welcome them with open arms, everything is hunky-dory and everybody lives happily ever after. And also: there would be no - or no strong - reaction from an utterly divided West (USA/EU/Europe/NATO). All is well that ends well, right? Boy, did they get that wrong, or what? And not just a little bit, but in every conceivable way. Within a week, the West put their differences aside and rallied behind Ukraine. Putin, the oligarchs, and Russia were hit with draconian sanctions, the likes of which we have never seen in modern history, and which will bring the Russian economy to its knees very soon. Ukraine has an inspirational leader, that man deserves ten nobel prizes, and they're fighting back hard, causing thousands of Russian casualties. And they will continue to do so until they breathe their last. On top of that, hundreds of thousands Russians, most of them young and well-educated, are fleeing their country. Many more will follow once the consequences of the sanctions start to really hit home. So Putin got exactly what he didn't want: a much more unified West, sanctions that will cripple Russia for years to come, and a war he can't win without committing the most atrocious war crimes. This has become a huge mess, and its anyone's guess how this will play out. But many more lives will probably be lost or ruined before this is over, that much is certain. And it's all on Putin's head, make no mistake about that.
  10. Please stop trying to deflect with these inane questions. Let me spell it out for you. Russia invaded another country, without any provocation. They are committing war crimes by the dozens. Russia is the agressor, Ukraine is the victim. It's really that simple.
  11. Shouldn't be too hard to get loads of evidence, when Russian forces flatten whole cities, bombing civilian targets indiscriminitaly, using cluster and thermobaric bombs, and so on and so forth. Not that the Putin stooges all over the world will believe any of it, but anyone with any common sense can see what's going on.
  12. Putin's army has a higher death toll in Ukraine than U.S. across 20 years in the Middle East. https://youtu.be/bhrduL7efLw Not that what the USA have done in the Middle East is anything to be proud of, for from it, but this is just to put into perspective how badly this Russian campaign in Ukraine is really going.
  13. Apparently some 20 Russian generals were leading the invasion. And in less than one month, the Ukrainians managed to pick off five already, that’s 25%. Must really suck to be a Russian general in Ukraine now.
  14. Five generals now, although no independent confirmation yet. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/ukraine-fifth-russian-general-killed-b2039617.html
  15. Ukraine drone army unit strikes at night, when the Russians sleep. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/specialist-drone-unit-picks-off-invading-forces-as-they-sleep-zlx3dj7bb
  16. That’s 3,145 dead at the scene. You can safely multiply that number by 2 (or even 3) for those who had an accident and died in the hospital, and then you will have the real number of road deaths. Truly appalling statistics.
  17. As always: money. Someone (or several someones) high up probably stand to make a nice chunk of change off of this deal. Those people don't give a toss about the labour shortage in Thailand.
  18. There is a saying in English: “there is a first for everything”. So because something hasn’t happened so far doesn’t automatically mean it will never happen. Like I said, one can always hope…..
  19. As war drags on, Russia expert says ‘Putin needs to watch his back’ Hopefully some brave ‘Brutus’ will stand up and stab Putin in the back, either literally or figuratively. Not much chance of that, I know, but one can always hope…. On the other hand: if that happens, who knows what/who will take Putin’s place? So maybe have to be careful what you wish for.
  20. You’re having a laugh, right? Are you seriously trying to tell me it would be okay if your neighbor came to your house and asked you to vacate your living room because he wanted to occupy it? And then afterwards the neighbor can defend his action by saying that he did come to your house to ask you to withdraw from the living room, and you didn’t want to, so he had no choice but to use force. That’s a very special kind of insane logic, don’t you think?
  21. The Russian invasion of Ukraine has 'largely stalled on all fronts,' the UK Ministry of Defence has said. https://www.gbnews.uk/news/russian-invasion-of-ukraine-has-largely-stalled-on-all-fronts-ministry-of-defence-says/249678 Apparently Putin is now also targeting scapegoats to blame this fiasco on, and a purge in the upper echelons of the FSB has started.
  22. Of course, reparations need to be paid by the USA! It’s the USA that is committing the war crimes here, not Russia at all, that is just executing a harmless little special operation in Ukraine, where Russian soldiers are welcomed with open arms. I thought Fox News had its fair share of nutbag unhinged hosts, but this takes it to whole new levels of stupidity and insanity. Scary stuff.
  23. He will base his decision on situations. What situations? I know the previous regime in Myanmar relied heavily on astrologists. The story goes that the junta leader had a dream and one of his astrologists told him to move the capital inland, and that’s when Naypiydaw was built. So I wouldn’t be surprised if the future of Thailand hinged on what an astrologist or amulet maker or whatever whispers in Dear Leader’s ear.
  24. He claimed he went in to “de-nazifi” Ukraine, but his troops use Gestapo methods.
  25. Russian man chains himself to Macdonalds to stop it from closing. Who said sanctions didn't work? https://opoyi.com/english/russian-man-chains-himself-to-mcdonalds-outlet-to-stop-it-from-closing
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